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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Speaking of The Boxcar Children, my mom was Gertrude Chandler Warner's assistant.

Cool (?) story.

I own like thirty of those books, mostly before they began to be ghostwritten, and I plan to read them to my someday children, so...yes, that is pretty fuckin' cool, actually.


None of those really matter to him. They're details and margins and largely locked. The damage is done with Hispanics and the alt-right is relatively small in the grand scheme.

This is the same thing as his minority outreach. It's about educated whites and mainstream Republicans feeling better about him. An appeal that he's not a heartless bigot.

Here's the thing though: anything he does, works for him. His cult fanbase isn't gonna not vote for him because he has 1)turned them 100% against Hillary Clinton and 2)they see whatever he says as the word of God.

So yes, the minority outreach and softening on hardline policies might seem like pandering to minorities but the fact that it isn't that, and is merely a play to get moderate and women votes will probably work in his favor to some extent.


So orange turd accuses Clinton of only caring about black and minority votes when this douchebag didn't give a damn about reaching out to them until he was way down on the polls. The level of projection this pissed on manure uses is unprecedented. I hope he becomes a forgotten footprint of humanity but if he is to be remembered his name should be synonymous to shit.


force push the doodoo rock
I can't believe Trump brought this asshole from The UK to speak at a fucking rally. And Kellyanne looked like shit on Maddow's show.

Was just watching this during lunch and man the minute you start asking any sort of questions to one of Trumps people it's like "uh please can we talk about something else"


So orange turd accuses Clinton of only caring about black and minority votes when this douchebag didn't give a damn about reaching out to them until he was way down on the polls. The level of projection this pissed on manure uses is unprecedented. I hope he becomes a forgotten footprint of humanity but if he is to be remembered his name should be synonymous to shit.

I think that's the attack the Clinton camp will focus on and Hillary alluded to that in last night's CNN interview, about how his new team told him about the polls and he had no choice.
Adam is gross. Milk and cheese on an apple pie. What a mess. Big fat mistake.

I swear to god this is a thing people do.
I didn't see this picture until now. It makes me want to vomit. Which would look more appetising.
Who the fuck is Dinesh D'Souza?

A guy who wrote a widely distributed (I saw it at the Kroger checkout lines) documentary that predicted what would happen by now if Obama won the 2012 election.

1) Gas would be over six dollars a gallon.
2) Unemployment would be over 8%.
3) The stock market would crash.
4) The economy would completely tank.

And now he's making more documentaries.


I made a thread about the Trump/Giuliani-in-drag motorboating in the OT:

Here is the clip from Colbert:


Here is the YouTube clip he's referring to:


Giuliani said in an interview on TV recently that people should Google "Hillary Clinton Health" and watch the videos as proof about Clinton's health problems.

As expected, Colbert turns Giuliani's advice back on him.

From People magazine: http://www.people.com/article/donald-trump-motorboats-rudy-giuliani-in-drag

The skit, which was recorded for 2000's Inner Circle Show – an annual event put on by media to poke fun at the N.Y.C. mayor and other local political figures – included Trump flirting with Giuliani as he wore a wig and dress.

"You know, you're really beautiful," Trump said to Giuliani as he tried on perfume at a department store counter. After Trump got closer to smell Giuliani's neck, the then-mayor sprayed a scent on his chest area. Trump went in for a whiff, pushing his face in between Giuliani's fake breasts.

I didn't know a Banana and Mayo sandwich was a thing but a curious google search reveals how wide spread it is. I'm all for an open mind but some of this stuff is a step too far. Also I should mention that article putting peas in guacamole.

Now far as the presidential race. I really don't trust the public. So many are voting and/or supporting candidates for the wrong reasons, I feel like I'm lucky that things are turning towards my side. I think Trump needs to keep under performing, too much is at stake for a loss here by Hillary. Third party support is still too high for my liking. So many want to be belligerent and are looking somebody tell them it's ok to act on it.


Why is this a thing? I mean, it's funny. But other than that, what is the takeaway?

Viewed in isolation, it means pretty much nothing.

Viewed in the context of this election, Rudy's current role as a "Trump surrogate", and Rudy's own statement implying "whatever you find on Google is real", you can appreciate the absurdity of it all.


I go to sleep early and awaken to find Trump flip-flopping, Hillary finally nailing an email response, 99L still making us guess, MN Trump ballot fuckery, Coulter upset.. and this thread turning into a weird episode of Fear Factor.

Husband bought a bottle of port for Election Night a few months ago. It's been sitting in the cooler for a while, but he won't tell me how much he spent.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So tell me if I understand the current Trump-immigration situation correctly:

1. if he sticks to the hardline build-the-wall, deport-all-illegals stance, he risks the Hispanic vote

2. if he backs immigration reform, he loses the alt-right vote.

If that's true, its quite a hole he's dug up for himself.

He won't lose the alt-right vote no matter what he says. The best campaign move for him is to court Hispanics.
Trump +1 H2H/+3 4-way in FL Chamber of Commerce poll (yeah).


David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe 7h7 hours ago
Each day of this campaign seems big and interesting and crazy but ultimately least suspenseful race since 1984. Forest and trees situation

I swear to god this is a thing people do.

It's the sweet and savory thing. Like when you have a sausage biscuit and you put jelly on it? Or when you have fried eggs and you mash them into a doughnut or add a spoon full of apple butter to them. It's just the combination of flavors.

Adam, I work for a gourmet food company. We are the most awarded specialty food company in America. We pride ourselves on our unique and unusual flavors such as Red Pepper Jelly, Roasted Garlic Onion Jam, Honey Orange Balsamic, and Maple Chipotle.

The flavors you so love are horrific to me. These are things aliens would eat as they tried to blend in with humans, unaware of the stares they're receiving as they mash an egg into a doughnut. Of course, I know you are not the first person to put cheese on apple pie. I know these things have regional appeal. But these are the kind of delicacies I would create in my poor family's kitchen when I was nine, hungry, and home alone.

I had no choice but to eat a rolled up slice of Bologna and an Oreo Pop Tart stick. But you have a choice.

None of us would be here if we didn't love you. We want to help you. Yes, this is an intervention, but this isn't about ending. This is a new beginning. This is how we heal.

Please put down the milk-covered pie and come to Jesus.


I don't get the Coulter thing. Bannon was with her at this book signing and he is advising Trump now. Wouldn't she have known? Shouldn't she have been told that on the day of her book release/signing that Trump was about to reverse course?

How does that even happen when the campaign manager is right there?
So Trump hires Bannon and then turns on the one group he couldn't afford to turn on. I have no idea what's going on. Bannon is notoriously anti immigration and withdrew support for Cruz because he dared show some compassion to people who live right on the border. Now he's supporting a candidate who is peddling amnesty.


Gaf I wan't to call bullshit on something I keep hearing on the news about Hilary and press conferences. I could have sworn she had one about a month ago or maybe I'm misremembering. In fact a reporter asked her a question about the emails in which she had a poor answer, and I remember Joe on morning Joe harping on it over and over again.

Edit: Now I remember she answered questions from National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists. I guess it doesn't count if you have a brown/black press conference.


So Trump hires Bannon and then turns on the one group he couldn't afford to turn on. I have no idea what's going on. Bannon is notoriously anti immigration and withdrew support for Cruz because he dared show some compassion to people who live right on the border. Now he's supporting a candidate who is peddling amnesty.
Because orange turd is lying about it and Bannon knows it.
So Trump hires Bannon and then turns on the one group he couldn't afford to turn on. I have no idea what's going on. Bannon is notoriously anti immigration and withdrew support for Cruz because he dared show some compassion to people who live right on the border. Now he's supporting a candidate who is peddling amnesty.

i don't think hes turning on them, the alt right or whatever they're called is so roweled up against hillary that they'll probably just says hes playing 11D multiuniverse chess

thankfully hillary is actually trying to do something in the press now that media is focusing on her and softening on trump (kinda), she needs to get that going again


The thing with all this trump double speak and flip flopping is that it's easy to push back at him on this. Either in ads, in the media and especially in the debates.

Of course his base will be there but paint him as someone who changes his stances depending on his mood or any given day.
Got around to listening to that 10 minute CNN Hillary interview with Anderson Cooper.

Those answers, my god. That's exactly what Hillary needs to tell everyone.

The way she handled that Clinton Foundation e-mail and then went into that e-mail reply was solid.

Of course, she whiffed on the press conference question and Anderson Cooper didn't let her go on that because that Politico article is right: the best thing for Hillary to do now is to let Trump destroy himself and only come out when necessary.

Can't wait for her to go after alt-Right later.
Actually, I wonder about that and if it wouldn't be better for her to take the spotlight to try and bury the "pivot" and make it as confusing as possible to people what Trump actually stands for at this point.

I also can't help but think about primary Trump's media "strategy." I say "strategy" of course because by now it's obvious that he's an attention-whoring narcissistic idiot who very likely had no strategy at all and only did it for the attention and self-validation. Nonetheless, one of the things he did during the primary that very likely did contribute to his success there was that he was constantly all over the major news networks, leaving little screentime for anyone else.

But now of course, aside from Fox News, Trump has backed away from that strategy and I feel that creates a huge opening for Clinton against Trump. Just have both herself and Kaine (not just on Univision, but also in general) just use primary Trump's strategy against him and bombard CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc, with constant call-ins and interviews and stuff which will then get covered in everything else and each other as well.

Of course, I definitely understand why Clinton doesn't do that, given her history with the press and how it makes complete and total sense from her perspective to be so cautious and guarded about that. However, the more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that while she's right to mistrust the press's motives that that doesn't matter that much because the people don't actually care that much about what exactly is said or the press trying that stuff. The more important thing is just being there and showing up and answering questions at all, regardless of what is said. It's like the whole Louisiana flood thing. I think most people realize that there isn't actually much Donald Trump or President Obama can do in person to help or make a difference to the recovery effort that they couldn't accomplish otherwise, the important thing is just being there regardless in a public way, and that people like to see that and reward that regardless of any impact and I wonder if this is a similar type of thing.

Of course, if Clinton were more public with the press, of course they'd continue to press her about her e-mails and the Clinton Foundation, and while she's right to be nervous about that type of thing given her past experience at the same time all that stuff is just baked in at this point. People just don't care about the e-mails at all at this time, so if the press tries to nail her on that stuff if she were to be more public I don't think people would care either way.

On the other hand, her being more public with interviews, regardless of what the press tries, will help her to actually get her message and stop everything from people simply anti-Hillary or anti-Trump and I think that's an important factor that's being looked with how negative most of the ads against each other and such have been so far and how people respond better to positive ads than negative ads. In particular, her being more public and just bombarding everything with interviews and stuff would give her a chance to talk about not just where stands on particular issues each time, but also talk about stuff like the importance of Congress as well and use that as a chance to talk about not only how she looks competitive in places like Georgia, South Carolina, and Missouri, and how competitive not only she herself looks in places like that but also how many Senate and House races are competitive right now and really use that to fire up the base and hopefully get them out and motivated to vote.

Of course, that's what she does at rallies, which is wonderful, but bombarding the airwaves with that same message resonates in a way that rallies and campaign events alone can't, which is why I feel it would be a worthwhile thing to do for that reason alone. Just having her and Kaine constantly giving that same message and beating that drum in each and every interview, making it clear not only how well they themselves are doing in a number of states, but also the importance of Congress and those races and the shot D's have the powerful message it would sent against everything Donald Trump stands for to make that happen would be a very powerful message that alone would make it worth considering in my opinion and that they have so much more to gain by doing that at this point than they have to lose.

To be clear, I'm not diablosing about this whatsoever--Clinton's doing more than fine at this point and either strategy, either letting Trump be Trump and running down the clock, or being more public and bombarding the airwaves with interviews are both valid approaches and should work just fine and it's not a big deal what she actually chooses. I'm just curious and fascinated by what Trump did in the primaries, how he backed off from that strategy and the potential opening it creates for Clinton to use what Trump initially used to great success completely against him. I'm also curious how Trump would respond if she did that and if he would be totally jealous of that attention and the idea of the spotlight being on her instead of him and if that would potentially bait him to going back on CNN etc himself and potentially saying crazy stuff on air because he wouldn't be able to handle Clinton using her strategy against him and having the attention.

And while either strategy is fine and everything's good, I'm just really taken by how the D's actually have the shot to at least briefly take control of both houses of Congress here and how Clinton and the D's should be taking full advantage of that and doing everything they can to make that happen, even if it involves some risk since even a temporary opportunity like that doesn't come around that often. And I feel that Clinton and Kaine together constantly bombarding the major networks with interviews and taking the time to talk about all the places their competitive and Congressional races in each and every one would be able to draw out some additional excitement and reason to turn out to vote that's currently not there and that rallies alone can't do, and even an additional 1%-2% turnout in those Congressional races can naturally make a tremendous, tremendous difference and be worth whatever the press would be able to pull and the risks of it.

Of course, I definitely understand why she doesn't do that given her history but the idea just fascinates me and I wish that she would or at the very least have Kaine out there on the airwaves as a public face for the campaign doing that because it just seems like, after thinking about it, there's just so much more to gain there than to lose, especially in the Congressional races, and how that's the type of thing that independents and undecideds reward for just "being there" regardless of what she says and help with her trustworthiness and other negatives as well. And it's not a vital thing for her personally and I don't think it hurts her not doing it, but I'm just fascinated by the idea and think she and the D's would have a lot to gain by doing so so I personally feel it would be worth the while.

But I'm just a know-nothing psychology undergraduate, so whatever~ :)
Gaf I wan't to call bullshit on something I keep hearing on the news about Hilary and press conferences. I could have sworn she had one about a month ago or maybe I'm misremembering. In fact a reporter asked her a question about the emails in which she had a poor answer, and I remember Joe on morning Joe harping on it over and over again.

Edit: Now I remember she answered questions from National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists. I guess it doesn't count if you have a brown/black press conference.
She has gaggles and answers but journalist get a sick up their butts because it's not technically a press conference!


Actually, I wonder about that and if it wouldn't be better for her to take the spotlight to try and bury the "pivot" and make it as confusing as possible to people what Drumpf actually stands for at this point.

I also can't help but think about primary Drumpf's media "strategy." I say "strategy" of course because by now it's obvious that he's an attention-whoring narcissistic idiot who very likely had no strategy at all and only did it for the attention and self-validation. Nonetheless, one of the things he did during the primary that very likely did contribute to his success there was that he was constantly all over the major news networks, leaving little screentime for anyone else.

But now of course, aside from Fox News, Drumpf has backed away from that strategy and I feel that creates a huge opening for Clinton against Drumpf. Just have both herself and Kaine (not just on Univision, but also in general) just use primary Drumpf's strategy against him and bombard CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc, with constant call-ins and interviews and stuff which will then get covered in everything else and each other as well.

Of course, I definitely understand why Clinton doesn't do that, given her history with the press and how it makes complete and total sense from her perspective to be so cautious and guarded about that. However, the more I think about it, the more I come to the conclusion that while she's right to mistrust the press's motives that that doesn't matter that much because the people don't actually care that much about what exactly is said or the press trying that stuff. The more important thing is just being there and showing up and answering questions at all, regardless of what is said. It's like the whole Louisiana flood thing. I think most people realize that there isn't actually much Donald Drumpf or President Obama can do in person to help or make a difference to the recovery effort that they couldn't accomplish otherwise, the important thing is just being there regardless in a public way, and that people like to see that and reward that regardless of any impact and I wonder if this is a similar type of thing.

Of course, if Clinton were more public with the press, of course they'd continue to press her about her e-mails and the Clinton Foundation, and while she's right to be nervous about that type of thing given her past experience at the same time all that stuff is just baked in at this point. People just don't care about the e-mails at all at this time, so if the press tries to nail her on that stuff if she were to be more public I don't think people would care either way.

On the other hand, her being more public with interviews, regardless of what the press tries, will help her to actually get her message and stop everything from people simply anti-Hillary or anti-Drumpf and I think that's an important factor that's being looked with how negative most of the ads against each other and such have been so far and how people respond better to positive ads than negative ads. In particular, her being more public and just bombarding everything with interviews and stuff would give her a chance to talk about not just where stands on particular issues each time, but also talk about stuff like the importance of Congress as well and use that as a chance to talk about not only how she looks competitive in places like Georgia, South Carolina, and Missouri, and how competitive not only she herself looks in places like that but also how many Senate and House races are competitive right now and really use that to fire up the base and hopefully get them out and motivated to vote.

Of course, that's what she does at rallies, which is wonderful, but bombarding the airwaves with that same message resonates in a way that rallies and campaign events alone can't, which is why I feel it would be a worthwhile thing to do for that reason alone. Just having her and Kaine constantly giving that same message and beating that drum in each and every interview, making it clear not only how well they themselves are doing in a number of states, but also the importance of Congress and those races and the shot D's have the powerful message it would sent against everything Donald Drumpf stands for to make that happen would be a very powerful message that alone would make it worth considering in my opinion and that they have so much more to gain by doing that at this point than they have to lose.

To be clear, I'm not diablosing about this whatsoever--Clinton's doing more than fine at this point and either strategy, either letting Drumpf be Drumpf and running down the clock, or being more public and bombarding the airwaves with interviews are both valid approaches and should work just fine and it's not a big deal what she actually chooses. I'm just curious and fascinated by what Drumpf did in the primaries, how he backed off from that strategy and the potential opening it creates for Clinton to use what Drumpf initially used to great success completely against him. I'm also curious how Drumpf would respond if she did that and if he would be totally jealous of that attention and the idea of the spotlight being on her instead of him and if that would potentially bait him to going back on CNN etc himself and potentially saying crazy stuff on air because he wouldn't be able to handle Clinton using her strategy against him and having the attention.

And while either strategy is fine and everything's good, I'm just really taken by how the D's actually have the shot to at least briefly take control of both houses of Congress here and how Clinton and the D's should be taking full advantage of that and doing everything they can to make that happen, even if it involves some risk since even a temporary opportunity like that doesn't come around that often. And I feel that Clinton and Kaine together constantly bombarding the major networks with interviews and taking the time to talk about all the places their competitive and Congressional races in each and every one would be able to draw out some additional excitement and reason to turn out to vote that's currently not there and that rallies alone can't do, and even an additional 1%-2% turnout in those Congressional races can naturally make a tremendous, tremendous difference and be worth whatever the press would be able to pull and the risks of it.

Of course, I definitely understand why she doesn't do that given her history but the idea just fascinates me and I wish that she would or at the very least have Kaine out there on the airwaves as a public face for the campaign doing that because it just seems like, after thinking about it, there's just so much more to gain there than to lose, especially in the Congressional races, and how that's the type of thing that independents and undecideds reward for just "being there" regardless of what she says and help with her trustworthiness and other negatives as well. And it's not a vital thing for her personally and I don't think it hurts her not doing it, but I'm just fascinated by the idea and think she and the D's would have a lot to gain by doing so so I personally feel it would be worth the while.

But I'm just a know-nothing psychology undergraduate, so whatever~ :)

I feel like had she not whiffed the post-DNC Fox News interview, we might have seen more of her out there.

I do hope Kaine gets out more though. If there's anyone on the ticket who can turn hearts, it's America's Dad.
I'm sorry guys, but the whole apple + cheese + pastry crust checks out with me. Fruit goes really well with cheese. Cheese goes well with pastry. I don't like apple pie myself, but like, what do you think cheesecake is? Brie is often cooked with sugar of different kinds too.

I don't know about putting a slice of American on top of that thing, but sweet fruity cheese... that's not a weird combination at all.
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