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PoliGAF 2016 |OT9| The Wrath of Khan!

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Lord Fagan

Junior Member
Lawdy this gif from OT of Billiam is perfect, can't tell where it loops


Pretty sure it's just rewound back and forth from where he takes a sip and puts the can back down. Great gif for the cycle, though. Been seeing it a lot myself, it fits any number of situations for the last few weeks.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Sweet baby Jesus I saw all the images of Trump and Ivanka that looked creepy but what in the fuck is this.

It's an interesting insight into the way Trump's mind works. Ridiculously short attention span. He's already responding to the first half of the question "What's the favourite thing ..." and that is stuck in his mind before the second half of the question come round "... that you have in common with your daughter?".

It's a very extreme example of the way we've seen him respond during the campaign: that immediate visceral thoughtless reaction to something.

With careful phrasing, this alone could destroy him in the debates. You could probably make him say almost anything.
So I was thinking about something. Would it be possible to use Trump's endorsement to hurt people up for reelection even more? I would love it if after all the whining and yelling it took the GOP to get Trump to actually endorse these people, it turns out that his endorsement actually makes them more likely to lose.

I can see the ad now, just use the part where Trump says "I hold in the highest esteem Senator John McCain" and then have the voice over person saying "It's time to tell Donald Trump and his friends that enough is enough."
So I was thinking about something. Would it be possible to use Trump's endorsement to hurt people up for reelection even more? I would love it if after all the whining and yelling it took the GOP to get Trump to actually endorse these people, it turns out that his endorsement actually makes them more likely to lose.

I can see the ad now, just use the part where Trump says "I hold in the highest esteem Senator John McCain" and then have the voice over person saying "It's time to tell Donald Trump and his friends that enough is enough."

Yes, it's why Kelly Ayotte's campaign probably was screaming at the TV when they heard the words come out of Trumps mouth, no matter how limp.

It does depend on the location and area, but McCain getting an endorsement with Arizona leaning blue as of late? Probably not the best thing for him.


Currently the top news story on FoxNews.com.

I quite strongly believe that the best way to assure a Trump defeat is to drive as many Republican voters to Johnson as possible. There are many people who would never vote for Hillary Clinton in a million years, but find Trump too toxic to touch. Sending those people towards Johnson could have a major impact.

It would further weaken Trump, and strike a blow against the two party system in the process. A win-win.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Currently the top news story on FoxNews.com.

I quite strongly believe that the best way to assure a Trump defeat is to drive as many Republican voters to Johnson as possible. There are many people who would never vote for Hillary Clinton in a million years, but find Trump too toxic to touch. Sending those people towards Johnson could have a major impact.

It would further weaken Trump, and strike a blow against the two party system in the process. A win-win.

lol like all the other third party runs that have done so much to change the mechanisms that create the two party system.


lol like all the other third party runs that have done so much to change the mechanisms that create the two party system.
I didn't suggest it would be a successful blow, but it would certainly be an amusing one that would cause some serious Republican soul-searching.

Hopefully, Republicans would want to try and get back that Libertarian vote and recognize that their insane social conservatism and hyper hawk-like foreign policy was costing them a not inconsiderable portion of the electorate.


Trump said:
You know we have a treaty with Japan, where if Japan is attacked, we have to use the full force and might of the United States,” Trump said during an appearance in Iowa on Friday. “If we’re attacked, Japan doesn’t have to do anything. They can sit home and watch Sony television, OK?”
I have a Sony television. Fuck off Donald.
I'm grasping onto anything at this point but reuters is legit right?


July 31-Aug 4 online poll of 1,154 likely voters, +/- 3%

42 Clinton
39 Trump

Among registered voters Clinton's lead is 5%, down from 8% on Monday
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's lead over Republican rival Donald Trump narrowed to less than 3 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Friday, down from nearly eight points on Monday.

About 42 percent of likely voters favored Clinton, to Trump's 39 percent, according to the July 31-Aug. 4 online poll of 1,154 likely voters. The poll had a credibility interval of plus or minus 3 percentage points, meaning that the results suggest the race is roughly even.

Among registered voters over the same period, Clinton held a lead of five percentage points, down from eight percentage points on Monday, according to the poll.

The reasons behind the shift were unclear.

Yes I found this on Drudge :eek:

Thanks for the tag btw. It wasn't a secret lol.


My internet is spotty. We drove from New Orleans up to Kennedy, New York on Saturday. I can count the number of Trumperstickers I saw during the >20-hour drive on one hand. This surprised me.

My in-laws are metaphysically certain that Trump will win. Knowing how they'd answer, I asked them if they felt similarly about Romney's chances right before he barely cleared 200EVs in 2012.. they did not like this one bit.

(And waking-up to 55 degrees is so much lovelier than 80+ degrees. Ahh..)
Has the issue been polled though? Do you know if it will pass?

I haven't seen anything yet sadly, but I'm hopeful. It's only allowing full strength beer and wine to be sold in grocery/convenience stores. Something nearly everyone I know has griped about for the past 10 years.

Still, wouldn't be surprised if it fails. This is Oklahoma of course.


I haven't seen anything yet sadly, but I'm hopeful. It's only allowing full strength beer and wine to be sold in grocery/convenience stores. Something nearly everyone I know has griped about for the past 10 years.

Still, wouldn't be surprised if it fails. This is Oklahoma of course.
That is a dumb law. I think Florida is like that too.
Lol. Kasich just coyly confirmed the NYT report that an aide got a call from the Trump campaign offering VP slot. Didn't confirm that they offered the domestic and FP agenda, but he didn't make any attempt to shut that down either.
I'm grasping onto anything at this point but reuters is legit right?


July 31-Aug 4 online poll of 1,154 likely voters, +/- 3%

42 Clinton
39 Trump

Among registered voters Clinton's lead is 5%, down from 8% on Monday

Yes I found this on Drudge :eek:

Thanks for the tag btw. It wasn't a secret lol.

Reuters was so wrong with this election they actually had to change how they do polls, just a few weeks ago. When everyone else had Hillary +1 or tied, they had her at +10 or something ridiculous like that.
Exactly. Though as I understand it, Gary Johnson is only half libertarian (he supports safeguards that would protect minorities from a truly free market).

He supports zero gun control as, and I'm sure he would be just fine with people walking around with Uzi's, perhaps a sexy rocket launcher as well. No limits, bud.
Also, the libertarian mindset is based on your acceptance that capitalism and the free market is the perfect self correcting system, which has been proven to be incorrect with devastating situations like the Great Depression. I've seen Libertarians go so far as to argue against child labor laws and a minimum wage. It's a dream world where humans are machines and we'll eventually be forced to make the right decisions due to market forces alone. It's a ideology that has no basis in reality.
Oh Barack Lesnar is Heavy. That does make sense now that I know.

Oh Barack is Heavy lol

Had the exact same reaction haha

I still haven;t seen BvS. We managed to convince my bfs nephews that Batman Returns was the new Batman movie. And that Superman was hidden in it.

Watched it last night. Should have just watched the WW clips because 90% of the rest of the movie is straight up terrible.


I'm a bit late on this, but I just saw this Briefing video from the Clinton Campaign on Trump's Putin connection. Most of the Briefings are good, but this one is the best yet. Really ties together the whole Russia thing, including the tax returns, and mostly let's conservative pundits (Scarborough, Krauthammer, Will) do the talking.

Hope they'll recut it into a tv ad. It's brutal.


This shit needs to be aired out as much as possible. It is THE reason that my GOP dad decided to completely sit out the election and entirely sour on Trump. A huge chunk of security Republicans will see the Russian connection as entirely disqualifying.


My in-laws are metaphysically certain that Trump will win...

Hey, I've noticed this too, with at least one guy I know wanting to put down money on the outcome. I don't know what it is about Trump that engenders such optimism (or is it a form of self-delusion?) when politics is a fickle thing, especially when most of his supporters have been around the block a few times.

Anyway, Trump seems to excite the low-info conservative community with true believers treating the election as some kind of grand cultural moment, much in the same ways Freedom Fries, Sarah Palin, and the Tea Party swept the nation. Knock down the totem and someone's bound to set it up again, but the intensity seems to be much more concentrated and less widespread this time around.
Eh, I mean it's pretty awful discourse, but Obama has been called the devil or anti-christ over the past 8 years. That may have mostly been with the rise of the tea party and not in 2008 though

I was referring to discourse by his opponent. He was not called any of those things by McCain or Romney. What Trump has done is nornalize this extreme, dangerous, counter-productive language by using it himself.


contribute something
Socialists, Anarchists, Marxists, Communists... basically anti-capitalists.

And I'm not talking about Jim Crow laws, so perhaps I shouldn't have used the word 'segregationist', but basically, I could see scenarios emerge where people are indirectly segregated due to a rift between pro-capitalism and anti-capitalism, and minorities being caught somewhere in between as they would be disproportionately negatively affected by both sides.

Ultimately, I believe such a paradigm shift would encourage the far left to displace minorities if the far left ever rose to power because minorities cannot afford to support the far left and a far left government would be too authoritarian to ever compromise for the sake of minorities.

Remember, I'm talking about the potential methodology of the far left, not their ideologies. I don't believe they would have the intent to oppress minorities, but the consequences of their actions would do just that.

Once again, I don't see this happening. Generally, socialism liberates oppressed ethnoreligious groups. In Mexico, in Bolivia, in Russia, in Germany, in Cuba, in Kurdistan, and in America, socialism has given a voice to the powerless and lessened their burden. The far left tends to be interested in the concerns of minorities more than the liberal left, because of its idealistic nature. Despite the oppression of the Soviet Union, a Jew or a Tatar or a Georgian would live much more freely than in the Tsarist Empire, with old racist laws abolished and right-wing bigots thrown out of power.

And there's no need to assume a far-left government would be authoritarian. Very few American socialists see the USSR or Maoist China as a desirable society. Despotic and imperious socialist societies generally emerge out of pre-existing and non-socialist imperial traditions. There's not much reason to believe that a hypothetical socialist France or US would look anything like the USSR or communist China.
So if there's a money bet on who wins the election, do you place your money on Trump or Hillary?

Going into this, let's assume the odds are in Hillary's favor and you want her to win.

If you bet on Hillary, you'll either get a small return (but she wins) or the double crushing blow of losing the election and your money.

If you bet on Trump, you'll either lose your money (but Hillary wins), or Trump wins and you make a fortune from the bet (thus ensuring you can buy your way out of the Trump sponsored community camps).
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