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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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I honestly would be tempted to just write Racist over as many as I could.

There a guy that lives in this rural area on the way to my parents house. His yard is literally a Tea Party Facebook wall.

In 2012 he had this effigy of Obama with a noose around its neck and a big sign (forget what it said though). It didn't last long, less than a day goes by it's all torn down and a huge Obama poster put up in its place. Few hours later, the homeowner tries to tear down the poster but can't get it all, and end up writing "Obama's Thugs" over it. I had a good chuckle. I was also impressed how quickly it happened though. This guy is a well known shitbag, in a pretty red area, and the second he crossed the line, the gloves came off. He never did anything close to that shit again.
I got to drive through NE Washington last week. Really weird to see so many Trump posters out in front of businesses. Like, anywhere here that would be a death knell to your business. Pity out to any gaffers who get to live in these places, but its really pretty. Maybe its worth the tradeoff. Live with bigots, enjoy living next to a pristine mountain lake.
A month ago I rode with some friends for a weekend Seattle trip and we made a game out of counting the Trump signs, there were so many the whole way.
http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/senate/2016_elections_senate_map.html you can just click through to the state/polls.

House is harder obviously.

Here's some senate races you should donate to: http://m.neogaf.com/showpost.php?p=200640834

Thanks! I plan on sharing some of this info on Facebook, along with some other waaaay downticket races (like circuit court judges) where I feel that encouraging people to donate will make the most difference.
So when Clinton is president will congress then elect a supreme Court Justice nominee?

How can Congress just refuse to do part of their job and ignore Obama's Supreme Court Justice nominee and not be held accountable or liable?


So when Clinton is president will congress then elect a supreme Court Justice nominee?

How can Congress just refuse to do part of their job and ignore Obama's Supreme Court Justice nominee and not be held accountable or liable?
I'm genuinely curious if they'll try to just never appoint any justices for her. How low can the number of justices on the court go?


So when Clinton is president will congress then elect a supreme Court Justice nominee?

How can Congress just refuse to do part of their job and ignore Obama's Supreme Court Justice nominee and not be held accountable or liable?

The Senate could turn democrat making the whole problem mute, but if they do try it I will be interesting to see what sort of bull shit reason they come up with to explain it considering that their reasoning now is that the next president should decide.

Probably something along the lines of that a conservative needs to be nominated since a conservative died, or some such bullshit.

I don't think there really is anything that anyone can do if Republicans do win the Senate and refuse to do their job. It seems like a very short-sighted tactic though considering that the democrats can just do the same to them if they ever get in power. Of course, that seems to be what Republicans are good at because they are still milking that white nationalist vote when that vote is going to soon become irrelevant.


The Autumn Wind
I hope Nina Turner accepts Stein's offer. Then maybe I won't have to listen to her ignorant ass on my tv all the time anymore.
If you didn't catch it, watch Last Week Tonight. John covered the DNC, but focused mostly on Trump / Khan. John completely lost it. I've never seen him so angry. Great episode!
The Senate could turn democrat making the whole problem mute, but if they do try it I will be interesting to see what sort of bull shit reason they come up with to explain it considering that their reasoning now is that the next president should decide.

Probably something along the lines of that a conservative needs to be nominated since a conservative died, or some such bullshit.

I don't think there really is anything that anyone can do if Republicans do win the Senate and refuse to do their job. It seems like a very short-sighted tactic though considering that the democrats can just do the same to them if they ever get in power. Of course, that seems to be what Republicans are good at because they are still milking that white nationalist vote when that vote is going to soon become irrelevant.

I mean, the Republicans could filibuster every Supreme Court justice that Hillary nominates even with Democratic Senate.

And definitely the Democrats would be (or should be) wary of getting rid of the filibuster for Supreme Court justices since the GOP has just decided to run fascists that would nominate people that would allow a massive expansion in presidential power.


I'm genuinely curious if they'll try to just never appoint any justices for her. How low can the number of justices on the court go?

Assuming we get a majority on the senate, they'll just nuke the filibuster for SCOTUS nominees.

Edit: it doesn't change any calculus to do so because I don't think that the GOP really respected the senate norms anyway. If they controlled three branches they would immediately nuke the filibuster.


"Remember the summer of 2016 when 538 had Clinton vs Trump as a toss-up, lol" is going to be cited so much in 2020 when Hillary is down to Tedco Cruzio.
Hey, when I say "Trump is crazy," I mean that Trump is a stupid and bigoted human being who draws outlandish conclusions no decent human could agree with.

Quit doing this garbage about examining Trump's mental health from a distance, dumbfucks.
Pope Francis said Sunday that Islam could not be equated with terrorism and warned Europe was pushing its young into the hands of extremists.

"It's not true and it's not correct (to say) Islam is terrorism," he told journalists aboard the papal plane during the return journey from a trip to Poland.

"I don't think it is right to equate Islam with violence".

Francis defended his decision not to name Islam when condemning the brutal jihadist murder of a Catholic priest in France in the latest of a string of recent attacks in Europe claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group.

"In almost every religion there is always a small group of fundamentalists. We have them too."

"If I have to talk about Islamic violence I have to talk about Christian violence. Every day in the newspapers I see violence in Italy, someone kills his girlfriend, another kills his mother-in-law, and these are baptised Catholics.""



I mean, the Republicans could filibuster every Supreme Court justice that Hillary nominates even with Democratic Senate.

And definitely the Democrats would be (or should be) wary of getting rid of the filibuster for Supreme Court justices since the GOP has just decided to run fascists that would nominate people that would allow a massive expansion in presidential power.

Didn't they already get rid of the filibuster for appointments?


I feel like if Republicans made this big fuss about waiting for the next President to fill SCOTUS and then fillibustered any Hillary nomination, people would notice. It's the most "sore loser" thing I could imagine.

The Republican base would love it. They still think their politicians are incompetent fools or complicit traitors for not being able to repel Obamacare.


I hadn't done this since before Trump clinched the nomination, the results make shock and frighten you:



Parties are all the same confirmed.


Morning Joe is such a useful barometer of who won the news cycle. They either have an opening segment trashing Trump or trashing Hillary. It's a lot more trashing Trump lately.
DAT BUMP (or not).


Hillary Clinton has received a bump in support after the Democratic convention and has now pulled ahead of Donald Trump.

Forty-six percent of voters nationwide say they'll vote for Clinton in November, while 39 percent say they'll back Trump. The race was tied last week after the Republican convention. Clinton led by a similar margin in June.

Clinton got a four-point bounce after her party's convention, compared to a two-point bump for Trump after his convention.

When compared to previous Democratic presidential nominees, Clinton's bounce is similar to those President Obama got in 2012 and 2008, but short of the 13-point bounce her husband, Bill Clinton, received in 1992. In 2000, support for Al Gore rose 10 points after the Democratic convention, but he went on to lose a close race that fall.



Yeah the DNC was great and the RNC was terrible. To be expected.

This Khan thing also seems like another mess in the making.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This is really critical:

Voters who back a candidate remain firm in their support. Nine in 10 Clinton and Trump voters say their minds are made up about their candidate.

In the wake of the Democratic convention, positive views of Hillary Clinton have risen five points among registered voters, from 31 percent a week ago to 36 percent today. Unfavorable views of Hillary Clinton have dropped six points: from 56 percent to 50 percent.

Over half of voters continue to hold an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump. Although Trump received a slight bounce in his favorable rating after the Republican Convention, now just 31 percent view him favorably - similar to what was recorded before his party's convention.

9 in 10 say their votes are firm. This means this race could be VERY inelastic, so don't expect any movement unless a) something truly unexpected happens or b) Trump calls her a bitch on live TV. B is sort of expected.


Why doesn't the poll include Bernie Sanders as a candidate? A reformed DNC can always change their nominee, he could become Jill Stein's running mate, the race isn't over.

Most importantly, faithless electors can vote for him. That might be better than if he was the nominee anyway, he won't have to get slandered by the DNC media anymore. Hillary and Trump can bash each other and then all the electors in every state can secretly vote for Bernie to protect the people's vote and democracy itself.


really really really want Khan to stay away from the press, he's accomplished plenty and from here on out he can only make a mistake :\

I feel the same. It was good that he fought back for a couple of days, but it has served its purpose at this point.

Still, it's completely his prerogative to do what he feels is right.


I think you are underestimating the strong wind at Trump's sails. Don't think it's adjusted enough
Let's not forget the boost he's going to get from battling Khan. The most feared and hated of all Star Trek villains.

If he tweeted "Khan, I'm laughing at your 'superior intellect'" and "your pattern indicates two dimensional thinking" we might as well just call the election now.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I feel the same. It was good that he fought back for a couple of days, but it has served its purpose at this point.

Still, it's completely his prerogative to do what he feels is right.
He's on morning Joe today. That's basically off the news.


This is really critical:

9 in 10 say their votes are firm. This means this race could be VERY inelastic, so don't expect any movement unless a) something truly unexpected happens or b) Trump calls her a bitch on live TV. B is sort of expected.
Good stuff. Positive views of Hillary still need to rise. Hope it continues to. Can we get to mid 40s please

Not sure what damage Khan will do by staying in the news. Nothing to worry about.

I thought it was interesting when Mook told Chuck Todd the 33,000 emails are hypothetical and may or may not exist. He seemed somewhat excessively nervous and defensive. When you read the quote it's not a big deal but watching the interview is different. Manafort was REALLY struggling in his interview tho. Wow


Blockbuster Immigration Poll Demonstrates Americans Want Total Revolution Against Mass Immigration
New polling data shows that it would be virtually impossible for Hillary Clinton to win the general election if the Republican nominee were able to frame the immigration issue in populist terms that emphasize reducing the overall amount of immigration into the country and protecting jobs, incomes, and benefits for the domestic population.
As the polling data confirms, the most potent framing of the immigration issue is to focus on the numbers and scale of total immigration into the country, and to present the American people with the choice between more immigration and less immigration.

Whereas the media and Democrats try to frame the immigration issue as pitting native-born Americans against foreign-born Americans, the polling reveals that Republicans should offer a completely different framing of the issue– one which focuses on the interests of the domestic American population– and all of its members (i.e. foreign-born, native-born, etc.)–versus the interests of the world’s seven billion people that live outside the United States.

In other words, the media understands the words “pro-immigrant” not in the context of helping actual immigrants (i.e. people living inside the United States, who were born elsewhere). Rather the media and Democrat politicians uses the term “pro-immigrant” in a completely alien way– i.e. in a way which focuses on trying to help foreign nationals who do not live in America. The new polling information underscores the importance for Republicans to reclaim the historically correct understanding of “pro-immigrant”– as meaning defending U.S. residents who have already immigrated to the country against competition for jobs and resources from foreign nationals residing outside of the country.
Below are some of the poll’s findings:

– By a nearly 6 to 1 margin, U.S. voters believe immigration should be decreased rather than increased.

Every three years, the U.S. admits a population of new immigrants the size of Los Angeles. Sixty three percent of voters said that this figure is too high, whereas only a minuscule 11 percent of voters said that number is not high enough. Only 13 percent of Democrats and Independents— and only 7 percent of Republicans— said immigration should be increased.

– By a 25-to-1 margin, voters believe that unemployed American workers should get preference for a U.S. job rather than a foreign worker brought in from another country.

Seventy five percent of voters believe American workers should get U.S. jobs, whereas only 3 percent of voters believe foreign workers should be imported to fill U.S. jobs.

Democrats agreed with this sentiment by a margin of roughly 30-to-1 (69.8 percent who think jobs should go to unemployed Americans whereas only 2.3 percent think foreign labor should be imported). African Americans agree with this sentiment by a margin of 65-to-1 (78.5 percent who think unemployed Americans should get the jobs versus 1.2 percent who think foreign workers should be brought in). Hispanics agree with this sentiment by a margin of 30-to-1 (59.1 percent versus 2.0 percent).

There are roughly 94 million Americans operating outside the labor market today. Yet every year the U.S. admits one million plus foreign nationals on green cards, one million guest workers, dependents, and refugees, and half a million foreign students.

– Sixty one percent of voters believe that any politician, “who would rather import foreign workers to take jobs rather than give them to current U.S. residents, is unfit to hold office.”

Yet politicians on both sides of the aisle, such as Hillary Clinton and House Speaker Paul Ryan, have pushed policies that would do just that. Clinton supported a 2013 immigration expansion bill, which would have doubled the number of foreign workers admitted to the country at a time when millions of Americans are not working. Speaker Ryan has a two decade long history of pushing for open borders. Ryan has called for enacting an immigration system that would allow foreign nationals from all over the globe to freely and legally enter the country and take any U.S. job. Speaker Ryan has explained that he believes foreign labor is necessary to help corporations keep wages low.

– Three out of four voters believe the nation needs “an immigration system that puts American workers first, not an immigration system that serves the demands of donors seeking to reduce labor costs.”

More than seven out of ten African Americans agreed with the sentiment that the nation’s immigration system should prioritize needs of American workers above donors who want to reduce labor costs.

– A majority of U.S. voters (53%) believe “record amounts of immigration into the U.S. have strained school resources and disadvantaged U.S. children.”

– A majority of voters (55%) disagree with Hillary Clinton’s call to release illegal immigrants arriving at the border into the United States and give them a chance to apply for asylum.

A majority of women (51.6 percent) opposed Clinton’s proposal to release illegal immigrants into the interior and allow them to apply for asylum.

– Roughly three out of four voters— including nearly three out of four Democrat voters— believe that “instead of giving jobs and healthcare to millions of refugees from around the world, we should rebuild our inner cities and put Americans back to work.”

African Americans agreed with this sentiment by a 10 to 1 margin (86.3 percent agree versus 8.5 percent disagree). Hispanics agreed by a margin of 5 to 1 (68.9 percent agreed versus 12.6 percent disagreed).
Could Trump break 500 electoral votes?!?
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