Said that Hillary squandered the opportunity to appeal to Republicans and gave a very partisan speech.What did Nicole Wallace do?
What it did for me is reinforce my belief that she's going to wreck Donald in a debate. He is going to look so outclassed, imo.
35 years ago you had the start of the term "Reagan Democrats"
This year I guarantee you that "Hillary Republicans" will become a common term.
I'm kinda terrified of the debates still, just because the expectations are so increadibly lopsided. Hillary could have the best debate performance in history, but Trump will still "win" if he can manage to be slightly less outlandish than he usually is.
It could happenCan someone make me feel better. Tell me how unlikely it is that trump wins and why
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 52s52 seconds ago
Hillary will never reform Wall Street. She is owned by Wall Street!
789 retweets 1,634 likes
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 2m2 minutes ago
Our way of life is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say the words.
1,515 retweets 3,495 likes
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 5m5 minutes ago
Hillary's refusal to mention Radical Islam, as she pushes a 550% increase in refugees, is more proof that she is unfit to lead the country.
Here we go!
It's literally the same thing Romney pulled that caused the "please proceed governor" momentThey are so convinced that is a winner. They don't know what the hell they're doing.
Maybe this is just the Obama 08 kid in me moving me to criticize her, but her speech was just ok/good. For her it was perhaps a great speech. But it doesn't compare to the Obama's, or Biden's, or Bill's, or the other keynote speakers'. I suppose that doesn't matter much, though.Axelrod saying she didn't give a great speech. Ok
Maybe this is just the Obama 08 kid in me moving me to criticize her, but her speech was just ok/good. For her it was perhaps a great speech. But it doesn't compare to the Obama's, or Biden's, or Bill's, or the other keynote speakers'.
Obama also had a better video.
I feel like the CNN Panel is essentially ignoring Lord because he's a fucking hack moron.
It's literally the same thing Romney pulled that caused the "please proceed governor" moment
He kept whining about Obama never mentioning terrorism by name
Has any polling shown that a majority of Americans give a shit about whether our politicians say 'radical Islamic terrorism'? I just don't understand why they keep using this attack.
Axelrod saying she didn't give a great speech. Ok
Has any polling shown that a majority of Americans give a shit about whether our politicians say 'radical Islamic terrorism'? I just don't understand why they keep using this attack.
Steve Schmidt on MSNBC all "If Hillary doesn't have a ~SUB-STANTIAL~ lead in the polls by the end of next week following these 2 conventions.....uh.....I dunno"
So true, but I'm also nervous about it. Need polls nao
Well nothing is going to look great compared to last night.
Has any polling shown that a majority of Americans give a shit about whether our politicians say 'radical Islamic terrorism'? I just don't understand why they keep using this attack.
Guys while I would love to see a good bounce for Clinton after this. Polls right now don't mean shit.
and I'm glad she's not getting complacent. Already doing a 3 day bus tour with her running mate starting tomorrow.
She knows work needs to be done and her political machine will do all it can to register and turn out voters this fall.
This is silly. After 08 and 12 Obama got massive bumps after the convention and maintained it for like the rest of the election.
Maybe this is just the Obama 08 kid in me moving me to criticize her, but her speech was just ok/good. For her it was perhaps a great speech. But it doesn't compare to the Obama's, or Biden's, or Bill's, or the other keynote speakers'. I suppose that doesn't matter much, though.
Obama also had a better video.