Spoiled Milk
I still hate John 
Healthcare failed, Trumps trans ban isn't going into effect and his entire cabinet is in meltdown mode
What a turnaround to the week. What a turnaround.
I'm completely surprised and don't know really how I should process this.
A one person party?So what's Trump gonna do with all the balloons and chairs for his white house lawn celebration?
John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood 32m32 minutes ago
btw, this is the point in the calendar at which GOP Congress had said both Obamacare repeal/replace and tax reform would be signed into law
And as a reminder, tax reform is way harder than health care. Get fucked Mitch.
With the AHCA dead they cannot do tax reform through the reconciliation process, right?
Turtleface will find some shady procedural loophole, of course...
It amuses me that the bill that the House Republicans (minus 20) voted for most didn't read because it was a "pass the buck" gesture to the Senate. And the bill that the Senate Republicans (minus 3) voted for was effectively thrown together at the last second on the equivalent of a lunch napkin totaling all of 8 pages that MOST of them actually didn't want to get passed into law and blamed for.The Dems couldn't have planned this any better. Every Representative and Senator voted, and a whole heap of them promoted the various bills. It's almost magical.
It failed!?
Oh my god, what a thing to wake up to
Oh my god
This is why you clap and hug and do whatever to butter up people. You don't boo them when they return from cancer treatments. Had the Democrats boo'd McCain's return, we might be looking at a passed repeal.
And Graham still voted for it by the way, what a shit.
I wonder what other crazy stuff "legacy mode" McCain will do
Trump called McCain while he was on the floor.
Guess you shouldn't have criticized him for being captured.
Now we don't have to deal with snobby "I've always said it would pass, you were delusional to think otherwise" people drive by trolling the thread and patting themselves on the back for a job well done while thousands die
Of course, now I could go back and do that to everyone who thought it would pass, saying I told you so, but I wouldn't do that. The vote was way too close for that, and the best satisfaction from all of this is that millions haven't lost their healthcare.
Nobody could have predicted this ending
Oh man the stare McCain gives McConnell after he votes no. Like something out of a movie. Highly recommend you all check it out in the OT thread (may have been posted in here last night, too).
I mean, isn't this exactly that?