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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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I want Trump's view on this position. This is very important to the Alt-Right and his supporters need to know which camp he falls into.




Dems are probably gonna play an ad of Trump saying "how stupid are the people of Iowa?" on repeat through October there.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I want Trump's view on this position. This is very important to the Alt-Right and his supporters need to know which camp he falls into.



How does one's view on life warp that much?
Last time I talked to my parents (eternally conservative, live in Oklahoma) they said they were voting Hillary. My mom said Trump was too stupid to breathe. She doesn't suffer fools lol.


I'll vote for Trump if people keep saying I'm not allowed to not vote.

lol, no you won't.

That would be the most non-libertarian thing ever, to think that someone's rational choices can be affected by random, non-binding cheap talk by others.

Your whole philosophy crumbles :)


lol, no you won't.

That would be the most non-libertarian thing ever, to think that someone's rational choices can be affected by random, non-binding cheap talk by others.

Your whole philosophy crumbles :)
Don't lump me in with libertarian scum.

I've voted out of spite before (for Johnson against the MIGOP), I'll do it again! (No, I won't. I'll make an empty threat though!)


When Hillary is declared Queen, I hope she decrees that all Trump voters are tattooed with something stupid he said on their forehead.


My dad's a typical religious conservative who bought a lot of the bullshit Fox says about Obama. I haven't talked to him about this election yet lol


When Hillary is declared Queen, I hope she decrees that all Trump voters are tattooed with something stupid he said on their forehead.
"Very Good Brain"

I have fairly intelligent family members who believe Trump is a great patriotic hero. It's very sad.
Am I the only one who is amazed when people say, "I talked to my parents and all my friends and they're all voting for Trump!" Like wow you sorta know shitty people lol

As someone who is currently the only person in my family that has any intention of voting for Hillary this election, these past few months have been utter hell at my house whenever politics get involved.

I legit love my family to death, because I know my folks well enough to know that they are legit good and loving people, but it's heartbreaking to see them supporting Donald Trump. It's so bizarre too, since my mom really dislikes how much of an asshole he is and my dad- a man who I usually consider to be really smart- is very cognizant of how much of a complete idiot Trump is too. Dude's only voting for him because he took over the GOP nomination and my dad sees him as the "people's candidate" (which is incredibly absurd and naive of him). On top of that, my folks both despise Hillary, so there's that motivator going on for 'em too.

Hopefully I'll be able to at least convince my sister to vote for Hillary in November.


SHE LIED! Hillary’s Tearjerker About Handicapped Girl in Wheelchair in DNC Speech WAS ALL A LIE!
Here’s what I learned; The Mayor of New Bedford in 1973 was a guy I happen to know, Mayor John Markey (81 years old and a lifelong Democrat now living in Dartmouth, MA. Mayor Markey is also a retired judge and a man whose credibility and character are beyond reproach. “Jack” as he is known, is eligible for both court and municipal pension but only accepts one. He is not one to “double dip”. I called Jack and asked him a few questions about handicap services in 1973 at the New Bedford Public Schools, including wheelchair accessibility.

“I took over as Mayor in January of 1973. We had a budget for vans with drivers and provided services to students with disabilities. It was Tremblay Bus. They would pick them up and drop them off at their homes. Now, they may not have been able to go to the local school, depending on whether or not the schools were accessible for wheelchairs but there were many schools then which could and did accommodate our handicapped students in wheelchairs”.

“In fact, we had a local guy who was a paraplegic, injured in a diving accident who came to my office many times to advocate for the disabled and I actually spent an entire day in 1973 in a wheelchair to better understand the challenges they face everyday. Soon after that we were cutting out sidewalks for wheelchairs and doing things in New Bedford before the laws ever compelled us to.”

So despite the progressive and good works of the New Bedford leadership in 1973 to make the city schools and streets more handicap accessible, Hillary (no pun intended) rolled New Bedford local government under the bus last night in front of the world. And needed to lie to do it. It just didn’t seem possible in those days Hillary, because it wasn’t true in 1973 New Bedford.


Am I the only one who is amazed when people say, "I talked to my parents and all my friends and they're all voting for Drumpf!" Like wow you sorta know shitty people lol

I was just at a wedding this weekend and was dog-pilled for supporting Hillary. Most of the people are young, college educated, and genuinely good people. I've chalked their Trump support up to them not paying alot of attention to the election and a general perception that Hillary is corrupt.

I live in Nebraska though....


I was just at a wedding this weekend and was dog-pilled for supporting Hillary. Most of the people are young, college educated, and genuinely good people. I've chalked their Trump support up to them not paying alot of attention to the election and a general perception that Hillary is corrupt.

I live in Nebraska though....

Nope, white supremacy. There is literally no other answer. Well there is, stupidity. But seeing as how they're college educated - yup white supremacist


Unconfirmed Member
Nope, white supremacy. There is literally no other answer. Well there is, stupidity. But seeing as how they're college educated - yup white supremacist
This is such a hard thing to explain to people. They probably don't even realize they are white supremacists. It's typically not worth trying. :/
I was just at a wedding this weekend and was dog-pilled for supporting Hillary. Most of the people are young, college educated, and genuinely good people. I've chalked their Trump support up to them not paying alot of attention to the election and a general perception that Hillary is corrupt.

I live in Nebraska though....

Thank god I live in NY. And no one I know is pro Trump.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
New Jersey privilege. I grew up in the South.

I don't think so. I mean, we do have a Republican governor and some industries that traditionally tilt pretty heavily Republican. With where I'd work and with whom I am forced to associate, I would have thought things would be a lot more lopsided. I also don't use facebook so I think it's hilarious when people say things like, "Help me argue with people on my facebook," or some shit. Just defriend them and get less shitty friends.

I basically yelled at my stepdad yesterday for parroting talking points even though he is going to vote for Hillary anyway.


I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.

Any time you get a chance to quote Barry Goldwater, you gotta do it.

Honestly though, libertarianism is interesting to me. It's like flat earth theory. Made sense hundreds of years ago when there were only tyrants and kings - but doesnt make sense anymore.



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Unrelated to that threat in OT, is there any way to respond to people of color who say "I won't vote for Hillary Clinton because she's racist"?

I know about a half dozen kids who adamantly won't vote for Clinton. Two of them are black socialists who believe conditions are so bad that things can't possibly get worse under Trump. Another is an Arab Muslim who won't vote Trump pretty much out of self-preservation, but prefers Johnson because "the free market" and because he's pretty openly anti-feminist. Last, I know a few Trump voters who aren't white, but think Clinton is actually worse because of the Superpredators shit, and because Trump opened his country club to minorities or whatever.

As a white guy, should I just not get involved? Should probably add that the vast majority of "I'm not voting for Hillary because she's evil" people I know are white kids who haven't voted before.
The more I think about it, Kazir Khan should absolutely be appointed to the Senate as Kaine's replacement. He's a perfect example of an immigrant family, he's deeply patriotic, he's a lawyer, he'd be the first Muslim Senator, and, as he's proving right now, he's a keen political navigator.

Do it McAuliffe. DO IT!

Don't know if it's been brought up, but whoever is appointed has to win a special election in 2017, then general election in 2018. It's going to be tough to hold no matter who is picked.
As someone who is currently the only person in my family that has any intention of voting for Hillary this election, these past few months have been utter hell at my house whenever politics get involved.

I legit love my family to death, because I know my folks well enough to know that they are legit good and loving people, but it's heartbreaking to see them supporting Donald Trump. It's so bizarre too, since my mom really dislikes how much of an asshole he is and my dad- a man who I usually consider to be really smart- is very cognizant of how much of a complete idiot Trump is too. Dude's only voting for him because he took over the GOP nomination and my dad sees him as the "people's candidate" (which is incredibly absurd and naive of him). On top of that, my folks both despise Hillary, so there's that motivator going on for 'em too.

Hopefully I'll be able to at least convince my sister to vote for Hillary in November.

Have them watch some of speeches from the DNC.


As someone who is currently the only person in my family that has any intention of voting for Hillary this election, these past few months have been utter hell at my house whenever politics get involved.

I legit love my family to death, because I know my folks well enough to know that they are legit good and loving people, but it's heartbreaking to see them supporting Donald Drumpf. It's so bizarre too, since my mom really dislikes how much of an asshole he is and my dad- a man who I usually consider to be really smart- is very cognizant of how much of a complete idiot Drumpf is too. Dude's only voting for him because he took over the GOP nomination and my dad sees him as the "people's candidate" (which is incredibly absurd and naive of him). On top of that, my folks both despise Hillary, so there's that motivator going on for 'em too.

Hopefully I'll be able to at least convince my sister to vote for Hillary in November.

Everyone in my family besides myself my mom and my older sister will be voting for Hillary. Everyone else in my extended family is voting Trump well I am not sure about one aunt but I for sure know everyone else is. Most of the reasoning I hear is he won't be beholden to anyone and that Hillary is just the absolute definition of evil. I try and keep quiet whenever I am near them and politics come up but some times it's just so hard. I hope to whatever there is to pray to that he does something that will persuade them either vote Hillary or just not at all.
I live in Oklahoma. I made a post on Facebook saying I'd be supporting HIllary and a friend made a joke about how I'm "always playing for the other team". I don't bother talking politics around here.

On the bright side though. Another good friend has been pushing Johnson hard on Facebook the past few months.

My close family lives in AZ and is fully on the Clinton train.


Nope, white supremacy. There is literally no other answer. Well there is, stupidity. But seeing as how they're college educated - yup white supremacist

The most bigoted person I know got triggered when I used the phase "racist rhetoric". This sent him on a rant about the liberal media. He's fully embraced the hick stereotype despite being a mechanical engineer and the son of a doctor.


Any time you get a chance to quote Barry Goldwater, you gotta do it.

Honestly though, libertarianism is interesting to me. It's like flat earth theory. Made sense hundreds of years ago when there were only tyrants and kings - but doesnt make sense anymore.

Errico Malatesta said:
Theoretically "democracy" means popular government; government by all for everybody by the efforts of all. In a democracy the people must be able to say what they want, to nominate the executors of their wishes, to monitor their performance and remove them when they see fit.

Naturally this presumes that all the individuals that make up a people are able to form an opinion and express it on all the subjects that interest them. It implies that everyone is politically and economically independent and therefore no-one, to live, would be obliged to submit to the will of others.

The "government of all the people", if we have to have government, can at best be only the government of the majority. And the democrats, whether socialists or not, are willing to agree. They add, it is true, that one must respect minority rights; but since it is the majority that decides what these rights are, as a result minorities only have the right to do what the majority wants and allows. The only limit to the will of the majority would be the resistance which the minorities know and can put up. This means that there would always be a social struggle, in which a part of the members, albeit the majority, has the right to impose its own will on the others, yoking the efforts of all to their own ends.

And here I would make an aside to show how, based on reasoning backed by the evidence of past and present events, it is not even true that where there is government, namely authority, that authority resides in the majority and how in reality every "democracy" has been, is and must be nothing short of an "oligarchy" – a government of the few, a dictatorship. But, for the purposes of this article, I prefer to err on the side of the democrats and assume that there can really be a true and sincere majority government.

Government means the right to make the law and to impose it on everyone by force: without a police force there is no government.

Yeah, that's right, I went Italian on you all this time, and for less than thirty dollars.


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Any time you get a chance to quote Barry Goldwater, you gotta do it.

Honestly though, libertarianism is interesting to me. It's like flat earth theory. Made sense hundreds of years ago when there were only tyrants and kings - but doesnt make sense anymore.


Libertarianism makes perfect sense if your only concern is blazing a more open path for exploitation and profiteering.


Hill's fund-raising emails are getting aggressive.

"I'll ask you once and for all, are you with us?"

I hashtagged you, ISN'T THAT ENOUGH?

Right? I'm sorry Hillary, but I already donated $27 to politicians this year and I'm afraid that's enough for the foreseeable future


Libertarianism makes perfect sense if your only concern is blazing a more open path for exploitation and profiteering.

I mean, it's a philosophy where the basic premise is patently false.

Bigger government = less freedom

Is patently nonsense.


Hillary's team is pushing hard right now on fundraising because the few days after a convention are when people are most incentivized to donate, and they probably want to open as many field offices and run as many ads as possible going into the fall.
Hillary's team is pushing hard right now on fundraising because the few days after a convention are when people are most incentivized to donate, and they probably want to open as many field offices and run as many ads as possible going into the fall.

I would actually donate more, but I'm out of work right now and have given all I can afford. If I had a job, $2700 for sure - I hate Trump that much.
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