Because I feel like potentially getting heat today
I like Oliver a lot. His comedy style is often up my ally, although I'm not too keen on the fake yelling at fake people, I don't find it nearly as pervasive as others here.
John Stewart is right up there with Oliver, with Cobert a close third, I really like his monologues.
Bee and Noah though I don't really take to. The problem I have with Bee is she seems more snark than comedy and that's not what I'm looking for with these types of shows. Noah is okay, but his material and delivery are often weak. Fallon is a good source of political commentary. I kinda agree with the above sentiment that it's a hard climate we're in. If America wasn't in such a nasty, precarious position he'd probably be okay. The sort of "every man funny man" where no one is really insulted by his mediocre antics.
Trouble is Fallon wants to ride a line between Democrats and Republicans, as if he can stay in the middle and remain appealing to everyone. I think the unfortunate truth is that with where we're headed everyone is going to be forced to pick a side and if they haven't, that choice will be made for them. Fallon just isn't the type of guy made for this kind of atmosphere.