I don't get telling Chuck to step down because he's still in his mid 60's and just took the Democratic senate leadership role over a few months ago.
But my position with Pelosi is mostly just her age and where we are currently at. Assuming we achieve what we want, winning the house in 2018, the Presidency in 2020, etc, and then time comes when we need someone with experience to whip difficult votes together, is she going to stay on from 2021-2023?
I mean if she thinks she can do it then fine. Nobody can just force someone to step down because "age" anymore than we can tell Biden or Bernie not to run. But I think it would be a mistake if she ends up stepping down sometime in 2020 that we didn't get in someone younger to get more experience in at a time where their job won't be as difficult as it would be should we achieve what we want.