Scottie Nell Hughes just said Freddie Gray got up in the back of the police van and threw himself around and killed himself.
That definitely sounds like something that happened. Yup, totally believable.
Scottie Nell Hughes just said Freddie Gray got up in the back of the police van and threw himself around and killed himself.
Jill Stein wants to end fractional reserve banking (by accident) so she's earned Huelen's vote:
AP Planner ‏@AP_Planner 1h1 hour ago
Tomorrow: Supporters of Bernie Sanders plan to hold a 'fart-in' at the Democratic National Convention to protest the party's primary process
It's still on.
I think it is fair to say that Trump appears to sympathize with Putin, a foreign dictator, more than he does with Hillary Clinton. And now he is publicly asking for that foreign dictator's help to win an election. I agree that to call that treason or sedition is an exaggeration; but in terms of raw feeling, he has crossed a line that is very unusual and disturbing for a presidential candidate, whatever your views.
Even a couple hundred people farting in a large convention hall is going to go generally unnoticed. Not enclosed enough, ceiling is too high.AP Planner ‏@AP_Planner 1h1 hour ago
Tomorrow: Supporters of Bernie Sanders plan to hold a 'fart-in' at the Democratic National Convention to protest the party's primary process
It's still on.
Even a couple hundred people farting in a large convention hall is going to go generally unnoticed. Not enclosed enough, ceiling is too high.
It's dumb in principle, but it doesn't even make sense if you grant the idea being sensible. The idea is clearly to make people hold their nose as a symbol of their "support," but...that's not how smell works in a large open area.
Even a couple hundred people farting in a large convention hall is going to go generally unnoticed. Not enclosed enough, ceiling is too high.
It's dumb in principle, but it doesn't even make sense if you grant the idea being sensible. The idea is clearly to make people hold their nose as a symbol of their "support," but...that's not how smell works in a large open area.
This Trump supporter on CNN is doing everything she can to lower Trump's numbers with African American voters even further.
...and they're announcing this? Those seats will be blocked off like they were yesterday. Dumbasses.They're not going for the smell. They're going to sit next to the mics.
Fair enough. Petulent children will be petulent.You're giving these people way, way too much credit.
These are giant children who are throwing a tantrum because their fee-fees got hurt. There is no rationale thought or plan behind this. They're just sad, sad little people.
Can those numbers actually get any lower? It seems like he's got 0% support as is.
A generic R would probably be solidly ahead of Hillary right now, in 4 years that isn't going to change. Demographics are only insurmountable if you assume that no Democrat could be trailing nationally.
Anyone who watches that video can understand the context is a joke. He absolutely crosses the line on all kinds of acceptable behavior, but I can malign everything he's done perfectly well without needing to make it into something it's not. It is unbecoming of a candidate for any elected office, let alone the presidency, to even contemplate such a joke. But making such a joke is not the same as treason/sedition and it cheapens our political discourse to treat it as such. This is like the 2000s when people were saying Bush should have been arrested for treason; Bush/Trump did plenty of awful things that we can criticize without having to resort to that.
Retroactive Momentum!
Also, anecdotal anecdote:
My mom has a super good friend who is a Republican. She's not a bigot or a racist or a homophobe. She's religious, and doesn't support abortion. She and my mom are great friends, they just don't discuss politics.
They were talking today when the news about Trump appealing to Russia came on. It was like someone did a 180 on her. First thing she said was Ronald Reagan would be livid. Second thing she said was she was livid because her child was adopted from Russia. Third thing she asked was "Tell me more about Hillary."
And she's now voting for Hillary.
Your mom's life sounds amazing.
Anyone who watches that video can understand the context is a joke.
That NBC woman who he told to shut up was pretty fierce about it. They need to follow her lead.Trump's comments. Welp.
I'd like to believe the media is going to turn on him harshly but...ratings.
LMAO at Trump wanting hackers to get Obama's records while hiding his own tax returns.
The reason Donald Trump seemingly gets away with essentially every possible political gaffe is because this election has exposed the fact that there are people who will vote for any warm body so long as the correct letter is in the parenthesis next to their name. Given that fact, he has correctly deduced it doesn't actually matter what he says as long as his name is in the news.
Sometimes I feel like Hillary must be ranting and raving in her personal space.
The entire time I'd be thinking (if I was her)
"I am the most experienced, knowledged, person in this of the most accomplished to ever run for President. My opponent is a Clown with a capital C and this is actually a race. Excuse me while I break shit."
Honestly, I wouldn't be able to handle it at the debate. Trump would end up saying something so utterly stupid I'd go off on a rant, I think. Thankfully, Hillary is better than me.
Let Me Remind You Fuckers Who I Am
by Hillary Clinton
What the fuck is your problem, America??
Im Hillary goddamn Clinton. Im a political prodigy, have been since I was 16. I have an insane network of powerful friends. Im willing to spend the next eight years catching shit on all sides, all so I can fix this fucking country for you. And all you little bitches need to do is get off your asses one goddamn day in November.
Oh but what about your eeeemaaaaillls??? Shut the fuck up. Seriously, shut the fuck up and listen for one fucking second.
Heres all you need to know about me:
Anyway, the Nintendo NX sounds like a really bad idea. Super Vita+Nintendo first party+TV output... is still a system that does badly.
Clearly though such people by themselves aren't a large enough group to guarantee a GOP win in November. We'll have a better picture in a few weeks anyways, once the convention bounces wear off where things actually stand.
Pretty much everything about Trump is predictable.
Her running mate Tim Kaine, who by the way did a terrible job in New Jersey first act he did in New Jersey was ask for a $4 billion tax increase and he was not very popular in New Jersey and he still isnt, Trump told a press conference in Doral, Fla.
You can't make this shit up.
He responded to my good intentioned post with the accusation that I was a concern troll and his post history is filled with sarcastically calling people nazi and white nationalist supporters. He may normaly act in good faith. Just my experience.
The reason Donald Trump seemingly gets away with essentially every possible political gaffe is because this election has exposed the fact that there are people who will vote for any warm body so long as the correct letter is in the parenthesis next to their name. Given that fact, he has correctly deduced it doesn't actually matter what he says as long as his name is in the news.
Orange turd said it before: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." This imbecile a fucking disgrace, people wake the fuck up and don't let this menace to the human race win. At this point my only thought about those who will vote for this monster is that they are masochists because even if you are a white person who isn't directly targeted by his rhetoric, that very rhetoric only leads to chaos and pain for everyone because it incites retribution and violence.The reason Donald Trump seemingly gets away with essentially every possible political gaffe is because this election has exposed the fact that there are people who will vote for any warm body so long as the correct letter is in the parenthesis next to their name. Given that fact, he has correctly deduced it doesn't actually matter what he says as long as his name is in the news.
My one concern about this, is that it's keeping the email thing in the news.
It also doesn't help that all these cable news stations always have Trump surrogates on as "analysts" that do nothing but spout talking points and straight up lies without being called out on them. It's awful television and borderline unethical.The reason Donald Trump seemingly gets away with essentially every possible political gaffe is because this election has exposed the fact that there are people who will vote for any warm body so long as the correct letter is in the parenthesis next to their name. Given that fact, he has correctly deduced it doesn't actually matter what he says as long as his name is in the news.
This Trump supporter on CNN is doing everything she can to lower Trump's numbers with African American voters even further.
What. Did this really happen?Her running mate Tim Kaine, who by the way did a terrible job in New Jersey first act he did in New Jersey was ask for a $4 billion tax increase and he was not very popular in New Jersey and he still isnt, Trump told a press conference in Doral, Fla.
You can't make this shit up.
Orange turd said it before: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." This imbecile a fucking disgrace, people wake the fuck up and don't let this menace to the human race win. At this point my only thought about those who will vote for this monster is that they are masochists because even if you are a white person who isn't directly targeted by his rhetoric, that very rhetoric only leads to chaos and pain for everyone because it incites retribution and violence.
I... ...pledged allegiance to ISIS...
What did she say?
What did she say?