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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Some times I think Benjiowns is Frank Luntz using GAF as a test market. But then I realize that Frank Luntz probably has better things to do.

Not an insult as I admire Frank Luntz. I don't have any beliefs in common with him though.


Stein also did a complete 180 on her Brexit position, and it didn't even take a day.

How people can still claim a moral high ground while planning to vote for this opportunistic buffoon is beyond me.


Isnt one the reasons why some people are voting Stein over Clinton is that they think that Clinton is a lying scumbag politician who will do anything for votes? lol

Isn't it great?


Probably not as bad as deleting a tribute to Elie Wiesel after hardcore antisemitic lefties got mad at her?


Isnt one the reasons why some people are voting Stein over Clinton is that they think that Clinton is a lying scumbag politician who will do anything for votes? lol


How do we know Hillary didn't say vaccines cause autism in one of her speeches to the Big Banks?

EDIT: Probably because they showed her how they put the autism in the vaccines in the first place!

Isnt one the reasons why some people are voting Stein over Clinton is that they think that Clinton is a lying scumbag politician who will do anything for votes? lol

Jill Stein may not be willing to take on the Pro Measles or Anti Holocaust Survivors constituencies, but she'll definitely have the courage to take on the big banks unlike Whorillary.


Most of these people aren't overtly racists. In fact, most of them are convinced they're not. Some of the more brainwashed ones are convinced liberals are the real racists (the mental gymnastics to get there is fascinating).

But they're all racists. You can't see q candidate that says and provides the policies he does and NOT be a racist.

Something to keep in mind is there majority of the electorate doesn't keep tabs on the campaign and policies associated with the various candidates.

Furthermore, they don't understand the events in question, the historical context, what/where Crimea is, or that our military is the most powerful in the world. On top of billions of dollars from both right wing media outlets and donors designed to obfuscate the truth.
That isn't real - can't be.

It's clearly a parody Twitter account but it's a deeply confusing one because there's a lot of racist tweets in there but also a bunch of retweets of Intercept and Salon writers who say Hillary hates Muslims.

I guess it's a Trump fan Twitter account?
Any lefty that puts up with Rania Khalek is definitely saying that Antisemitism is okay if it's (somewhat) concealed and she's economically progressive enough.

The people who retweet this woman drive me insane.


That account was also made this month. I mean I think it's easy to assume it's a troll account meant to act as Khan yet also attract the worst of our society.
A fun read about Florida's Senate Race


Grayson, who is 58, is a large slab of a man with a giant head that wouldn’t look out of place on Easter Island and a mincing, splayfooted gait that resembles that of a penguin. Throw in his customary wardrobe of garish cowboy boots and novelty neckties that feature everything from Monopoly money to rainbow peace signs, and he doesn’t call to mind a congressman so much as the villain in a Batman movie. He’s the only member of Congress whose desk is decorated with a plaque that reads: I HAVE FLYING MONKEYS AND I'M NOT AFRAID TO USE THEM!

But Grayson presents a problem. “Florida never elects Alan Grayson,” John Morgan, an Orlando trial lawyer and major Democratic fund-raiser, tells me. “It just doesn’t happen.” This is a widespread belief among Democrats throughout Florida and Washington. Harry Reid has called on Grayson to drop out before the August 30 primary, declaring that “his actions aren’t just disgraceful to the Democratic Party, they disgrace the halls of Congress.” Joe Biden stumped for Murphy in May, proclaiming him “the real deal.” Last month, President Obama spoke at a Murphy fund-raiser in Miami — one of many high-dollar events that Murphy advisers believe will allow them to spend as much as $8 million in his primary campaign against Grayson. And for the first time, the leading Democratic Senate super-pac has waded into a primary race, already having spent $1 million on television ads for Murphy.

In response, Grayson has deployed the monkeys. Having initially gained a national following among progressives for the verbal beat-downs he routinely delivered to Republicans — once likening the tea party to the Ku Klux Klan and calling a female adviser to then–Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke a “K Street whore” — Grayson has now trained his fire on his fellow Democrats. When Reid visited the Congressional Progressive Caucus in May, Grayson hijacked the meeting by angrily confronting the Senate minority leader. “Say my name, Senator!” Grayson demanded, as his colleagues looked on in embarrassment and horror. “Say my name!” Later, Grayson derided Reid and his allies as “Mafia accountants with Napoleonic complexes.”

Grayson currently trails Murphy in the polls, but if he loses the primary, he seems intent on bringing Murphy down with him. “He’s a 33-year-old nobody who’s done nothing in his life,” Grayson told me. “He’s never had a serious relationship, never married, no children, never had to support himself, never had a real job, and lived off a trust fund on his daddy’s yacht for the first 30 years of his life.” He wasn’t finished. “He’s a zero, an absolute zero.”


As the Republican Party gathered in Cleveland for their convention, Rubio was a thousand miles away in Florida, doing a six-day campaign swing up and down the state. Still, Trump casts a long shadow. Although a poll in mid-July showed the incumbent beating Murphy by 13 points and Grayson by 12 in head-to-head matchups, Rubio’s team knows that Trump could scuttle Rubio’s Senate aspirations just as he crushed his presidential ones. “The challenge is we have no idea how Trump will do in Florida,” says one Rubio adviser. “If Trump doesn’t do well, Marco’s still probably fine. But Trump can’t collapse in Florida. There’s just not a lot of precedent for a down-ballot candidate in a purplish state running double digits ahead of the top of the ticket.”

This is the prospect that gives Florida Democrats hope as they stare down another five weeks of two less-than-ideal candidates mauling each other in a vicious primary fight. When he hasn’t been in Nantucket onboard his father’s yacht Cocktails, Murphy has spent much of July attending high-dollar fund-raisers and basing the case for his candidacy primarily on the merits of his endorsers. Grayson’s fund-raisers are less cushy. At one, where he collected $50 checks from a few dozen people, he devoted most of his remarks to tearing into Murphy. A supporter asked when the two would debate. “It’ll never happen,” Grayson replied. “His father would never give him permission to go out that night. He never wants to get too far from his juice box.”

It’s a weird thing to say about a gauche self-aggrandizer with a Cayman Islands hedge fund, but Grayson appears to be the only candidate in the Florida Senate race not wholly consumed by his own political ambition. His primary motivation for running, it seems, is because he doesn’t believe Murphy is worthy of the office. “There’s no reason Patrick Murphy deserves that kind of favoritism. He’s done nothing — in life or in Congress,” he told me. “I’ve never seen anybody make any serious effort to justify why Patrick Murphy should be one of two people representing 20 million people in the U.S. Senate.”

Grayson has spent a considerable amount of mental energy envisioning what he’d bring to the Senate. “There are many, many issues in the Senate that are resolved only by unanimity, which means that if you are the squeaky wheel, you can get a lot of grease,” he says. “I could work that system even better than I work the House system.” He fears that if Democrats don’t do a better job responding to angry voters, they’ll suffer the same fate as Republicans. “The party has been taken over by corporate Democrats,” he says. “Our party has to a large degree abandoned the whole concept of trying to improve people’s lives.”

At the Democrats’ gala, Grayson watched as Booker, the evening’s keynote speaker, charmed the crowd. “The Senate is doing pretty good with one Murphy right now,” Booker said, referring to Connecticut’s Chris Murphy. “What the hell, let’s have two!” Soon, Booker’s witty banter morphed into something akin to a performance at the Moth, as he told the harrowing tale of a teenager dying in his arms after being shot in Newark. “Another black boy is dead and who cares?!” Booker recalled thinking, his voice still choked with rage. “I tried to start rubbing his blood off my hands,” he said, holding them above the podium. “I jumped in the shower, I turned it on as hot as I could possibly take it, and I just stood there and my insides were breaking. I was so angry at us!”

When the speech was over, the crowd gave Booker a standing ovation. Grayson sidled up to me. He was one of the only people in the room not clapping. Bending at the waist, he whispered in my ear, “You will hear exactly the same speech, word for word, down to the hand gestures, at the Democratic National Convention.”


Rania Khalek is an independent journalist reporting on the underclass and marginalized.
lmao at naming your website this: https://electronicintifada.net/

At least they have the journalistic tick of putting the most unimportant and irrelevant part of the story upfront down pat:
Israeli occupation forces used a Caterpillar excavator in the apparent extrajudicial execution of a Palestinian man, using the so-called pressure cooker procedure in which construction equipment is employed as a weapon, analysis by The Electronic Intifada shows.

Caterpillar, based in Peoria, Illinois, has long been the focus of boycott and divestment campaigns for selling equipment Israel uses in human rights abuses and war crimes, including the demolitions of homes and construction of settlements on occupied Palestinian land.


Grayson is so weird. Please go away and don't come back

Dems in FL continue to fuck up their priorities for getting Rubio's seat

They haven't learned since 2010


All I know is that Kane is a big ol libertarian.

He used to write on LewRockwell: https://www.lewrockwell.com/author/glenn-jacobs/

EDIT: http://archive.lewrockwell.com/jacobs/jacobs9.1.1.html


The answer to the immigration debate is the same as it is to all other issues — more freedom, not more government. Instead of asking the government to crack down on immigration, we should recognize that it is government programs and interventions that are the problem and demand that the government cease these activities.

Unfortunately, while recognizing the problems that government causes in so many other areas, many folks, especially conservatives, apply a double-standard when it comes to immigration. For example, while conservatives rightly blasted ObamaCare pointing out that it will result in the nationalization of the health care system, these same people lament how immigrants are destroying "our" hospitals. They are not "our" hospitals; they are, or at least should be, private businesses which should be able to exclude anyone from receiving their services, but are restricted from doing so by government edict. Likewise, we hear that immigrants are overwhelming the public education system, yet conservative icon Ronald Reagan advocated disbanding the Department of Education and, at a federal level anyway, getting the government out of the education business.

yay, when i saw lew rockwell i was afraid for a minute
There are some gaping holes in this narrative.

First, it relies on a total conflation of Israel and Zionism, on the one hand, with Jews, on the other. And it accepts uncritically the ahistorical claim that Israel and Zionism were the victims of the Nazis, and therefore Israel was the appropriate address for “reparations,” the delivery of which could offer Germans absolution.

It also completely ignores the fact that while other Jews were resisting the Nazis, Zionists infamously made a deal with them, the notorious Transfer Agreement of 1933, to facilitate the transport of German Jews and their property to Palestine and which, as Joseph Massad points out, broke the international Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany started by American Jews.

Rania, you are insane, mmkay.
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