ahh this is the reminder i needed to never come back to this place ty
Trump trying to gain the pity vote.
It's almost Trump is doing self-reflection for the first time in his life.
He's unveiling his plan to defeat ISIS tomorrow? That should be great.
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 1h1 hour ago
Trump will use speech to put blame for rise of ISIS at feed of Obama and Clinton dating to 2009, according to invite-only briefing call
Maggie Haberman ‏@maggieNYT 1h1 hour ago
The speech is not expected to include extensive details, but will be the "framework" for future, subset speeches going forward.
ahh this is the reminder i needed to never come back to this place ty
Doesn't seem like that effective of a strategy.
Sure we will get those details later. Yup.
OMG. I love Tim Kaine so much right now.
Tim Kaine doesn't use GPS. He has one of those fucking giant map books that has every major road in the country on them.
Sounds like this will be the low T Teleprompter Trump variant.
It's a joke
Be curious to see if he goes for the Isis founder stuff. And if he can help from tying in the media with that.
Hehe, like that guy or anyone who thinks like him will ever be able to affect the policy levers that determine the direction/existence of the fed in our country.
Let them mill at those windmills. It ain't gonna change a damn thing.
Tim Kaine doesn't use GPS. He has one of those fucking giant map books that has every major road in the country on them.
ahh this is the reminder i needed to never come back to this place ty
Breitbart/Gravis poll has Clinton up 5 in 4-way.
KITV!!!You joke (maybe?), but that's exactly what I've been arguing could flip MS this year. You'll never flip white voters here, but you could appeal to the more religious people if you push not-voting (or someone else) as an option. I've got my whole family voting Constitution this year (and as long as they never find me posting about that, I'll get away with it!).
Obama was the one who hamstrung the DNC by barring lobbyists from making donations - the now infamous "cold shoulder". Maybe Obama should shoulder some (most) of that blame.Yeah and she already lost her job as DNC chair (rightly I think, not for the emails but for overall performance). That said, primarying her at this point seems more like a personal vendetta.
Breitbart/Gravis poll has Clinton up 5 in 4-way.
(my parents used to get me a new rand mcnally road atlas every couple years when we would go on road trips and i'm pretty sure my sense of direction is godlike because of it)
Doesn't seem like that effective of a strategy.
Sure we will get those details later. Yup.
Just saw an astute comment on a right-wing site:
I can tell you one thing about Tim: There’s absolutely no one I’d rather spend time with. He can take any random day and make it more fun, more special, and something you’ll always remember.
When we’re on a road trip, you can count on Tim to turn off the GPS and show you a hidden scenic route (then tell you what’s so historic about it). He’s always ready with a fun piece of trivia or one of his trademark dad jokes, and there’s absolutely nothing he loves more than getting to know new people. When we go to a party or event, he won’t leave until he’s said hello to everyone -- that's just who he is.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
Trump aides, on 40-minute briefing call ahead of his speech, say he ill recommend "three major changes in our policy" on Islamic terrorism.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
Trump will outlay three "pillars" of how he'll change fight on a broad category of terrorism, likening fight to the Cold War era.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
Trump will use speech to put blame for rise of ISIS at feed of Obama and Clinton dating to 2009, according to invite-only briefing call
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
The speech is not expected to include extensive details, but will be the "framework" for future, subset speeches going forward.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
Trump's speech, if aides' description is accurate, will represent a potentially dramatic shift in how the US defines alliances.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
The tighter immigration screen would impose a type of ideology test, as described by a Trump aide, on those seeking entrance to US
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
They would have to show a commitment to what one aide called tolerant pluralism. Both countries cited as hypotheticals were in Middle East.
I'm really going to miss your thoughtful and productive contributions.
I hate Twitter's format
I hate Twitter's format
Hail Mary double down on crazy foreign policy and immigration policy.I hate Twitter's format
They would have to show a commitment to what one aide called tolerant pluralism.
You're really aggressive today huh.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
RE ideological test, the concept is having a tougher immigration questionnaire that would test whether immigrants support US values of 1/
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
2/a tolerant society built on pluralism. Effort to move this away from "Muslim" word but makes it broader.
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
RE ideological test, the concept is having a tougher immigration questionnaire that would test whether immigrants support US values of 1/
Maggie Haberman@maggieNYT
2/a tolerant society built on pluralism. Effort to move this away from "Muslim" word but makes it broader.
Manafort's got a little distraction
.Handwritten ledgers show $12.7 million in undisclosed cash payments designated for Mr. Manafort from Mr. Yanukovychs pro-Russian political party from 2007 to 2012, according to Ukraines newly formed National Anti-Corruption Bureau. Investigators assert that the disbursements were part of an illegal off-the-books system whose recipients also included election officials.
In addition, criminal prosecutors are investigating a group of offshore shell companies that helped members of Mr. Yanukovychs inner circle finance their lavish lifestyles, including a palatial presidential residence with a private zoo, golf course and tennis court. Among the hundreds of murky transactions these companies engaged in was an $18 million deal to sell Ukrainian cable television assets to a partnership put together by Mr. Manafort and a Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, a close ally of President Vladimir V. Putin.