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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Hail to the KING baby
Nameless said:
Ok answer me this guys. Why don't we have some sort of system for online voting in place for those who want to vote that way? We handle alot of things via the web just as, if not more sensitive than voting so I don't see how in the next 4 years we can't build an infrastructure secure, accurate, and fail safe enough to incorporate by 2012. Sure, there are risks, but judging from all the crap still going on at the polls and issues write-in ballots the level of risk doesn't seem too much higher than it is now.

As far as fraud, I wasn't even required to show a photo ID. They just took my registration card, made me sign in, and I got to vote. Anyone could've voted for me so long as they had the card.

I want one of those ESPN-style polls to be the new voting process.


TDG said:
Well, I do understand the arguements for divided governemnt, but with our government being so completely uselesss for the past 8 years, I think it would be a really positive thing for an agenda, any agenda, to be able to actually be passed quickly. And hey, if the dems fuck it up, then the GOP will be back in power in no time at all.

No. No agenda should ever be passed quickly. Look at all the shit they tried to cram into the bailouts, because they thought they could jam it through quickly.

A slow (paralyzed) government is in the best interest of all of us. (of course, I hate government so I may be a bit skewed)
Death_Born said:
A: 500 Server Error

ZeroTolerance said:
i think it will be renamed since thats what we did throughout the primaries anyway.

I know the mods said this is the final official thread, but I just know several gaffers will create a "ZOMG OBAMCAIN IS THE NEW PREZ" threads.


Forgotten in his cell
Sharp said:
Why would you want that? There are a lot of people who have valid reasons to disagree with Democratic ideas. If they're voting Democratic this go-around, it's only because Bush betrayed most every ideal that the party was founded on.

Being greedy and/or racist are not valid ideas.


I'd be in the dick
Got up early this morning to vote in my first election. At 8 AM I had to wait an hour and a half to get in. There were very few McCain supporters, almost everyone was there for Obama, including myself. Going by my polling center, it seems like Obama is off to a good start in PA.


EmCeeGramr said:
Problem: you're blinded your desire to be "independent" and "moderate." You've gotten it into your head that both Democrats and Republicans represent "extreme wings" on some linear spectrum.

They really don't though.

Don't fall into that line of thinking where each "side" suddenly represents an "extreme" and that in order to be independent, you have to follow some imaginary middle road.

No. If you don't vote with your majority leaders (and they are far left and every bill goes through them) then don't expect much more than scraps. I fear the worst.


Went to the polls around 8:20am today in Canoga Park, and surprisingly light turn out. I think I must have missed the early morning rush (thankfully). I'm probably going to drive by this afternoon to see if there are lines.

There was this lady that went to the volunteers and said that she made a mistake on her ballot. The person just ran it through the ballot scanner, and said there was no problem... Technically no, but she voted the wrong way on an iniative... ouch. She thanked god that it wasn't the presidential vote. lol

Obama for the win!!
EmCeeGramr said:
Don't fall into that line of thinking where each "side" suddenly represents an "extreme" and that in order to be independent, you have to follow some imaginary middle road.

Yep. The primary goal of the Republican machine over the last eight years has been to redefine the scale so that it starts at the center and goes to the far right. One of the big benefits to the hopeful coming tsunami for the Democrats is moving the scale a little bit closer to balanced.


Hail to the KING baby
Sysgen said:
No. If you don't vote with your majority leaders (and they are far left and every bill goes through them) then don't expect much more than scraps. I fear the worst.

FAR left? How old are you, 8?
TDG said:
And hey, if the dems fuck it up, then the GOP will be back in power in no time at all.
But in such an event, will there still be a country for the GOP to lead after the devastation that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will unleash?
charlequin said:
Yep. The primary goal of the Republican machine over the last eight years has been to redefine the scale so that it starts at the center and goes to the far right. One of the big benefits to the hopeful coming tsunami for the Democrats is moving the scale a little bit closer to balanced.
Yep, by calling anything remotely left "communism" or "socialism", it forces the democrats to stay to the right because of the bad connotations mentioned words have.

They've effectively managed to call the center of the political spectrum "socialism", so everybody will stay right from the center.


GoutPatrol said:
Being greedy and/or racist are not valid ideas.
If by "greedy" you mean "looking out for one's own self-interest" or "would indeed prefer a smaller government," or "actually enjoys hunting a fair bit," or even "wants the country not to waste its resources on military policing all over the world" (remember when that was a Republican position?) those are all valid ideas. Racism is not, but racism is also (sadly) not limited to the Republican party.
TDG said:
Well, I do understand the arguements for divided governemnt, but with our government being so completely uselesss for the past 8 years, I think it would be a really positive thing for an agenda, any agenda, to be able to actually be passed quickly. And hey, if the dems fuck it up, then the GOP will be back in power in no time at all.

Yep. The divided government is there so that a razor-thin margin doesn't actually give a party the ability to rule unopposed, but the Dems aren't winning by a razor-thin margin this year.


Professional Schmuck


Btw, lots and LOTS of old fuckers out today. I only waited an 35 minutes in line.


besada said:
New World Order! The UN has taken over! We all speak French now!

He doesn't need a crystal ball to see the future, you know.

Exactly. :lol :lol :lol

The problem with conservatives who fear that liberals will decrease American sovereignty is that they fail to recognize that trade protectionism, decreased military spending, less military intervention, etc., all contribute to an isolationist US government, and therefore AN INCREASE in net US sovereignty! I think at this point it is the GOP that is most likely to decrease US sovereignty.


AstroLad said:
FAR left? How old are you, 8?

If there's one thing the Obama failed to do, it was defending Pelosi and Reid from these smears of liberal extremism. It's so ridiculous but it seems to be sticking (thus costing him votes he could have got from the divided government crowd)


Hail to the KING baby
Sysgen said:
Care to have a discussion or post stupid memes.

Memes? That was a legitimate question based on what you seem to think "FAR" left is. It's ok you've clearly established yourself as a wingnut. Carry on.

Although APF is more articulate and inflammatory and hence more fun. Why isn't he posting more?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.


eznark said:
No. No agenda should ever be passed quickly. Look at all the shit they tried to cram into the bailouts, because they thought they could jam it through quickly.

A slow (paralyzed) government is in the best interest of all of us. (of course, I hate government so I may be a bit skewed)
Well, I'd say that the past several years would be a good argument to that. Bills take forever to get anywhere, they become a shadow of their old selves, and by the end there's so much pork in them, that they're accomplishments are few and far between.


Limbaugh Parrot
Just got back from voting here in Tampa, FL.

Absolutely zero lines.

There were 2 other people using the 15 or so booths, and while I was in there only 3 more people came in.

Other friends around town have texted me and said that they haven't experienced any long lines thus far.


Sharp said:
"wants the country not to waste its resources on military policing all over the world" (remember when that was a Republican position?

I do, because I'm very old, but it's hard to imagine that you do. That hasn't been Republican ideology since before Reagan. Not since the Vietnam war.

Funky Papa

Sysgen said:
No. If you don't vote with your majority leaders (and they are far left and every bill goes through them) then don't expect much more than scraps. I fear the worst.
And the republican's belief of what's the "far left" continues to amuse me.
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.
The fuck. That's not a moment of clarity, that's just bandwagoning.

Edit: you stealth edited your post. :)
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.
hahaha that's pretty unbelievable


Maybe I should've gone to work today. Time is going by just as slow, if not more slowly. Ehhh well, I'm still getting paid.


Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.
Let's just call it the reverse Bradley effect.


+1 in Minnesota
Barack Obama
Al Franken
El Tinklenberg
plus voting for all 3 measures to raise property taxes to fund area schools
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.
:lol !!!!! Awesome.
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