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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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Kill two birds with one stone: break nazi's property, not random businesses.

Interesting buried ledes here:

But he has been adamant in maintaining that his loyalty to Mr. Trump will survive, and has suggested that he might direct his energies at creating a movement to challenge mainstream Republicans too timid to pursue the president's agenda, like Speaker Paul D. Ryan.

1. Bannon HATES Ryan with a passion. Had a thing when he was EiC of Breitbart that Ryan was to get at best neutral coverage for his biggest victories and relished in his mistakes.

2. His sugar daddy Rober Mercer has given to candidates primarying establishment Republicans already (Flake).

3. Trump is rapidly headed to being on the outs with the GOP (if he ain't already if they're smart) so this would make sense there, too.
I'd prefer if they don't destroy public property, and have the local government remove it officially. I'm wary with people taking "justice" into their own hands, because things can escalate.
North Carolina passed a law in 2015 that makes it very difficult to remove or relocate confederate monuments.


I'd prefer if they don't destroy public property, and have the local government remove it officially. I'm wary with people taking "justice" into their own hands, because things can escalate.

I get your point, but the local government has had more than a century to denounce these pro-slavery traitors and remove their monuments, and they haven't. Now, a woman was killed because she stood up to the racists who worship these monuments of oppression.

We've finally reached the breaking point with this shit, people want them gone and want them gone now. Hopefully the tearing down of this monument will be a signal to every other community in the US that has a similar tribute to the Confederacy - remove it or will be removed for you.
I think if you're going to destroy any public property, you can absolutely destroy confederate monuments, especially since North Carolina's GOP has tied the hands of Cooper to remove the monuments.

You have confederate monuments in majority minority/majority liberal cities. We don't fucking want them.
Mania is the real deal based on what I've been reading. Two decades later there's finally a good Sonic game.
I knew it was the real deal the minute they announced Taxman was involved (so the minute they announced it). People posting the dumb Sonic cycle stuff back during its announcement/prerelease hype weren't paying attention.



Curbelo saying on CNN there's people in the Trump WH that want to accommodate and cater to the alt-right and white supremacists.

Edit: Just flat out said Bannon and Miller are two of them.
That NYT piece outright said it was Bannon who pushed Trump not to be too harsh on the white supremacists so he wouldn't alienate part of his base
The new Sonic the Hedgehog game is getting better reviews than Trump.
Both Sonic Boom and Sonic 06 have higher approval ratings than Trump


I knew it was the real deal the minute they announced Taxman was involved (so the minute they announced it). People posting the dumb Sonic cycle stuff back during its announcement/prerelease hype weren't paying attention.
Nope. I seriously can't wait to play. Haven't been this excited to play a Sonic game since Sonic & Knuckles.


Got a bunch of loose thoughts about how cowardly these nazi fuckers really are. Boston rally organizers cancelling because they realize there's probably going to be an angry mob waiting for them. The statue toppling video will probably spook a lot of these basement dwelling /pol/ motherfuckers. They just keep giving the left excuses to be out for blood. People are losing patience and these guys should damn well be scared. They decided to make their own existence and threat to society they pose tangible instead of existential, and kinda seem to regret it now that they see people responding appropriately.

The tone policing and smearing of the antifa has everything to do with trying to work the refs because they know if the fight truly gets real they will lose, no matter how many guns they wave around.

It really gets me that these people can wave their guns around. Absolute pissbaby cowards.
I never knew Boom got a worse metascore than 06.

I guess I just always wrote it off as shit and didn't bother with reviews whereas 06 had a pretty hype reveal trailer, so I actually kept up with the game's reception.
Yeah I remember most reviewers at the time being like "hm, this is strange. This game sort of doesn't work at all and you die constantly for no reason. But I guess all Sonic games do that. 5/10." It's sort of like that early in the HD gen they didn't know what to make of it. Also I don't think before then any Sonic game had ever really reviewed poorly. Even Heroes got mostly decent scores. It's like they gave the franchise the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't quite as fantastically shit as it seemed

06 helped they the ground work for expecting a Sonic game to be as terrible as Boom was


Well, speaking of destroying monuments, someone bashed up the holocaust memorial in downtown Boston
Jesus Christ. Apparently this happened already a few months ago too...had no idea.

How do you even get away with doing that in public? It's not like it's hidden away. It's practically behind city hall ffs.


Got a bunch of loose thoughts about how cowardly these nazi fuckers really are. Boston rally organizers cancelling because they realize there's probably going to be an angry mob waiting for them. The statue toppling video will probably spook a lot of these basement dwelling /pol/ motherfuckers. They just keep giving the left excuses to be out for blood. People are losing patience and these guys should damn well be scared. They decided to make their own existence and threat to society they pose tangible instead of existential, and kinda seem to regret it now that they see people responding appropriately.

The tone policing and smearing of the antifa has everything to do with trying to work the refs because they know if the fight truly gets real they will lose, no matter how many guns they wave around.

It really gets me that these people can wave their guns around. Absolute pissbaby cowards.

They're terrified of that Twitter account doxxing the fascists at the Cville rally.


Jesus Christ. Apparently this happened already a few months ago too...had no idea.

How do you even get away with doing that in public? It's not like it's hidden away. It's practically behind city hall ffs.

You don't, they already caught the person.


"Yeah well...now you can spend more time making it more affordable for football players to stay warm between plays! They're cold! SAD!"


Cornel West is calling Paris out, I love it.

Not a fan of West( he was fully on the bandwagon that Hillary was gonna be the same or WORSE than Trump and is self aggrandizing) but putting him against Paris is just about the same as pitting a kitten against a tiger.

West demolished him.


Americans fighting Nazi's, Putin laughing as he wrestles bears, and Kimmy just moving missles around.

Chris Cillizza @CillizzaCNN
Just a reminder: Trump defines "fake news" as "news that isn't 'nice' to me."

Which has nothing to do with it being fake or real.

WikiLeaks @wikileaks
Replying to @CillizzaCNN
Quite possibly, however @CNN (and FOX) have indeed produced a vast array of false news reports including those which led to the Iraq war.
4:12 PM · Aug 14, 2017

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