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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Forgotten in his cell
Sharp said:
If by "greedy" you mean "looking out for one's own self-interest" or "would indeed prefer a smaller government," or "actually enjoys hunting a fair bit," or even "wants the country not to waste its resources on military policing all over the world" (remember when that was a Republican position?) those are all valid ideas. Racism is not, but racism is also (sadly) not limited to the Republican party.

"looking out for one's own self-interest"-Hurting others to better oneself is not cool, ok?

"would indeed prefer a smaller government,"-Yeah well, fuck them.

"actually enjoys hunting a fair bit,"-Fuck these people as well. Stick with clay pigeons.

"wants the country not to waste its resources on military policing all over the world" (remember when that was a Republican position?)-That has been a Republican positions ever since 45.

racism is also (sadly) not limited to the Republican party-Yeah, but Dems can shame racists into voting the right way.
I just got this email from DirecTV. Apparently Channel 352 will have 8 different channels broadcasting at the same time




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
mckmas8808 said:
I love reading these stories. Hey artredis1980 your job today is find all kinds of stories like this and post them. WE NEED MORE!!!

Yeah, seriously
That was a fantastic summary artredis.
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.

I hope these stories are happening all across the country today. We can do this America!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Arde0 said:
I went and voted at the Lafayette High School precinct this morning at 6. Had to wait in line for over an hour...worth it though. The woman at the polling station said that our precinct always has a much higher than average turnout - but ever one this high this early. My wife went up to vote about an hour ago and still has not returned....high voter turnout indeed.

+2 Obama

** +1 Bob Barr from Siamese Dreamer

YAY!!! That's -1 for McCain in GA then.


rhino4evr said:
Ehh...the early voter lines were much longer in S.Florida. Most people waited at least 2-4 hours. Some 8. Early voting does not save you time, unless you mail in yout ballot.
Or you vote early in the early voting period before all the early procrastinators clog the polling locations.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
besada said:
I do, because I'm very old, but it's hard to imagine that you do. That hasn't been Republican ideology since before Reagan. Not since the Vietnam war.

Don't know about the party as a whole but GW Bush touted that in the 2000 election. Said he would not spend money on policing the world and nation building...


TheFightingFish said:
You've obviously not heard the posters in this thread discussing the average white voter in the south.

I'm a southern white voter, and I love me. Not so much my neighbors who are voting for McCain.
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.
Haha. That's awesome.


GoutPatrol said:
NO. Keep them as the religious nutty party. It will lead to their slow, slow death and lead to longer Democratic control.

See, I don't agree with that. I would love to see Republicans return to their roots and start over. Here's an example of a Republican that I wish there were more of: Chuck Hagel. Level-headed, realist/pragmatic on foreign policy and speaks articulately on these issues. I'm sure I disagree with him on social issues but so what, at least it seems like he would be open to compromise.

If the GOP would be more like him, the country would be better off.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.

My hopium levels are all the way up to eleven.


Steve Youngblood said:
But in such an event, will there still be a country for the GOP to lead after the devastation that Obama, Pelosi, and Reid will unleash?
Of course! Just because everyone will be in government-run labor camps doesn't mean that it won't a country anymore! Sheesh.


TDG said:
Well, I'd say that the past several years would be a good argument to that. Bills take forever to get anywhere, they become a shadow of their old selves, and by the end there's so much pork in them, that they're accomplishments are few and far between.

The problem is those bills were allowed to pass. If they had just died in committee we'd all be happier and better off.
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.

That is awesome. I think we'll see quite a bit of this.


TheFightingFish said:
You've obviously not heard the posters in this thread discussing the average white voter in the south.
Hmm? I'm a white male voter in the South. What have people in the thread said about me?


Forgotten in his cell
bob_arctor said:
See, I don't agree with that. I would love to see Republicans return to their roots and start over. Here's an example of a Republican that I wish there were more of: Chuck Hagel. Level-headed, realist/pragmatic on foreign policy and speaks articulately on these issues. I'm sure I disagree with him on social issues but so what, at least it seems like he would be open to compromise.

If the GOP would be more like him, the country would be better off.

Fuck that. If they we to return to their roots they would be Democrats.
GoutPatrol said:
Being greedy and/or racist are not valid ideas.

There are other, good and entirely legitimate ideas historically associated with the Republican party and the Conservative movement. However, most of them have been marginalized by evangelical pandering or faux-conservatism like Bush's.

Souldriver said:
They've effectively managed to call the center of the political spectrum "socialism", so everybody will stay right from the center.

It's really sad how the issue-framing strategy has been so effectively used by Republicans in the last eight years. You can watch videos of TV appearances leading up to the Iraq war and see it in action: two people, debating the issue of "Invading Iraq: Wrong or Right?" Just by making the question be that you've already legitimized an entirely made-up reason for war just by suggesting that it has equal standing with the case opposed to it.

Bush (or, really, Rove) is the master of this. Most of his unconstitutional expansion of executive powers works on the same principle: if he just asserts something ludicrous enough, and people argue with it like it's actually a topic of debate, some people will end up on his side.


I voted for Obama in South Carolina. :lol I then lied and told my very conservative parents I voted for McCain.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
eznark said:
No. No agenda should ever be passed quickly. Look at all the shit they tried to cram into the bailouts, because they thought they could jam it through quickly.

A slow (paralyzed) government is in the best interest of all of us. (of course, I hate government so I may be a bit skewed)

It hasn't been passed quickly. This is nonsense. Americans voted Democrats into power in 2006. This has been coming for at least three years. If you consider public disapproval of Bush's bullshit, this has been coming for 5-6 years.

This is a SEA CHANGE in the opinion of the electorate. Divided government is the biggest bullshit nonsense I've ever seen anyone peddle. Paralysis is not a good thing. This country needs real leadership-- real change-- and it needs it right now.

I just can't help but think that "paralysis" people are either disingenuous Republican sore losers or people with no sense of perspective of history. It was only 20 years ago that Bush Sr.'s "paralyzed" government did nothing and everyone got him out at the earliest available opportunity.

It's been years that Americans have been clamoring for change. Today is a referendum on that above all else. To want to block that indicates you're in the minority here.


Junior Member
lawblob said:
Exactly. :lol :lol :lol

The problem with conservatives who fear that liberals will decrease American sovereignty is that they fail to recognize that trade protectionism, decreased military spending, less military intervention, etc., all contribute to an isolationist US government, and therefore AN INCREASE in net US sovereignty! I think at this point it is the GOP that is most likely to decrease US sovereignty.

A non-interventionist government is not an isolationist government.

Other than that, I agree with you. I'm also ready to see an end to having your "patriotism" questioned if you even hint at the concept of blowback, our interventionist foreign policy prior to 9/11, and how it got us into the War on Terra.


Hope you guys kept your voting stickers:


So far, these are the major players in the game:
Starbucks: Giving away a free tall coffee to people with proof of voting (or a pledge of having voted)
Krispy Kreme: Giving away free star-shaped donuts with red, white and blue sprinkles (while supplies last) to people with an "I voted" sticker all day
Ben & Jerry's: Giving away a free scoop in any flavor from 5pm to 8pm to anyone who says they voted.

But there's much, much more... (and we're hoping you'll feel free to tell us what's free in your neighborhood for voters).

This is in no way a list of all of them, but here are some:
Todd Conner's, a bar in Baltimore, will give voters a free beer. (I'm guessing 18-20 year-old voters are disqualifed.)
Selected Chick-fil-A locations will be offering free chicken sandwiches on Election Day to anyone with an "I Voted" sticker, and also giving away items on Nov. 5 for those who bring in lawn signs, but check first, to see if your local store is in on the deal.
Rock the Vote is offering free song downloads to anyone who pledges to vote
To its first 300 customers at each location, Shane's Rib Shack will give away a free "Vote America meal," which are chicken tenders and a beverage.
Anaheim White House, a restaurant in California, are giving voters a free bottle of champagne. The catch seems to be that you have to order the $44 meal that comes with it.
At Zov's, a three-restaurant chain, also in California, they're giving away a free slice of apple pie to anyone who votes.
The Atlanta Zoo are cutting admission prices to half price on November 4 for voters and their families.
In Chicago, at the restuarant Park 52, guests showing a receipt for voting will receive a free red, white and blue dessert--as in, red velvet cake with white cream cheese frosting and fresh blueberries.
In Troy, Michigian, the Hot Spot Coffee Company will be giving out free 12-ounce cups of coffee to customers on November 4.
And Babeland, an adult sex toy store in New York, Los Angeles and Seattle, is giving away, um, some free toys to anyone who says that they're voting.
A Dallas tattoo-removal specialist is offering a free consultation to getting a tattoo removed.
Even more deals are listed at slickdeals.net

I might just have to go to Starbucks and get my hopium hot chocolate!


besada said:
I do, because I'm very old, but it's hard to imagine that you do. That hasn't been Republican ideology since before Reagan. Not since the Vietnam war.
That's my point. I think the current Republican party has distanced itself from all the ideals that made it an attractive alternative in the first place. I get the impression that people voting Republican this year are either evangelical Christians, voting against Obama, or simply doing so out of inertia. If the Republican party reformed itself around its original ideals and provided a legitimate alternative to the Democratic party, it might attract new voters again.


Honorary Canadian.
I just watched last nights Boston Legal and man... they had one line that really just hit me.

Can you believe tomorrow we'll wake up and the Bush era will be over? A new President-elect, and hopefully the first step towards a new America.

that sentiment just really struck me for some reason. like, it's almost all over, hopefully.


levious said:
Don't know about the party as a whole but GW Bush touted that in the 2000 election. Said he would not spend money on policing the world and nation building...

Saying and doing are different things, though.


AstroLad said:
Memes? That was a legitimate question based on what you seem to think "FAR" left is. It's ok you've clearly established yourself as a wingnut. Carry on.

Although APF is more articulate and inflammatory and hence more fun. Why isn't he posting more?

I'm indepenedent. I voted for Clinton, I despise Bush but you just go on classifying based on opinion because clearly anyone who thinks the majority leaders are far left is a wing nut. Whatever.


i just want to say that this is so exciting. i've never been more excited about an election, ever.

can't wait for tonight!!


Really, Americans don't know wtf far left even is. Obama is slightly more left then our CONSERVATIVES. So expect some :lol :lol :lol when Canadians hear Americans crying about far left.
jase said:
I voted for Obama in South Carolina. :lol I then lied and told my very conservative parents I voted for McCain.
That is only awesome if Obama ends up winning big, your friends are all crying and you suddenly shout HAHA I VOTED FOR OBAMA TOO SUCKERS.

Otherwise: just tell your friends who you voted for (unless you'll get beaten up :p).
besada said:
I'm a southern white voter, and I love me. Not so much my neighbors who are voting for McCain.

*shrugs* I wasn't trying to sound too bitter tears as I'm very much not a McCain supporter. But following this thread has soured me a bit on how little the average Obama voter seems to have bought into Obama's message of Red-Blue understanding and honest dialog over bi-partisan, "go team go team," everyone who doesn't agree with me is evil and stupid politics as usual.

Although I guess election season (and an online forum in general) is a little bit of a bad time and place to go looking for understanding and reasonable dialog.
TDG said:
Of course! Just because everyone will be in government-run labor camps doesn't mean that it won't a country anymore! Sheesh.
I guess that's one dystopian vision. I prefer to fear that, under these liberal socialists, the greater fear is that, before the next election, we'll all be praising Allah in the lines for our bread handouts from the government with all of our fellow comrades.


Hail to the KING baby
Sysgen said:
I'm indepenedent. I voted for Clinton, I despise Bush but you just go on classifying based on opinion because clearly anyone who thinks the majority leaders are far left is a wing nut. Whatever.

OK, then we can agree to disagree. Now that is what I call "America."
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