Wow the Mooch interview somewhere on TV sounds like a train wreck
Ah CNN (again?)
It's like he's trying to one-up Trump's crazy tweets. Take a gander at some of these quotes:
"150 years ago people would have been hung for these leaks...they're treasonous"
"If Reince wants to explain that he's not a leaker, let him do that."
"When the iceberg hits the boat...the rats come up from steerage."
"I don't know if the relationship with Reince is reparable...that's up to the President."
"He may decide to veto the sanction and be tougher on the Russians than Congress."
"They tried to keep me from West they're trying to eject me from West Wing"
"What the president and I would like to tell everybody, we have a very, very good idea of who the senior leakers are in the White House. I've done a major amount of work over the last five days."