70% of people say they'd be anxious if Trump was President.
Those favorables for Clinton are pretty crazy considering all of the shit that's been hurled at her for the past two years. If she enters office around 50/50, I'll be super impressed.
Yeah I don't have any tonight. But I'm gonna get the snap traps. It seems to be one whose living here for awhile.
There aren't a lot of droppings and I've not seen it before today.
I've had mice before so I'm not too worried but still not cool
My roommate is freaking out and blaming himself.
Dude we live in NYC you cant stop everything
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
Very glad Hillary's recovering to "normal politician" levels of unfavorability rather than "burn the witch" levels.
And man, that graph. Wrath of Khan, indeed.
Please tell me this isn't real. I defended Trump's relationship with his daughter because people were blowing things out of proportion. But that comment is absolutely disgusting.
Also, has this been posted yet?
I think a big part of it is because like, most rational people know the only two options are Trump and Hillary. So, ya, compared to Trump? She's a god damn saint. I think her numbers took a hit because of the email issue but also because she was running against a newcomer (Bernie) who was mostly well liked, and managed to drive up her negatives pretty well. I'm not saying he did it intentionally, mind you. Just that it was the natural reaction to the way he presented his campaign. (What with the rigged like such as.)
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
I just made a joke about this to my friends. They didn't find it funny...If anything, you should start charging the mouse for rent and food costs.
The left is a messThe left is a bunch of interests meshed together and not always aligning perfectly. Like the right. Because that's how the system is. It requires compromise and coalition.
"The left" marred by anti-empiricism, edgy contrarianism, myopic purity focus and/or oppression Olympics towards the issues that they think matter the most is another matter.
No seriously, what the fuck is Trump trying to say here? "What's your favorite thing you have in common with your daughter?" He answers "sex" so is he trying to say they both like sex? That they have sex in common? What does that mean?
Taniel ‏@Taniel 18m18 minutes ago
WaPo/ABC poll:
Sanders supporters: 86-5 Clinton (pre-cons: 79-10)
Not-Trump GOPers: 74-17 Trump (pre-cons: 76-12)
Also, has this been posted yet?
I just made a joke about this to my friends. They didn't find it funny...
Also this made me laugh
My Trumpese isn't perfect, but I think it roughly translates into "Well, I would say sex, but she's my daughter. I mean, look at her. Am I right, fellas?"
Not sure if that helps your confusion.
I just made a joke about this to my friends. They didn't find it funny...
Also this made me laugh
I just made a joke about this to my friends. They didn't find it funny...
Also this made me laugh
Nice, so Clinton has done a better job consolidating her party.
In fact, Trump's convention actually made his numbers worse with the NeverTrump crowd![]()
I wanna see the post-Khan nevertrump numbers.
Clinton +8 ABC/Wapo
Obama approval 55
The 'f-you Obama' outta nowhere made me laugh.
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
That's what made the tweet. likes he's having a cook out and has this feeling that something is missing. And he realizes what it is. "Fuck Obama"The 'f-you Obama' outta nowhere made me laugh.
I've been looking up Gary Johnson and his party's platform? I disagree with some of it but why do we not like him at all over here? Besides the fact that he's boring as fuck to listen to?
3rd party candidates are not worth the effort.I've been looking up Gary Johnson and his party's platform? I disagree with some of it but why do we not like him at all over here? Besides the fact that he's boring as fuck to listen to?
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
Just to be clear, when people were getting concerned with those Trump + Ivanka photos, they weren't doing so in isolation. Those pictures & gifs are creepy not just because they are unusual expressions of personal space and body language between father and daughter but because Trump has also said MULTIPLE times in different ways he'd want to bang his daughter. I guess you just saw that linked video for the first time but its old news to me and other people.
I've been looking up Gary Johnson and his party's platform? I disagree with some of it but why do we not like him at all over here? Besides the fact that he's boring as fuck to listen to?
For me personally, Libertarians bug the shit out of me. It's a bogus idea that the free market can solve all problems. It's great if if you are a straight, white, middle class male, otherwise you are on your own.
Libertarianism believes in nightmarish policies.
Exactly. Though as I understand it, Gary Johnson is only half libertarian (he supports safeguards that would protect minorities from a truly free market).
The responses make more sense within that context. Thanks for clarifying.
Looking at these polls, I kind of wish it happened in a situation where the Democratic candidate didn't have favorability issues
Also what's up with Vermin Supreme? I went into stuff about him expecting him to be like, a hyper-libertarian, and yet he apparently wants to mandate tooth brushing?
Looking at these polls, I kind of wish it happened in a situation where the Democratic candidate didn't have favorability issues
Also what's up with Vermin Supreme? I went into stuff about him expecting him to be like, a hyper-libertarian, and yet he apparently wants to mandate tooth brushing?
Exactly. Though as I understand it, Gary Johnson is only half libertarian (he supports safeguards that would protect minorities from a truly free market).
He also wants to use tax payer money to buy a pony for every single american.
He also wants to use tax payer money to buy a pony for every single american.
For me, Vermin Supreme and Newt Gingrich will forever be inextricably linked through auto-tuned news clips, pony pledges, and cash money.
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.
...Yikes.Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.