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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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I have a paper I need to finish by Wednesday afternoon and another that's due on Friday. How the Hell am I supposed to keep my focus? I think I'll be pulling an all-nighter on Tuesday after the results come in. I'm banking on an Obama victory giving me the adrenaline I need.


I had a hopium fueled encounter with the enemy last night guys.

My friend I figured it would be a good idea to sport our Obama shirts out(I'm also wearing a vote for chagne pin) on the final weekend before the Election(also Halloween Weekend, like most places= a crazy nightlife here in Columbia, SC). We head to one of the more popular spots downtown and this idea pops into my inebriated mind to go up to hot girls, and ask them if they're voting for change, while pointing to my pin and flashing a Joe Biden smile to break the ice. In retrospect its a pretty ingenious strategy since you can immediately learn 2 1/2 dates worth of information based off one quick question.

The very first girl I approach with this....plan, looks at me as if I just asked to shit in her hands. She is a McCain supporter. Surprisingly, my counter reaction is one of confusion and "you can't be serious" rather than one of disgust(she IS hot btw). I ask her why she is voting for McCain, and she gives me this mini, partially drunken rant on how Obama wants to take her hard earned money, and her slightly less hot friend joins her in ranting this tired ass talking point so generically that they made Elizabeth Hasselbeck look like Rush Limbaugh in comparison. I respond with, "Well since you make over 250k a year how about buying me a drink". A pretty smooth comeback methinks but it went over their heads. So there I am, drunk, high, in a club at 1:00:am explaining in the most simple of terms Obama's tax plan with "I kissed a girl" blaring in the background. Freakishly McCain like, they respond totally ignoring everything I said.

I know there's no point in debating these two, but I humor them for a bit longer. Finally I tell them that if they really feel so strongly to make sure they vote and make their voices heard etc..etc.(this is South Carolina so its going GOP forever anyway). Apparently that made me look like the world's sweetest guy. The hottest one hugged me and thanked me for saying that, and the slightly less hotter one did the same. We then decided to drop the political talk, and we ended up hanging out with them pretty much until we left. But not without my friend whispering lines from the Malcom X movie in my ear while I was dancing with the girl I first approached. :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

I did get the hottest one's number before leaving, but not before making a $50 bet that I would get her to change her vote before Tues. A shot in the dark obviously, but thats roughly what you spend on a normal first date anyway. I didn't call her today(Bible belt=I leave girls I meet on Sat. night alone on Sundays). But I'll see what happens tommorow.
GhaleonEB said:
Ug. Apparnatly the Wright ad ran nationally during Sunday Night Football.
Via TPM.

It's actually a brillant move on the RNC's part.

With one day left, it leaves no time to refute it and the hope is it will either:

a) Persuade last minute undecideds his way.
b) Hype the base to turnout in huge numbers.
c) Both.


BTW, am I the only one irritated when Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are described as extreme liberals by the GOP?


y'all should be ashamed
omg rite said:
... what?
All of RepublicanGAF is in hiding, so someone has to represent!

That said I'm going to bed and not likely to return to the thread. Good luck everyone.


First tragedy, then farce.
Tideas said:
these same ppl voted for bush..twice

that is why it is so critical that early voting is so high. You can't change your vote once its in the ballot box.
StoOgE said:
I'm getting really fucking scared. I know there is no good reason to be pessimistic right now, but I can't really help it even just a little bit.

Logically I know that Obama is going to get nearly 350 EV's. But it doesnt make me not fear the worst.

Every time I grow worried I always think about the juggernaut of a ground game Obama has assembled.

That is his true fire wall, not a state not a county not a particular math equation, but the ability to mobilize more than your opponent.


omg rite said:
... what?
Rugasuki said:
My brother's friend recorded this video at a Palin rally in Ohio. Pure class.

So fucking sad. That old man hitting the sign down. America is about tolerance.

"You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free"."

Cloudy said:
Powerful stuff right there.


First tragedy, then farce.
NetMapel said:
Meh, the person was just asking for it by attending McCain's rally with Obama signs. It's not like McCain supporters who attend Obama's speeches are treated like royalties.

You are right, but there is a difference between being confrontational and saying blatantly racist things.

Seth C

I got back home to Lexington a short while ago. The experience at the Cincinnati Obama rally was phenomenal. I'll have some pictures up just as soon as I can get to it. I had a great experience though and was even lucky enough to get a ticket to go down on to the field just 50 or so feet in front of the stage. Apparently at one point I was also highly visible on CNN.

It made me want to be in Chicago Tuesday night, so bad. If anyone would be interested in riding up there from the Lexington, Louisville, or Indianapolis areas let me know.


Red Scarlet said:
Wonder what Nate guy is gonna do after the election is over, if his stuff holds true.

Maybe he'll get a job at some news corporation thing.

Or maybe he and Chuck Todd will have their own half-hour on Saturday mornings where they team up to fight evildoers with the power of mathematics.


Cloudy said:
I saw it in Michigan as well. WTF. Why not just run them in battlegrounds?
It's a national ad buy. They can't win by tipping a state or two, so they're trying to impact the overall structure of the race.
AniHawk said:
Maybe he'll get a job at some news corporation thing.

Or maybe he and Chuck Todd will have their own half-hour on Saturday mornings where they team up to fight evildoers with the power of mathematics.
538 is a side project for him; Baseball Prospectus is his full time job.

Red Scarlet

AniHawk said:
Maybe he'll get a job at some news corporation thing.

Or maybe he and Chuck Todd will have their own half-hour on Saturday mornings where they team up to fight evildoers with the power of mathematics.

Has anything been said? Or will everyone forget about him in a month?

The Wright ads seem to be national. They're playing in everyone's state.

Where'd grandjedi go? 5 mins was a long time ago.
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