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PoliGAF 2016 |OT8| No, Donald. You don't.

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Democrats should stay largely positive. At most/worst, they'll alternate out speakers of evil Trump and saint Hillary. That's still a big shift compared to the 100% Hillary Tentacle Menace being presented. Democrats do good conventions. Obama's people know their shit and have largely been retained.
Last Month(s): "Warren needs to stay in the Senate! Picking her for VP would be a mistake!"
Now: :If Hilary doesn't pick Warren she's an idiot!"
We learned that the MA legislature could cook the books hard to get a special election in a very immediate timeframe if they wanted to, effectively nullifying the impact of her being pulled out of the senate. That's why it's lower risk now. It'd be a much easier win than a special election in other states, too.

And yeah, a few months ago I thought she was the wrong choice. I was wrong. She might not be the absolutely perfect pick, but she's damn well good enough of one. It's become clear that it's extra important to need an attack dog, plus women get under Trump's skin easily and he hates Warren super duper extra much. He'd literally just sit around, fuming about it and ranting on twitter. He cannot help himself. Since Trump is just going to get progressively more nasty, you might as well try to antagonize him and force mistakes.

No, she doesn't need to be the VP to tear Trump apart, but it makes the threat much more potent. There'll be benefits regardless, of course, yes.


After the plagiarized speech, nobody really cares about the convention anymore beyond that. It's dominated the news cycle completely and is all over social media, still, even today.

He won't get a bump. Romney didn't.

If anything, streaming it on Twitch might swing some undecided Bernie voters to decide to vote Hillary. Because it's showing just how ridiculous the idea that Hillary is a closet Republican, or a Conservative, or any of that garbage, is.

All it should do is prove that the GOP isn't united when the convention is completely dead.

And Ryan was terrible... Trump Jr was better


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
She doesn't have to be VP to have her attack Trump.

Warren as VP essentially comes down to exciting the base and increasing turnout and support. Polls suggest she really doesn't bring that support.

I said Trump attacks her, and will moreso if she is VP.
And yeah, a few months ago I thought she was the wrong choice. I was wrong. She might not be the absolutely perfect pick, but she's damn well good enough of one. It's become clear that it's extra important to need an attack dog, plus women get under Trump's skin easily and he hates Warren super duper extra much. He'd literally just sit around, fuming about it and ranting on twitter. He cannot help himself. Since Trump is just going to get progressively more nasty, you might as well try to antagonize him and force mistakes.

I'm in the same boat. I've always liked Warren, but increasingly see how Trump and the GOP are utterly out of control of themselves. We have to use that against them. Provoking them to foam at the mouth over Warren and Hillary is a chance to have them brand themselves as anti-woman for a generation. They just can't help themselves. They want to jump off the cliff so bad; all they need is a tiny bit of help.
I said Trump attacks her, and will moreso if she is VP.

That's a bit short-termed though.

Yeah, Nate Cohn on Twitter thinks the same thing - that Virginia is a done deal. The way he was talking made it sound like he thinks it's pretty much a Lean Blue state from now on. Huge if true.

If Vilsack had more foreign policy experience, IMO it would be a done deal.

He helps in Iowa and PA and has a nice life story that helps in the campaign.
Reports suggest Obama was consulted on the pick as well.


Where's Bernie? Isn't he supposed to be out there doing everything he can? Come on bro.

I wonder what his DNC speech will be like.


Have any of you played around with the paths-to-victory tool on the NYT site? That should stop all diablosing.

If Hillary wins Florida (and I honestly don't see how she doesn't), Trump's only path is sweeping Pa., Iowa, Ohio, Nevada, N. Carolina, Va., New Hampshire, Arizona and Georgia. Lose any one (and is she really going to lose Pa. or Nevada?) and it's over.

Win Pa. and Va.? It's over for Trump, and yet if he wins them both, Hillary still has 203 paths left.

Pa. and Ohio? Done. Well, I guess we know all this... But seeing it integrated in one handy tool really drives home the point.

I also like their aggregrate of aggregates. 538 is so pessimistic!
Oh wow, looking at that Hillary winning Pennsylvania and Virginia makes it impossible for Trump to win by electoral vote, but if he manages to win every other state on that list he'll tie with her.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Where's Bernie? Isn't he supposed to be out there doing everything he can? Come on bro.

I wonder what his DNC speech will be like.
You need to stop. Do you even realize the pure sewage you are spewing directly onto the Internet?

Should Bernie be holding campaign events during the RNC? Are you crazy?
OMG, I can't believe the Trump campaign continues to handle this speech thing so terribly! xD Manafort is getting dragged on CNN right now seven ways to Sunday about why this is important and how blatant it is, but he refuses to crack, still insisting no plagiarism happened, dragging it into another news cycle and continuing to make it a big deal when they should have just sacked some random intern and ended it the instant it got brought up. Just amazing how terrible this campaign is. Amazing. Hillary couldn't have asked for anything better.

Edit: Similarly, it's equally odd that Trump didn't just use this whole thing as an excuse to dump Manafort, especially with how messily he's been handling this and how it kill two birds with one stone as he could have just blamed the whole plagiarism thing on him too and just had it all wrapped up. Just fascinating how much they're fumbling something that should be so simple. This has to involve the Koopalings in some way--there's no other way this makes sense at all.


You need to stop. Do you even realize the pure sewage you are spewing directly onto the Internet?

Should Bernie be holding campaign events during the RNC? Are you crazy?
I'm just saying that he talked the talk but is not necessarily walking the walk. Even pre-RNC.

Sorry for all of the "sewage". I'm not trying to pollute.




One day this past May, Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., reached out to a senior adviser to Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who left the presidential race just a few weeks before. As a candidate, Kasich declared in March that Trump was “really not prepared to be president of the United States,” and the following month he took the highly unusual step of coordinating with his rival Senator Ted Cruz in an effort to deny Trump the nomination. But according to the Kasich adviser (who spoke only under the condition that he not be named), Donald Jr. wanted to make him an offer nonetheless: Did he have any interest in being the most powerful vice president in history?

When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Then what, the adviser asked, would Trump be in charge of?

“Making America great again” was the casual reply.
^LOL. Trump doesn't want to do the hard work. Typical.


David FrumVerified account
Chris Cuomo to Manafort on CNN: “I can’t move on, because you keep lying about it.”
Prediction for the DNC is that Republicans will try as hard as possible to expose someone plagiarising something/anything...

And someone will actually end up doing it :/

Also, is the fart-in still planned by the Bernie delegates?


I'd love to know what some Bernie or Bust people that were saying they were going to vote for Trump or saying they'll protest vote with Jill Stein are thinking now. I want to know if they have been horrified by what they've seen in the last two days. If they still stupidly think Hillary and the Dems are the same as the republicans. If they really want to attach their name and lives and the lives of others to that vile and hate.


I'd love to know what some Bernie or Bust people that were saying they were going to vote for Trump or saying they'll protest vote with Jill Stein are thinking now. I want to know if they have been horrified by what they've seen in the last two days. If they still stupidly think Hillary and the Dems are the same as the republicans. If they really want to attach their name and lives and the lives of others to that vile and hate.

They aren't paying attention to the RNC at all I bet
^LOL. Trump doesn't want to do the hard work. Typical.


lol, I was just about to post it. Finally press not backing down.
What I really wish would happen and would make this absolutely perfect (though I understand will not happen and they're right to have her not get involved and touch this with a 10-foot pole) is have Warren attack Trump over this whole plagiarism thing. Just have her call him a complete coward, who's such a thin-skinned insignificant little man that he can't even owe up to the American people and admit when he or anyone connected to him messes up in any way whatsoever. It would be just so beautiful, and would be the icing on the cake to this whole mess.

Of course, like I said, I fully understand why Clinton herself (regardless of whether she's going to choose her for VP or not) likely told Warren to stay away from this, and it makes perfect sense to make sure that the attempts to pin this on the Clinton campaign look as ridiculous as possible and the optics wouldn't be good besides, but man it would be great if they could let her off her leash for this because there's no way Trump would be able to resist the bait. Ah well.
If Warren attacked him on this he would probably go off script during his acceptance speech and attack her. As it stands he's going to give a boring teleprompter speech most likely.

Edit: all the Bernie or bust people are voting Stein that I know.


I'd love to know what some Bernie or Bust people that were saying they were going to vote for Trump or saying they'll protest vote with Jill Stein are thinking now. I want to know if they have been horrified by what they've seen in the last two days. If they still stupidly think Hillary and the Dems are the same as the republicans. If they really want to attach their name and lives and the lives of others to that vile and hate.

From what I've seen on my Facebook, none of them are paying attention. A few of them are still saying they will write him in in November.
OMG, I can't believe the Trump campaign continues to handle this speech thing so terribly! xD Manafort is getting dragged on CNN right now seven ways to Sunday about why this is important and how blatant it is, but he refuses to crack, still insisting no plagiarism happened, dragging it into another news cycle and continuing to make it a big deal when they should have just sacked some random intern and ended it the instant it got brought up. Just amazing how terrible this campaign is. Amazing. Hillary couldn't have asked for anything better.

Edit: Similarly, it's equally odd that Trump didn't just use this whole thing as an excuse to dump Manafort, especially with how messily he's been handling this and how it kill two birds with one stone as he could have just blamed the whole plagiarism thing on him too and just had it all wrapped up. Just fascinating how much they're fumbling something that should be so simple. This has to involve the Koopalings in some way--there's no other way this makes sense at all.

He'll get rid of him after the convention, not during. It would crazy to get rid of him during the convention and take the news away from it.
Have a good strong hit of hopium, courtesy of anecdotal evidence from yours truly.

1) Woman having a smoke in front of the bar last night: "yeah, well, after watching the convention, I have to vote for Hillary".
2) The most racist Republican that I know in my neighborhood told me yesterday that they are voting for Hillary.
3) The front page of /r/politics doesn't look like crazytown any more.


No Scrubs
Have a good strong hit of hopium, courtesy of anecdotal evidence from yours truly.

1) Woman having a smoke in front of the bar last night: "yeah, well, after watching the convention, I have to vote for Hillary".
2) The most racist Republican that I know in my neighborhood told me yesterday that they are voting for Hillary.
3) The front page of /r/politics doesn't look like crazytown any more.

It was always going to get better, glad to see the GOP's--and Trump's--insanity is doing what we thought it would.


I like to think there is a lot more rational people then irrational.

In threads and everyone else you always see people talking about this and that are going to infalme trump supporters even more.

Shit cuts both ways, it is also going to inflame people to make sure he doesn't get elected. I want every minority to be mad and scared so they vote. You don't don't have to go to rallies or give money just show up in Nov.
I like to think there is a lot more rational people then irrational.

In threads and everyone else you always see people talking about this and that are going to infalme trump supporters even more.

Shit cuts both ways, it is also going to inflame people to make sure he doesn't get elected. I want every minority to be mad and scared so they vote. You don't don't have to go to rallies or give money just show up in Nov.

My hope as well. I cant imagine the large amount of people still undecided or pushing 3rd party are going to be swayed by more talk of Benghazi and emails. Those points have been hammered home pretty well. I dont think you can draw from that well much longer and expect movement from that alone.


The general public didn't care about Benghazi when Romney tried to turn it into a campaign issue hours after it happened. Why would they start caring about it now? It seems like an issue that doesn't resonate with anyone outside of the base.
man the plagiarism story is even more full blown on my Facebook feed than it was yesterday. Everyone is having too much fun with this lol


Unconfirmed Member
Jeb blames Obama for Republican radicalization

Jeb Bush said:
As much as I reject Donald Trump as our party leader, he did not create the political culture of the United States on his own.

Eight years of the divisive tactics of President Obama and his allies have undermined Americans’ faith in politics and government to accomplish anything constructive. The president has wielded his power — while often exceeding his authority — to punish his opponents, legislate from the White House and turn agency rulemaking into a weapon for liberal dogma.

In turn, a few in the Republican Party responded by trying to out-polarize the president, making us seem anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-science, anti-gay, anti-worker and anti-common-sense.

Thanks Obama
Heh, it really is. I mean the comments are still "I hate Hillary" as usual, just now they're "I hate Hillary, but...these guys..."
They're a little less snippy than usual and mostly from Trump trolls, not Bernie people. There has been a noted change there, it's a lot more hostile to Republicans, more than it's been in a year or so.
The general public didn't care about Benghazi when Romney tried to turn it into a campaign issue hours after it happened. Why would they start caring about it now? It seems like an issue that doesn't resonate with anyone outside of the base.

He botched that completely. He didn't wait long enough for everything to settle, he did the speech looking sloppy and unprepared, and then he made a dumb smirk after it was all over, like he believed this was his ticket to the White House. Then he further messed it up with the "Please proceed governor" bait at the debate a few weeks later


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Have a good strong hit of hopium, courtesy of anecdotal evidence from yours truly.

1) Woman having a smoke in front of the bar last night: "yeah, well, after watching the convention, I have to vote for Hillary".
2) The most racist Republican that I know in my neighborhood told me yesterday that they are voting for Hillary.
3) The front page of /r/politics doesn't look like crazytown any more.

Cenk Uygur was also super pissed at the horseshit with Republicans today and is now currently laser focused on destroying Trump.

The RNC will end up helping unify Democrats, I think.

Party of personal responsibility (tm).

Also, Obama was mean to Republicans so obviously they were forced to start calling Mexicans rapists and murderers.


He botched that completely. He didn't wait long enough for everything to settle, he did the speech looking sloppy and unprepared, and then he made a dumb smirk after it was all over, like he believed this was his ticket to the White House. Then he further messed it up with the "Please proceed governor" bait at the debate a few weeks later
That's a good summary. Once the issue was fumbled so badly by Romney, it seems the general public stopped caring. They didn't go see that movie about it. They didn't care when Clinton was grilled over it for hours and nothing new came up. So I'd be surprised if they started caring now.
Have a good strong hit of hopium, courtesy of anecdotal evidence from yours truly.

1) Woman having a smoke in front of the bar last night: "yeah, well, after watching the convention, I have to vote for Hillary".
2) The most racist Republican that I know in my neighborhood told me yesterday that they are voting for Hillary.
3) The front page of /r/politics doesn't look like crazytown any more.

My rural NE Ohio in-laws and their friends are saying similar stuff. They don't love Hillary, but they don't get the hate, either; and Trump seems like a erratic clown leading a party of fear and anger. Kasich not appearing at the convention is a huge signal for them.
I agree that the hatred the RNC spreading is only going to play with their base. Plus, I think it will help to get some more democrats on board after watching THAT dumpster fire.

I mean, it's been two days. Name ONE policy they've put forward. Name one thing they want to do other than MAKE AMERICA AMERICA AGAIN!

It's ridiculous.


Cenk Uygur was also super pissed at the horseshit with Republicans today and is in full on attack mode now.

The RNC will end up helping unify Democrats, I think.

Party of personal responsibility (tm).

It doesn't make any sense. They willingly accepted the position they are in. They put winning elections and giving power to racists and fanatics on top of having core values. Them blaming others is indicative that they will never learn and that this group of inept and xenophobic individuals is now the core of the republican party.
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