Screw donuts.
Dunkin Donuts' Egg n Cheese Croissant is breakfast of kings.
Dunkin Donuts' Egg n Cheese Croissant is breakfast of kings.
I watched the Chronicles of Nadiya last night. It's a new English TV show about a popular contestant from a baking show. She's a muslim, yet still won over the hearts and minds of the British people by just being genuinely humble and human and identifiable no matter her religion. She was a person first. She wasn't just a hijab and a bunch of stereotypes.
So this year, when that baking show came back the BBC launched a new series at the same time, where Nadiya travels to the country of her parents, Bangladesh, and travels around it, to learn more about her roots. In the first episode she visits her families village and the neighboring city (the only parts of Bangladesh she has previously been to).
I mention this in the context of poligaf, because America needs something just like Nadiya and this TV show. It isn't preachy, but it's educational as shit about the differences and similarities of such cultures. She talks about being an immigrant not really sure if she's British or Bangladeshi. She talks about the importance of her religion.
But more than anything, this all just feels *normal*. As different as that culture is, it was contextualized in way that really conveyed how normal it was.
Plus she cooked a bunch of delicious looking food, which is kind of her thing.
France also needs to watch this show or have something like it.
You cannot *other* Nadiya. You just can't. She is us.
I feel strongly about muslims because I went to school with them. I've shared apartments with them. I've lived in a community that had more muslims than christians. The lies that proliferate about them here and in places like France anger me immensely. The ban on so called burkinis is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen.
If you can't see the individual underneath the head scarf, then you have a fucking problem.
Donald Trump needs to lose. He needs to be defeated. Muslims need to be seen and treated the same as anybody else. Because they fucking are.
Ehem. Rant over.
Man, I really hope the MN GOP blows this somehow.
I can only imagine that would severely harm turnout. Paulsen goes dowwwwwwn
Was she on Great British Bake Off? I think her season is on PBS right now (NO SPOILERS). She's amazing.
This is a great exchange between Rachel Maddow and Kellyanne:
Screw donuts.
Dunkin Donuts' Egg n Cheese Croissant is breakfast of kings.
She's awesome. A complete repudiation of New Atheists' fears about horrible un-integrated muslims and a garlic to the alt right vampires. Speaking of which I'm surprised they havent harassed her or chased her out of twitter.I watched the Chronicles of Nadiya last night. It's a new English TV show about a popular contestant from a baking show. She's a muslim, yet still won over the hearts and minds of the British people by just being genuinely humble and human and identifiable no matter her religion. She was a person first. She wasn't just a hijab and a bunch of stereotypes.
So this year, when that baking show came back the BBC launched a new series at the same time, where Nadiya travels to the country of her parents, Bangladesh, and travels around it, to learn more about her roots. In the first episode she visits her families village and the neighboring city (the only parts of Bangladesh she has previously been to).
I mention this in the context of poligaf, because America needs something just like Nadiya and this TV show. It isn't preachy, but it's educational as shit about the differences and similarities of such cultures. She talks about being an immigrant not really sure if she's British or Bangladeshi. She talks about the importance of her religion.
But more than anything, this all just feels *normal*. As different as that culture is, it was contextualized in way that really conveyed how normal it was.
Plus she cooked a bunch of delicious looking food, which is kind of her thing.
France also needs to watch this show or have something like it.
You cannot *other* Nadiya. You just can't. She is us.
I feel strongly about muslims because I went to school with them. I've shared apartments with them. I've lived in a community that had more muslims than christians. The lies that proliferate about them here and in places like France anger me immensely. The ban on so called burkinis is some of the biggest bullshit I have ever seen.
If you can't see the individual underneath the head scarf, then you have a fucking problem.
Donald Trump needs to lose. He needs to be defeated. Muslims need to be seen and treated the same as anybody else. Because they fucking are.
Ehem. Rant over.
Two hot takes today.
Hot take 1: the Clinton Foundation stuff proves the effectiveness of corruption in getting marginal or actively bad actors to help achieve actually good policy goals by promising them lagniappe. In this way it's very much like how banning earmarks made Congress much less effective by making it harder to logroll difficult bills. Somebody needs to stand up and make the affirmative case for bribery as a tool for good.
Hot take 2: Both cheese on pie and egg on donut are wrong for me, but they're wrong within normal parameters. Neither is particularly weird in the context of American cuisine, such as it is. People are just memeing adam's food choices.
I dont understand. Why do you people want to eat meat at 7 in the morning? Breakfast should be meatless. Cereal, oatmeal, eggs, dairy and bread is acceptable. Meat isnt.Where's the ham.
That #altrightmeans hashtag - yeeeeeikes
I dont understand. Why do you people want to eat meat at 7 in the morning? Breakfast should be meatless. Cereal, oatmeal, eggs, dairy and bread is acceptable. Meat isnt.
That #altrightmeans hashtag - yeeeeeikes
Screw you, she earned this.Dana bash kinda sucks. CNN gives her so much when there's way better people on the network.
I dont understand. Why do you people want to eat meat at 7 in the morning? Breakfast should be meatless. Cereal, oatmeal, eggs, dairy and bread is acceptable. Meat isnt.
Hmm, what theme are you using? I'm using dark theme and don't have this problem on DesktopGAF at all, as far as I've noticed.Meta question: How come my text isn't green when people quote me anymore? MobileGAF 100% of the time, so I'm not sure if it's a desktop problem too.
Sometimes it's green, sometimes it's not. The inconsistency is really ruining my quality of life. Kind of hard to justify waking up every morning now knowing my quoted posts aren't green. :/
Screw donuts.
Dunkin Donuts' Egg n Cheese Croissant is breakfast of kings.
![]()'s a reason the most hateful fringe of the right wing is supporting Donald Trump.
Theoretically Tara Setmayer and Kayleigh McEnany should be allies? Right?
Let's not forget the best breakfast, especially hungover.
Edit- Gah, top of the page. How about them polls?
Let's not forget the best breakfast, especially hungover.
Edit- Gah, top of the page. How about them polls?
Yup, they're both conservatives.
Throw that on a bagel instead and it's the food of the gods.
Then why does Tara look liked she just want to go off one good time everytime Kayleigh opens her mouth?
I would not be oppose to that, cause some needs to.
man you guys are making my daily struggle breakfast of a quest bar and monster white look bad :/
QPac LV National:
Hillary: 51
Trump: 41
Jesus Christ, if people Diablos today after this poll.....
Yup, they're both conservatives.
Throw that on a bagel instead and it's the food of the gods.
Then why does Tara look liked she just want to go off one good time everytime Kayleigh opens her mouth?
I would not be oppose to that, cause some needs to.
As long as trump has a chance greater than 0% it's always a good time to panic
Lol idiots. They have plenty to lose downballot. 2 competitive GOP-held Congressional seats (as well as three with Dem incumbents that are on the edge of competitiveness) as well as a State House majority.Too late for the MN GOP to call a state convention to name alternative electors.
Amazing. This cycle just keeps delivering.
One of my favorite reactions was at FreeRepublic.. It was basically, "who cares? We're not going to win MN anyway."
Despairing at Trump >0 is fine, panic though? Ehhhhhh.
QPac LV National (August 18th to 24th):
Hillary: 51
Trump: 41
Jesus Christ, if people Diablos today after this poll.....
This is an Adam tier opinion Rusty..I dont understand. Why do you people want to eat meat at 7 in the morning? Breakfast should be meatless. Cereal, oatmeal, eggs, dairy and bread is acceptable. Meat isnt.
Savages. Im surrounded by wise people.
Is that itus/Luther VandrossNot american enough
QPac LV National (August 18th to 24th):
Hillary: 51
Trump: 41
Jesus Christ, if people Diablos today after this poll.....
QPac LV National (August 18th to 24th):
Hillary: 51
Trump: 41
Jesus Christ, if people Diablos today after this poll.....
Hmm, what theme are you using? I'm using dark theme and don't have this problem on DesktopGAF at all, as far as I've noticed.
While both candidates have negative scores on honesty, this is one area where Trump outscores Clinton. American likely voters say 53 - 42 percent that Trump is not honest. By a huge 66 - 29 percent margin, voters say Clinton is not honest.
Voters also say 59 - 36 percent "the way Donald Trump talks appeals to bigotry."
But voters say 66 - 33 percent that Clinton is qualified to be president. Trump is not qualified, voters say 58 - 40 percent. Clinton leads on other measures, as likely voters say:
58 - 40 that she has good leadership skills, compared to negative 46 - 52 for Trump;
71 - 29 percent that Clinton has the right kind of experience to be president, compared to a negative 32 - 65 percent for Trump;
87 - 12 percent that she is intelligent, compared to 67 - 30 percent for him;
51 - 47 percent that she cares about average Americans, compared to a negative 41 - 57 percent for Trump.
American likely voters say 60 - 37 percent that Clinton believes she does not have to play by the same rules as everyone else.
Trump should release his tax returns publicly, voters say 74 - 21 percent, including 62 - 31 percent among Republicans.
Voters also say 59 - 36 percent "the way Donald Trump talks appeals to bigotry."