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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Um.... what
AP's full story:
SHANGHAI (AP) — A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing, the arrested man's wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday.

Hua Haifeng was accused of illegal surveillance, according to his wife, Deng Guilian, who said the police called her Tuesday afternoon. Deng said the caller told her she didn't need to know the details, only that she would not be able to see, speak with or receive money from her husband, the family's breadwinner.

China Labor Watch Executive Director Li Qiang said he lost contact with Hua Haifeng and the other two men, Li Zhao and Su Heng, over the weekend. By Tuesday, after dozens of unanswered calls, he had concluded: ”They must be held either by the factory or the police to be unreachable."

China Labor Watch, a New York-based nonprofit, was planning to publish a report next month alleging low pay, excessive overtime and the possible misuse of student interns. It is unclear whether the undercover investigative methods used by the advocacy group are legal in China.
All three men were investigating Ganzhou Huajian International Shoe City Co.'s factory in Jiangxi province, just north of Guangdong province. Su Heng had been working undercover at the factory since April, Li said. The parent company is known as Huajian Group.
Li Zhao and Hua Haifeng were blocked from leaving mainland China for Hong Kong in April and May — something that had never happened to his colleagues before, Li said. Hua Haifeng was stopped at the border May 25 and later questioned by police, Li said. During their final phone conversation on Saturday, Hua told Li that police had asked him to stop investigating the Huajian factory — another turn of events that Li said was unprecedented.
I don't remember what I had for lunch last week. So I can't be stuck on the past like you, Communists and miscreants. Also all of the socialistas on here are like 11, except Crab.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
May has positive favourability, and was a considerably better candidate than any of the alternative leadership contenders. It's not a perfect analogy.

Corbyn is also more popular than Farron, which is unusual since normally Lib Dem leaders poll very favourably since everyone decides that at least they're not as bad as Labour/the Conservatives depending on whether you are the Conservatives/Labour.

No, I meant that what happened with Clinton / Trump may have been a freak occurrence and may not have portended the end of western civilization.


Hua’s wife, Deng, meanwhile, has yet to tell the couple’s children, ages 3 and 7, about their father’s plight. But they seem to know anyway, she said.

“My son suddenly burst into tears. He said he missed Papa,” Deng said by phone from her home in central China’s Hubei province. “I said Papa would come home soon and buy you toys.”

She said the child looked at her and answered: “Papa was taken away by a monster.”

Well, fuck.


I look forward to the day Fox News crashes and burns, but it probably won't happen in my life time.

Their average viewer age is above 70.

Ignoring the bottom currently falling out of the cable market, their market share is likely to crater within the next decade, assuming new people don't come into the fold.
Also people like Tucker Carlson just don't make the grade that Megyn Kelly and O'Reilly set in terms of showmanship. Carlson is just a generic college Republican douche, O'Reilly could channel his audiences anger into entertainment quite well.
In the 18-45 demo. They still have the most viewers because of all of their older viewers.

It was 25-54 demo I thought, but the point is that those are the viewers that advertisers actually care about because they are much more likely to actually buy the products they see in advertisements.

Pre-Trump fox had a much wider audience, which allowed it to be such a powerhouse in ratings. But now that they have gone full-breitbart and lost their "best" people they are losing significant portions of their audience to CNN and especially MSNBC.

At some point, advertisers are going to go straight to the Murdoch sons and say "cut the conspiracy crap or we cut ads from your network".

Shep, Bret, and Wallace need to jump ship and leave the network to rot.

That reminds me, what's gonna happen with the 2020 POTUS debates? Will Fox be shitty enough to try and have Hannity moderate their debate or will the debate commission stand firm in playing it safe?

Because there is no anyone is going to take a debate seriously if Hannity is moderating it. Wallace was actually a good moderator.
It's simple, really. Get a filibuster-proof majority in Congress. Vote to remove the filibuster so if you lose seats you retain the ability to pass any legislation you want without interference from the opposing party. When you inevitably lose your majority, vote the filibuster back in before the opposing party takes control. It's not unlike how North Carolina voted to strip power out of the governorship when they lost the election. It's called being petty and amoral, and the GOP currently has no shortage of that.

That wouldn't actually work. The filibuster is a matter of Senate rules. It can be eliminated by a simple majority vote so the new majority could (and would) just get rid of it when they took power.
Imagine how crummy your garment factory has to be in China for China to actually go ahead and investigate you. Then imagine how even crummier it has to be in order for the government to be interested in covering it up to keep its secrets hidden, even on the already extremely low grading curve of conditions.
It was 25-54 demo I thought, but the point is that those are the viewers that advertisers actually care about because they are much more likely to actually buy the products they see in advertisements.

Pre-Trump fox had a much wider audience, which allowed it to be such a powerhouse in ratings. But now that they have gone full-breitbart and lost their "best" people they are losing significant portions of their audience to CNN and especially MSNBC.

At some point, advertisers are going to go straight to the Murdoch sons and say "cut the conspiracy crap or we cut ads from your network".

Anecdotally, almost none of my conservative relatives watch Fox anymore. The spin has hit Bush levels of "obvious and thus embarrassing" and so they tune out. They all know Trump is a mess so they're just giving up. Works for me.

Imagine how crummy your garment factory has to be in China for China to actually go ahead and investigate you.

This was my thought as well. Like Jesus, this is "I got called out for human rights violations by North Korea" levels of bad.


At this point, I think the Trump base wants to go back to 2007 levels of insurance when it comes to health care.

Except, they think they will get 2007 premiums. which to that, lol





Georgia numbers? Georgia numbers:

@Nate_Cohn 33m33 minutes ago

Huge turnout in GA-6 so far. Over all, D 42, R 42 with 15480 votes counted--took 12 days to get there in rnd 1. About 50/50 abs/in-person

@Nate_Cohn 31m31 minutes ago

And remember that by this measure of party--past primary vote--district is R+20. Ossoff got ~64% in round 1 early vote with D/R ~even.

@Nate_Cohn 24m24 minutes ago

Voters who didn't vote in rnd 1, but already voted in rnd 2, are interesting.
They're R 47, D 21, but much, much younger than repeat voters


People who didn't vote in GA-6 round 1 are 16% of early voters so far (though there are some matching issues with this slightly old file)


Kind of makes sense? Younger voters wouldn't care as much about the primary.

So by D 42/R 42 they mean that 16% of early voters are independents?


A lot of people are voting. There are some signs that things look good for Ossoff but you must make some assumptions (young people who last voted Republican and didn't vote in the primary are coming out for Ossoff, for example. Likely, not likely? We don't know).

Young people who last voted *as* Republicans, crucially. Georgia's an open primary state, and there could be some proportion of savvy crossover voters.
The past is a curious thing. It's with you all the time. I suppose an hour never passes without your thinking of things that happened ten or twenty years ago, and yet most of the time it's got no reality, it's just a set of facts that you've learned, like a lot of stuff in a history book. Then some chance sight or sound or smell, especially smell, sets you going, and the past doesn't merely come back to you, you're actually in the past.
I saw this movie too.
They'd freeze up through 2018. The lamest year of non governing and self-obstruction would lead to a smaller defeat margin than impeachment
Frankly I'd rather have this than chancing it on them passing something truly awful (like AHCA) and ruining America. There comes a point where the potential electoral gains aren't worth it.


Those early voting numbers don't look so good honestly. The bottom line is D-42 and R-42. Reading too much into who the new voters or independents are is a huge part of what led people to think Florida and North Carolina were lean D last November when the early vote objectively didn't look good at all. "New voters are Republican, but they're young!" is just fooling oneself.


Don Lemon: Jack Kingston is trying to take over the whole panel.
Jack Kingston: I'm getting ganged up on.
Don Lemon: No you're not, you're just saying crazy things.

Zucker is an asshat but sometimes it's worth it.


Holy shit, as stupid as I think Trump is (and I think he's a fucking moron), he keeps doing shit that makes him even dumber!

AP reporting:

BREAKING: President Trump has been urging world leaders to call him on his cellphone, raising security and secrecy concerns.

So he's been passing out his cellphone number to world leaders saying they can just call him directly that way? Fucking idiot!

Or maybe he's just lonely...

Trump, home all alone

It's not that President Trump was excited about his first foreign trip. He complained to friends beforehand it was going to be too long; he just wasn't looking forward to it. Besides, he was "in a pretty glum mood" when he left, according to one source who speaks with the President.

His homecoming, it appears, did nothing to cheer him up.

Instead of celebrating a victory lap after touring the Middle East and meeting with the Pope and European leaders, Trump returned to the continuing controversy over Russia. He was preoccupied with legal issues and staff problems as the controversy placed his son-in-law, and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, as part of a counterintelligence investigation. Sessions with lawyers are nothing new for this litigious ex-businessman; but with infinitely higher stakes, this was different.

One source says Trump has complained privately about his White House counsel Don McGahn, well known as a specialist in campaign finance law. But his inside counsel has nothing to do with his personal defense, anyway -- and so he was expected to meet with his go-to attorney, Marc Kasowitz. His longtime lawyer, two sources say, is going to become what one called the "supervisor" of Trump's outside legal team. He'll be the Trump whisperer, adds another, "not the guy interacting with [special counsel Robert] Mueller."

"Allowing a special counsel to happen was idiocy," says one ally, who may be channeling the President's thinking. "Special counsels never end well." Never mind that Trump's own firing of FBI Director James Comey -- and his repeated attempts to get administration appointees to end the matter -- began the chain of events that led to the Mueller appointment. If anyone wanted to stop the President, it didn't happen. Maybe they agreed with Trump that the Democrats would support the move?

"These guys don't play chess," sighs a friend. "They play checkers."

After the President moved to fire the FBI director, one outside adviser says he told Trump flat-out that the timing was crazy. "If you had fired him on Day One, it would be a whole different atmosphere," he told the President. "Doing it five months in made no sense."

Presidency is not a natural fit

So Trump returns to the White House this week just as he left -- lonely, angry and not happy with much of anyone. The presidency, Donald Trump is discovering, is not an easy or natural fit.

"He now lives within himself, which is a dangerous place for Donald Trump to be," says someone who speaks with the President. "I see him emotionally withdrawing. He's gained weight. He doesn't have anybody whom he trusts."

The question, he adds, is whether Trump will understand the enormity of what he faces or will instead "be back to being arrogant and stubborn." He will have to realize that "all this trip really did was hit the pause button."
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