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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Christ, HOW does this guy keep getting re-elected? What does he even do for the people in his district, except embarrass them?

So if he faces a +10 to 15D wave...


Is there a hope and a dream there?

Probably depends on who the Democratic challenger is. Being speaker would both help and hurt him, I think.

If Dems can get a good recruit they should absolutely try to unseat him.


Hell, the reason Obama supporters like me were so dismissive of Bernie's crap is that WE SAW THAT IT DOESNT WORK IN 2009/10!

Yeeeeeup. Hypermotivated opposition + post election liberal sedation + basic geography left this as a completely helpless strategy.

It wasn't pioneered by Obama either. Bush tried to use it against mountain dems in 2005 and it backfired, bigly.



US Denies Visas To Gay Russians Fleeing Kidnapping And Torture

The United States has declined visas to gay Chechens fleeing a wave of kidnappings, torture, and disappearances in the semi-autonomous Russian region, according to the organization Russia LGBT Network.

A group of around 40 Chechens are now in hiding in other parts of Russia, Russia LGBT Network spokesperson Svetlana Zakharova told BuzzFeed News, and are having difficulty securing visas that would allow them to flee the country.

Since the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta first reported the abuse of dozens of gay Chechens in April, just two have managed to secure visas to safe countries despite the European Union and the United States expressing concern about the allegations, Zakharova said. A handful of gay Chechens have fled without visas because they believed the danger of staying in Russia was too great.

A US State Department spokesperson said in a statement provided on background that the department could not comment on the visa denials because, "As visa records are confidential under U.S. law, we are unable to discuss individual cases."

Zakharova told BuzzFeed News that "negotiations have been difficult" with representatives of countries that could provide safe refuge for survivors of the violence. She would not name the countries the organization was still trying to secure visas from because this could put any Chechens whose applications ultimately succeeded in danger, but she said in an email to BuzzFeed News on Tuesday that "we were informed that the US is not going to issue visas for people from Chechnya."

Of course they wouldn't. If this was Obama, they would be let in. They are better off fleeing to Canada. All refugees are.

This has Pence and Gorka stench all over it.


The lack of comment regarding Erdogan's thugs assaulting American citizens is deeply upsetting. It's the sort of situation which demands a response from the government. Were we to have a white house administration not constantly beseiged by scandals of their own making, and who didn't have a bizarre affection for dictators, we'd have one by now.

This is a really clear failure of the basics of governing.

lmao joe lieberman

Jesus. Hard pass. I hope dem senators understand what will happen if they feel like playing along with this.


No Scrubs
The lack of comment regarding Erdogan's thugs assaulting American citizens is deeply upsetting. It's the sort of situation which demands a response from the government. Were we to have a white house administration not constantly beseiged by scandals of their own making, and who didn't have a bizarre affection for dictators, we'd have one by now.

This is a really clear failure of the basics of governing.

Hell, Erdogan shouldn't have been here in the first place.


Liberman shouldn't be looked as cover. Dems should hate him.

But he's also the closest you'll probably find in America to a true Independent nowadays (whereas independents are usually embarrassed partisans or cranks with extreme views that fall off the spectrum of either party). The idea is to bring in gravitas. Question is if Lieberman's been happy with his retirement or wants the attention this will undoubtedly give him.
The last week has been insane. Just well sourced story after well sourced story.

WaPo and NYT are trading blows like Ali/Fraser. If Ali and Fraser didn't hit each other and instead wailed on a 70 year old racist.
The Republicans routinely write off demonstrations like that as paid shills or district outsiders or shit like that. All the congressional leaders sit in safely gerrymandered districts that they'll probably be insulated from even a D+20 wave, and there's no sense of loyalty where they're looking out for their vulnerable members. They corralled enough of them to vote for a steaming pile of shit like AHCA, after all.

The problem with Bernie's hypothesis was that he believed if he became President, his supporters would remain actively engaged and on the streets protesting whenever Congress failed to act and I don't buy that for a second. Obama accomplished a lot in his first two years because he had a Dem Congress, the minute either chamber flipped red everything came to a halt. Do jaded liberals blame the Republicans for gumming up the works, or Obama? Of course it's the latter, people don't know or care how our fucking government works and just want the president to fix everything. Bernie's supporters would have turned on him the minute it became clear he wouldn't be able to fulfill any of his pie-in-the-sky promises. He would have been branded a corporate sellout just like Obama was.

So many times during the primary I saw people opine that Bernie was the ONLY ONE, he was our one true savior, etc. and if you buy into that bullshit you've already lost the plot. Having a government that works for people involves electing hundreds, if not thousands of public officials across the country, in every state, district and county. But it's far easier to sit on the couch and watch Netflix and convince yourself that your $5 donation to Bernie Sanders really meant something.

The path to a progressive majority is the same as always - run good candidates in congressional districts, Senate races, gubernatorial elections, state legislative districts, etc. and then win the presidency. Instead everyone wants to skip ten steps and hope everything else just falls into place.
Well, I mean, for all the problems with dumb shit like Heath Mello there have been lots of successes with Bernie-type candidates getting in since the election. The new Philly DA candidate who has represented BLM and wants to end incarceration just beat the Police-union endorsed rival in the Democratic primary and he also said he's inspired by Bernie. Democratic Socialists of America have gotten two city councilors elected this year in Illinois and Georgia, one of whom is also a Black Lives Matter activist. You can check Our Revolution's website to see a list of endorsed winners, some of whom were in tight elections.

Of course, this is not that much so far but things like this take time and one of the advantages the Republicans have made by sinking money into electing collegiate senate members is that they have a broad bench to win higher office from.


But he's also the closest you'll probably find in America to a true Independent nowadays (whereas independents are usually embarrassed partisans or cranks with extreme views that fall off the spectrum of either party). The idea is to bring in gravitas. Question is if Lieberman's been happy with his retirement or wants the attention this will undoubtedly give him.

He's independent in that he would independently screw over the entire country if it would benefit him for personal gain in any way.

Leiberman is the single reason why Obamacare wasn't a more comprehensive health care bill.
Well, I mean, for all the problems with dumb shit like Heath Mello there have been lots of successes with Bernie-type candidates getting in since the election. The new Philly DA candidate who has represented BLM and wants to end incarceration just beat the Police-union endorsed rival in the Democratic primary and he also said he's inspired by Bernie. Democratic Socialists of America have gotten two city councilors elected this year in Illinois and Georgia, one of whom is also a Black Lives Matter activist. You can check Our Revolution's website to see a list of endorsed winners, some of whom were in tight elections.

Of course, this is not that much so far but things like this take time and one of the advantages the Republicans have made by sinking money into electing collegiate senate members is that they have a broad bench to win higher office from.
I won't deny there hasn't been some success, and that's great, I'm just speaking more of the "OH GOD THE KINGDOM IS LOST" hysteria I saw from certain corners of my world and progressives at large when Bernie lost the primaries. Trump has supporters like that too.


President Donald Trump couldn’t resist hijacking his own commencement speech Wednesday at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy to complain about how he’s been treated in the wake of the various scandals that have rocked the White House over the past two weeks.

“Look at the way I’ve been treated lately,” he griped, to laughter from the crowd. “Especially by the media. No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly



*comes back from meeting*

*sees Clarke and Lieberman might join the admistration*

Fuck my life >_<

Chris Cilzzlizzzillizza begins to suspect Donald Trump might not be the brilliant tactician he thought he was:


Fuck Cizzlia. Such a fucking stupid man.



US Denies Visas To Gay Russians Fleeing Kidnapping And Torture

The United States has declined visas to gay Chechens fleeing a wave of kidnappings, torture, and disappearances in the semi-autonomous Russian region, according to the organization Russia LGBT Network.

A group of around 40 Chechens are now in hiding in other parts of Russia, Russia LGBT Network spokesperson Svetlana Zakharova told BuzzFeed News, and are having difficulty securing visas that would allow them to flee the country.

Since the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta first reported the abuse of dozens of gay Chechens in April, just two have managed to secure visas to safe countries despite the European Union and the United States expressing concern about the allegations, Zakharova said. A handful of gay Chechens have fled without visas because they believed the danger of staying in Russia was too great.

A US State Department spokesperson said in a statement provided on background that the department could not comment on the visa denials because, "As visa records are confidential under U.S. law, we are unable to discuss individual cases."

Zakharova told BuzzFeed News that "negotiations have been difficult" with representatives of countries that could provide safe refuge for survivors of the violence. She would not name the countries the organization was still trying to secure visas from because this could put any Chechens whose applications ultimately succeeded in danger, but she said in an email to BuzzFeed News on Tuesday that "we were informed that the US is not going to issue visas for people from Chechnya."

Fuck the Trump administration


Hannity is literally running with video/photos existing of Comey blowing his nose into the WH curtains and this somehow tarnishing his credibility.

Maybe this was the tape Trump was talking about!


Hannity is literally running with video/photos existing of Comey blowing his nose into the WH curtains and this somehow tarnishing his credibility.

Maybe this was the tape Trump was talking about!

I wish Hannity would be disgraced like O'Reilly, but he is too busy climbing further and further up Trump's ass to get caught doing anything salacious.
Hannity is literally running with video/photos existing of Comey blowing his nose into the WH curtains and this somehow tarnishing his credibility.

Maybe this was the tape Trump was talking about!
Wow. That is certainly not the pushback I was expecting.

Edit: the article is clearly a joke. BTW, the author, R. Emmett Tyrell, has an amazing writing style, like William F. Buckley crossed with PT Barnum. He is genuinely a character.
I don't expect any leaks or bombshells today.

I just hope that there are many during Trump's trip. WH is expecting to complete this foreign trip without any hiccups, which is possible and news would love a positive news cycle for Trump administration.
Lieberman was there supporting Devos. Fucker needs to die already or get the fuck out of politics at least. Also example #1 why Dems should not support people just because there's a D next to their name.
Didn't they leak the "Milo supports pedophilia" video?

Still, "grain of salt", etc. Best to ignore them for now.

Yeah, they were the ones who really spread that video. Then again, I think anyone could say the same thing with the same amount of confidence, considering how fast these leaks are coming these days.
Good, run out the clock on healthcare and Ryan's dystopian tax reform.

Lieberman was there supporting Devos. Fucker needs to die already or get the fuck out of politics at least. Also example #1 why Dems should not support people just because there's a D next to their name.
But we didn't, we primaried his ass and he had to run as an independent. Connecticut voted him in over an actual Democrat who had support from the Dem establishment.
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