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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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the wording is that he isn't the subject of the investigation.

it's a nuanced difference Trump might not appreciate but is a detail legal experts won't miss.

Uh, the larger problem is that Comey shouldn't have been telling Trump anything about an investigation that may come to involve him. There is also zero chance that Comey didn't understand or know exactly how Trump would interpret that statement; he knows he's not dealing with a man of substance who will appreciate or even comprehend those kinds of legal details.

This would be one thing if Trump asked him directly for an answer and Comey responded with the technicality; I would understand that. But Comey offered the statement completely unprompted! I mean seriously, how was he expecting Trump to react to and understand that?
I agree with your overall point and I think even the bolded is true, but nowadays I'm a little leery of reading stuff like this. Sure, now, when she doesn't have any spotlight on her, conservatives say they'd be comfortable voting for her (or any other moderate Dem that gets these stories, like Biden). I'm just not sure I believe that when push comes to shove and the whole of right-wing media is looking for anything and everything, real or fake, to rip her apart with, and places like CNN play their both sides bullshit for months, that conservatives like these people will feel the same.

And yes, no to Warren

You're right that a huge part of it is a lack of the GOP attacking her (though it's also the fact that Gillibrand is from Rural NY), but I think you have to keep in mind that the clock is ticking for the GOP attack machine and every day that they don't attack Gillibrand makes it less and less likely that people will buy into their inevitable gillibrand attacks later on.

For comparison, Hillary started getting the brunt of the GOP attacks early on (both the decades long stuff and the laser focus right after Obama won reelection) and as a result 60% of voters (meaning not just conservatives) bought into the negative narrative around her. Obama though wasn't known to be the 2008 nominee until 2008 (in fact the GOP was stupidly wasting time attacking Hillary during those primaries too) and as a result when they suddenly tried switching to attacking Obama nothing really stuck.


I really don't think Franken is going to run. I think he likes being a Senator.

He is also on the record as having received money in exchange for good and services. Specifically, for speaking. So he's unelectable and also a sellout.

He was on with Marc Maron last week and was pretty explicit about not wanting to be president.


You're right that a huge part of it is a lack of the GOP attacking her (though it's also the fact that Gillibrand is from Rural NY), but I think you have to keep in mind that the clock is ticking for the GOP attack machine and every day that they don't attack Gillibrand makes it less and less likely that people will buy into their inevitable gillibrand attacks later on.

For comparison, Hillary started getting the brunt of the GOP attacks early on (both the decades long stuff and the laser focus right after Obama won reelection) and as a result 60% of voters (meaning not just conservatives) bought into the negative narrative around her. Obama though wasn't known to be the 2008 nominee until 2008 (in fact the GOP was stupidly wasting time attacking Hillary during those primaries too) and as a result when they suddenly tried switching to attacking Obama nothing really stuck.
Yup. Warren knows her job is to be a heat magnet.
He was on with Marc Maron last week and was pretty explicit about not wanting to be president.
If he's on the ticket it's as a VP.
A photo he posted featured a browser with an open hentai tab in the background

His clarification:


What does Samuel L. Jackson think about this?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood

Freedom Caucus Chair Mark Meadows: "The president's told me there was no collusion"

Oh, well then. Case closed.


Oh, well then. Case closed.

Comey's word vs the President's word.

Only trust what Trump says and what he posts on Twitter and what comes out of Fox News.

Everything else is FAKE NEWS and liberals being cry babies.

This fucking country... I am just sick to my stomach by it all.

Donald Trump Jr. @DonaldJTrumpJr

Today's Winners:

Loretta Lynch
#MSM but especially NYT
1:50 PM · Jun 8, 2017
Comey's word vs the President's word.

Only trust what Trump says and what he posts on Twitter and what comes out of Fox News.

Everything else is FAKE NEWS and liberals being cry babies.

This fucking country... I am just sick to my stomach by it all.

Except it's Comey's word, under oath, versus Trump's word not under oath.

Comey comes out being the stronger word. If Trump wants to prove Comey wrong, he's allowed to testify whenever he wants.
Crossposting from OT:

You can tell that McCain is trying to play a bullshit word game here where he makes it SOUND like Comey is saying that both campaigns are being investigated in connection to the Russia investigation, when anyone actually paying attention knows that only the Trump campaign is being investigated in connection with Russia because only people from the Trump campaign have been caught talking with Russia in suspicious ways.

McCain isn't being stupid, he's just purposefully trying to trip up Comey into accidentally saying that Clinton's campaign is also under investigation. And it worked. McCain got what he wanted: A soundbite of Comey accidentally agreeing that Russia colluded with both campaigns:

McCain: "He wasn't involved with secretary Clinton's campaign. He was involved with the entire presidential campaign."
Comey: "Of Course."

That shit WILL be played all across right wing media. The bullshit narrative will be that Comey agreed that Russia was involved with BOTH campaigns.


Crossposting from OT:

You can tell that McCain is trying to play a bullshit word game here where he makes it SOUND like Comey is saying that both campaigns are being investigated in connection to the Russia investigation, when anyone actually paying attention knows that only the Trump campaign is being investigated in connection with Russia because only people from the Trump campaign have been caught talking with Russia in suspicious ways.

McCain isn't being stupid, he's just purposefully trying to trip up Comey into accidentally saying that Clinton's campaign is also under investigation. And it worked. McCain got what he wanted: A soundbite of Comey accidentally agreeing that Russia colluded with both campaigns:

McCain: "He wasn't involved with secretary Clinton's campaign. He was involved with the entire presidential campaign."
Comey: "Of Course."

That shit WILL be played all across right wing media. The bullshit narrative will be that Comey agreed that Russia was involved with BOTH campaigns.

But 👏 Her 👏 Emails

Also, another big takeaway is that Comey confirmed Russia will keep trying to influence elections in the future.

And Americans are too stupid to stop following for it while other countries have wised up.


Omg McCain issued a statement saying he was up past his bedtime I'm dying how does this day keep going on like this


(I don't recall McCain mentioning or even vaguely suggesting obstruction of justice at all...or even Trump's interactions with Comey either for that matter)
I don't get why conservative media is bashing comey all the while sighting his statement as a reason for there being no reason for an investigation cause he said Trump isn't under one.


I don't get why conservative media is bashing comey all the while sighting his statement as a reason for there being no reason for an investigation cause he said Trump isn't under one.

Because conservative media doesn't have to make sense. It exists to feed the masses what they want to hear, cognitive dissonance be damned.
Because conservative media doesn't have to make sense. It exists to feed the masses what they want to hear, cognitive dissonance be damned.
The context for the attacks is odd because at one moment they will be citing him positively for saying Trump isn't under investigation then negatively for saying Trump lied.


Kasowitz says Comey leaked the memo to the NYT before Trump's tapes tweet.

Trump tweet: May 12
NYT story: May 16

I don't even know why that matters as an inflection point. The relevant comparison is the memo release vs being fired. Did I miss Comey saying the tweet motivated him leaking the memos?


I agree the McCain knew what he was doing. It was just such a strained argument coming from an old man that made him look senile. But it was a strategic effort of conflation and accusing a double standard. The fact that he had to reach so hard for it made it difficult for people to follow along. Absolutely shameless. Even Rubio was embarrassed to hear it!
I don't get why conservative media is bashing comey all the while sighting his statement as a reason for there being no reason for an investigation cause he said Trump isn't under one.

Deflection, their commonly used tactic as of late. Much like how they attack the leakers of information but stop short of running due diligence on said information
I've had several arguments with people IRL who insist democrats won't/shouldn't nominate another woman next time. It's stupid, because I think all the best potential candidates are women. Harris, Gillibrand, Cortez-Masto, even Warren. Who are the biggest male names, Cory Booker? Fuck that. Franken would be nice I just don't think he'll run. The biggest problem with Hillary's campaign wasn't that she was a woman (though she did face many additional obstacles due to that), it was that she was Hillary Clinton. I'm pretty convinced our next president will be a woman.
I think the issue is that being a woman in a national campaign is clearly a disadvantage. And I'm unsure if any of the women in the senate or in the party who may run have the necessary traits to over come it.

Just because we elected Obama in 08 doesn't mean that we would have elected any black candidate. He had the special qualities he needed to over come the disadvantage he faced due to racism.

Im not going to say we shouldn't run any women "because Hillary", but it's going to be very difficult for them. I could see all the women with potential to run having the same issues Hillary did. Do well in the coastal safe D states, but flatline in the Midwest. I'm not sure Harris or Gillibrand will do much better in the states that cost Hillary. Would like to be proven wrong though.


I don't even know why that matters as an inflection point. The relevant comparison is the memo release vs being fired. Did I miss Comey saying the tweet motivated him leaking the memos?

Here's what Kasowitz was referring to:
COMEY: I asked — the president tweeted on Friday after I got fired that I better hope there's not tapes. I woke up in the middle of the night on Monday night because it didn't dawn on me originally, that there might be corroboration for our conversation. There might a tape. My judgment was, I need to get that out into the public square. I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter. Didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons. I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel. I asked a close friend to do it.


The screenshot of the text exchange with his wife is the saddest thing. You know his first crisis response was to handle his family, apologize, and come to Jesus. Next he had to get them on board to help him save his career (which I do not believe should be in jeopardy but I'm sure he feels it is to some extent). Then begins the actual crisis management on Twitter.
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