He thought he was dragging rove? (He appears to be dragging Rove there and fishing Donald for a retweet, which he got)so i was going through the cheeto's twitter page his likes
why did he like this tweet back in '13 of a guy dragging him? lol
He thought he was dragging rove? (He appears to be dragging Rove there and fishing Donald for a retweet, which he got)so i was going through the cheeto's twitter page his likes
why did he like this tweet back in '13 of a guy dragging him? lol
You only need a fraction of republicans in the house if it's actually bipartisan. But Ryan controls the calendar so it would never even come to a vote.More likely they move on to tax reform and drop it entirely, or they might actually write something bipartisan to fix the ACA that won't make it through the House.
Not much talk about it, but it does deserve a mention.
All of the Dems were in line for this vote, no waffling or questions.
Tester (MT)
Heitkamp (ND)
McCaskill (MO)
Manchin (WV)
Donnelly (IN)
They are all in states that went > 18% towards Trump, and all did the right thing.
People in this thread a few weeks back were saying Manchin would vote for AHCA.
Always have faith in the Manch, baby.
Yep, never in doubt for one moment
I don't think this is over. Obamacare is their big white whale.
When Boehner was Speaker, a lot of big legislation was passed with Democrats + moderate Rs. Republicans freaking hated it, and it's partially why the Freedom Caucus got much more powerful. Boehner didn't like doing it, but he knew he had to. Now Ryan could well have to do the same thing even to keep basic functions in order, and that's downright shameful to a party who has full control of government. Absolutely nothing that the House passes with only Rs will get 60 votes in the Senate. It's going to be a clusterfuck.You only need a fraction of republicans in the house if it's actually bipartisan. But Ryan controls the calendar so it would never even come to a vote.
Seriously? Sigh.Some Bernie Bros still want to primary them.
People in this thread a few weeks back were saying Manchin would vote for AHCA.
Always have faith in the Manch, baby.
Some Bernie Bros still want to primary them.
mcconell said it's time to move on
they tried and failed what, 3 times already?
So if they wanted to revisit would they need to start the entire process over again or can they pick up a modified bill
So does this mean they need 60 for healthcare now?
Not much talk about it, but it does deserve a mention.
All of the Dems were in line for this vote, no waffling or questions.
Tester (MT)
Heitkamp (ND)
McCaskill (MO)
Manchin (WV)
Donnelly (IN)
They are all in states that went > 18% towards Trump, and all did the right thing.
This is pretty funny on the conservative reddit.
and then McCain votes no on all the bills
I would die laughing if that happened.
This is pretty funny on the conservative reddit.
But what about R_Donald!?
Stolen from OT Thread:
"No don't do it John!" *crash*
This is pretty funny on the conservative reddit.
"Karma will not be nice to him." - Internet goon, about a man who already has brain cancer
A bunch of threats/scoldings/screaming/etc. Also, they still don't know how government works (shocking, I know). A few random selections:But what about R_Donald!?
McCain and Murkowski need to be brought up for RECALL ELECTION. Not joking. These assholes think they're untouchable because they're not up for reelection until 2022. RECALL! RECALL! RECALL! tea party part 3, return of the patriots!
Please @realDonaldTrump sign an EO rescinding the Obamacare exemption of Congress immediately. Make them live under the laws they pass.
Trump is right. Democrats have to own Obamacare collapsing, so let it collapse. Guess what happens in 2018 and 2020, when Dems are responsible for a complete healthcare collapse?
When Obamacare implodes the Democrats well be in even worst shape. They dont get it. If they wouldve stepped up and owned that garbage maybe people could acknowledge the spine they think they have. This only hurts them even more.
Mark Dice: John McCain is the poster boy of why we need term limits in Congress.
To be fair, everyone on both sides of the aisle were saying similar things about him before this vote and then after, just who was saying it changed (at least somewhat. Still many saying he's rather spineless based on his whole overall voting record and everything, which is valid.)
A bunch of threats/scoldings/screaming/etc. Also, they still don't know how government works (shocking, I know). A few random selections:
He can't respond. You killed himWHO CALLED IT, B-DUBS?
I mean, fuck. We can never lose sight of the fact that a terrible bill, that nobody was willing to defend on the merits, got 9/10ths of the way to becoming law on the sole premise that someone else would fix it, and it still only lost by a single vote. This was waaaayyyyyy closer than it had any right to be.
It's hard to imagine Trump not making some rash decision tomorrow. This has to have triggered him something fierce.You only need a fraction of republicans in the house if it's actually bipartisan. But Ryan controls the calendar so it would never even come to a vote.
Edit: Trump needs a W this week. He should fire sessions and or Preibus.
It's hard to imagine Trump not making some rash decision tomorrow. This has to have triggered him something fierce.
It's hard to imagine Trump not making some rash decision tomorrow. This has to have triggered him something fierce.
He won't be so easy to talk down from the ledge.
I'd just like to remind everyone that this is American Heroes week...
Wait, what does this vote have to do with Price? Is it the fake score?
I don't think this is over. Obamacare is their big white whale.
Boy the attack ads for 2018 are going to be something else. So many Rs threw away their seats for nothing. Good shit.