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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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So the filibuster gets removed the Republican Congress will ram legislation through, sign it and reap the rewards/consequences. Democratic Congress rams legislation through, signed by Democratic President and reap the rewards/consequences. Next Republican Congress/President reverses/repeals previous ramming of Democratic legislation.

Rinse and Repeat.


Unconfirmed Member
Did not expect a rather spoiler-y Nier: A gif in this thread. :/
Not spoiler-y at all. It happens in the first hour and you're just as confused seeing it in game as in gif form.

Edit: well, first hour unless you don't do the main quest line.

Basically just don't worry about it, there's a billion more interesting things that would be worse to be spoiled in that game.

Thinking back on it, that gif is just the third most interesting and crazy thing about that scene alone.



This has kind of been my hope with Canada, Mexico, Europe: that they all recognize most Americans think Trump is a stupid embarrassment that we're just trying to ride out for the next three years, and hopefully they play along too.

Anyone read the brilliant profile of Mattis in the New Yorker last week?

He's definitely an interesting character, though I wasn't aware just how deep his Iran-hawkishness ran. Now, to dig into the Sally Yates interview....

You're gonna have a hard time finding any senior military officials who aren't hawkish on Iran.
This has kind of been my hope with Canada, Mexico, Europe: that they all recognize most Americans think Trump is a stupid embarrassment that we're just trying to ride out for the next three years, and hopefully they play along too.

You're gonna have a hard time finding any senior military officials who aren't hawkish on Iran.

I see it as a good news/bad news situation. The good news is that countries are taking this "ride it out" position. The bad news is that it's a real acknowledgement that relations really are already this dire.


This has kind of been my hope with Canada, Mexico, Europe: that they all recognize most Americans think Trump is a stupid embarrassment that we're just trying to ride out for the next three years, and hopefully they play along too.

You're gonna have a hard time finding any senior military officials who aren't hawkish on Iran.

The problem with that is what kind fo healthy relationship can be build when every 4-8 years there is a chance of you guys electing someone who will tear apart all the deals made previously? Yeah relationships will improve but the confidence on you guys not fucking up is going to take waaay longer to recover
So the filibuster gets removed the Republican Congress will ram legislation through, sign it and reap the rewards/consequences. Democratic Congress rams legislation through, signed by Democratic President and reap the rewards/consequences. Next Republican Congress/President reverses/repeals previous ramming of Democratic legislation.

Rinse and Repeat.
You know I'd like to think a Dem president unrestrained by the filibuster would be able to pass like a million things and enjoy universal popularity. But I am absolutely confident that no matter how much good they do, the mushy swing voter would decide eight years later that while they approve of the president, it's time for a change. They then elect a batshit moron who runs on explicitly repealing everything done over the last eight years and wonder why everything went to shit.

I feel it's crucial for ACA to survive the Trump administration, at least legislatively so that the next Democratic president doesn't have to burn through their first 100 days undoing the mess that Trumpcare would cause. It would be so much easier to graft cost controls and a public option onto the already existing law than to start from scratch while completely undoing the existing law.
The problem with that is what kind fo healthy relationship can be build when every 4-8 years there is a chance of you guys electing someone who will tear apart all the deals made previously? Yeah relationships will improve but the confidence on you guys not fucking up is going to take waaay longer to recover

I wouldn't have any confidence in us not fucking up. The country is in too much flux. Can't really say what sort of America will come out the other side right now.


One of President Donald Trump’s closest confidants, his personal lawyer Michael Cohen, has now become a focus of the expanding Congressional investigation into Russian efforts to influence the 2016 campaign.

Cohen confirmed to ABC News that House and Senate investigators have asked him “to provide information and testimony” about any contacts he had with people connected to the Russian government, but he said he has turned down the invitation.

“I declined the invitation to participate as the request was poorly phrased, overly broad and not capable of being answered,” Cohen told ABC News in an email Tuesday.

To people who say nothing's happening. Look at the pattern. Whoever's leaking the stories clearly is publicly and systematically implicating people in Trump's orbit.

The reason why things are going 'slow' is probably because of how many people are involved.

With Kushner and Cohen now in sights, I feel like it's one of two probabilities:

1) The walls are closing in on Trump and news are gonna move fast.
2) We're gonna find out there was nothing to the Russia story.

I don't think 2 is gonna happen; but I don't see other options. People said there would be no leaks with Mueller in charge.... yeah right.
To people who say nothing's happening. Look at the pattern. Whoever's leaking the stories clearly is publicly and systematically implicating people in Trump's orbit.

The reason why things are going 'slow' is probably because of how many people are involved.

With Kushner and Cohen now in sights, I feel like it's one of two probabilities:

1) The walls are closing in on Trump and news are gonna move fast.
2) We're gonna find out there was nothing to the Russia story.

I don't think 2 is gonna happen; but I don't see other options. People said there would be no leaks with Mueller in charge.... yeah right.

There is absolutely no WAY #2 is possible at this point.
Just read on twitter that White House is setting up a "War Room" to deal with Russia questions, come up with strategies, etc. Guess who will be leading the effort? Jared, of course.
To people who say nothing's happening. Look at the pattern. Whoever's leaking the stories clearly is publicly and systematically implicating people in Trump's orbit.

The reason why things are going 'slow' is probably because of how many people are involved.

With Kushner and Cohen now in sights, I feel like it's one of two probabilities:

1) The walls are closing in on Trump and news are gonna move fast.
2) We're gonna find out there was nothing to the Russia story.

I don't think 2 is gonna happen; but I don't see other options. People said there would be no leaks with Mueller in charge.... yeah right.

#2 is impossible because of Flynn. Dude is pretty fucked regardless.

If they are getting the President I think this is closing all the holes and defenses. Trump's inner circle is extremely small and it would be one thing if it was a single person, but this is establishing a pattern and uniformity in his circle. This many people working this close to Trump doing the same shady shit leads to one outcome, they are getting orders from the top.
#2 is impossible because of Flynn. Dude is pretty fucked regardless.

If they are getting the President I think this is closing all the holes and defenses. Trump's inner circle is extremely small and it would be one thing if it was a single person, but this is establishing a pattern and uniformity in his circle. This many people working this close to Trump doing the same shady shit leads to one outcome, they are getting orders from the top.

I know #2 is impossible. However, that's the narrative the WH wants to push. There's no middle. There's no "oh Mike Flynn went rogue." They're going all in on it being fake.

Also with Cohen and Kushner in sights; "mike flynn went rogue" wouldn't fly anyways. Expect Trump to go CRAZY; especially if Lewandowski comes back. It'll be like Downfall every day.
Just read on twitter that White House is setting up a "War Room" to deal with Russia questions, come up with strategies, etc. Guess who will be leading the effort? Jared, of course.

"How do we get my ass out of this?"

#2 is impossible because of Flynn. Dude is pretty fucked regardless.

If they are getting the President I think this is closing all the holes and defenses. Trump's inner circle is extremely small and it would be one thing if it was a single person, but this is establishing a pattern and uniformity in his circle. This many people working this close to Trump doing the same shady shit leads to one outcome, they are getting orders from the top.

The main goal for us should be to Benghazi Trump. We need not just the guilty folks to get run out of town but also the people around them. Culture of Corruption 2: Electric Boogaloo


When Trump is ousted you'll have people calling for independence, claim there was a coup, that Trump is still their president, some governors will play the offended virgins and refuse to arrest the militias that will emerge, opposition will be intimidated into silence, those who fight back will be arrested by the police, the situation will escalate leading to an unofficial partnership between police forces and militias to restore order, those militias will become politically active on those gains, and bots/social media will fuel all this until your own mom says you're being lied to by the left and are a traitor and that Trump is still her president.

The US is heading towards a disaster.

All according to план


When Trump is ousted you'll have people calling for independence, claim there was a coup, that Trump is still their president, some governors will play the offended virgins and refuse to arrest the militias that will emerge, opposition will be intimidated into silence, those who fight back will be arrested by the police, the situation will escalate leading to an unofficial partnership between police forces and militias to restore order, those militias will become politically active on those gains, and bots/social media will fuel all this until your own mom says you're being lied to by the left and are a traitor and that Trump is still her president.

The US is heading towards a disaster.

All according to план
Let them go independent and see how they enjoy their lack of Urban city money.
did you guys forget how legislation actually becomes law

Yea. The HFC has made it very clear they won't support an amended bill being sent back, and to make things worse for them, the "20-30%" difference between the House and senate bills will almost certainly be Medicaid related. Why would they sign off on a bill that likely eliminates many of the draconian cuts to the program, or at least puts them on a farther out timeline (IE after the 2018 election).

Then add in Ted Cruz being a chaos agent and complicating the process...I don't see how they'll do it. Something will pass the senate, I bet. But it won't be what House extremists want.


Yea. The HFC has made it very clear they won't support an amended bill being sent back, and to make things worse for them, the "20-30%" difference between the House and senate bills will almost certainly be Medicaid related. Why would they sign off on a bill that likely eliminates many of the draconian cuts to the program, or at least puts them on a farther out timeline (IE after the 2018 election).

Then add in Ted Cruz being a chaos agent and complicating the process...I don't see how they'll do it. Something will pass the senate, I bet. But it won't be what House extremists want.
If the Senate actually does send it back, the reality of finally getting rid of Obamacare staring them in the face will seduce them into voting for it. The first vote was no doubt the hardest.


If the Senate actually does send it back, the reality of finally getting rid of Obamacare staring them in the face will seduce them into voting for it. The first vote was no doubt the hardest.

Completely agree. The first bill was a wishlist. The HFC is not going to vote to save the ACA. Particularly not when their jobs are on the line in 2018. The Tuesday group is spineless and will cease to exist after the 2018 midterms.

I'm pretty sure the House will pass whatever McConnell tells them to pass; they will never get another opportunity and they know it. The first vote was posturing and, now that they've swallowed their poison, they have to live with it.


If the Senate actually does send it back, the reality of finally getting rid of Obamacare staring them in the face will seduce them into voting for it. The first vote was no doubt the hardest.


and the HFC caves under pressure all the time. Their claim that they won't vote for any amended bill is worthless
I don't have any predictions on what will happens, but like, we've seen nothing from the Senate attempt to amend the bill, so I would think that any guessing or "FUCK" is premature as of now.


Completely agree. The first bill was a wishlist. The HFC is not going to vote to save the ACA. Particularly not when their jobs are on the line in 2018. The Tuesday group is spineless and will cease to exist after the 2018 midterms.

I'm pretty sure the House will pass whatever McConnell tells them to pass; they will never get another opportunity and they know it. The first vote was posturing and, now that they've swallowed their poison, they have to live with it.

Yeah. If their areas are heavily republican, any republican they face for their seat can just run an ad on how they didn't repeal obamacare.


If the Senate actually does send it back, the reality of finally getting rid of Obamacare staring them in the face will seduce them into voting for it. The first vote was no doubt the hardest.

Agreed. I think this was the entire strategy of voting on something in the house, too.


Unconfirmed Member
Just read on twitter that White House is setting up a "War Room" to deal with Russia questions, come up with strategies, etc. Guess who will be leading the effort? Jared, of course.
If they were smart they would consult the Kremlin (perhaps through back channels) on their FUDops. Because they are seriously inept at this on their own.

*Cue Donald in a hockey jersey*


Clothed, sober, cooperative
If I had any kind of power, I would create a group of serious, old school and rational republicans to say "enough is enough" and build bipartisan support for changing the party and undoing some of this damage.

But even Lindsay Graham started saying Russia stuff might be fake news (Jared backchannel story).

I think that party is too far gone for restoration or recovery. They may continue to win on gerrymandering and razor thin racism margins for a couple of decades, but demographics are going to kill that party and nobody is doing anything to make it better.

Democrats hand wringing themselves into a tizzy trying to come up with "one simple message."

I don't want a party that operates on "one simple message" and I vote for a party that bases policy on rationality and real-world complexity.


May contain jokes =>
I don't want a party that operates on "one simple message" and I vote for a party that bases policy on rationality and real-world complexity.

I agree with you in general and disagree with you specifically with regards to 2020, in which I want the most simple, digestible and broadly-acceptable message possible, no matter how diluted, to remove Trump from office.


If the Senate actually does send it back, the reality of finally getting rid of Obamacare staring them in the face will seduce them into voting for it. The first vote was no doubt the hardest.

Totally agree. It's worth pointing out that it was the HFC, not Ryan or the "centrists," that restarted the negotiations to get AHCA done. They definitely did not like being the ones to shoulder the blame for killing Obamacare repeal.

And I fully expect them to pass whatever the Senate sends back, even when it inevitably isn't as destructive and shitty as they would prefer.

If I had any kind of power, I would create a group of serious, old school and rational republicans to say "enough is enough" and build bipartisan support for changing the party and undoing some of this damage.

But even Lindsay Graham started saying Russia stuff might be fake news (Jared backchannel story).

I think that party is too far gone for restoration or recovery. They may continue to win on gerrymandering and razor thin racism margins for a couple of decades, but demographics are going to kill that party and nobody is doing anything to make it better.

I mean, "a couple of decades" is still a pretty long time to be controlling or majorly influencing the government.

It really doesn't take a whole lot for a party to rebrand itself. It only took four years for the country to forgive the GOP for Nixon and Ford, and elect Reagan in a huge majority (and then re-elect him and elect his successor in even bigger numbers). It only took eight years for the country to forget how much Bush had fucked this country and elect an even more transparently corrupt, awful person.


Politics is all about incentives. The Republicans most amenable to change (Senators) are those most insulated from political incentives. The only way to fix the Republican party is not through bipartisanship. It's through electoral wipeout. Adapt or die.

People haven't forgotten the lessons of Bush. Bush's failure destroyed neo-conservativism (with many of its proponents - Frum, for example - finding a home in the Democratic party, Scoop Jackson style. What's old is new, etc.) and the electoral waves of 06 and 08 opened the door for a new generation of GOP politicians. They're terrible too - but a different brand of terrible.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If I had any kind of power, I would create a group of serious, old school and rational republicans to say "enough is enough" and build bipartisan support for changing the party and undoing some of this damage.

But even Lindsay Graham started saying Russia stuff might be fake news (Jared backchannel story).

I think that party is too far gone for restoration or recovery. They may continue to win on gerrymandering and razor thin racism margins for a couple of decades, but demographics are going to kill that party and nobody is doing anything to make it better.

Democrats hand wringing themselves into a tizzy trying to come up with "one simple message."

I don't want a party that operates on "one simple message" and I vote for a party that bases policy on rationality and real-world complexity.

I don't see how demographics are going to hurt Republicans. Sure, more non-white voters are voting, but in concentrated areas with lots of Democrats already. It seems like as Republican strongholds like Bumfuckia, Kentucky and Whydoilivehere, Kansas are going to become even more Republican as people leave. How can Democrats ever get a Senate majority ever again with the majority of states in the Union are these backwater places?


We going to hear something about the supposed three discovered leakers the Trump team mentioned last week? Or is that going in the "Obama wiretapped me" file?

PS Spicy on now telling us about Red Don's HISTORIC trip abroad.
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