It is really sad watching him Chuck Todd himself into being a pundit. Shouldn't have shacked up with ESPN. He was invaluable to keeping me calm in 2012.
Is there something about being from PA that causes diablosing? I grew up in coal and now frack central, skewed my view of the state recently.
Anecdotally I just saw Jim Gaffigan in Pittsburgh. Crowd was very much 40+ white couples and the opening comedian did some jokes on Hillary for some laughs. He then outright insulted Trump and got loud cheers and claps, not even really laughs. Gives me hope. Seemed like a lot of out of towners too.
*breathes into paper bag*
i grew up in coal central PA as well on the other side of the state i assume from you. Ive been in philly for almost 20 years now though (besides a stint in CA). I'm more worried about PA then others, but the Philly suburbs aren't going to vote for Trump and its what will ultimately kill him