That does not appear to be condoning slavery, per se. Instead I see it as a very poorly worded argument that attempts to draw parallels between the justification in banning slavery and outlawing SSM. Here, Lewis is trying to sell the idea that "If it doesn't affect you, why does it matter" is not a valid defense of gay marriage. He ignores that marriage is between consenting adults, of course, and inadvertently reveals how completely irrelevant black people are to him by forgetting to think of the slaves in his comparison.Uhh.... so this guy just won a GoP primary today
edit: beaten, but this deserves a lot of attention
That does not appear to be condoning slavery, per se. Instead I see it as a very poorly worded argument that attempts to draw parallels between the justification in banning slavery and outlawing SSM. Here, Lewis is trying to sell the idea that "If it doesn't affect you, why does it matter" is not a valid defense of gay marriage. He ignores that marriage is between consenting adults, of course, and inadvertently reveals how completely irrelevant black people are to him by forgetting to think of the slaves in his comparison.
So actually, yeah, fuck him.
These are two of the main positions, and the vast majority of Americans, including republicans support them. The problem is the NRA does not. They control the republican voting bloq as well as moderate democrats.Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
Just to explain further as this point can be confusing as it's called the 'gun show loophole,' but there the problem actually goes much further than that. It's actually a private sale loophole, where sales between people online, at gunshows, or in person are not tracked at all for background checks. It's a huge problem.
That's just it though. Boehner Republicans suck. I don't think they deserve brownie points for sucking less than other Republicans.I can live with Paulsen getting re-elected. At least he seems like a normal republican in the Boehner mold.
Lewis? Fuck that. That would be an even bigger embarrassment that Bachmann. Dude is a fucking pro-slavery white nationalist!
The future of America versus the past.That has to be the most polarizing race I've ever seen. A white supremacist loving Republican who thinks outlawing slavery is a Government overreach, against a Democrat who is both a successful businesswomen and a Lesbian with a family of 4. That is going to be an interesting one to keep an eye on, and I hope she wins.
Guys, in light on this 2A bullshit, explain something to me:
Isn't the democrats' position on guns:
1. Folks on terror watchlists should not be sold guns
2. Gun licenses need to be checked even at gun shows
Now, I'm a Democrat-leaning liberal, progressive whatever else the right wing would label me as (I'm also a non-American potential immigrant so the right wing REALLY hate me)
What exactly is wrong with that? All those regulations would do is ensure the wrong people don't get access to guns and everyone else just has to go through a basic check that is what should be done anyway in the first place?
It seems to me the Republicans are exploding the issue into something that doesn't even exist and the people cheering this on are just ignorant and uneducated.
Am I right? Tell me I'm wrong because this is disgusting. Talk about lying to the American people when you yourselves are doing the exact same thing.
That's not entirely true. It may be a state-by-state thing or something specific to the sites my room mate uses and frequents, but a lot of sites now require you ship it to a registered arms dealer and go through the standard wait through them.
Gun laws very massively state by state, or even in specific cities, but generally if you are purchasing a used gun from a person there is no background check. What your roommate may be doing is purchasing a new weapon from a dealer, which would require an FFA.
It is possible your states laws have taken into account from this loophole, but this needs to be pushed forward federally.
Republicans are SCRUBS
The biggest problems facing white people right now are the struggles of poor white women in the South.
The issues of poor white women in the South are: Poverty, drug addiction, mental illness, obesity, self-esteem.
Trump's comments on these issues:
Poverty: "Eliminate the estate tax."
Drug addiction: "Kill Mexicans."
Mental illness: "Depression isn't real, autism is caused by vaccines."
Obesity and self esteem: "Fat women are disgusting losers. Women that get sexually harassed at work are losers. Punish women who get abortions."
Finally, a man looking out for white people.
A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly....
Yet, exclusively White people support him. It's almost like the Electorate has stockholm syndrome or something...
The white people voting for him just hate black people and Muslims as their main issues.
I just get irritated when pundits say that Trump is looking out for white people and that Dems need to start doing that. If you're a poor white woman in the South who is not racist, Trump is offering you the opportunity to make your health insurance more expensive while he belittles you for being fat and ugly. That's it.
The white people voting for him just hate black people and Muslims as their main issues.
I just get irritated when pundits say that Trump is looking out for white people and that Dems need to start doing that. If you're a poor white woman in the South who is not racist, Trump is offering you the opportunity to make your health insurance more expensive while he belittles you for being fat and ugly. That's it.
I called his supporters white supremacists in that other forum and got banned. Glad u agree with me.
Zeddonymous ‏@ZeddRebel 11h11 hours ago
Trump voter: "I like Trump because he says exactly what he means."
Trump: 'Somebody shoot my opponent'
Trump voter: 'He didn't mean that'
Leading libertarian thought leaders argue against Penn State censoring history by removing Joe Paterno Statue.
Leading libertarian thought leaders have finally found an issue of importance to deal with: Penn State’s erasure of history.
Penn State recently removed the statue of child rape advocate Joe Paterno. Joe Paterno was originally honored with a statue for being a good football coach, but the statue was removed after Paterno’s decades of encouragement of child rape was discovered.
“It [removing the statue] was kind of a no-brainer after we discovered that Paterno’s sum total of achievement in life was enabling dozens of children to be raped just to win football games,” an anonymous Penn State staffer, still fearing for his safety, told us. “I mean, he was good at coaching football, but it’s just a game and he let those kids get raped.”
Libertarians have taken another point of view.
“This is erasing history,” said a libertarian man who doesn’t seem to realize that Joe Paterno will only be remembered for allowing children to get raped and will probably be remembered for decades.
“Without this statue for his disturbing fans to worship, people will forget all about what Joe Paterno did,” offered another libertarian man who seemed unaware of the fact that the statue has no reference whatsoever to child rape and wouldn’t seem to help inform future students about Paterno’s willingness to let children be raped.
“I’m glad we finally have people on our side nationally regarding the Joe Paterno statue,” said one Penn State donor. “Let’s just all get back and remember how good Joe Pa was at helping young men grow.”
“I’m totally in favor of restoring the statue,” said a Penn State student who keeps his four year old daughter locked in a dungeon where he rapes her each day. “PC culture has just gone way too far.”
A scrub is a guy who thinks he's fly....
I want to do a satire piece about anti-PC writers, is this good or bad at mocking the people who want statues of John C. Calhoun and Robert E. Lee up and say any other opinion is "censoring history" (TW: Rape and child molestation).
If you want to be a little more subtle, maybe take out libertarian, and just have one of them say something to the effect of "Let the free market decide what he's known for." Good write up otherwise.I want to do a satire piece about anti-PC writers, is this good or bad at mocking the people who want statues of John C. Calhoun and Robert E. Lee up and say any other opinion is "censoring history" (TW: Rape and child molestation).
The white people voting for him just hate black people and Muslims as their main issues.
Wow. All the shouting. CNN is slowly turning into Fox.
It's definitely possible. He might just completely lose it and go off the rails and his family will have an intervention of sorts with him. I'm not saying it will happen but it's possible.Guys, predictit has a question 'Will Trump drop out by August 31st'. Lol.
Wonder how he got that nasty bruised pop knot above his right eye? It's been concealed heavily with make up.This smile is sickening.
Maybe his wife punched him after the way he's been acting lately.Wonder how he got that nasty bruised pop knot above his right eye? It's been concealed heavily with make up.
Because it's roughly what her lead isWhy is FOX 9% Dem biased? I can't find a "explanation" on the site. Do they provide one?
Don't think anyone posted this one...
C+6 in two way, C+4 in four way
Pretty sure the methodology is just Halperin calling the Politico caucus tho
Because it's roughly what her lead is
Is this new e-mail thing that lol Morning Joe was talking about a big deal or a nothing burger and more or less stuff we already knew about? I think upon giving it a quick scan-over it's probably nothing that the Trump campaign will desperately try to make something, but will just blur into all the other e-mail stuff surrounding Clinton and nobody will really care regardless, but I'm not sure. Either way, thank God for Donald Trump's 2nd Amendment comments and his inability to not constantly be putting his foot in his mouth to drown this nonsense out.