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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I will be honest I am not terribly familiar with Asian politics and economy. Would those countries prefer China or the US in terms of influence and power in the region? Naturally I assume they want neither but that's not realistic with two superpowers pushing in.

I only have little information. The US has very good ties with Korea, Japan, Philippines, and Vietnam and those countries and possible some others do not like China much. I would guess they would prefer a strong ally to push China back little. Most of the participants in TPP are close to the US as well and it would make sense to have a close ally to open up trade in Asia.
I think every minority group in America other than Orthodox Jews now hates the GOP or at least Trump, it's impressive honestly.

Voting minority probably, but Trump still has support from the Amish. We had a thread on OT about how they feel God wants Trump because who would want a woman president? LOL quite a few people apparently, Amish.


Could this Foley thing be one of those bullshit things that actually brings down Trump, lol

Ohhhh that's what NAMBLA is, nooooooo

What economic policy concessions might Hillary Clinton offer up to woo Republicans? If her speech Thursday in Warren, Michigan is any indication, the answer is: Nothing.

In her first major economic address since her campaign began actively courting the Republicans turned off by Donald Trump, Clinton made no major pivot to the ideological center.

Instead, Clinton reiterated several of the policy positions she adopted during her primary fight against Bernie Sanders, even while making a direct appeal to Independent voters and Republicans.

Clinton didn't toy with entitlement reform or hint at grand bargains on deficit reduction. Instead, she talked about expanding Social Security, debt-free college, making corporations pay higher taxes, a public option for health care, raising the minimum wage, opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the concentration of wealth in "the top 1 percent."

"I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages -- including the Trans-Pacific Partnership," Clinton said. "I oppose it now, I'll oppose it after the election, and I'll oppose it as president."

It was only a few years that President Obama angered the left by offering to cut Social Security benefits in order to get a deal with Republicans to reduce the deficit. He's since ruled out the idea and progressive activists, as reflected in Clinton's speech, have pushed the Democratic Party decisively in the opposite direction.

Still, by disaggregating Trump from the rest of the GOP, Clinton is trying to have it both ways -- make it safe for Republicans to support her candidacy while keeping liberals in her corner by running on the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.
Bernie continues to be the hilldawgs' favorite whipping boy because he won't campaign forher hard enough/disavow his most crazed supporters hard enough/denounce every stupid thing out of trump's mouth fast enough

Did it ever occur to you that maybe he's eating a bowl of fruity pebbles right now and has no idea about any of this

Given Trump's recent activity, I wouldn't be surprised if he was told to lie low.
Strickland is toast here in Ohio, sadly. Our state has no problems ballot splitting. A million or two people here, minimum, would not think twice about voting for Hillary and Portman.

My mom is one who would probably vote for Portman over Strickland if they didn't have a letter behind their name. Just based on record and overall campaign so far. She understands the need to get as many Dems in as possible, and I'm pretty sure that's the only reason she's voting for Strickland.
You can't really work with the Republicans over their fiscal policy because it's all derived from the Ryan/House GOP tax plan, which is possibly the least popular major plank in their platform. I'm convinced Trump would be doing way better if he had shitcanned that plank from the platform and stuck with his popular stance on entitlement security.

Hillary's form of consensus building is around what's popular, not some kind of midpoint between Democrats and Republicans.


For some reason I thought her tax returns created one of the conspiracy theories out there against her. Can't remember. Definitely remember Bernie making a deal out of it though.

Really? Sanders never released his tax returns past the summary page and caught a decent amount of heat for it. It was interesting to have a year where one person won't release to reveal how little money he has and another to not reveal how much money he has.

Good. I expect her to shift to the middle if elected, assuming dems don't take the House, but in the meantime she shouldn't offer any quarter to republicans.

I'm critical of Hillary Clinton on various fronts but one thing I know for sure is that she has no fantasies about republicans singing songs with her and working with her in exchange for traditional policy concessions. There will be no Clinton 16 equivalent of us trying to become best friends with Olympia Snowe.



Kurt Eichenwald ‏@kurteichenwald 13m13 minutes ago
@Cassbox2020 @KeithOlbermann ...@thedailybeast opened grinder account, walked Olympic village, lured closeted gay athletes, and wrote it.
Any word on when Alaska, Minnesota, and Mississippi will be polled? I'm very curious to see how things are going there, since Trump's lead in Alaska and Mississippi is 5% or less, and Hillary's lead in MN is 5%, but we haven't seen polls for these states in months.
Yeah, there's a thread over on off topic about it. Extremely disgusting as many of the athletes exposed come from countries that have harsh penalties for homosexuality. Worse is they had no real "story" or reason to do it. Real obvious they only did it to out athletes for clicks.
Any word on when Alaska, Minnesota, and Mississippi will be polled? I'm very curious to see how things are going there, since Trump's lead in Alaska and Mississippi is 5% or less, and Hillary's lead in MN is 5%, but we haven't seen polls for these states in months.

The last time the H2H was polled in MN, Hillary was up 13 (4/25-4/27).

More than 75 Republicans have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to spend the party's money on helping secure the Republican majority in the Senate, not on Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The letter, whose signers include former congressmen Gordon Humphrey, Mickey Edwards and Christopher Shays; Bruce Bartlett, a member of President George W. Bush's cabinet; and former RNC staff members said that Trump's campaign will have a "catastrophic impact" on down-ballot races.
"We believe that Donald Trump’s divisiveness, recklessness, incompetence, and record-breaking unpopularity risk turning this election into a Democratic landslide, and only the immediate shift of all available RNC resources to vulnerable Senate and House races will prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck"
My guess is too little, too late. I don't think they can spend money on down-ballot races and counter the effect of Trump. A lot of those being brought down by Trump are in a situation where openly endorsing him kills them and openly not endorsing him kills them. They sit in the middle, which puts an easy target on them for the opposing Democratic candidate. Then you take away any Republican enthusiasm for the presidential candidate, Trump spins deeper into madness with lots of media coverage. He pushes democrats and moderates to the polls and there will be a lot of straight tickets due to the RNC's reluctant support of a mad man.


remember me
Fuck you, Gary Herbert


Some of the things people like about Mr. Trump are his unvarnished comments," Herbert said. "Clearly, what pops into his head and comes out of his mouth are not filtered. People find that refreshing. At the same time, that's off-putting to others."

The governor expressed hope that Trump would mellow over time.

"How you campaign is not necessarily how you govern," the governor said, adding: "All the candidates say things I don't agree with."
My guess is too little, too late. I don't think they can spend money on down-ballot races and counter the effect of Trump. A lot of those being brought down by Trump are in a situation where openly endorsing him kills them and openly not endorsing him kills them. They sit in the middle, which puts an easy target on them for the opposing Democratic candidate. Then you take away any Republican enthusiasm for the presidential candidate, Trump spins deeper into madness with lots of media coverage. He pushes democrats and moderates to the polls and there will be a lot of straight tickets due to the RNC's reluctant support of a mad man.
You know what's really going to resonate with GOP voters? Telling everyone to go vote for Clinton and Republican congressmen after they spent the last year saying she is the devil.


Americans are a fickle bunch. "This week we approve of Hillary, next week, maybe not" Trump has ever so steadily gone down, though (actually no, looks like he had a tiny bump during the convention).

Americans are a fickle bunch. "This week we approve of Hillary, next week, maybe not" Trump has ever so steadily gone down, though.

Yeah, this is in line with pre-convention numbers. Would like to see her nudge up into the 40s, but Trump's numbers are so apocalyptic and have stayed that way, whatever, I guess.
These favorable numbers are so all over the place though. ABC/Wapo and Reuters have it nearly even, others show low 40s, and then there's something like NBC/WSJ who has Trump in the 20s and Clinton in the 30s.

RCP and Pollster averages have Clinton in the low 40s, which seems right.
Strickland doesn't seem so far back that he couldn't turn it around or win in a wave, but yeah, I'm seeing what you guys were saying about him being an especially bad candidate.

Murphy is still good though.
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