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PoliGAF 2017 |OT5| The Man In the High Chair

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TBH I feel like this is the winning plan for any republican moving forward

Move hard to the right socially, it'll allow you to move to the left economically and win the rust belt states trump was able to flip while still win a primary without having to do what Romney did and walk back basically all of his ideas to appeal to the far right

Hard right social stances only make you unpopular with the people who don't vote Republican anyway. And makes all the dumb people in the liberal media ( and Neogaf) really angry which is a bonus for them. So I don't really see a down side, until I'm proven wrong it actually hurts

Does the republican party really hold together its coalition of white supremacists and ayn Rand fetishists if half its candidates attempt to genuinely pass popular spending bills?

Alternatively, how many wannabe trumps will be able to maintain cults of personality if they constantly talk populist but vote capitalis?
Part of what makes CNN so despicable is that they don't just find crazies on the left to fight with crazies on the right. They bring on perfectly mainstream left-leaning thinkers and have them debate with people who think chemtrails are a national concern and Pizzagate is the greatest scandal of our time. The far right is hugely represented, the far left is absent.
Good point, and we don't even need the 45000 overall to vote for democrats. We just need them not to show up on election day. The lack of both a Trump-type and a Hillary-type to drive far right voters to the polls is going to hurt republicans badly in 2018 and 2020.

Edit: Just saw fredrancour said the same.

Yeah, I guess it's like, what has Trump given the person who voted for Obama in 2012 and then voted for Trump in 2016? And has there been any reason for the people who voted Romney in 2012 but Clinton in 2016 to go back to the GOP?
We've heard from Shep Smith that zero elected Republicans wanted to come on the Fox kiddie pool and defend the "Very Fine People" statement. I think that's as good a metric as any for what limits of extreme views/deflecting major networks should allow.
Exactly. How quickly the left forgets when that media machine was perpetuating fake conspiracies about Obama. Just wait when it turns on us again and once again an entire presidency is undermined by conspiracy theories. Still frustrates me how quickly the media galvanized and entertained the Anti-Obama coalition making it incredibly difficult to get anything accomplished.
What crazies from the left be on there?
Just recently they put someone on air that was arguing that we should remove George Washington monuments.

Part of what makes CNN so despicable is that they don't just find crazies on the left to fight with crazies on the right. They bring on perfectly mainstream left-leaning thinkers and have them debate with people who think chemtrails are a national concern and Pizzagate is the greatest scandal of our time. The far right is hugely represented, the far left is absent.

Yep. I'd say the far left doesn't have a big presence. However, they pull them out just to start controversy when they can't get anyone on the Left to defend a position. Case and point only Fox and CNN interviewing a women who wants George Washington monuments. There have been several other instances in the past few years but this is the only one I can remember off the top of my head. I'd say in terms of bringing the crazies it is definitely 90-10 in favor of the right.


With Bannon gone we lost another leaker in the White house. Gonna get boring really quick lol

You've got a tighter ship for certain, but again, the problem remains Trump, as we saw with the Charlottesville remarks. Kelly's efforts are like dealing with an invading army by picking off its vanguards and flanks but completely ignoring the center.


Even anti-planned parenthood Komen foundation won't hold their gala at mar a lago

I believe that issue was resolved

Btw, didn't realize one of the major Komen people behind the PP issue was freaking Karen Handel.

You know considering the sheer number of people at Camp David this weekend, what if it's to urge Trump to resign or better yet, Trump has already put in his notice and is essentially talking about next steps?
That CNN clip feels like a Daily Show sketch circa 2007 in the "I give up" era, and I mean that in the best possible way. She's even got great comedic timing!

More context of time... Comey was fired only 100 days ago. Congress has only been out of session for 2 weeks. The klan torches rally was only one week ago.


I hadn't been near a TV or computer all day and I come online to find Bannon is out?


Still skeptical much will change for the better but it still has to be a good thing
He is the living breathing definition of delusions of grandeur. Probably the most damaging case (in terms of to the country) of narcissism to ever hit this country.

How has he not said "I have the best farts. Believe me!" yet?

I really, truly hope he doesn't last the rest of the year. Fucking subhuman piece of shit.
The irony is that for how much shit he got for that statement (well, more the fact that he repeated it like four times verbatim), Rubio was completely right when he said "Let's dispel with this notion that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing, he knows exactly what he's doing." Obama scared the bajeezus out of the establishment GOP because he was extremely intelligent and extremely charismatic which made him an effective president - Trump is neither of those things and wouldn't you know it, he's fucking terrible at it and he's dragging the entire party down with him, setting them up for big losses next year and in 2020.

Sure, they'll probably rebound in 2022 if a Democrat wins the next presidential election, but that will be too late to ensure another good round of redistricting, and the 2022 Senate map is complete balls for the GOP (almost a mirror image of our problem with 2018's map). If Democrats scrape a Senate majority together by 2020, they probably have it for four years.
Yeah between this and events earlier this week both the right and alt-right are destroying each other.

Another sign that everyone(both the left and right) should dump CNN. They have a lot of talented people on their team and they don't report news as inaccurately as Fox and Breitbart. However, their insistence to put the most extreme left and extreme right people on their shows to duke it out are terrible. They are a big source of division because they get crazies to represent both sides making each side further dig in their heels. Both this and them getting someone calling to remove Washington monuments further proves it to me. They've become trash over the course of the Obama presidency. Don't forget they also entertained all of the Birthers, Obamacare= death panels, Obama is an economic terrorist, etc.
You know, as much as crappy CNN can be sometimes, we need them. They draw most of Trump's ire along with NYT and WaPo. If we dump CNN, Trump will achieve the biggest win of his lifetime. Yes they bring on idiots from time to time, but evening shows make up for it. Anderson Cooper and Lemon are openly calling Trump and his toadies liars and beating them up. They're not the best, but its what we got. Anderson Cooper is woke since Charlottesville. Lemon told Kingston to his face "Jack, we like you but if you come to my show to spread lies, I'm not going to have you on". We need MORE of that, if for nothing else to get orange baboon throw bananas.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Does the republican party really hold together its coalition of white supremacists and ayn Rand fetishists if half its candidates attempt to genuinely pass popular spending bills?

Alternatively, how many wannabe trumps will be able to maintain cults of personality if they constantly talk populist but vote capitalis?
Economic populism will be popular with Republicans voters when their politicians assure them it will only be for white people

Random Human

They were trying to grab your prize. They work for the mercenary. The masked man.
We know Bannon hates Kushner, so I'm fully expecting some Kush-related leaks in the next few days.

Hell, if I was Mueller I'd ring up Bannon pronto, see what he has to say about the boy genius.

In firing Steve Bannon, President Trump has lost his chief ideologue, the man who channeled his base and advocated for the populist-nationalist policies that helped propel Trump to victory.

But he has gained an unpredictable and potentially troublesome outside ally who has long experience running a media organization, and an even longer list of enemies. “Steve is now unchained,” said a source close to Bannon. “Fully unchained.”

“He’s going nuclear,” said another friend. “You have no idea. This is gonna be really fucking bad.”

Bannon had in recent days mused about leaving, according to people who have spoken with him; he has expressed to friends that he feels the administration is failing and is a sinking ship. And last week he told people in a meeting that he would have 10 times more influence outside the White House than inside it.

Sources close to Bannon say he is likely to go back to Breitbart News, the right-wing website he ran before joining the Trump campaign last year. He met with Alex Marlow, Breitbart’s editor in chief, on Sunday and Monday, according to a source close to Bannon. Under Bannon, Breitbart morphed into an aggressive pro-Trump outlet, voicing many themes of his campaign even before he declared his candidacy. Since Trump took office, it has often seemed to function as has functioned as a PR shop for Bannon’s faction of the White House. It has frequently run stories attacking Bannon’s rivals, most recently including National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and National Economic Council chair Gary Cohn.

Already, Breitbart is on a war footing. “It may turn out to be the beginning of the end for the Trump administration, the moment Donald Trump became Arnold Schwarzenegger,” editor Joel Pollak wrote on Friday, referring to the actor-turned California governor, who won office as a populist outsider, and exited with a 23 percent approval rating.

Bannon’s next steps are being worked out with Robert and Rebekah Mercer, the billionaire Republican donors who have been some of Trump’s most important supporters and Bannon’s consistent patrons. Two of Bannon’s friends told me Bannon met with Bob Mercer this week in New York while Trump was in town.

“First he’s gonna figure things out with Bob and Bekah,” said one Bannon ally. “Breitbart’s certainly the likely landing spot.” This ally said that Bannon may also move to a Mercer-funded outside group, or even start a new one.~

Another friend of Bannon’s doubted this: “Why would he help them from the outside at this point? Run the outside group and then Jared Kushner takes credit?” Two sources close to Bannon said that he has for some time complained about Kushner being an issue in the Russia investigation; one of the sources said Bannon regards Kushner as “the weak link” in the White House when it comes to the investigation.

Bannon’s animus towards the “globalists” in the administration is well known. Now, from the outside, he no longer has any reason to play nice.

Another source close to Bannon said that he remains loyal to Trump himself. But “when Steve feels the Trump administration is wrong, will he point to the people he has the inside knowledge about who are pushing for certain policies? I assume he will.”




Gov. Mike Huckabee @GovMikeHuckabee
On @seanhannity tonite 10pmET. Hillary got Margaret Sanger Award a racist advocate of eugenics; will HRC give it back? Will left repudiate?
4:27 PM · Aug 18, 2017


Yeah but how many Paul Ryans are voters?

I think the point is that if a future Trump wants to enact ethnonationalist social policies they first need to eject the plutocrat Republicans from the party, since they still control lots of leadership positions in the GOP.

That said, I think the Nazis might well have the power to do that.
In other news, Trump has a 51/42 approval in Tennessee, which seems bad. Only holding on to 88% of his voters.


(If 12% of Trump's voters didn't show up, Hillary would've won the popular vote 51.07% to 42.99%)
If Corker retires (he's being oddly coy about whether he'll run for re-election) does James Mackler (the Democrat in this race) have a shot

Maybe if we could get Misty Snow or Patty Judge over there
I hate having to bite my tongue at work. Ringing up a book on the Civil War for a seemingly normal middle aged women, and she feels compelled to inform me "I decided I needed to buy it before someone tries to burn it!"

Just...why? Why is it always a persecution complex? Why would we burn a book that chronicles the defeat of folks who commited treason in defense of slavery?
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