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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I think it's pretty bad because it speaks to everything people dislike about her. But like for context the article was published yesterday! Trump's craziness completely buried it.

The e-mails in question don't clearly say anything. This is a conservative group sifting through a bunch of her e-mails to try and find anything incriminating. If this is all they've got, they've got nothing, because there is complete plausible deniability here. They have no way of proving their claims.


Junior Member
To any republican:
I'm sorry i rooted for Trump. I wanted to see y'all fail. I wanted to see your party crumble. You allowed your party to obstruct Obama, a great man who succeeded at his job. I wanted to see you punished.

I'm completely sorry. I never voted for Trump. But this is an unmitigated disaster. He needs to be stopped at all costs.

Now, i want a full repudiation of this troll. Even if it causes some sacrifice for Democrats. This orange demon does not need to be any closer to any office.

I'm not diablosing. I'm just concerned about Trump having any thing more than a 0% chance at winning. One over infinity is too close.

Last night, i had to actively reject any thought of wanting this man killed. It's completely dangerous to think like that, but of any politician, Trump makes that suggestion easier to ponder.

Is there a summary site for Trump's idiocy? I missed the last 48 hours.
Just open any website and move towards the screams of horror.
Wow @ the Hannity "Clinton Health" segment.


Ryan Struyk ‏@ryanstruyk 2h2 hours ago
The last eight national polls:

Bloomberg: D+6
ABC/Post: D+8
McClatchy/Marist: D+15
Fox: D+10
CBS: D+6
CNN: D+9


Is there a summary site for Trump's idiocy? I missed the last 48 hours.
Monday went well, Trump made teleprompter tax policy speech in Detroit where he still managed to say "titties" instead of "cities". But he "did fine" by media standards. From appearance the intervention worked.

Tuesday, Trump suggested that when Hillary gets to pick Supreme Court justices, people won't be able to do anything about it...except for the 2nd Amendment folks, you know, they might be able to do something, I don't know.

There were two bits of bad news for Hillary (Benghazi parents suing her and Orlando shooter's father showing up at her rally), but they've been buried by Trump's casual suggestion that somebody go shoot Hillary or her nominees.


Not to be a "both sides do it" guy, but I hated in 2008 when Dems winked heavily about McCain being old and almost dead and possibly leaving us with Palin.

I just don't think winking that hard at health is a good look. Maybe that's just me, though.
Not to be a "both sides do it" guy, but I hated in 2008 when Dems winked heavily about McCain being old and almost dead and possibly leaving us with Palin.

I just don't think winking that hard at health is a good look. Maybe that's just me, though.

Agreed. I mean, I think that was more about pointing out how freaking scary President Palin as a possibility was, where as this isn't anything to do with Kaine and his suitability for the Whitehouse. This is trying to make you question if Clinton is losing her mind, because really, that's about the only counter you might have to 'Trump isn't mentally fit to be President' is the ole 'But neither is Clinton!'.

But if they want medical records, you just put it back on Trump to release his taxes first. Same with how they handled the speech transcripts and Bernie.

Obviously the easy counter to the McCain statement was 'his mom is still alive and healthy'. The Clinton one... I think rational actors can all see she has all her faculties, and again, the people who believe nonsense like this are all on the anti Clinton bandwagon anyway.

A political cartoon that isn't covered in labels? What necromancy is this?


Not to be a "both sides do it" guy, but I hated in 2008 when Dems winked heavily about McCain being old and almost dead and possibly leaving us with Palin.

I just don't think winking that hard at health is a good look. Maybe that's just me, though.
Yeah, except that was a serious problem. Palin was completely unprepared for one of her only two constitutional responsibilities, and by far the most important one.

No one is saying this because they are terrified of a president Kaine. It's just bizarre shittyness.


It's so infuriating.

Moments after Trump says the comment, his campaign inssues a statement calling his comment an attemp to rally and unite the 2A people = A serious comment

Shortly after SOME of his surrogates start spinning the comment into being a joke or just another example of Trump word-salad = A not serious comment

Why is the MSM not effortlessly ripping this flimsy contradictory shit apart ????!!??


Again, I get the rationale. I understood it then, too. I just don't think it's a good look at the superficial level.


Well, if CNN is any example, today is going to be a pretty strong rebuke of Trump's statement peppered with the brain dead responses by various Trump surrogates. Another news lost by Trump.
It's so infuriating.

Moments after Trump says the comment, his campaign inssues a statement calling his comment an attemp to rally and unite the 2A people = A serious comment

Shortly after SOME of his surrogates start spinning the comment into being a joke or just another example of Trump word-salad = A not serious comment

Why is the MSM not effortlessly ripping this flimsy contradictory shit apart ????!!??

They're starting to.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
So, I have the feeling the "Second Amendment People" is going to be a solid meme for Democrats looking for a new catch-all for "White idiots." And hey, we won't be racist since a Republican said it first! A bit long, but I could go with it. SAPs? If no one wants to run with a meme, we could turn it into a dog whistle term instead and use it ironically on Reddit like true political badasses do.

Havent Trump supporters always been saps?


Considering the money it makes and the audience, I would say it matters.

Trump can lose, but do you think Fox News will change? It's part of the problem.

Murdoch's kids supposedly want to change it. I doubt Rupert Murdoch will be acting CEO for long after the election.
Hillary Clinton is old and could die in office of age-related conditions. Drudge siren.

I think that's fine to consider.

And it's a good thing she chose someone like Kaine.

McCain is still alive today so fears technically unfounded. But a President Palin should have been considered. And it would have been basically what we're getting now with Trump. So terrifying.
Murdoch's kids supposedly want to change it. I doubt Rupert Murdoch will be acting CEO for long after the election.

"There's no desire or need to shift the position that it has in the market," Lachlan Murdoch said in response to a question about Fox News. "It's a very successful business, and we are just undergoing a transition in leadership."


Don't expect a change, O'Reilly isn't moving (maybe retiring) and Hannity won't make that money on another network (although he makes a lot of money on radio).
Not to be a "both sides do it" guy, but I hated in 2008 when Dems winked heavily about McCain being old and almost dead and possibly leaving us with Palin.

I just don't think winking that hard at health is a good look. Maybe that's just me, though.

I think it's fair to look at an older candidate's health.

I don't buy into any stupid conspiracies about Hillary's health, but her being so old is something in the back of my mind. So I have to be comfortable with Kaine leading the country.

It's pretty easy to see just how much being president ages you, just by looking at Obama from 8 years ago.


Hillary Clinton is old and could die in office of age-related conditions. Drudge siren.

I think that's fine to consider.

And it's a good thing she chose someone like Kaine.

McCain is still alive today so fears technically unfounded. But a President Palin should have been considered. And it would have been basically what we're getting now with Trump. So terrifying.

Yeah, that would be fine -- the only problem is Trump is older than Hillary


He released a note from his doctor a few days ago that said, "the healthiest person to ever run for President."

They really don't get that when a statement contains one very clear lie then a rational person will be skeptical of the rest of it. It's okay for him to just be healthy, don't pretend he's healthier than Obama was when he was 23 years younger than Trump is now.
Republican consultant Adrian Gray reports that in his modeling of the race, Hillary Clinton is ahead in 54 Republican-held House districts, while Trump is ahead only in 3 Democratic districts. If this persists, and is bolstered by a Clinton margin over Trump of greater than 8 points, it’s bye-bye House.

Yasssss queen, werk.


If Ds take back the Senate Ginsburg should retire ASAP. When Republicans retake the Senate in 2018, they will refuse to consider any appointments again.
The Republicans will have no control of anything for the next 12-16 years. And only then, if the party has been completely dismantled and reformed.


Yasssss queen, werk.

Hillary better pull all her staff into one room and put the fear of god in them. A flawless campaign from here on out could get us both the Senate and House. But things have been going so smoothly at this point the media will be looking for any error to blow up.

GOP/NeverTrump strategist:

Dan Senor ‏@dansenor 10m10 minutes ago
Had dinner w/friend whose daughter has autism. He said his son asked if 'Trump would make fun of my sister the way he mocked that reporter'



Hillary better pull all her staff into one room and put the fear of god in them. A flawless campaign from here on out could get us both the Senate and House. But things have been going so smoothly at this point the media will be looking for any error to blow up.



Hillary Clinton is old and could die in office of age-related conditions. Drudge siren.

I think that's fine to consider.

And it's a good thing she chose someone like Kaine.

McCain is still alive today so fears technically unfounded. But a President Palin should have been considered. And it would have been basically what we're getting now with Trump. So terrifying.

Yup. Have to be realistic about human mortality and that's a reason the veep pick matters. Pick someone same and you're set
The Republicans will have no control of anything for the next 12-16 years. And only then, if the party has been completely dismantled and reformed.

This is very short-sighted. Rs will definitely have the Senate and House in 2018. And with a decent candidate they could win the presidency in 2020 or 2024.

It's tempting to extrapolate current conditions into the future, but politics doesn't work that way.


This is very short-sighted. Rs will definitely have the Senate and House in 2018. And with a decent candidate they could win the presidency in 2020 or 2024.

It's tempting to extrapolate current conditions into the future, but politics doesn't work that way.
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