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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Yup. Disability. She has Dysautonomia. She was sideswiped by a drunk driver when she was a teenager. Without Medicare, we would be fucked.

That's sucks, glad she's able to get Medicare.

I needed knee surgery when I was in college but my parents didn't have insurance. I applied for temporary Medicaid and thank god it worked. The surgery was more thank 10k, i would have been fucked!


I was watching an old epsiode of Murder She Wrote the other day, and it was set in 80s Russia. And the way way the communist party was respresented reminded me of the GOP. No one would speak out for fear of going against "The Party"
This is an issue for any political group to varying degrees.

There's a few economics issues where left-leaning economists are in an awkward spot if they want to speak out because their POVs don't mesh with liberal preferences or orthodoxy.
Gravis Maine:

Hillary: 46
Trump: 36

Hillary: 43
Trump: 33
Johnson: 10
Stein: 5

Good look with that extra EV.

EDIT: oof, actually, the demos of this are a mess. 66% white, 16% black, 14% Hispanic... that is not Maine.
Just got this email in my inbox from CAH.


Website blurb is pretty funny too. :p
Frequently Asked Questions

What is this?
It’s democracy, baby! Make your voice heard with Cards Against Humanity as we offer two new expansion packs about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Where’s my money going?
The funds that we take in will be split between direct, legal contributions to Hillary Clinton’s PAC, contributions to groups opposing Trump, and get out the vote programs in swing states.
Does the Vote for Trump pack have the same cards as the Trump Bug-out Bag?
Nope. They’re all new cards.
Can I buy more than one?
Orders are limited to three packs each per household.
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This promotion is only available in the United States. If you don’t currently live in the United States, good.
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We’re happy to take more money off your hands. Visit the main store.
Why can’t I buy a pack for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein?
Just skip the middleman and vote for Trump.

I’m mad and I want to tell you about my political views.
Certainly. Please email EntitledWhining@CardsAgainstHumanity.com.


Hillary has always been more Liberal than Obama on social programs . I'm glad that she is returning to her original position on health care.

Bernie supporters who labeled her as Republic-light were hyperboliozing

It's not just Bernie supporters. I had a strong opinion that she was a centrist before this cycle started. Why? I... am not sure where I got the idea from. Because I was judging Bill's old policy with a modern eye?

Was still planning to vote for her because lolgop, but a lot of people have been super negative on Hillary for years and when it's all you see, it adds up.

Wait, this is Neogaf? So Sonic Demands Dr. Robotnik release records of all the animals he's kidnapped over the years to ensure that they are all free. Instead of doing that, most likely because he's still got some animals kept somewhere, Dr. Robotnik tries to change the issue and demands Sonic release how many rings he's collected, without acknowledging or following the original request.

NOW do you understand?

Maybe HUELEN10 would understand this


remember me
At the end of this promotion, Cards Against Humanity will tally up the sales of both packs, and depending on which pack gets more support, we will donate all the money in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

This speech isn't terrible in that he hasn't called for an assassination....but my god it's just terrible. I mean, it's the ramblings of an insane man. He's randomly drowned out by a cough. A COUGH.
Jacob Kornbluh ‏@jacobkornbluh 2m2 minutes ago
Trump promises pastors religion will go way up once he gets elected

And he's doubling down on Obama and Hillary being the founders of ISIS. And they're MVP.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jacob Kornbluh ‏@jacobkornbluh 2m2 minutes ago
Trump promises pastors religion will go way up once he gets elected

And he's doubling down on Obama and Hillary being the founders of ISIS. And they're MVP.

The only way this happens is with forced religious participation, so, that isn't happening.


Jacob Kornbluh ‏@jacobkornbluh 2m2 minutes ago
Trump promises pastors religion will go way up once he gets elected

And he's doubling down on Obama and Hillary being the founders of ISIS. And they're MVP.

He's truly given up on anyone who has two brain cells to rub together. We'll cut taxes! (yay!) And we'll still have more money to spend! (yay!) I'll defeat ISIS! (yay!) Everyone gets a raise! (yay!) Mexicans will all vanish! (yay!) More people in church! (yay!) I can do it all just trust me! (yay!)
Context? Sounds like gibberish

It is gibberish.

He's saying religion is : does an arm movement showing a downward trend:
Once he's elected : does an arm movement showing an upward trend :
Responds "Well, maybe not that much..." : does an arm movement with a slightly less steep upward climb :

He also just told a room full of pastors that he has a bigger heart than most of them, except for maybe one person...but he's better at politicking than he is, so it's okay.
Telling pastors that their faith will only be tolerated under a Trump administration is truly an awful, awful thing to say. Faith and beliefs are way more resilient than governments and institutions.

Total garbage and spoken like a man who's never practiced or believed in a faith in their entire life.
Jacob Kornbluh ‏@jacobkornbluh 2m2 minutes ago
Trump promises pastors religion will go way up once he gets elected

Folks, I'm telling you, if you vote for me you're gonna be so much more physically attractive you won't believe it. People are going to be hitting on you so much, you won't be able to stand it. The action you'll get, I mean, we're losers under Obama, nobody's getting any. That's obamacare, folks, you know, it is just horrible, horrible, for our attractiveness, people can't understand that. I hear, the experts all say it, I mean something's got to change, it has to change. And it will change once I make beauty work for you again, believe me, under a Trump presidency we will get America laid again, it's gonna be great, so great folks.


That's an effective punch in a general election but not a primary. I'm saying that, ideologically, the party just snaps back to Romney after this election and normal GOP voters will actually vote the way they have again. Expect Hillary's coalition to be Obama's minus the white men that are gone but with increased participation to Hispanics. The party will just forget about Trump like a bad dream even if the Democrats try to bring him up again. After all, do the Republicans ever bring up Bush?

Not disagreeing with this. But our ongoing discussion has been about whether the Republican party will be different after this year. I'm arguing GOP reset/snap-back. Marco Robotos and Paul Ryans for everyone.

I don't see that the Ryan primary gives us any reason to believe this. Trump lost Ryan's district. He lost the whole state by over 10 points. Against Ted Cruz.

Yeah, "normal" GOP voters aren't going to keep voting for someone like Trump if they have another Republican to vote for instead. But they didn't do that this time either! He only got 45% of the vote in the primary. This is only a little better than Bernie Sanders did. And for a lot of that it was clear that his main competition was Ted Cruz. But why would that substantial minority not keep voting for Trump-like candidates? Do you think they're going to see Trump go down in flames and decide on strategic grounds to vote for less obviously racist candidates?

I feel like next time around there's nothing that's going to work out differently for a Jeb-like candidate. A large minority wants someone who's willing to be loudly racist. Another large minority just hates anything that looks like the Republican establishment and wants to burn it all down. Only about 25% actually want a Jeb or a Rubio or a Kasich.

This isn't something that Trump did. It's what he proved. Any jackass with enough notoriety to be taken semi-seriously when they announce that they're running now has a recipe for getting a bunch of primary votes. I mean, the Republican primary already featured mostly people who were just trying to promote their books and get jobs at Fox, it's just that before Trump they all figured that the right character to play was optimistic culture warrior.

Meanwhile Ted Cruz isn't going away either, and he draws the votes of the people who really care about conservative principles and are most turned-off by Trump on moral grounds. The problem before was that the Ted Cruz types and the Mike Huckabee types were competing with each other and the people who don't care that much about abortion and gay marriage but who really care about racism didn't have a better option than the Republican establishment candidate. Now the Huckabee types can see that there's an underserved market here.

So how does Jeb 2020 get to 40% of the primary vote?
FWIW the leader of the group which hosts this Pastors and Pews thing has called LGBTQ a Marxist plot.

I assure you that 99% of the people who attend these churches always vote and always vote Republican. There's no gains for Trump to be made here.
This is an issue for any political group to varying degrees.

There's a few economics issues where left-leaning economists are in an awkward spot if they want to speak out because their POVs don't mesh with liberal preferences or orthodoxy.
Corporate taxation and free trade?

It's funny how some on the left ignore these things when they constantly bring up Scandinavian social democracy. Low corporate taxation and unfettered trade are some of the biggest pillars that make the system work.


Isn't the reason these speech-truthers exist is due to Clinton releasing her tax Returns?
It's due to Sanders making it an issue in the primary.
Corporate taxation and free trade?

It's funny how some on the left ignore these things when they constantly bring up Scandinavian social democracy. Low corporate taxation and unfettered trade are some of the biggest pillars that make the system work.
Minimum Wage is another one.
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