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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
To test Canova's knowledge of South Florida, debate moderator Jim DeFede asked Canova if he knew the name of the mayor of Southwest Ranches, in the heart of the district he's seeking to represent. Southwest Ranches was the location of a now canceled immigration detention center, an issue Canova has used to criticize Wasserman Schultz.

"I'm not going to play that game," Canova said, before conceding he didn't know.

Wasserman Schultz interrupted. "Jeff Nelson. He's also the assistant principal of Cypress Bay High School."

omg this sounds like the best debate ever.

Yep. This isn't past decades where split ticket voting could result in landslides at the Presidential level and the losing party still dominating downticket. The RNC should be trying to prop up Trump as much as possible, not cut him loose.

Aren't they worried about him basically ruining their messaging to minority groups for the next 30 years?
According to reddit, local news in Florida is ripping Canova apart because he couldn't name the mayor of the area he wants to represent. Debby knew the man's name and his profession before he was mayor.

Time and again Canova missed opportunities to press his case against Wasserman Schultz. Given the fairly easy question on how he would attempt to pass a $15 an hour federal minimum wage, Canova spoke briefly about building a coalition with labor and then seemed stymied, before finally turning to DeFede, the moderator, and asking: “You tell me how do we get to $15 an hour minimum wage?”

Without missing a beat, Wasserman Schultz jumped in: “I’d be happy to tell you.”

In another exchange, Canova was asked to “make the case” as to why he believes Wasserman Schultz was out of touch with her community and too beholden to special interests.

However, rather than connect the dots between Wasserman Schultz’s campaign donors and votes she’s taken to benefit them, Canova cited a recent 60 Minutes story about how members of Congress spend as much as 30 hours a week seeking campaign contributions.
Debbie is going to cruise (seriously the district went what, 70% for Hilldawg?). You get to keep your job as Honorary Chairwoman of Poligaf.
Phew. The next time someone in here talks about the amazing convention that happened last month, I better hear a collective "Thanks Debbie!" from everyone. In song.


No Scrubs
omg this sounds like the best debate ever.

Aren't they worried about him basically ruining their messaging to minority groups for the next 30 years?

Holy motherfucking shit, they have got to put this up on YouTube. I need to watch this later.
Aren't they worried about him basically ruining their messaging to minority groups for the next 30 years?

I think it's too late to change that. They're worried now because he's getting slaughtered in the polls and he will inevitably drag other Rs down with him. But "stabbing him in the back" to redirect some funds towards other races doesn't sound like much of a solution, nor does Evan McMullin, the unknown who will be on 5 state ballots.


On TV debate, Canova and Wasserman Schultz clash over Middle East
At one point, DeFede asked Canova — who has lived in Hollywood for about four years — to identify the mayor of Southwest Ranches, a tiny town in the district. When he declined, Wasserman Schultz interjected that the mayor is Jeff Nelson, who she added is also the assistant principal at Cypress Bay High School in Weston.

But the two Democrats agreed on many issues such as abortion rights, equal pay for women, immigration reform and raising the minimum wage.
The race has become one of the most testy primaries. That tension was evident throughout the debate Sunday. At one point, Canova said, “May I interject?” Wasserman Schultz shot back: “No, you may not!”
Yep. This isn't past decades where split ticket voting could result in landslides at the Presidential level and the losing party still dominating downticket. The RNC should be trying to prop up Trump as much as possible, not cut him loose.
Exaaaaactly. That's why I've pioneered a new strategy for the new partisan era of politics called "Keep In The Vote". The idea is to shame Republicans for their candidate so much that they simply don't show up to the polls. House, here we come.


According to reddit, local news in Florida is ripping Canova apart because he couldn't name the mayor of the area he wants to represent. Debby knew the man's name and his profession before he was mayor.

How do you not know that?

I don't know much about Canova. Is he actually local, or did he just show up to try to stick it to Debbie? 'Cause that's sad.
I don't know anything about Tim Canova because, again, I'm not from Florida, but the footage of the debate that I'm watching on this site looks like it was a who-loves-Israel-more-a-thon, which is surprising to me.


They hate each other so much!


It's not a surprising strategy for anyone uber familiar with that district. Debbie will win comfortably, I think. She's popular in her district, she has the backing of the party, and the people that vote in primaries tend to skew more towards her demographic than whatever demo Canova

Have any of the Berniecrats or whatever they call themselves successfully primaried a sitting Democrat?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
How do you not know that?

I don't know much about Canova. Is he actually local, or did he just show up to try to stick it to Debbie? 'Cause that's sad.

The article says he's lived there 7 years off and on since the 1990s.


Top 5 Zelda games are Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time and Oracle of Ages/Seasons.

Adam don't reply to this post as you will only embarrass yourself further.

This is an excellent list. The Oracle games are especially underrated in my opinion. <3

A Link Between Worlds was very close to being incredible, but having to rent out every weapon ended up limiting what it could have been in my opinion. I understand why this was done in an attempt to make Rupees more valuable, but it ended up causing most dungeons to only really use one weapon which disappointed me. I still greatly enjoyed the game and think it is excellent, but it feels like there was definitely some missed potential there - potential that I see Breath of the Wild truly exploring using A Link Between World's as a valuable lesson.
Okay, that Triumph video has to be fake, right? I REFUSE to believe that someone said that lowering the IQ of the Chinese by poisoning them is a viable means by which to compete with them

EDIT: As for Zelda ranking? A Link to the Past > Majora's Mask > Link's Awakening > The Wind Waker > The Minish Cap
By appealing to the old NY Jews

And that's about as stupid as you can get if your opponent is DWS. Like, that's her bread and butter right there. You know, considering she's the first Jewish woman from Florida ever elected to Congress...and she's from New York originally.


Okay, that Triumph video has to be fake, right? I REFUSE to believe that someone said that lowering the IQ of the Chinese by poisoning them is a viable means by which to compete with them

EDIT: As for Zelda ranking? A Link to the Past > Majora's Mask > Link's Awakening > The Wind Waker > The Minish Cap

which vid?
Exaaaaactly. That's why I've pioneered a new strategy for the new partisan era of politics called "Keep In The Vote". The idea is to shame Republicans for their candidate so much that they simply don't show up to the polls. House, here we come.

You joke (maybe?), but that's exactly what I've been arguing could flip MS this year. You'll never flip white voters here, but you could appeal to the more religious people if you push not-voting (or someone else) as an option. I've got my whole family voting Constitution this year (and as long as they never find me posting about that, I'll get away with it!).


The Autumn Wind
Everyone here knows I'm hardly a fan of DWS. I don't think she did a very good job as DNC chair and democrats lost a lot of state and local races under her watch. That said, Canova seems to be running just to push her out and he seems wholly unqualified and unprepared for the job. This is how the Republican Party went to hell with regards to the Tea Party. No thank you.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Everyone here knows I'm hardly a fan of DWS. I don't think she did a very good job as DNC chair and democrats lost a lot of state and local races under her watch. That said, Canova seems to be running just to push her out and he seems wholly unqualified and unprepared for the job. This is how the Republican Party went to hell with regards to the Tea Party. No thank you.

Everyone here knows I'm hardly a fan of DWS. I don't think she did a very good job as DNC chair and democrats lost a lot of state and local races under her watch. That said, Canova seems to be running just to push her out and he seems wholly unqualified and unprepared for the job. This is how the Republican Party went to hell with regards to the Tea Party. No thank you.

This was the most infuriating part of the "Berniecrat" thing to me. None of these people really targeted swing districts with a sitting Republican Congressperson. Instead, they targeted Safe-Dem districts, typically (and I believe this was mostly accidental) represented by women. Which...was indicative of the entire problem regarding not reaching out to people who maybe don't think like you.

The new Sanders Revolution reddit is dead, which makes me sad. They did some impressive work calling during the primaries. It's a shame that's mostly going to waste.

Adam --

I'm Anne Holton, and I've been married to Tim Kaine for more than 30 years -- I'm so pleased to meet you.

I can tell you one thing about Tim: There’s absolutely no one I’d rather spend time with. He can take any random day and make it more fun, more special, and something you’ll always remember.

When we’re on a road trip, you can count on Tim to turn off the GPS and show you a hidden scenic route (then tell you what’s so historic about it). He’s always ready with a fun piece of trivia or one of his trademark dad jokes, and there’s absolutely nothing he loves more than getting to know new people. When we go to a party or event, he won’t leave until he’s said hello to everyone -- that's just who he is.

I know he’s really excited to meet you, especially since you’re one of Hillary’s best supporters. I think it's great that if you sign up to volunteer, the campaign may fly you and a guest out to meet Tim on the campaign trail. And I know you will have the best time together -- you’d better hurry and get your name in for a chance to win!

OMG. I love Tim Kaine so much right now.

Tim Kaine doesn't use GPS. He has one of those fucking giant map books that has every major road in the country on them.


Everyone here knows I'm hardly a fan of DWS. I don't think she did a very good job as DNC chair and democrats lost a lot of state and local races under her watch. That said, Canova seems to be running just to push her out and he seems wholly unqualified and unprepared for the job. This is how the Republican Party went to hell with regards to the Tea Party. No thank you.

Yeah and she already lost her job as DNC chair (rightly I think, not for the emails but for overall performance). That said, primarying her at this point seems more like a personal vendetta.


This is an excellent list. The Oracle games are especially underrated in my opinion. <3
I know. Better than adam's mess of a list.

These next 80 days are going to be pure torture. Every imaginable event is a bail out card for Trump. Police ambushes, terrorism, general unrest, and anything else he could exploit. If he bumbles his way through a debate and gets the benefit of low expectations too.

Then you got threats by wikileaks hanging over everyone's heads. The only world event that doesn't help Trump is a right wing nut attacking a black church or abortion clinic.

I know huffpost hates dude, but ouch


This pic make the whole family look like Madame Tussauds wax statues

“Trump doesn’t take advice from anyone. Ever. That won’t change. He is who he is. He won’t reset because he can’t,” Schwartz tweeted on Aug. 3. “Never thought I’d say this: Trump is worse today &#8213; harsher, more erratic, more grandiose &#8213; than when I first met him. And he was bad then.”

These next 80 days are going to be pure torture. Every imaginable event is a bail out card for Trump. Police ambushes, terrorism, general unrest, and anything else he could exploit. If he bumbles his way through a debate and gets the benefit of low expectations too.

Then you got threats by wikileaks hanging over everyone's heads. The only world event that doesn't help Trump is a right wing nut attacking a black church or abortion clinic.

Trump took the Orlando attack and started calling Obama a terrorist sympathizer and got no bump out of it.

This is over, Trump is going to just get more unhinged and will lose easily.

I have always been the same person-remain true to self.The media wants me to change but it would be very dishonest to supporters to do so!
It's almost Trump is doing self-reflection for the first time in his life.
These next 80 days are going to be pure torture. Every imaginable event is a bail out card for Trump. Police ambushes, terrorism, general unrest, and anything else he could exploit. If he bumbles his way through a debate and gets the benefit of low expectations too.

Then you got threats by wikileaks hanging over everyone's heads. The only world event that doesn't help Trump is a right wing nut attacking a black church or abortion clinic.

The Presidential race is over, those things only matter in how they'll affect the margin and downticket races.


Donald J. Trump &#8207;@realDonaldTrump 20s20 seconds ago
"Stay on message" is the chant. I always do - trade, jobs, military, vets, 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, etc - but media misrepresents!

OMG you don't tweet that people ar0e telling you to stay on message you shit stain.
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