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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
New Jersey democrats just nominated a uber rich self described "elite" who spent 23 years in Goldman Sachs leadership to be their nominee, having the endorsement of Cory Booker, Joe Biden, and Bob Menendez and outspending the rest of his opponents combined $22 million to $5 million.

Democrats keep saying economic populism is the future of the party, and then turn around and push for candidates with the only determination being who can raise the most money. It's frustrating.

And the primary mechanics is probably screwing democrats more than republicans in an atmosphere where the center is basically extinct. Republicans as a whole are fine with big money influence and the older and richer primary base represents their constituency pretty well. They'll turn out for absolutely anyone anyway, and don't have to worry about courting new voters until demographic changes hit critical mass.

On the other hand, outsized big money influence and older/richer primary voters are going lead to exactly the type of candidate that turns off the type of people democrats need but have a hard time getting to vote.

This is kinda bullshit. Now it doesn't matter what your policy positions are, what you say you'll do, or what your credentials are....if you worked on, for, or with Wall Street or big industry ever. Why don't we just cal it what it really is and say anti-elitism, which is fine. That's what populism is.

New Jersey, being where it is, has lots of people who work for and are involved in financial services. His positions were not meaningfully different from the "lefter" candidates.

If "democrats" keep saying they're for economic populism, doesn't it stand to reason they'd vote for economic populists? Seems to me your conclusion does not support your premise.


What the fuck? How do we go from 'no AHCA until after the midterms' to this in like a week?

The cynic in me wants to say that the Senate is following the House's path to the final vote almost to the letter. Remember this is exactly how it happened then, too. Drive down expectations so you don't have angry and organized constituents breathing down your necks, then ram it through at the last second.

It's disgusting. But it's inevitable.

Write your congressperson, organize in your areas. But for gods sake stop thinking any part of the process will protect us from Republicans.


The cynic in me wants to say that the Senate is following the House's path to the final vote almost to the letter. Remember this is exactly how it happened then, too. Drive down expectations so you don't have angry and organized constituents breathing down your necks, then ram it through at the last second.

It's disgusting. But it's inevitable.

Write your congressperson, organize in your areas. But for gods sake stop thinking any part of the process will protect us from Republicans.
I guess it doesn't matter. If Trump is going to continue to sabotage the ACA the law is already dead anyway.

Fuck. It just makes me sick that they're going to increase the cost of subsidies to pay for tax cuts for people who don't need them. It's fucking rape.

It's also disgusting that Donald Trump, a fraud, con man piece of trash is going to sign it should it reach his desk.
Are Democrats doing much worse with black voters than they were pre-Obama?

Like, I keep seeing this and last year about the drops in black turnout, but I don't know if this is a regression to the pre-Obama mean or a net negative compared to even that.

Does that matter? We need black turnout higher than 2016 in GA-6 and it is not at the moment.

If Dems increase minority turnout they will have an overall easier time capturing the house.


Does that matter? We need black turnout higher than 2016 in GA-6 and it is not at the moment.

If Dems increase minority turnout they will have an overall easier time capturing the house.

I really wish I had eyes and ears inside that district right now.

Because other than having a lot of money thrown at it, I'm not sensing anything in the way of a comprehensive strategy other taking advantage of liberal anger at Trump.


[bDoes that matter?[/b] We need black turnout higher than 2016 in GA-6 and it is not at the moment.

If Dems increase minority turnout they will have an overall easier time capturing the house.
well, I think so? Because while we should always be working to maximize turnout no matter what, if we're seeing an overall net negative in black voter turnout, that's a much different problem than seeing voters drop off because there isn't a black candidate at the top of the ticket/in the White House anymore.


Bet Trump asked for Colley's loyalty because he was taping him and hoped to blackmail him. What an idiot.
Andy Slavitt wrote a pretty good twitter thread to discuss the AHCA.


They literally can't vote on it before the CBO score and the go ahead from the parliamentarian for reconciliation, so the idea that they're just going to rush ahead without any of that means either they're effectively ending the filibuster or this guy doesn't actually realize they can't vote without the final score.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
They literally can't vote on it before the CBO score and the go ahead from the parliamentarian for reconciliation, so the idea that they're just going to rush ahead without any of that means either they're effectively ending the filibuster or this guy doesn't actually realize they can't vote without the final score.

Slavitt specifically says in that thread they'll wait for the CBO then vote after short debate.


They literally can't vote on it before the CBO score and the go ahead from the parliamentarian for reconciliation, so the idea that they're just going to rush ahead without any of that means either they're effectively ending the filibuster or this guy doesn't actually realize they can't vote without the final score.

There is a CBO Score and the Parliamentarian just gave an overall go-ahead for reconciliation (some individual provisions still under review).
Slavitt specifically says in that thread they'll wait for the CBO then vote after short debate.

Oh, I read one of those wrong since Twitter is a garbage place to do long stuff like this

However, their idea of doing the CBO score in pieces kind of flies in the face of never letting the public see the bill, doesn't it? Since we'd see the CBO score from this week and get a good idea of what's actually in the bill (while also drawing attention to the fact that they aren't showing anyone the bill)

There is a CBO Score and the Parliamentarian just gave an overall go-ahead for reconciliation (some individual provisions still under review).

For the house bill. This is the senate. Different bill, different score, different go ahead. At least that's what Politico tells me.


There is a CBO Score and the Parliamentarian just gave an overall go-ahead for reconciliation (some individual provisions still under review).
I'm having a hard time understanding how reconciliation works for this

And I'd love to know what the individual provisions under review are


There is a CBO Score and the Parliamentarian just gave an overall go-ahead for reconciliation (some individual provisions still under review).

The current CBO score and go-ahead from the parliamentarian were for the House bill, not the revised Senate bill, which is still being written.

This oppo didn't quite have the impact I thought it would. 12 hours later, and no one seems to care.

Well, Coats is testifying today, so it'll have another at making the news cycle.


They literally can't vote on it before the CBO score and the go ahead from the parliamentarian for reconciliation, so the idea that they're just going to rush ahead without any of that means either they're effectively ending the filibuster or this guy doesn't actually realize they can't vote without the final score.

Slavitt ran Medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA under President Obama. He is very familiar with the process.


The current CBO score and go-ahead from the parliamentarian were for the House bill, not the revised Senate bill, which is still being written.

Well, Coats is testifying today, so it'll have another at making the news cycle.

The scoring on the House bill (on both counts) provides the general direction of the Senate bill, which will be like the move from the first to the second CBO score on the two House bills, slightly better but still not leading to an increase in the deficit. If the Parliamentarian gives the go-ahead on the questionable provisions in the House bill, that will also be the general direction for the Senate Bill (Mike Pence can overrule the Parliamentarian anyway).


Oh, and it looks like Wray's law firm has connections to Rosneft.


This is my complete lack of surprise.
When you are in charge of kids and the worse ones are the ones that make fun of transgendered and other people of the LGBT community....I have yelled so much in my life.
By the way they are Trump fans so it's expected...
When you are in charge of kids and the worse ones are the ones that make fun of transgendered and other people of the LGBT community....I have yelled so much in my life.
By the way they are Trump fans so it's expected...

I've felt more and more lately that those who cling to the "b-but wait until all the old folks die off for bigotry to end!" are chasing a fool's errand.


I've felt more and more lately that those who cling to the "b-but wait until all the old folks die off for bigotry to end!" are chasing a fool's errand.

Kids Are Quoting Trump To Bully Their Classmates And Teachers Don’t Know What To Do About It

On a school bus in San Antonio, Texas, a white eighth-grader said to a Filipino classmate, “You are going to be deported.” In a classroom in Brea, California, a white eighth-grader told a black classmate, “Now that Trump won, you're going to have to go back to Africa, where you belong.” In the hallway of a high school in San Mateo County, California, a white student told two biracial girls to “go back home to whatever country you're from.”

Hillary warned this would happen - there were campaign ads specifically about the influence of Trump's words on children.


Mr.Shrugglesツ;239487631 said:
"Teachers don't know what to do it about it"


Your fucking job?

As a victim of bullying in middle school way before the Trump era, what teachers say don't mean shit.

If children feel they are better and superior to someone else for whatever reason, they are going to bully whether a teacher says something or not.
Mr.Shrugglesツ;239487631 said:
"Teachers don't know what to do it about it"


Your fucking job?

It's harder in a public school if you're in a conservative area. The correct answer is to tell them the president is a bad person, but their parents are going to shit all over you if the kid passes that message to them.

As a college teacher, I get to say whatever the fuck I want
but it's a math class so I don't get to indoctrinate them to my political ideology. Fox News wins this round.


The Affordable Act.

The story of a piece of legislation that tackled two of the largest, most obvious, and most pressing problems in American politics, by slowing the growth of government health spending and reducing the number of uninsured Americans.

Republicans in 2009 knew this had to be dealt with -- tea party and McConnell cynicism quickly gets potential supporters to start to knowingly lie about death panels (See Grassley,Chuck).

Use progressive capital gain taxes to finance broad benefit program, have 58 Democratic senators who support expanding Medicaid, last two holdouts no longer in office -- Democrats are neoliberal sellouts giving a handout to the insurance industry.

Lawmakers do the right thing for country despite political risk, lose office, help people -- Wow overreach, look at all those seats they might lose in 2010

Use GOP plan, frankly a rather simple three legged approach to solving the adverse selection problem, work to preserve as much as possible within system that already exists -- this is socialism, this is too complicated, the government is trying to take my Medicare.

Democrats spend a full year working with Republicans, get 60 votes to break the fillibuster and pass this legislation -- wow they really jammed it down our throats, how dare they use the votes that the country sent to the Senate to pass legislation, nobody even tried to be friends with death panel enthusiast Chuck Grassley.

Spend massive energy on pilot programs to enact delivery reforms and lower systemic cost problems in the health care system -- this bill is way too long, look at how big this stack of papers is, and also why are Democrats so focused on coverage and not just costs.

Hamstrung by Supreme Court on day zero, early year premiums way below estimates, Medicaid expansion more successful than anyone imagined, everyone knows what exact next reforms to take -- this system is failing, Democrats need to find a way to be constructive.

Republicans complain about fast process for ACA -- don't wait for CBO score for AHCA, hold no open hearings in Senate.

Republicans complain about how they didn't sign off on ACA -- don't bother trying to get Democrats to sign off

Complain about Democrats using reconciliation process to change subsidy levels after the bill was passed -- use reconciliation process to engage in non-budgetary regulations of industry. Don't even pretend to hold repeal to same legislative standard.

Press complains about partisanship, Reconciliation with Democrats passing bill by 60 votes -- take GOP passing by 50 as a given.

Trump and GOP run for 8 years on repealing ACA -- idiot base gets surprised when they try to repeal the ACA.

I guess what I'm trying to say it, it's a good thing that politics is just sports for nerds, and this whole business doesn't have an real world consequences we should be worrying about.


Mr.Shrugglesツ;239487631 said:
"Teachers don't know what to do it about it"


Your fucking job?

If you're a teacher in a conservative area you're likely terrified of being accused of injecting your politics into the classroom, lest parents call for your head.

Even if these days those politics might be "don't be an asshole".
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