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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Unconfirmed Member
They're craven opportunists.
Also it's like missing your stop on the bus or subway. You just play it cool and pretend you really wanted to get off at the next stop and walk back anyway. "It's such a nice day out, I'll get some fresh air!"


I'm fascinated that this is the final straw for all these CEOs jumping ship. Like, I get why this is bad, but you'd think these guys would've gone ages ago, or not gotten on the ship in the first place.

I mean, you can't get more blatant and bottom of the barrel than fucking Nazis.


Professional Schmuck
Listen, there are no good moments or non-craven ways to jump off the Trump ship now. That .. ship sailed before the election, let nobody try to change history.

I'm not saying they should be lauded, but I am saying there is no graceful exit from here forward. And every single one builds on the last, every single CEO walking back makes his or her stockholders look twice, every Republican who finally has had enough makes his constituents sit up if only for a second. Eventually the dam will break.
Wow Kelly has done such a great job as Chief of Staff
Trump Cycle

Step 1: Trump hires new personnel

"Oh gee this will be the turnaround for the Trump administration"

Step 2: Trump's new personnel is terrible at their job

"This week has proven exceptionally challenging for Trump's new Secretary of Butts"

Step 3: Trump's approval ratings continue downhill slide

"Anonymous sources at the White House have said the Secretary of Butts' firing is imminent"
This guy also:

1. Brought a "RAPE MELANIA" sign to an anti-Trump protest to try to false flag.
2. Storms Julius Caesar plays to try to get them cancelled because they're Trump murder plays I guess.
3. Thinks Hillary Clinton ordered the assassination of Seth Rich.
I'm fascinated that this is the final straw for all these CEOs jumping ship. Like, I get why this is bad, but you'd think these guys would've gone ages ago, or not gotten on the ship in the first place.

Most of them probably didn't get to be ceos by being good people.

And also share some of trumps views too
I mean, you can't get more blatant and bottom of the barrel than fucking Nazis.
That Nazis are evil is one of few sentiments that are shared by a large majority of Americans and it's not hard to see that Trump went out of his way to avoid offending the Nazis. Yeah these CEOs are being craven but it's telling nonetheless that Trump did cross a line and you're seeing it in the Gallup numbers as well. I'm not saying all his support is going to abandon him or that some people ditching him now won't come back, but this was legitimately damaging to his standing.
Is Fox news really showing flashbacks of Jeremiah Wright?!
Yeah, they're replaying their greatest hits. (Like every other night where the news is bad for Trump, which is actually just every night).

Matt McDermott @mattmfm
A white supremacist killed a girl in Charlottesville.

Fox topics today have included:
- Obama and BLM
- Wright
- Sharia Law
- Farrakhan(!)





also lol



I fear the Fellowship is coming to an end...

This is most likely driving Trump nuts!

What I see, is that people are abandoning President Trump for the same reasons they abandoned businessman Trump.

He's an arrogant bully, who has a worldview that you have to be an arrogant bully to succeed. And that might have been the business climate during his upbringing. But the world has changed. And people are more interested in collaborating to make money and make life better for everyone.

There's an old worldview that you want to push your competition out of business. And some people still think like that. The new collective thought, is that you go to your competition, collaborate, organize, and that's how you deal with the competition.


Unconfirmed Member



So, Kelly urged Trump to do something, and Trump didn't. This means that Kelly isn't able to change Trump's opinion on something, and also means that Trump doesn't respect Kelly enough to just trust he knows what's best.

When Kelly is a 4 (?) Star General, having Trump ignore him when he says that he should denounce Nazis/White Nationalists must be pretty disaffecting. I wonder how many chances Kelly will give Trump before he just quits?
I fear the Fellowship is coming to an end...

This is most likely driving Trump nuts!

What I see, is that people are abandoning President Trump for the same reasons they abandoned businessman Trump.

He's an arrogant bully, who has a worldview that you have to be an arrogant bully to succeed. And that might have been the business climate during his upbringing. But the world has changed. And people are more interested in collaborating to make money and make life better for everyone.

There's an old worldview that you want to push your competition out of business. And some people still think like that. The new collective thought, is that you go to your competition, collaborate, organize, and that's how you deal with the competition.
Yeah, most major businesses nowadays seem at least at peace with the fact that their competitors are here to stay. It isn't like Walmart is actively trying to drive Target out of business.

Trump's mentality is that unless you own everything you're a loser.

Nelo Ice

Just saw this on FB trending.

This quote stood out.
Sen. Royce West, a Dallas Democrat who is black, said he'll also go to the Texas A&M campus on Sept. 11.

West added: "My 17-year-old grandson asked me yesterday, 'Should my generation be more like Martin Luther King or Malcom X? I had to pause and listen to the hurt in his voice and doubt in his ability to pursue the American dream. I didn't answer the question ... That's where we are in America today.'"


So racial tensions are just going to keep getting worse huh. Escalated by those backed in a corner in terms of public opinion that they have no other tactic to resort to but pitting their audience against the "other".
This morning at a senior center event Bernie said we should make "Medicare available to all."

This is probably a subtle shift from Bernie and reflects the discussions we've had about how "Medicare for all" is a very general policy. "Available" is a coded word that suggests something that looks more like an Obamacare public option.

This seems fine to me, and it's quite notable that as Democratic political support is gathering Bernie's moving towards a policy that has higher odds of getting the votes to be implemented. Good on him. Hopefully this means good things for the bill when it gets introduced.

I think he recognizes that if he's going all out for single-payer and not a farthing less, and Democrats simply pass a public option next time they're in power, he's set up the expectations game too high and the left is disillusioned yet again.

Perhaps that shouldn't be his role, but he's in cahoots with the establishment now, so I can understand him giving concerns like that greater consideration.

That should absolutely be his role. Creating realistic expectations so that the left doesn't treat victories like crushing defeats is absolutely part of his role
The dad writes a fucking heartfelt letter to the local newsletter about how ashamed he is of his son and some of you are still going to blame him.

Some kids are just bad. You can't blame the parents of every monster.

Some people have yet to grasp that the internet has basically liberated and equalized all ideology... It's a perfect example of how complete unregulated freedom can be indistinguishable from oppression.

You could do everything right but if you're kid stumbles on to some site or another he could be lost just like that.

This is decade(s) of ignoring and dismissimg the impact of shit like 4chan, decade(s) of listening to fools say ignore the trolls, decade(s) of pretending the internet isn't real life, come home to roost.



These people like Fairbanks are amoral scum.

Literally treats politics like a fashion season
"anti-rape activist" Lol yeah says while victim shaming the "alleged"* sexually assaulted girls. She just wants to be in the cool counter-culture, without realizing that fucking trump is not counter-culture but rather the fetulent culture that has been allowed to grow since the inception of the country even after the civil war. "Even if i don't agree with was he says I like him having the balls to say that" + she buying the bullshit that trump said during election time.
And yeah, saying that Trump deserves the "wait-and-see" approach and that if no disaster happens is a win is the worst level of white male privilige ever. Trump won't bring a war even when he called for renewed tensions with fucking everyone. He actually isn't too bad with the environment even when in his speeches calls for the disolution of EPA and selling your parks to first sector industries.
"choose policies over person" says the person who probably didnt read Clinton's
Bu yeah, we white affluent people are a mistake.And 70% of the people who self-identify as anarchist are scumbags, same level as pure libertarians.

*"alleged" as in I believe he 1000% did it
Edit: sorry for the rant it is just that I hate both most people that self-identify as anarchist (as they do not know what that means) and those who change beliefs to what is the most "hip" and counter-culture.
That should absolutely be his role. Creating realistic expectations so that the left doesn't treat victories like crushing defeats is absolutely part of his role
I agree it should be, just wanted to leave that door open in case someone wanted to argue it.

I have no problem with Bernie being part of the establishment going forward.
I'd prefer if they don't destroy public property, and have the local government remove it officially. I'm wary with people taking "justice" into their own hands, because things can escalate.

North Carolina literally made it so local governments can't

That and fuck white supremacist statues
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