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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Post Count: 9999
voted this morning ... pretty much no one there (around 8:30 eastern).

I was delisted (I assume the post office screwed up delivery of my card), so had to do a paper ballot.

Probaby happened because I'm registered as a Republican :lol


I want to see more videos of questionnaires.

lol at that old couple that said the economy wasn't important to them.
Arde0 said:
I went and voted at the Lafayette High School precinct this morning at 6. Had to wait in line for over an hour...worth it though. The woman at the polling station said that our precinct always has a much higher than average turnout - but ever one this high this early. My wife went up to vote about an hour ago and still has not returned....high voter turnout indeed.

+2 Obama

** +1 Bob Barr from Siamese Dreamer
Tell him monkey misses him!

I'll be voting in an hour.

When I do... I'm voting Barack's ass off, as fast and hard as I can.
The election thread is larger than the previous (2004) election thread before voting is even over, and it's by a longshot too. We'll easily hit 10k at this pace by the times polls start to close.... or maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. 8k maybe?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
My work productivity for today is in the crapper :lol
Based on the page per minute today, I think many are in the same boat.


Nameless said:
Dude, we HAVE to shut the gaming side down later. If can do it for E3 lite we can do it for a potential massive hopium outbreak tonight!
If this election doesn't turn out the way we hope, he won't have to. Because a lot of us will be on suicide watch.


This thread is boring. +1 Obama here, +2 Obama there, bla bla bla.

Can't wait for exit polling/results to come in so we can start the real party.


Squirrel Killer said:
Neither is McCain.

He's not evil, but he clearly lacks the integrity to stick to what made him popular within the conservative movement initially.

And Palin may be evil.
typhonsentra said:
The election thread is larger than the previous (2004) election thread before voting is even over, and it's by a longshot too. We'll easily hit 10k at this pace by the times polls start to close.
Yeah, but back in those old days people were really short, so their posts counted for less.


Suikoguy said:
My work productivity for today is in the crapper :lol
Based on the page per minute today, I think many are in the same boat.

Thats exactly why I took today off. I probably wouldn't even be trying to hide the non-work I'd be doing.


Sysgen said:
:LOL The democrats had nothing to do with the recent financial fallout. Whatever. Giving *COMPLETE* control like this to *ANY* party is asking for it. Be careful what you wish for.
I know, dude, believe me I know. I'm actually pretty much with you on this (though for a counterexample, look at the situation in Israel--20+ parties and the leader has to spend so much time trying to accommodate the requests of fringe groups that he never actually satisfies anyone). I have no doubt that if the Democrats actually acquire a supermajority and keep it for too long they'll start making decisions just as poorly as Bush and his congress did. But right now, I genuinely believe it would be a good thing.


Cloudy said:
Who did they say they voted for?

He didn't ask that question. He just asked if it was an easy decision, and if the economy weighed on their decision.

I think we all know who they voted for.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Squirrel Killer said:
Neither is McCain.
He sold his soul. Close enough. The man is at best a mercenary, with little regard for upholding basic American moral and constitutional values.
Haunted said:
This thread is boring. +1 Obama here, +2 Obama there, bla bla bla.

Can't wait for exit polling/results to come in so we can start the real party.
That comes later.

Believe you me, that bottle of Jergins is going to lose as much fluid as I today.


Sysgen said:
:LOL The democrats had nothing to do with the recent financial fallout. Whatever. Giving *COMPLETE* control like this to *ANY* party is asking for it. Be careful what you wish for.
I have no interest in giving one iota of power to a party like the Republicans. I would LOVE for an opposition party to the Democrats to gain some standing that offered good alternative ideas in earnest. That, unfortunately, does not exist right now.


Dirtbag said:
Epic lines in Los Angeles brewing.. just got back and the line wrapped the block (it was a small block though) when I was leaving.

Where do you live?

The community I live in is fairly small and there were no lines (but all booths were in use when I voted, so it's not like it was empty)...a couple of people outside handing out cards encouraging people to vote no on prop 8.

+1 Obama
No on 4
No on 8
No matter who wins, it will be great to see the tears of the loser's supoorters.

Opportunities for great LOLs IRL for the next few weeks or so.

Can't wait.
Haunted said:
This thread is boring. +1 Obama here, +2 Obama there, bla bla bla.

Can't wait for exit polling/results to come in so we can start the real party.

When can we expect the first exit polls? Just tell me how many hours left, I won't understand the exact time with the different time zones and shit. :)


Amir0x said:
oh god today is tiring. Gonna retire at 1:00 and watch what may come though, HOME STRETCH TIME!

I can't believe this is the last day. I took a break from the day-to-day election stuff during most of October because it was simply becoming tiring following the election so closely for so long.

And now we're finally here.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Souldriver said:
Hmm, unprecedented turnout. Good thing or bad thing?

Good: more people could mean more Obama supporters, since he inspired people to go and he has a great GOTV program.

Bad: the majority of people who have voted before today were Obama supporters, so today maybe a lot of the McCain supporters are in the lines.
Higher turnout always means leftist vote increases. Always.


Count Dookkake said:
No matter who wins, it will be great to see the tears of the loser's supoorters.

Opportunities for great LOLs IRL for the next few weeks or so.

Can't wait.

That included almost all of Neogaf. We're more likely to turn into the bitter Hannity forums than to mock the losers.


Unconfirmed Member
Death_Born said:
You said you wanted small government. I hate those people who say "lesser of two evils," Obama is not evil damn it!
It's just a figure of speech. Get over it.

That came out more confrontational than it sounded in my head.


Sharp said:
I know, dude, believe me I know. I'm actually pretty much with you on this (though for a counterexample, look at the situation in Israel--20+ parties and the leader has to spend so much time trying to accommodate the requests of fringe groups that he never actually satisfies anyone). I have no doubt that if the Democrats actually acquire a supermajority and keep it for too long they'll start making decisions just as poorly as Bush and his congress did. But right now, I genuinely believe it would be a good thing.

When the republicans controlled both houses and the executive branch at least the democrats could filibuster. This will be unabated. Just for note I'm an independent and am speaking not for one party just the concept of giving congressional and executive control to one party and an extreme wing at that, whether dem left or republic right. It's not good for America.

Justin Bailey

------ ------
Holy shit guys great anecdotal news from NC. I just found out my MOM voted Obama. She was one of the people sending retarded chain emails about Reverend Wright during the primaries and she's a registered Republican. Bwahaha!

Obama is going to win NC. It's MY STATE.
Justin Bailey said:
Holy shit guys great anecdotal news from NC. I just found out my MOM voted Obama. She was one of the people sending retarded chain emails about Reverend Wright during the primaries and she's a registered Republican. Bwahaha!

Obama is going to win NC. It's MY STATE.
Congrats to your mother. Any idea why and when she shifted?
Justin Bailey said:
Obama is going to win NC. It's MY STATE.

I'm really hoping for an Obama upset in one of the states that polls close at 9:00pm EST. Something like either of the Carolinas, or Georgia. I really want it.

Also, Karl Rove just predicted an Obama landslide victory.
TDG said:
I'm not feeling well, so I'm just not going to vote, Obama has this locked up.
You make me cry on the inside. :(

Justin Bailey said:
Holy shit guys great anecdotal news from NC. I just found out my MOM voted Obama. She was one of the people sending retarded chain emails about Reverend Wright during the primaries and she's a registered Republican. Bwahaha!

Obama is going to win NC. It's MY STATE.

We're going to go over this again. NC is going blue because it's DAX'S state. Not yours.


Sysgen said:
When the republicans controlled both houses and the executive branch at least the democrats could filibuster. This will be unabated. Just for note I'm an independent and am speaking not for one party just the concept of giving congressional and executive control to one party and an extreme wing at that, whether dem left or republic right. It's not good for America.
An "extreme wing"? If it takes every Democrat in the Senate (possibly including Joe!) to override a filibuster in what sense is it controlled by an "extreme wing"?
TDG said:
I'm not feeling well, so I'm just not going to vote, Obama has this locked up.
Go voting god damned and stop making stupid excuses. My uncle just lost both his legs this morning in a car accident, and still dragged himself to the polling booth.


I'm just riling you guys up, of course I'm voting. I'm leaving right after I eat lunch.

Holy fuck I'm nervous. I'm not turning on the TV until the polls begin closing, I'm so nervous.


If this election doesn't turn out the way we hope, he won't have to. Because a lot of us will be on suicide watch.


Polls open at 9pm. They are equipped to handle either party. I have a ride lined up for later just in case.
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