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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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I can understand the frustration of people in Maine when a lot of their problems are spillover from other states where they have no control and no ability to fix things. Blaming it on minorities seems like a way for their to give the problem a concrete face to rally against (in about the worst and self-defeating way possible.)

Props to the man who brought up the question at the town hall and got LePage to go all-in on this, though.

I would like to see that binder of his. I live in Maine and every time I open the newspaper, I see a whole lot of white people getting busted for dealing, or running a meth lab in their house or some shit like that. (I even had a childhood friend that went to jail for it last year).

Also, it sure as shit isn't Black and Hispanic people demanding to be supplied.


aka andydumi
Hasn't it ever occurred to these people that they donated to the Clinton Foundation because they knew the Clintons and not the other way around, i.e., they only knew the Clintons because they donated to the Foundation?


Right there, the accusation that other charities and organizations donated to the Foundation because of future influence peddling, starts to unravel.

In speaking with conservatives here in the South, this is not at all the mindset when it comes to charity. Charity giving seems to be in two broad categories, church and church related, and political related, both are to get access or influence or further "your guy".

There is no concept of having a non-religious charity do social or health related work like HIV work in Africa. Here, social work involving Africa means church related mission trips, even if they have a medical or social scope. Or other religious associations even if social. Food banks, Red Cross, Salvation Army, religious affiliated hospitals, all have "our" religion at the core even when they do work in Africa or wherever.

As a result any charity that is not religious, must be political in scope. When you connect it to the most prominent Democratic family in the recent past, it's even more of a political thing. It's a sad reality for many if not most.
Firstly, just to be clear, I had an egg and doughnut today. It's not a combined dish. You just put them both on your plate and eat it with the yolk getting on the doughnut. Okay? Secondly, I'm too boring to troll people.

Wait, if you think the past 8 days were BAD for Trump, I don't know what to tell you. CNN had NC with a Clinton lead of 9 points a couple weeks ago. It's not at just 1 or 2 points.

This is not how polling works! Marist had a poll with her up 9 in NC, while another company, that was in the field at the same time, had her up by 2. The Marist poll was obviously an outlier. You can't just say "On Monday, CNN/ORC had her up by 9, and on Tuesday, IPSOS has her up by 4, OMG she lost 5 points in a day! That's...that's not how this works.

Also, some of y'all...come on. You want her to give a good answer on the emails. She does...then you panic that it's not what she should have said, even though it's exactly what she should have said!

I don't understand this call for her to be reactionary to every little thing Trump says and does. Okay, so he spent the last week not setting his own dick on fire. That doesn't mean we light our hair on fire and run around screaming OMG. There's room to critique strategy, sure, but to complain when she doesn't do something and then double down on the complaining/worrying when she does do the thing she was just criticized for not doing is tiring.

Like, this immigration flip flop is so stupid. The media is sniffing around the edges, and once he actually decides what his opinion is, they'll hit the surrogates with it. He is not a skilled enough politician to flip easily....because he'll never admit to a shift in position.
Adam may have been too charitable by calling Mario 64 merely "overrated" instead of "a bad game," but he's correct about apple pie and cheese being delicious. Preferably as sharp a cheddar as you can find.
Agreed. Loved 64 as a kid, but the older I get, the more trash I realize it was. Just look at Lethal Lava Land! 8 red coins just sitting out in the open, another star right next to it that only involves beating up one Bully, and then another star on a tiny island right to the right that involves doing the exact same thing, but just with more Bullies. All within the same tiny area!

And even in later courses like Tall Tall Mountain you have the same problem with 3 Stars that all amount to climbing the mountain (top of the mountain/catching the monkey/waterfall star). For a game that's supposed to be about "exploration" they sure don't encourage much actual exploration (not that there's anything worth finding or exploring in the first place other than coins). ;)

3D World and it's focus on actual platforming >>>>>>>> pseduo-exploration coin collecting simulator trash. Mess.

Crying profiling is just mental gymnastics to avoid the obvious fact that only black and Hispanic people commit crimes. Paul LePage has proved it in his binder. Sorry to trigger you, you PC-clown. We will never get anything done until we admit the problem is these colored people poisoning our state.

Like most of the state, I truly despise Paul LePage and wish he would resign and die.
I still love the segment on the Rachel Maddow show where she finally hears back on her freedom of information act request and showed a huge stack of paper calling for his resignation which is what took the request so long to be processed, and can't help thinking of it whenver I hear LePage's name now:


That was a NBC/Marist poll and nice cherry picking

Thank you for saying this so I didn't have to.

Guys, in one outlier poll from a different company, she was way up. This newest poll is in line with the average of +1 to +2 from the last several polls, so things have remained the same. Ergo, Hillary is screwed.


Repeated fiasco.

Maine used to be a certifiably independent state. We had three-way races frequently and independents running so regularly was one of the more celebrated aspects of our state politics. We were truly a nonpartisan state - or so it seemed. Nobody cared that Susan Collins was republican, they just liked Susan Collins. It was like that forever.

Thanks to political polarization, all the conservatives flocked to their one candidate while all the moderates and progressives split between two. Paul LePage famously won his governer seat with only 39% of the vote. Blue bumper stickers that said "61%" were very common, since 61% of the state voted against Paul LePage, but he still gets to be Governer.

For his re-election, there was a well-like independent named Eliot Cutler who had a lot of young-voter support. But he was not going to win - he didn't have the numbers. He refused to concede and endorse the democratic candidate, a still-liked candidate named Michaud, out of pride or stupidity or something. He handed LePage the re-election all over again.

Basically, Maine proves three-party politics is unsustainable and will always tip in the favor of extremists.
Jesus christ sounds like the plot for a 90s John Goodman vehicle
Clinton just gave a much better answer on the emails

Basically said every time she's tried to explain it sounds like she is making excuses. She makes no excuses and it was her decision alone and takes responsibility
email answer

I know I'm way behind in this thread, but FINALLY.

Rum is gross
Easily adam's best opinion.


Two hot takes today.

Hot take 1: the Clinton Foundation stuff proves the effectiveness of corruption in getting marginal or actively bad actors to help achieve actually good policy goals by promising them lagniappe. In this way it's very much like how banning earmarks made Congress much less effective by making it harder to logroll difficult bills. Somebody needs to stand up and make the affirmative case for bribery as a tool for good.

Hot take 2: Both cheese on pie and egg on donut are wrong for me, but they're wrong within normal parameters. Neither is particularly weird in the context of American cuisine, such as it is. People are just memeing adam's food choices.


Two hot takes today.

Hot take 1: the Clinton Foundation stuff proves the effectiveness of corruption in getting marginal or actively bad actors to help achieve actually good policy goals by promising them lagniappe. In this way it's very much like how banning earmarks made Congress much less effective by making it harder to logroll difficult bills. Somebody needs to stand up and make the affirmative case for bribery as a tool for good.

Hot take 2: Both cheese on pie and egg on donut are wrong for me, but they're wrong within normal parameters. Neither is particularly weird in the context of American cuisine, such as it is. People are just memeing adam's food choices.
Pigeon dropping them truth bombs.

I'd totally try egg on donut.
Haven't his approval ratings already fallen significantly? And it's a mid-term election in Appalachia that is undergoing the same process the South did in the 90s of realigning their local politics with how they vote in Presidential elections.
They're gonna vote in a dem this year as gov
Meta question: How come my text isn't green when people quote me anymore? MobileGAF 100% of the time, so I'm not sure if it's a desktop problem too.

Sometimes it's green, sometimes it's not. The inconsistency is really ruining my quality of life. Kind of hard to justify waking up every morning now knowing my quoted posts aren't green. :/
Two hot takes today.

Hot take 1: the Clinton Foundation stuff proves the effectiveness of corruption in getting marginal or actively bad actors to help achieve actually good policy goals by promising them lagniappe. In this way it's very much like how banning earmarks made Congress much less effective by making it harder to logroll difficult bills. Somebody needs to stand up and make the affirmative case for bribery as a tool for good.

Hot take 2: Both cheese on pie and egg on donut are wrong for me, but they're wrong within normal parameters. Neither is particularly weird in the context of American cuisine, such as it is. People are just memeing adam's food choices.

Precisely. Although I had to look up lagniappe.


Trump's Ctrl-Alt-Pivot reaks of flip-floponomics and there's no foundation on earth that will soften the trumpster fire we're seeing in the polls.

E-mail that in.


Two hot takes today.

Hot take 1: the Clinton Foundation stuff proves the effectiveness of corruption in getting marginal or actively bad actors to help achieve actually good policy goals by promising them lagniappe. In this way it's very much like how banning earmarks made Congress much less effective by making it harder to logroll difficult bills. Somebody needs to stand up and make the affirmative case for bribery as a tool for good.

Hot take 2: Both cheese on pie and egg on donut are wrong for me, but they're wrong within normal parameters. Neither is particularly weird in the context of American cuisine, such as it is. People are just memeing adam's food choices.

Agree on both points, specifically the earmark statement.


I would like to see that binder of his. I live in Maine and every time I open the newspaper, I see a whole lot of white people getting busted for dealing, or running a meth lab in their house or some shit like that. (I even had a childhood friend that went to jail for it last year).

Also, it sure as shit isn't Black and Hispanic people demanding to be supplied.

Well, demand is a separate problem (and one they actually have the ability to address, and sadly don't seem to—hence how we've let stuff like the opioid addiction problems spiral out of control.)

Even excluding racial profiling, I have no doubt a disproportionate amount of offenders are minorities—and I don't see how that's shocking, as they're disproportionately disadvantaged economically. But it's easier to just intimate they're predisposed to crime rather than looking to reduce that gap. In that way LePage is like a lot of public officials in that it's much more about putting things out of sight and mind than it is fixing them.
Not quite the pigeon strategy.

To be fair he admitted to being prejudiced and wanted to learn ways to improve. I have all the sympathy un the world for those people because they were brought up in an environment that caused there prejudoce. Forany Trump supporters they don't want to even admit there is any problem whatsoever.
I watched the Chronicles of Nadiya last night. It's a new English TV show about a popular contestant from a baking show. She's a muslim, yet still won over the hearts and minds of the British people by just being genuinely humble and human and identifiable no matter her religion. She was a person first. She wasn't just a hijab and a bunch of stereotypes.

So this year, when that baking show came back the BBC launched a new series at the same time, where Nadiya travels to the country of her parents, Bangladesh, and travels around it, to learn more about her roots. In the first episode she visits her families village and the neighboring city (the only parts of Bangladesh she has previously been to).

I mention this in the context of poligaf, because America needs something just like Nadiya and this TV show. It isn't preachy, but it's educational as shit about the differences and similarities of such cultures. She talks about being an immigrant not really sure if she's British or Bangladeshi. She talks about the importance of her religion.

But more than anything, this all just feels *normal*. As different as that culture is, it was contextualized in way that really conveyed how normal it was.

Plus she cooked a bunch of delicious looking food, which is kind of her thing.

France also needs to watch this show or have something like it.

You cannot *other* Nadiya. You just can't. She is us.

I feel strongly about muslims because I went to school with them. I've shared apartments with them. I've lived in a community that had more muslims than christians. The lies that proliferate about them here and in places like France anger me immensely. The ban on so called burkinis is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen.

If you can't see the individual underneath the head scarf, then you have a fucking problem.

Donald Trump needs to lose. He needs to be defeated. Muslims need to be seen and treated the same as anybody else. Because they fucking are.

Ehem. Rant over.
Milk + cookies = Okay.
Pie + cream = Okay.
Pie + milk = WRONG BAD.

Explain this to me.

Cookies are dry, so they benefit from milk. Pie crust should be flaky and buttery, and pouring milk on a good pie crust just makes it gummy, which is a terrible thing to do given the work that goes into making it properly flaky. Plus a pie crust is already paired with a moist, possibly juicy filling. Pouring milk on it is a concession that the crust is too dry or not rich enough.

I never put ice cream on pie. Maybe on the side, but it is unnecessary if the pie is really good. If your crust is too dry and you need something to balance that, put some whipped cream on it, not milk. Or just have a glass of milk with it. I say this because the noble tree of Ohio's pie traditions must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of pie heretics.
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