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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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I have a question:

Is a first time voter (who was old enough to vote in the past but didn't) who calls someone who doesn't vote this election "just as bad as those who voted for the oppsosition", a hypocrite?


Y2Kev said:
It hasn't been passed quickly. This is nonsense. Americans voted Democrats into power in 2006. This has been coming for at least three years. If you consider public disapproval of Bush's bullshit, this has been coming for 5-6 years.

This is a SEA CHANGE in the opinion of the electorate. Divided government is the biggest bullshit nonsense I've ever seen anyone peddle. Paralysis is not a good thing. This country needs real leadership-- real change-- and it needs it right now.

I just can't help but think that "paralysis" people are either disingenuous Republican sore losers or people with no sense of perspective of history. It was only 20 years ago that Bush Sr.'s "paralyzed" government did nothing and everyone got him out at the earliest available opportunity.

It's been years that Americans have been clamoring for change. Today is a referendum on that above all else. To want to block that indicates you're in the minority here.

Dude, I wasn't talking about the current elections. I am talking about specific bills and policy changes. They need to be studied, dissected, and always killed.
Sysgen said:
I'm indepenedent. I voted for Clinton, I despise Bush but you just go on classifying based on opinion because clearly anyone who thinks the majority leaders are far left is a wing nut. Whatever.
You're classifying them as "far left" without any justification.


I was watching CNN this morning, and someone asked Palin after she voted "Do you have anything to say to the Japanese". She said she can't wait to work with them, on their amazing and well put together fishing industry. She said how Alaska has close ties to the Japanese, and are great partners when it comes to fishing. Immediately after there was a commercial talking about the Japanese slaughtering thousands of whales each year, and how it's a crime.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
eznark said:
Dude, I wasn't talking about the current elections. I am talking about specific bills and policy changes. They need to be studied, dissected, and always killed.
Well that's how our system is set up. It's set up to prevent quick change. So there's no point in worrying over it...it's built in!
Dark Octave said:
I have a question:

Is a first time voter (who was old enough to vote in the past but didn't) who calls someone who doesn't vote this election "just as bad as those who voted for the oppsosition", a hypocrite?

Not necessarily.

1) People can change over time. What seems trivial now may later seem important.

2) It's debateable whether or not the complaint is even correct.


oldschoolpinball said:

Too bad those "Milfs" as they like to consider themselves are 6.5/10. They are just soccer moms not Milfs.


zesty said:
So if PA goes Obama, this thing is pretty much done, right?

PA had been assumed Obama before the last few days. I mean it still is, but some places have it leaning Obama instead of likely Obama. But yeah, its pretty much VA + PA for Bams early=done deal, assuming no unforeseen Kerry losses.


Trax416 said:
I was watching CNN this morning, and someone asked Palin after she voted "Do you have anything to say to the Japanese". She said she can't wait to work with them, on their amazing and well put together fishing industry. She said how Alaska has close ties to the Japanese, and are great partners when it comes to fishing. Immediately after there was a commercial talking about the Japanese slaughtering thousands of whales each year, and how it's a crime.
Oh wow. :lol Yikes.


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Marvie_3 said:
Well, it is about as credible as Fox News...

Comedy Central is not a news organization, but the information they present is easily parsed into reality and comedy. Fox on the other hand is just claiming they are all truth all the time.

TDS > Fox in all respects.


Dark Octave said:
I have a question:

Is a first time voter (who was old enough to vote in the past but didn't) who calls someone who doesn't vote this election "just as bad as those who voted for the oppsosition", a hypocrite?
Probably, but it depends on the circumstances. Of course, as far as I'm concerned as long as a point is valid it doesn't matter whether or not it's hypocritical.


Trax416 said:
I was watching CNN this morning, and someone asked Palin after she voted "Do you have anything to say to the Japanese". She said she can't wait to work with them, on their amazing and well put together fishing industry. She said how Alaska has close ties to the Japanese, and are great partners when it comes to fishing. Immediately after there was a commercial talking about the Japanese slaughtering thousands of whales each year, and how it's a crime.
:lol :lol


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polyh3dron said:
Holy fuck Back To The Future Part II was right!!

Where's my Hover Board, fuckers.
Comcast has been doing this for awhile, btw.

Video Rich Navigation.

Okay so I just got an email from a cousin who has friends that have been spamming the fuck out of her with nutzo anti-obama chain emails. She pretty much swallows it whole too. Apparantly she found out today that Obama was Christian, and is completely pissed off at the people who have been sending her stuff to the contrary. Like, wants her vote back pissed off. I thought it was cute.
Trax416 said:
She said how Alaska has close ties to the Japanese, and are great partners when it comes to fishing.
"Inuit and Japanese are cousins to each other... We share many ancestors, you and I..."

"I don't have any crows on my family tree."


AstroLad said:

you must be one o them pinko New York commies.

Well that's how our system is set up. It's set up to prevent quick change. So there's no point in worrying over it...it's built in!

Oh, I'm not worried. I'm young enough to survive another Carterian economy and even a far left (if that's what we end up with) federal government is going to have to spur investments in commercial real estate, so when they jack the cap gains rate they'll have to take step to incentivize real estate investment (cut depreciable life is my guess) so people can just shelter income there.

It'll all work out in the end, Capitalism is crafty.


Honorary Canadian.
Trax416 said:
I was watching CNN this morning, and someone asked Palin after she voted "Do you have anything to say to the Japanese". She said she can't wait to work with them, on their amazing and well put together fishing industry. She said how Alaska has close ties to the Japanese, and are great partners when it comes to fishing. Immediately after there was a commercial talking about the Japanese slaughtering thousands of whales each year, and how it's a crime.
:lol reminds me of a john oliver joke. "Thousands of Japanese fishermen, each year, needlessly lampooning whales. 'OH LOOK AT YOU! YOU FAT DOLPHIN! HOW YOU GET SO FAT EATING PLANKTON? YOU FAT DOLPHIN!'"


Steve Youngblood said:
I guess that's one dystopian vision. I prefer to fear that, under these liberal socialists, the greater fear is that, before the next election, we'll all be praising Allah in the lines for our bread handouts from the government with all of our fellow comrades.
Voter supression in the form of being forced to leave line/the polls for Salat?


TheFightingFish said:
Although I guess election season (and an online forum in general) is a little bit of a bad time and place to go looking for understanding and reasonable dialog.

Particularly when one side has spent all their time questioning the patriotism, the nationality, and the faith of one of the candidates. Republicans decided they couldn't win on the merits this time, so they ran with the sleaze. There's a fairly reasonable backlash over that.

I live in a city and state that is a sea of Republicans. I like most of them just fine, so long as we don't talk about where we think the country should go. They are my fellow Texans, and I will stop to help them if they need it, but it doesn't mean I have to like their politics, or pretend to respect their ideas when I don't.

If they want me to respect their ideas, they need to get better ideas and quit leading with character assassination, race-baiting, and fear.


EmCeeGramr said:
"Inuit and Japanese are cousins to each other... We share many ancestors, you and I..."

"I don't have any crows on my family tree."

How did a big boy like you fit into this thread?
TheFightingFish said:
*shrugs* I wasn't trying to sound too bitter tears as I'm very much not a McCain supporter. But following this thread has soured me a bit on how little the average Obama voter seems to have bought into Obama's message of Red-Blue understanding and honest dialog over bi-partisan, "go team go team," everyone who doesn't agree with me is evil and stupid politics as usual.

Although I guess election season (and an online forum in general) is a little bit of a bad time and place to go looking for understanding and reasonable dialog.

I hate to sound like a 6 year old, but the McCain campaign started it, and unfortunately, the Obama campaign had to respond to all the negative stuff coming straight from the McCain camp because they were serious charges. He's Anti-American (Wright), he pals around with Terrorists (Ayers), he wants to turn American into a socialist country (Joe the Plummer).


RubxQub said:

Comedy Central is not a news organization, but the information they present is easily parsed into reality and comedy. Fox on the other hand is just claiming they are all truth all the time.

TDS > Fox in all respects.
Fox News isn't much of a news organization either...
Sharp said:
That's my point. I think the current Republican party has distanced itself from all the ideals that made it an attractive alternative in the first place.

Yep. The neocon movements and the evangelical Christians are basically ruining the GOP for whatever legitimate, nuanced conservatives are out there, kind of the same way that I take it dumbass Stalinists and other kooky kommunists ruined it for sensible leftists like myself in, I dunno, the Seventies.

Sysgen said:
I'm indepenedent. I voted for Clinton, I despise Bush but you just go on classifying based on opinion because clearly anyone who thinks the majority leaders are far left is a wing nut. Whatever.

If you think that and you're not a wingnut, then you're just not very informed about the people in question. The majority leaders are certainly not far left on an overall political scale (the American two-party system skews heavily right), and they're not far left even within the limited confines of the American portion of the scale. They're regular, middle-of-the-road American liberals/global moderates.

TheFightingFish said:
Although I guess election season (and an online forum in general) is a little bit of a bad time and place to go looking for understanding and reasonable dialog.

Right now what's important is repudiating Bush, his policies, what he's shaped his party into, and the people who went along with or cheerleaded it.

Next year is the time for listening to Republican and conservative ideas, and forming bipartisan solutions to problems.


O +1 Indiana.

Waited just over an hour to cast my vote. Lines are pretty long here in Lake County.

Truth be told, this is the first election I've ever voted in. In the past for me, I never connected with any other candidate. I always felt that if I voted, I'd just be picking the lesser of two evils.

But now that I'm married with two young children, I cannot sit idle and let the country continue down the path that it's on. I feel very strongly about Barack; that I'm voting for something and not voting out of fear. I cannot fathom anyone looking at the McCain/Palin ticket and thinking they're the right choice for the country.

Where I'm at in NW Indiana, there's a good mix of Obama & McCain signs. I really hope Barack takes the state, but I certainly have concerns. Indiana hasn't voted a Democratic presidential candidate in over 40 years.

On a personal side note; I write a column for one of the local papers here. It's just a side thing for me and I only do it every other week. Two weeks ago, a portion of what I wrote was about being pro-Obama. My editor emailed me saying that part was being cut out because it didn't fit in with the section my column is run in. I was peeved, but let it go. Hop on their website today to find out exactly where in Indiana Obama is going to be later to find the paper endorsed McCain over the weekend. I'm so pissed right now, but trying not to let it spoil my day.


Channel 352 is indeed showing this great Election Mix. Except that ABC, CBS, FOX, and NBC aren't showing any coverage yet.

Oh, and Comedy Central, which is really the entire point of election mix (going from the pundit-filled channel of your choice to Colbert & Stewart), is replaced with the HDNet feed.

Apparently HDNet covers news and politics. I thought it just had Inside MMA.

Anyway, it took me about 40 minutes to vote this morning. Big turn out. They were moving people through at a good pace.


Revengeance said:
would be the sexiest President ever. goddam
.....and he's a LONG-LEGGED MACK DADDY!



HE'S A MAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MACKIN' YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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Marvie_3 said:
Fox News isn't much of a news organization either...
But they say they are. CC does not at all claim to be a legitimate news source.
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