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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Marvie_3 said:
"When someone called me a redneck woman once....I said thank you"

Can we stop encouraging this fuckin "redneck" culture bullshit? This "war on intelligence" is pissing me off....
Being a redneck is not a war on intelligence.


I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.
HolyStar said:
I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.

Your friend sounds retarded.


Red Scarlet said:
Has anything been said? Or will everyone forget about him in a month?

The Wright ads seem to be national. They're playing in everyone's state.

Where'd grandjedi go? 5 mins was a long time ago.

I haven't heard anything particular. As someone else said, this was a side project (though it seems to have gotten him a bit more fame).

The Wright ads are by the remnant Swiftboat Veterans for Truth guys, right?


First tragedy, then farce.
HolyStar said:
I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.

Loudninja said:
Is that the final Zogby poll?

Nah. He says he has another for tomorrow. Same time as usual.

Barack Obama is where he needs to be and John McCain is not. In a multi-candidate race, assuming the minor candidates can win around 2%, 51% can win. Obama holds the groups that he needs and continues to hold a big lead among independents and his base. McCain seems to be holding his base without expanding it or moving into Obama's territory. A reminder: we will have another release based on polling through midnight Monday out early Tuesday."

Obama leads by 15 points among independents and wins 89% support among Democrats. He also leads by 16 points among those who have already voted and 27 points among those who have registered to vote in the last six months. Obama leads by 13 points among women and by just a point among men, as well as leading among all age groups with the exception of those age 55-69, who favor McCain by one point. He also strong leads among Hispanics and moderates.

McCain leads among whites by 13 points and wins 87% support from Republicans. He also leads among conservatives by 53 points, NASCAR fans by 12 points, and investors by seven points.

The three-day rolling tracking poll included 1,205 likely voters - about 400 interviews per 24-hour polling period (each polling period begins and ends at 5 p.m. Eastern daily) - and was conducted Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2008. It carries a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points.
Nate's going to have a lot of data to go through over to tweak his models better, so as to adapt the site for the Senate/House elections in 2010. He should also REALLY take the time to write a book about polling, blogging, or both.

In between working on BP, of course.


First tragedy, then farce.
AniHawk said:
I haven't heard anything particular. As someone else said, this was a side project (though it seems to have gotten him a bit more fame).

The Wright ads are by the remnant Swiftboat Veterans for Truth guys, right?

Baseball Prospectus is very well known...
Good grief, this thread has only been up for 3 hours and there's already 12 pages? :lol

I don't think I'm even going to bother reading this thread on election day. I'll read it a week later or something.
HolyStar said:
I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.

Breaking records is good when the money is coming from everyday people. Everyone has the notion that money in politics is bad, when in reality a campaign contribution is one of the strongest ways for someone to have their opinion and voice heard. The problem is when money buys influence or access. Small donations from individuals are never made with the expectation that later on people are expecting access and preferential treatment to the candidates they were supporting.


HolyStar said:
I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.

Considering how the money was raised, largely through small donations, it's not the sum that should be surprising, its that so many people contributed.



No thanks I take my coffee black, like my Presidents.


HolyStar said:
I'm surprised that the poor are excited about someone that raises 150 million in one month for advertisements. Breaking records for raising money isn't good. This is what my friend said about Obama.

Time to find some new friends. Some non-retarded ones.


Yeah, between baseball, possible book deals, refining his models, Nate will not be lacking for activities.

Baseball Between the Numbers was an excellent book, and it was a collaborative effort. He and Sean should definitely do something similar.

Red Scarlet

Is anyone around that is good at editing gifs? I have an avatar idea, but I won't be able to do it myself. Throw me a PM if you are a good gif editor and want to give me a hand.


a child left behind
Barack Obama's leading by about 250,000 votes in North Carolina right now...but folks planning to vote Tuesday overwhelmingly support McCain...Give me about half an hour.



Qwerty710710 said:
Barack Obama's leading by about 250,000 votes in North Carolina right now...but folks planning to vote Tuesday overwhelmingly support McCain...Give me about half an hour.


He doesn't need NC. Just get VA as insurance..


Qwerty710710 said:
Barack Obama's leading by about 250,000 votes in North Carolina right now...but folks planning to vote Tuesday overwhelmingly support McCain...Give me about half an hour.


Don't worry, NC'll hold together.

C'mon baby, hold together.


Qwerty710710 said:
Barack Obama's leading by about 250,000 votes in North Carolina right now...but folks planning to vote Tuesday overwhelmingly support McCain...Give me about half an hour.

What is the source of this?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I can't believe what the hell I just heard about Obama on TV. It's crazy. Doing research before posting.....


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Qwerty710710 said:
Barack Obama's leading by about 250,000 votes in North Carolina right now...but folks planning to vote Tuesday overwhelmingly support McCain...Give me about half an hour.


Shit! What's the % breakdown?


Don't forget that Obama always does worse in weekend polls because that's when young people go out and old people stay home and watch Matlock reruns. I expect Obama to do much better than these weekend polls are letting on (except for Gallup & a few other polls that include cellphones).

Edit: here's where he pulled that quote from


These polls include the Oct 31st-Nov 2nd. All days when Obama supporters are less likely to be home for polling.


First tragedy, then farce.
mckmas8808 said:
I can't believe what the hell I just heard about Obama on TV. It's crazy. Doing research before posting.....

just post it, we can help shoot it down.
NC was always going to come down to the ground game, which is why the GOTV plan was so super-ambitious (and thankfully we have enough volunteers to meet the challenge).
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