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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Master of the Google Search
EmCeeGramr said:
There's no red in win percentage. There's no visible red.
0 red! 0 red!

besada said:
I live in a city and state that is a sea of Republicans. I like most of them just fine, so long as we don't talk about where we think the country should go. They are my fellow Texans, and I will stop to help them if they need it, but it doesn't mean I have to like their politics, or pretend to respect their ideas when I don't.

I would say that there is a pretty huge gap between respecting someone's ideas and being respectful to someone. Obama preaches the second of those two, which is a distinction that seems lost on most of his hardcore supporters that I run into on a daily basis. Since I'm a third-party guy in a sea of Democrats (Seattle) I tend to be a little more annoyed at them about this but if I lived in a Republican stronghold like you I'm sure the Republicans would end up annoying me more. Actually, I take that back...I expect that type of behaviour out of Republicans, from Democrats who are actually buying into Obama's message (which I very much respect) I would expect better.


+7 votes for OBAMA.


I VOTED sticker doesn't stick very well. :\

+1 for McCain, from my mom-in-law


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Monroeski said:
Which would be exactly his point. :lol
I can't tell if he's agreeing with me or not getting to be honest :lol
+1 for Bams in San Diego County, CA. My city is deep red, and there have been weekend demonstrations at street corners urging people to vote Yes on prop 8, which would deny homosexuals the right to marry. You see these bumper stickers on 1 of every 3 minivans, and signs staggered along sidewalks and center divides, one after another. Considering the large amount of W stickers and signs I saw in 2004, McCain representation has been tepid. In my area, Prop 8 is the number one issue. There have been reports of pro-8 signs being stolen, with two people even being arrested for it. A neighbor on a street above mine has written in large black marker a wide cardboard sign saying "Someone coward stole our Prop 8 sign, so we made this. Protect Marriage! Yes on Prop 8!!!" Yes, my neighborhood is very conservative. Well, as I was driving away from my polling station, there was a stretch of Pro-Prop 8 signs that had been spray painted with red swastikas. I'm a huge NO on prop 8, but those actions hurt the cause. Anyway, just thought I'd write about that. My polling station is a library at a nearby middle school. It was not eventful, but I noticed a few Obama bumper stickers in the lot!

Anyway, goBama!


we all knew her
eznark said:
Where did you go on Governor, or are you straight Dem?

I know you didn't ask me, but I voted for Jill Long Thompson. I'm not crazy about her, but I don't like Mitch Daniels at all and I didn't care for a lot of what the Libertarian guy (his name escapes me ATM) had to say.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
+1 for Obama and Christine Gregoire (Governor) in Seattle!

I am going back to Japan on the 9th. I just hope it won't turn into an "escape" from the country.

There were a lot more people at my place of voting than in 2004, but the wait was still only about 15 minutes.


border said:
Sorry, but this made me laugh:

I was told to take off work tonight because I live very close to Chicago and have to travel to Evanston Illinois which is probably 10 miles from Chicago and have to go through some Obama neighborhoods. I will go to work no matter what and if the worse happens I will pray GOD will be with me and keep me safe. I have a best friend that is a Chicago Policeman and a Lieutenant and he says no days off tonight and they are all looking for trouble. I can't believe this is AMERICA today !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like how "Obama neighborhoods" is the secret code word for "Where the Negroes live!"
To put it bluntly, I wouldn't go into "Obama neighborhoods" either... South Side scares me man. Waiting for the bus off the Green Line to go to the Museum of Science and Industry made me want to shit my pants. :lol


RubxQub said:
I can't tell if he's agreeing with me or not getting to be honest :lol
I pulled an all nighter and I'm hungover. :D All I was saying is that I dont think Fox is a credible news source....


PartlyCloudlike said:
+1 for Bams in San Diego County, CA. My city is deep red, and there have been weekend demonstrations at street corners urging people to vote Yes on prop 8, which would deny homosexuals the right to marry. You see these bumper stickers on 1 of every 3 minivans, and signs staggered along sidewalks and center divides, one after another. Considering the large amount of W stickers and signs I saw in 2004, McCain representation has been tepid. In my area, Prop 8 is the number one issue. There have been reports of pro-8 signs being stolen, with two people even being arrested for it. A neighbor on a street above mine has written in large black marker a wide cardboard sign saying "Someone coward stole our Prop 8 sign, so we made this. Protect Marriage! Yes on Prop 8!!!" Yes, my neighborhood is very conservative. Well, as I was driving away from my polling station, there was a stretch of Pro-Prop 8 signs that had been spray painted with red swastikas. I'm a huge NO on prop 8, but those actions hurt the cause. Anyway, just thought I'd write about that. My polling station is a library at a nearby middle school. It was not eventful, but I noticed a few Obama bumper stickers in the lot!

Anyway, goBama!

The funniest part about San Diego is that it's a city that would get booed heavily at a McCain/Palin rally.
xbhaskarx said:
My predictions:

EC: 338-200
%: 51.5 – 47

McCain: GA, IN, NC, MO
Obama: PA, NM, CO, NV, FL, OH, VA

CA Prop. 8 loses
Sadly, I believe prop 8 will pass.

Maybe it's just the area I live in, but there are nothing but "yes on 8" signs EVERYWHERE. Yesterday there was about 50 people on a busy intersection with a bunch of kids holding "yes on 8" signs as well. There are also 10 times as many "yes" commercials on TV than there are "no". I also have yet to see a single "no on 8" bumpersticker while "yes on 8" is everywhere.

Obama wins.

2 fails. (Stop cruelty to animals in slaughterhouses. Possible harm to US farmers.)

5 fails. (Let non-violent offenders off the hook early or get a slap on the wrist in order to keep prisson overcrowding in check.)

Just my predictions.

I forgot or never fully understood the rest.


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Marvie_3 said:
I pulled an all nighter and I'm hungover. :D All I was saying is that I dont think Fox is a credible news source....
Agreeing with me then. It's all good, dude. We'll all be sleeping well after tonight.



Birbo said:
O +1 Indiana.

Waited just over an hour to cast my vote. Lines are pretty long here in Lake County.

Truth be told, this is the first election I've ever voted in. In the past for me, I never connected with any other candidate. I always felt that if I voted, I'd just be picking the lesser of two evils.

But now that I'm married with two young children, I cannot sit idle and let the country continue down the path that it's on. I feel very strongly about Barack; that I'm voting for something and not voting out of fear. I cannot fathom anyone looking at the McCain/Palin ticket and thinking they're the right choice for the country.

Where I'm at in NW Indiana, there's a good mix of Obama & McCain signs. I really hope Barack takes the state, but I certainly have concerns. Indiana hasn't voted a Democratic presidential candidate in over 40 years.

On a personal side note; I write a column for one of the local papers here. It's just a side thing for me and I only do it every other week. Two weeks ago, a portion of what I wrote was about being pro-Obama. My editor emailed me saying that part was being cut out because it didn't fit in with the section my column is run in. I was peeved, but let it go. Hop on their website today to find out exactly where in Indiana Obama is going to be later to find the paper endorsed McCain over the weekend. I'm so pissed right now, but trying not to let it spoil my day.

Post what you wrote here. I'm sure GAF would love to read it.


Something was missing today--- and I just realized, listening to Air America radio. MSNBC is all well and fine, but nothing beats radio coverage of Election Day. It just feels closer to the people, with all the calls and radio hosts urging to get out there and vote!

Ah nice.
ImperialConquest said:
+7 votes for OBAMA.


I VOTED sticker doesn't stick very well. :\

+1 for McCain, from my mom-in-law
Don't you live in Cali? WHAT ABOUT PROP 8, MAN?!


Meier said:
To put it bluntly, I wouldn't go into "Obama neighborhoods" either... South Side scares me man. Waiting for the bus off the Green Line to go to the Museum of Science and Industry made me want to shit my pants. :lol
The Green line stop is pretty bad, especially within the past few months. Someone in my house got mugged there about two weeks ago. Three guys rushed him and broke his jaw, and right now he's eating through a blender. That said, as long as you take public transportation, are reasonably sober, and travel in a group (or alternatively look like a bum, look crazy, or are black), you'll probably be fine.


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grandjedi6 said:
It takes forever to add up those posts, man! Though the winner is becoming increasingly obvious
The winner is Tanomnmonomonmonmmnmnmono, we know that!

I want to see where I rank against the rest of em :D


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mercury Fred said:
+1 Obama (in NYC, lulz) Polling station was packed and the craziest I've ever seen it.

I think last night I edged my mom in Ohio to vote Obama.

Just want to take a second to say that I was a Hillary guy during the primaries mainly because I thought she had the best chance to win in a general election. I was extremely skeptical about Obama with my concerns centering on what looked like his lack of toughness and his wishy washiness about gay rights (still not thrilled with his gay marriage stance). Still, I've been impressed with the Obama campaign's jujitsu like reversals of the Republican bullshit machine and am happy to have cast my vote for Obama/ Biden.

Keeping my fingers crossed about Prop 8 in Cali. Go go PoliGAF!

Glad to see you say this. :)


zesty said:
I know you didn't ask me, but I voted for Jill Long Thompson. I'm not crazy about her, but I don't like Mitch Daniels at all and I didn't care for a lot of what the Libertarian guy (his name escapes me ATM) had to say.

Andy Horning is the Libertarian. I wish I lived in IN this year so I could have voted for him (I'll be there next year).


RubxQub said:
Agreeing with me then. It's all good, dude. We'll all be sleeping well after tonight.

So apparently it is true that alcohol/sleep deprivation affects reading comprehension..... :D
grandjedi6 said:
It takes forever to add up those posts, man! Though the winner is becoming increasingly obvious
You said you could have it done in five minutes! I know Tam is #1, but I want to know where I am.:lol



Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.


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The S-Word said:
waited in line for 5 hours but i got it done.
Got it done?

Got 'er done?

Git 'er done?

Git 'er Dun!

+1 McCain from S-Word confirmed.
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