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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Re: Cheesecake

There's a major difference in the flavor profile of cheddar and cream cheese. That's why it works for cheesecake (which is also a pie).

You wouldn't make a cheese cake out of cheddar. Unless you were a crazy person.
Cheeses with fruit bits in them are an abomination.

American processed cheese slices are barely a cheese anyway.

Also, then pouring milk on it. WTF.

Big fat mess.

It's the sweet and savory thing. Like when you have a sausage biscuit and you put jelly on it? Or when you have fried eggs and you mash them into a doughnut or add a spoon full of apple butter to them. It's just the combination of flavors.
I was just rereading the previous page. WTF is this. Is this trolling. Should I ban you.


Uhhh - that Clinton Anderson Cooper interview was horrendous. She sidestepped everything, answered almost nothing clearly, and was combative.

Guys, this isn't good.
Got around to listening to that 10 minute CNN Hillary interview with Anderson Cooper.

Those answers, my god. That's exactly what Hillary needs to tell everyone.

The way she handled that Clinton Foundation e-mail and then went into that e-mail reply was solid.

Of course, she whiffed on the press conference question and Anderson Cooper didn't let her go on that because that Politico article is right: the best thing for Hillary to do now is to let Trump destroy himself and only come out when necessary.

Can't wait for her to go after alt-Right later.
like E3...who gives a shit about press conferences
The thing with all this trump double speak and flip flopping is that it's easy to push back at him on this. Either in ads, in the media and especially in the debates.

Of course his base will be there but paint him as someone who changes his stances depending on his mood or any given day.

I don't think it's that easy because Clinton has a history of flip flopping as well.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Uhhh - that Clinton Anderson Cooper interview was horrendous. She sidestepped everything, answered almost nothing clearly, and was combative.

Guys, this isn't good.
Ooooooo so close. You were looking for "folks, this isn't good."
“Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future,” Mr. Trump told the crowd.
Layers of irony.

Trumpivoting to try and get them as votes.

And also insulting that he thinks minorities are stupid enough to believe him.
I feel like had she not whiffed the post-DNC Fox News interview, we might have seen more of her out there.

I do hope Kaine gets out more though. If there's anyone on the ticket who can turn hearts, it's America's Dad.
Yeah, Kaine just feels like an underused, valuable asset at this point to me. He's definitely doing good, but I feel he could so much more if he were basically treated as the face of the campaign and going on major networks to make people feel more comfortable about voting about Clinton. "If someone like him trusts Clinton, she must not be that bad, right?" That's the type of feeling he brings and so putting him more in the spotlight could only be a positive IMO.

And I just personally think the "let Trump be Trump" thing has run its course at this point. Like, people know that Trump's an idiot at this point. Everyone, except the diehard faithful who just don't care or refuse to hear it, knows that and so I feel that well's pretty much been tapped dry at this point and there's just not that much more to get from it. What people are actually looking for is a reason to actually vote for someone else, like Clinton. And with all the focus on negative ads and Clinton being so shielded from the press, her actual message and what she stands for is having difficulty getting out there. The debates will naturally help tremendously for that, but every bit helps and allows that message to reach more people, which is also important and why a feel a more active spot in the media would tremendously benefit Clinton.

Of course, her doing what she's doing doesn't hurt either but yeah, I just feel "let Trump be Trump" is tapped dry at this point and what people are looking for at this point is a reason to actually vote for someone instead of just against someone else and that's what's been lacking so far and be more effective at getting Clinton's numbers to go up (which they definitely can) instead of seeing if Trump's numbers can be pushed lower (which is unclear if there is any more blood to drain there).


Professional Schmuck
1. The immigration flip flop by Trump is not about Hispanics, it's about the white college educated vote and down ballot races.

2. The 'black outreach' by Trump is not about understanding black people, it's about making white college educated closet racists feel better about themselves, and the down ballot races.

3. I'm not into it, but the cheese goes UNDER the apple pie you absolute dork. And no, nobody puts runny eggs on a damn donut. What in the actual hell.

4. Not sure why you're all gaga over Hillary's email answer on CNN, as if 'every time i comment people think i'm making excuses' is a fucking answer.

5. I'm with y'all on the Foundation stuff but good lord some of you are so dense on the optics of the thing. You can't just pretend money doesn't influence politics. I'm not saying there's anything there, but you cannot just dismiss it out of hand.
Uh, no ones in disarray. This isn't a mindless conservative website. We don't need to reflexively defend every wrong move our presidential pick makes. That was a bad interview, simple and plain.

Uh, ok.

"Guys, this isn't good" is a sarcastic phrase you throw in there to let people know that you're not really diablosing. It's confusing if you say that if you are completely serious.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Politically, Trump's only move was to change his stance on amnesty. He has almost no chance of winning the election without more minority voters. The GOP base/alt-right clearly aren't enough.

The big question is: Are these people going to be swayed by this? Isn't Hillary offering the exact same thing PLUS policies that actually benefit them?

I think it's clear Trump's new (last chance?) method is to paint Hillary as the real racist. However, republicans have been trying this on democrats for years to no avail.


Professional Schmuck

Just when you think Joe Manchin can't be more of a pain for the Dems, his daughter is the Mylan (EpiPen) CEO who price gouged everyone.

That would matter if Republicans had a fucking soul and wanted to address rampant capitalism created by medical and insurance monopolies that exploits poor people. Let's all freak out about what they'll never ever do because they have no ground to stand on, everyone.


Professional Schmuck
Politically, Trump's only move was to change his stance on amnesty. He has almost no chance of winning the election without more minority voters. The GOP base/alt-right clearly aren't enough.

The big question is: Are these people going to be swayed by this? Isn't Hillary offering the exact same thing PLUS policies that actually benefit them?

I think it's clear Trump's new (last chance?) method is to paint Hillary as the real racist. However, republicans have been trying this on democrats for years to no avail.

There is no 'Trump's only move'. That's a fantasy that falls for the daily cycle, in which the vast majority of the electorate do not participate. Everyone knows that Trump wants to kick out all the Mexicans and all the Muslims. Everyone. It's too late.

Nobody is going to be swayed by this that was going to vote for Hillary. And the people voting for (i'm literally smfh here) Johnson are doing so because they're dumb, but not racist dumb.

And nobody, nobody is going to buy that Hillary is the real racist. This is all a waste of time.
#optics exist. #optics are still stupid.

I don't pretend money doesn't influence politics. But I don't think I really care as much as some people seem to. Because I don't think it influences as much as some people think it does.


Stupid USC poll tied again. I read the way it works - they poll 1/7th of the pool each day. Is it the same 1/7th? So the poll just goes in cycles every 7 days?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
There is no 'Trump's only move'. That's a fantasy that falls for the daily cycle, in which the vast majority of the electorate do not participate. Everyone knows that Trump wants to kick out all the Mexicans and all the Muslims. Everyone. It's too late.

Nobody is going to be swayed by this that was going to vote for Hillary. And the people voting for (i'm literally smfh here) Johnson are doing so because they're dumb, but not racist dumb.

And nobody, nobody is going to buy that Hillary is the real racist. This is all a waste of time.

I refuse to believe everything is as black and white as the picture you paint in your post. I agree with most of what you say, but there are still over 2 months until the election. That's a ton of time to sway some opinion. Some people will believe anything, including that he'd have a change of heart. I know some of these people.

That said, I still don't think it will be enough.


#optics exist. #optics are still stupid.

I don't pretend money doesn't influence politics. But I don't think I really care as much as some people seem to. Because I don't think it influences as much as some people think it does.

Exactly. The people who think its a huge problem, huge enough that it will cost a vote, they were already not gonna vote for Hillary.
Its his daughter, not him. Its not like he told her to do it. And manchin isnt up till 2018 and hes super popular

Haven't his approval ratings already fallen significantly? And it's a mid-term election in Appalachia that is undergoing the same process the South did in the 90s of realigning their local politics with how they vote in Presidential elections.


First off let's be real. There is no "good" answer to the email question.

The answer she gave I believe is the best possible one she could give given the situation though. She pretty much said "every time I try to explain it. It's like I'm making excuses. And there is no excuse."

That's it. People will never be satisfied with an answer unless she admits she traded government secrets or admitted wrongdoing. Quite frankly I think people are tired of hearing about this. The media will keep prodding because that's what they do.


Junior Member

I swear to god this is a thing people do.
Poligaf is a mistake.


Man, catching up on Rachel Maddow destroying Kellyanne Conway.

Conway seems really bright, dangerous that she supports Donald Trump. Unfortunately it seems like she can't lose the Donald Trump surrogate curse of answering questions with "Oh question about Trump? LET ME TALK ABOUT HILLARY!"

Maddow didn't let that shit fly. So good.

Edit: Also: lol @ Conway trying to attack Clinton campaign on substance. That's like attacking Bill Nye on Science.


The cheese/pie thing is awful, but I have heard about it before and accept the fact that insane people do it for whatever awful reason.

But this egg/doughnut thing is completely viscerally wrong and will haunt my nightmares.

Can PoliGaf please never talk about food again and just stick to normal conversations like fake-Diablosing about nothing? Or making fun of Nate Silver and Politico? Or how FFV is the best Final Fantasy and all other Final Fantasies are pointless?


Deep into his 30th decade
Cheese and Fruit has been a thing about a long as cheese has existed. I am not sure why pie always seems to be the breaking point for people.
The cheese/pie thing is awful, but I have heard about it before and accept the fact that insane people do it for whatever awful reason.

But this egg/doughnut thing is completely viscerally wrong and will haunt my nightmares.

Can PoliGaf please never talk about food again and just stick to normal conversations like fake-Diablosing about nothing? Or making fun of Nate Silver and Politico? Or how FFV is the best Final Fantasy and all other Final Fantasies are pointless?
I dunno... I mean, yeah that's but what I thought at first and wouldn't have ever thought of it myself but it... doesn't sound that bad actually. Like, an Egg McMuffin, but more sweet so like, better. Of course, I have a huge sweet tooth so that's a factor, but yeah.
#optics exist. #optics are still stupid.

I don't pretend money doesn't influence politics. But I don't think I really care as much as some people seem to. Because I don't think it influences as much as some people think it does.

It is, to an extent, the trade-off for having an extensively experienced and qualified candidate. That's not to say all concerns and rules for conflicts of interest should be thrown out the window, or that we shouldn't try to minimize outside influence.

But the Clintons are arguably the two most famous and connected politicians in America. You either accept that someone like Hillary Clinton should *never* be President--which to me is an absurd position--or accept that her ridiculous resume comes with an unavoidable amount of elbow-rubbing.
Using a donut as a hamburger bun is actually pretty good, so I can see how a donut and eggs could potentially mix.

Actually, this gives me an idea to make french toast donuts, but that sounds like it might be a little too much.
LePage continues to be a piece of shit. He keeps binders full of black people to prove his racist point, not even considering the idea that his state's police officers might be profiling.

“Let me tell you this, explain to you, I made the comment that black people are trafficking in our state, now ever since I said that comment I’ve been collecting every single drug dealer who has been arrested in our state,” LePage said. “I don’t ask them to come to Maine and sell their poison, but they come and I will tell you that 90-plus percent of those pictures in my book, and it’s a three-ringed binder, are black and Hispanic people from Waterbury, Conn., the Bronx and Brooklyn.”

Uhhh - that Clinton Anderson Cooper interview was horrendous. She sidestepped everything, answered almost nothing clearly, and was combative.

Guys, this isn't good.

That's who she is, it's not going to change; she re-enforces her negatives in nearly interview she does. Thankfully Trump is still drowning and will continue to do so. In the last few days he has insulted black people and flip flopped on amnesty. Eventually the spotlight will return to Clinton but it doesn't really matter.


For all of those bed wetting about Rubio:


Sen. Marco Rubio has a marginal 3-point lead over Democratic Congressman Patrick Murphy, according to a new poll of likely Florida voters that indicates the race is close to tied.

“It’s a competitive race. It’s not a slam dunk,” said Brad Coker, pollster for Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, which conducted the three-day Florida survey of 625 voters that ended Wednesday.

Coker said the Republican incumbent's 46–43 percent lead over Murphy can be considered a tie because of the poll’s 4-point error margin. He said Murphy has room to grow because he’s relatively unknown. Both men are more liked than disliked, but only 21 percent are unfamiliar with Rubio while 59 percent say they don’t know enough about Murphy.
However, the bilingual Rubio has a base in the Democrats’ stronghold of Miami-Dade County and can pull more Hispanic votes than most Republicans, Coker said.

Murphy still leads among Hispanics in the Mason-Dixon poll, but by 49–41 percent. Murphy also dominates the black vote, beating Rubio 79-12 percent. Rubio has a sizable lead among non-Hispanic white voters, 53-36 percent. Men support Rubio 50-38 percent; women favor Murphy 47-43 percent.

An X-factor in the race: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, who had been struggling in recent Florida polls. Coker said it’s unclear what effect the presidential race will have down ticket, though presidential election years in Florida tend to bring out more minority and young voters, who generally vote Democratic.

“Rubio can keep the Hispanic voters that Trump is losing,” Coker said.
Republicans backed Rubio over Murphy 80–9 percent, while Murphy had relatively weaker support in his base, with Democrats supporting him 76–15 percent over Rubio. The Miami lawmaker is leading Murphy among independents, 47–40 percent.
Before facing each other, Rubio and Murphy will have to win their Aug. 30 primaries, which the survey by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research suggests will be a blow out for both men.

Rubio leads Republican challenger Carlos Beruff, 61–22 percent, with 15 percent undecided, the poll shows. In the Democratic race, Murphy is ahead of fellow U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson by 55–22 percent; Pam Keith has 4 percent of the vote; 19 percent are undecided. The margin of error in the primary matchups is 5 points.

A Florida Chamber of Commerce poll, released earlier Wednesday, showed Rubio beating Beruff 68–19 percent. Murphy led Grayson 40 percent to 11 percent with 38 percent undecided.
The Florida Chamber poll showed Trump taking 44 percent of the presidential vote to Clinton’s 41 percent, followed by Libertarian Gary Johnson (9 percent) and a generic “someone else” (2 percent) with 4 percent undecided

Rubio 46-43


Adam may have been too charitable by calling Mario 64 merely "overrated" instead of "a bad game," but he's correct about apple pie and cheese being delicious. Preferably as sharp a cheddar as you can find.
LePage continues to be a piece of shit. He keeps binders full of black people to prove his racist point, not even considering the idea that his state's police officers might be profiling.


Crying profiling is just mental gymnastics to avoid the obvious fact that only black and Hispanic people commit crimes. Paul LePage has proved it in his binder. Sorry to trigger you, you PC-clown. We will never get anything done until we admit the problem is these colored people poisoning our state.

Like most of the state, I truly despise Paul LePage and wish he would resign and die.
I refuse to believe everything is as black and white as the picture you paint in your post. I agree with most of what you say, but there are still over 2 months until the election. That's a ton of time to sway some opinion. Some people will believe anything, including that he'd have a change of heart. I know some of these people.

That said, I still don't think it will be enough.

Then those voters were never really there for Clinton. It's like worrying about BernieOrBusters in the primary. If you think she can't win without dumb diet racist whites who are swayed by a total Trump flip-flop then her campaign was always doomed.


I can understand the frustration of people in Maine when a lot of their problems are spillover from other states where they have no control and no ability to fix things. Blaming it on minorities seems like a way for their to give the problem a concrete face to rally against (in about the worst and self-defeating way possible.)

Props to the man who brought up the question at the town hall and got LePage to go all-in on this, though.


That's who she is, it's not going to change; she re-enforces her negatives in nearly interview she does. Thankfully Trump is still drowning and will continue to do so. In the last few days he has insulted black people and flip flopped on amnesty. Eventually the spotlight will return to Clinton but it doesn't really matter.

Wait, if you think the past 8 days were BAD for Trump, I don't know what to tell you. CNN had NC with a Clinton lead of 9 points a couple weeks ago. It's not at just 1 or 2 points.

The past 8 days have been great for Trump. He needs to consolidate the somewhat racist but not totally racist Republicans he's been losing, and doing the tried and true tactic of speaking past black and Hispanic people to criticize Dems brings them home. And it's working.

Again, he still has a massive hole to climb out of, and he's not going to win, but he's fixing the damage with people who think racism is only a thing if you wear a swastika and yell the N word.
Adam is a bad person who does wrong things to a lot of foods. Like steak.

But if you think egg + donut or fruit + cheese is a wrong thing, you are the wrong thing for enforcing your tastes on lots of people. Those are not steak + ketchup level wrong things. Those are things that many many people like.

Say what you want about steak and ketchup, or Adam's weird cocktails made with Sunny D, but I will die on the hill that is this popular breakfast item:


^ That is a hill worth dying on.


CNN had NC with a Clinton lead of 9 points a couple weeks ago. It's not at just 1 or 2 points.

This is the definition of diablosing.

I don't even get what people want anymore. She's not Obama and she'll never be, maybe it's time you get over that.
How did such a festering asshole become governor?

Repeated fiasco.

Maine used to be a certifiably independent state. We had three-way races frequently and independents running so regularly was one of the more celebrated aspects of our state politics. We were truly a nonpartisan state - or so it seemed. Nobody cared that Susan Collins was republican, they just liked Susan Collins. It was like that forever.

Thanks to political polarization, all the conservatives flocked to their one candidate while all the moderates and progressives split between two. Paul LePage famously won his governer seat with only 39% of the vote. Blue bumper stickers that said "61%" were very common, since 61% of the state voted against Paul LePage, but he still gets to be Governer.

For his re-election, there was a well-like independent named Eliot Cutler who had a lot of young-voter support. But he was not going to win - he didn't have the numbers. He refused to concede and endorse the democratic candidate, a still-liked candidate named Michaud, out of pride or stupidity or something. He handed LePage the re-election all over again.

Basically, Maine proves three-party politics is unsustainable and will always tip in the favor of extremists.
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