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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Remembering the talk about improvment of schools/K-12, a couple of days ago...

What should America do about its worst public schools? States still don't seem to know.

Two years after Congress scrapped federal formulas for fixing troubled schools, states for the most part are producing only the vaguest of plans to address persistent educational failure.

So far, 16 states and the District of Columbia have submitted proposals for holding schools accountable under the 2015 law known as the Every Student Succeeds Act. With few exceptions, the blueprints offer none of the detailed prescriptions for intervention, such as mass teacher firings or charter-school conversions, that were once standard elements of school reform.

I can't find anything suggesting that image is real.

Obviously it needs more MS Paint arrows, in order to prove its veracity. :p




I accidentally like shit all the time. Wouldn't explain why he's looking at that on his public Twitter account. Assuming it's real, which seems unlikely.
Can someone solve this equation for me?



Can someone solve this equation for me?

There is no answer with 3 positive whole numbers that wouldn't require a computer to solve.




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
There is no answer with 3 positive whole numbers that wouldn't require a computer to solve.



Alright, that was a twist I was not expecting.
I'd argue that less than 1% can solve it.


That is not a "definition of Israel". That is a map of shifting borders.


I dunno I'm just saying I haven't heard a lot of discussions over whether Israel, in a generic sense, has a 'right to exist'. I mean how does any nation have a 'right' to exist. The arguments I've seen are usually about whether Israel should or should not treat Palestine the way they do.

So, like, Israel as it is now, an apartheid ethnostate? No, no one has the right to be that way. But some potential post-one-or-two-state-solution entity? Of course.

Edit - like maybe I'm just high but aren't borders the definition of a country in its purist form
Well, you havent been paying attention. TheLaughingStock posts regularly and defends the Fox News spin.

Defense in this case is easy because he/she is countering spin with...spin.

Pres. Obama, the Dems, and the GOP didn't do anything special that's contributing to the job #s we've recently seen. Therefore, if the argument on Fox was that Pres. Trump didn't have to do anything to preside over job creation that's biased towards low-wages/low-skill then they'd be correct. The gov't hasn't been helpful for years and at best has been anchor around the economy's neck due to the political games by both sides.
Defense in this case is easy because he/she is countering spin with...spin.

Pres. Obama, the Dems, and the GOP didn't do anything special that's contributing to the job #s we've recently seen. Therefore, if the argument on Fox was that Pres. Trump didn't have to do anything to preside over job creation that's biased towards low-wages/low-skill then they'd be correct. The gov't hasn't been helpful for years and at best has been anchor around the economy's neck due to the political games by both sides.

A. What does a screenshot about deficits have to do with job numbers? There's no direct connection displayed there.

B. Genuinely curious, but how old are you? We're you paying attention in 2008? Claiming the gov't has no (or a negative effect) on job creation is patently absurd.



I dunno I'm just saying I haven't heard a lot of discussions over whether Israel, in a generic sense, has a 'right to exist'. I mean how does any nation have a 'right' to exist. The arguments I've seen are usually about whether Israel should or should not treat Palestine the way they do.

So, like, Israel as it is now, an apartheid ethnostate? No, no one has the right to be that way. But some potential post-one-or-two-state-solution entity? Of course.

Edit - like maybe I'm just high but aren't borders the definition of a country in its purist form

I tend to agree with the idea that Israel has no right to exist as a majority-Jewish ethnostate. Unfortunately given the current situation, a one-state solution would lead to a lot more bloodshed than a 2-state solution. Way too much bad blood for them to exist in a single state.

This is actually the issue that some Zionists have with Netanyahu's strategy of slow genocide: if he discredits the idea of the two state solution, but the slow genocide fails, then they're going to be stuck with a one-state solution.

My bet is that the UN eventually sorts it out in the 2030s or 2040s. There will come a time when the US will stop vetoing everything and one day a Security Council resolution will pass demanding total sanctions of Israel unless they grant Palestine territorial integrity within the 1967 borders.
This seems, uh, noteable.


Six months into President Donald Trump’s presidency, polling from Gallup show affluent communities at the fringes of American metropolitan areas are slipping away from the Republican Party.

Data from Gallup show 45.5% of adults in exurban communities self-identified as Republican in the second quarter of 2017, down from 49.6% in the first quarter of 2017 and 51.6% in the fourth quarter of 2016. It was also the lowest quarterly number for self-identified Republicans in the exurbs since 2013, the earliest numbers available.

The data also showed an increase in self-identified Democrats in exurban counties to 40.5% from 37.3% in the first quarter of 2017 and 36.8% in the fourth quarter of 2016. The 40.5% was the highest number recorded from Democrats since 2013.

The Gallup data was aggregated from the firm’s second quarter daily tracking poll and was analyzed using the American Communities Project at George Washington University, which uses socio-economic and demographic data to break U.S. counties into 15 types of community.

The drop in GOP party identification could have impacts on the vote coming from these counties for midterm elections in 2018 and going forward to 2020. The 222 exurban counties hold about 32 million Americans and have voted for Republican presidential candidates by double-digits in every election since 2000.

To be sure, the first quarters of 2017 have not been good overall for Republicans in the Gallup poll. Nationally, the number of adults self-identifying as Republicans dropped by about 2.6 percentage points since the end of 2016 – from 41.1% to 38.5%. But the 6-point drop in the exurbs was particularly noteworthy and may be tied to larger socio-economic issues.

The exurbs are home to a specific kind of Republican voter.

These counties, which are typically at the edges of urban areas’ commuter bubbles, are better educated than the nation as a whole: 34% of people 25-and-older have a bachelor’s degree, compared to less than 30% nationally. And their average median household income, $64,226, is more than $10,000 above the national median.

These include counties like Chester County, Penn., outside of Philadelphia, Delaware County, Ohio, outside of Columbus, and Douglas County, Colo., south of Denver.

According to Gallup data 83% of the people who live in exurban counties were satisfied with their standard of living in the second quarter of 2017 and 64% believed their standard of living is improving.

In other words, these are not the struggling communities Mr. Trump was targeting in the 2016 election. They still supported Mr. Trump and gave him almost 56% of their vote, but that was slightly less than the 58% these same counties Republican gave Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race.

The figures could represent an important political shift in these communities. A movement of even a few points on the partisan divide could impact close House and Senate races, considering the relatively large population of these counties.

Gallup’s national second quarter figures also revealed a small decline in Republican self-identification among those with a college degree – a slip of about two points, to 40.3%.

The Gallup sample is large: more than 45,000 people overall with 5,000 in exurban counties, but the figures still only represent one quarter of data. The numbers will bear watching in the months ahead.


Ah the old retreat to being "independent" and pretend you aren't a republican till this shit blows over trick. A classic.
Maybe. But in some communities, this is following the same trend that the election started. And this is in good economic conditions. If a recession hits, the floor will drop for Republicans in the suburbs and exurbs.


This is anecdotal and means absolutely nothing, but I was at the Wisconsin State Fair today, and both the Democrat and Republican parties of Milwaukee had booths there (though not next to each other). The Democrat booth was really busy, a lot of folks checking it out, while the Republican booth was dead as fuck. I guess nobody was interested in their "TRUMP 2020" t-shirts XD

I chuckled.
This is anecdotal and means absolutely nothing, but I was at the Wisconsin State Fair today, and both the Democrat and Republican parties of Milwaukee had booths there (though not next to each other). The Democrat booth was really busy, a lot of folks checking it out, while the Republican booth was dead as fuck. I guess nobody was interested in their "TRUMP 2020" t-shirts XD

I chuckled.

Walker 2018 shirts were probably sold out though.


Wow the propaganda machine against McMaster is really heating up. I wonder if Kelly being there will help him stabilize. I think Jake Tapper tweeted that we would see more this week and Brietbart already has something out.
Ah the old retreat to being "independent" and pretend you aren't a republican till this shit blows over trick. A classic.
But it seems previous "independents" are claiming the Democratic badge again as well. Possibly a good sign that we can be competitive in these areas again, especially in a midterm election which is always driven by base enthusiasm.
what's with the sudden right wing hatred of McMaster?
As far as I can figure, it's because he's a ((globalist))... or in other words, he's getting rid of some of the fucking nutcase nationalists and other crackpots that Flynn/Bannon/etc. installed in the NSC. It's not all McMaster... he's been trying to get rid of Ezra Cohen-Watnick for ages and Kelly as CoS may have finally given the OK.

Well, it's partially their fault for feeding the fire, I feel a little sympathy for guys like Graham or McMasters or McCain, who are all not liberals in any way, shape, or form, but also have to deal with the fact that the vast majority of the American right (ie. 75%+) are either religious nuts or white supremacists of some sort.

I mean, more and more, it's kind of insane how little you have to scratch formerly "sane" Republican's to find insane weirdos with batshit views on race, gender, and American history.

Study funded by boogiemonster though.
“There are still jobs you can get and more than one way to a secure middle-class life,” says Chauncy Lennon, head of workforce initiatives at JPMorgan Chase. “The BA-or-bust mentality that we often take makes it hard to see that. It’s not as bad as you think, even if we’re not going back to how it was.”

The numbers come from new research from Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce (CEW), with JPMorgan funding the work. It shows which fields have what the report calls “good jobs”–defined as full-time with pay of at least $55,000 on average–and where they might be found. Working out at about $17 an hour, that level is “consistent with living wage levels,” the researchers say.


On the whole DSA thing: I don't want to start the argument about anti-semitism v anti-Zionism, but I think it is always important to have in mind when discussing Israel the fact that the majority of the population in the surrounding countries would be very happy to see Israel destroyed. It emphatically does not justify the actions of Israel in any way, but it alarms me greatly whenever you see left-wing activists using language like that. I don't belive for a second that all of the DSA want to literally eradicate the state of Israel, but that is the sentiment behind it.

It's not a perfect metric for anti-semitism, but I always find this data to be a very chilling warning.



Corporate Apologist
I feel that bottom chart is deceptive, since the red part is a fraction of the blue part, but its laid out in a way to make the reader believe they are both have the same scale. But I guess a chart that shows that the percentage that believes the holocaust is fake shifts from 13% to 19% as the demographics get younger isn't sexy enough, despite it being a pretty dire stat.
Starting to lose support in the exurbs makes some sense. Everyone knows "someone" and there's at least a little diversity. Unless you are a middle-income heterosexual caucasian who only interacts with other heterosexual caucasians, you already know people that Trump policies and statements have targeted. It's only natural to get pissed, and when there's never anything net good to weigh it against it adds up more over time.
Why is it so low in Asia?
I have a feeling the ratio is directly tied to 1) levels of primary education, and 2) culture's traditional religion. Third-world-non-Judaeo-Christian = both of those, thus low.
Yeah, totally, I meant the results from the Middle East region where it happened specifically.
That's more "direct anger toward Israel and is disgusted by anything that makes them look even remotely sympathetic " than actual "we don't think anyone died" I'm going to assume.


Starting to lose support in the exurbs makes some sense. Everyone knows "someone" and there's at least a little diversity. Unless you are a middle-income heterosexual caucasian who only interacts with other heterosexual caucasians, you already know people that Trump policies and statements have targeted. It's only natural to get pissed, and when there's never anything net good to weigh it against it adds up more over time.
I have a feeling the ratio is directly tied to 1) levels of primary education, and 2) culture's traditional religion. Third-world-non-Judaeo-Christian = both of those, thus low.

In addition, the almost complete lack of Jewish/western population (which is kind of an extension of your second point) probably explains a lot. Similar to why I would imagine the number in the western world who know about the Armenian genocide is much lower.


Also, the ADL produce an index of anti-semitism. I didn't post that because I don't know how they calculate it and it feels like it's more open to manipulation, but the numbers for that are pretty shocking too.

I'm particular, they found that 24% of people globally hold anti-semitic beliefs (which honestly seems low) but that 74% of those in the Middle East and North Africa do.

The top countries/territories in the ADL 100 Global Index are:

West Bank and Gaza – 93 percent of the adult population holds anti-Semitic views
Iraq – 92 percent
Yemen – 88 percent
Algeria – 87 percent
Libya – 87 percent
Tunisia – 86 percent
Kuwait – 82 percent
Bahrain – 81 percent
Jordan – 81 percent
Morocco – 80 percent

If you want to look at the data more you can find it here: http://global100.adl.org/
There's your problem. Jesse Watters is a known racist, sexist scumbag.

Fox News' ratings tell me that millions of people don't think that.
If it were an irrelevant station I wouldn't care, but its not. Its hugely influential, and its only the beginning of the right wing media cesspool. Its continues in talk radio and on the internet on sites like Breitbart and Infowars and I don't think stating that they are dumb and racist will convince any readers, viewers or listeners to stop getting their "information" form these outlets, on the contrary, it just further encourages them.
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