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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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formerly sane
The family hopium story for me has paid off. Me and my bro terry been spending months convince others. Mom and two sisters including bro went obama, also sounds like my dad may not vote, this in WI btw.

+4 Obama
Come on Al Franken! On top of Obama and a Congressional rout, a Franken win might just be enough to get O'Reilly to put a gun in his mouth.
whytemyke said:
pretty funny :lol

by the way, evanston borders chicago. it's not 10 miles from chicago. like, there's chicago, and then you cross the line, and you're in evanston.

by the by, does that guy say that the cops are all looking for trouble? CUZ THEY'VE GOT IT! I'm gonna go downtown to the rally in my joker mask. i'll write WHY SO SERIOUS on the trains

Ha ha, that's insane. That stretch of Sheridan before you can get to the lily white safety of Lake Shore Drive is pretty scary. I see black people on that street all the time!!!!


Hail to the KING baby
Jugendstil said:
Ha ha, that's insane. That stretch of Sheridan before you can get to the lily white safety of Lake Shore Drive is pretty scary. I see black people on that street all the time!!!!

Dude you should come to Newark. The place is brimming with Obama Supporters, and there are some areas where Vote Fraud is just a way of life.


Graf Nudu said:
I bet it's old as the Golden Girls, but anyway:

Obama looks a bit like the white newscaster from Chappelle's Show


bob_arctor said:
Is that Freezer Money dude? Yeah, what the hell is that about? :lol

I like it. Whenever someone claims only GOP'ers are filthy, I can point to this idiot running around and remind them that EVERY politician is filthy, they just haven't been caught yet.

Cry me a fucking river.

I give a fuck about it, but it's the reasoning that the officer gave for issuing a warning. He though it would make it look like intimidation or something.


drawer by drawer
Fatalah said:
Why does MSNBC use Andrea Mitchell? She always looks lost when she's hosting. This lady shouldn't be hosting anything.


Ever since she was attacked by those Republican balloons, she's never been the same.



Gary Whitta said:
Come on Al Franken! On top of Obama and a Congressional rout, a Franken win might just be enough to get O'Reilly to put a gun in his mouth.
O'Reilly is that desperate for ratings now?


I suppose it's worth pointing out that since my parents, aunt, grandmother, and at least three of my other relatives definitely voted Obama, +6 Obama in Pennsylvania and +1 in Maryland (I voted absentee a while ago so I'm not including myself in that tally). Also probably +1 in NY.


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Judderman said:

Ever since she was attacked by those Republican balloons, she's never been the same.

:lol :lol

I loved that moment. She was looked literally lost in the balloons, completely unsure of what to do, and appeared to be in moderate danger or something.
Gary Whitta said:
Come on Al Franken! On top of Obama and a Congressional rout, a Franken win might just be enough to get O'Reilly to put a gun in his mouth.
My parents, who were aliens (non citizens) for most of their lives, both voted for Franken as will my brother & sister.

There was Franken rally last week where Bill Clinton made an appearance and my nephew (who's xbox 360 I bought so I could play against him :D ) got a handshake & pat on the back from President Clinton. He's totally stoked . . . and his dad (my brother) was born on the same day as Obama.

+2 for Obama in CA with my & my ex (as well as 2 no votes for Prop 8). Prop 8 will lose hard where I live but it is the central valley that will vote heavily for it.


eznark said:
I like it. Whenever someone claims only GOP'ers are filthy, I can point to this idiot running around and remind them that EVERY politician is filthy, they just haven't been caught yet.

Isn't he up for re-election or something? Why exactly hasn't he been arrested or anything?? That shit is amazing to me.
Polling locations around NYC are still fucking ridiculous.

It is so...amazing to see seemingly everyone interested and/or politically motivated, at least for one day.


Where is Joe Six-Pack? Ever since that mavericky Plumber showed up he has vanished. Please america help find this missing american hero.
Dirtbag said:
Epic lines in Los Angeles brewing.. just got back and the line wrapped the block (it was a small block though) when I was leaving.

My polling location was in Beachwood. I was the 9th person in line, and got there about 20min before it opened.


bob_arctor said:
Isn't he up for re-election or something? Why exactly hasn't he been arrested or anything?? That shit is amazing to me.

He was indicted on 16 counts. Facing a democrat run off today against a TV anchor I think.


Time to play Overheard at Work! Today's contestant is a racist coworker of mine.

"If Obama wins, ain't no n*****s going to work tomorrow."

Thanks for playing Overheard at Work. Now back to our regularly scheduled program, Hopium, already in progress.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Y2Kev said:
Here's a story:

My uncle is a diehard Republican, going so far as to send me text messages once or twice a day praising Palin's greatness or bashing minorities. We made a large bet over who would win the election and yesterday morning he conceded that Obama would win and, in a crazy moment of clarity, voted for Obama this morning. :)

Bandwagoning effect is real.

I love stories like this. Reverse Bradley Effect is real!!!
Where is Joe Six-Pack? Ever since that mavericky Plumber showed up he has vanished. Please america help find this missing american hero.
Doesn't fit the archetype of (insert first name here) the (insert job here). Joe the Alcoholic could work, but such a character wouldn't play as well as an unofficial surrogate.


Futureman said:
So my co-worker's daughter's boyfriend registered to vote about a week before the deadline at his college and he went to vote today and was told he wasn't registered. What should he do?

Registering to vote late is very bad. There is nothing he can do.


aesop said:
Time to play Overheard at Work! Today's contestant is a racist coworker of mine.

"If Obama wins, ain't no n*****s going to work tomorrow."

Thanks for playing Overheard at Work. Now back to our regularly scheduled program, Hopium, already in progress.

I heard something very similar. It was a group of African American women however so the context may have been different.


Unconfirmed Member
electricpirate said:
I'm going strait to Barack Country tonight, and will probably watch results with Harlem 4 Obama and then go Dance outside the Apollo if all goes well.
I was thinking about heading to Times Square tonight, especially since they're going to be showing the Daily Show tonight in Time Square. :lol


Honorary Canadian.
captmcblack said:
Polling locations around NYC are still fucking ridiculous.

It is so...amazing to see seemingly everyone interested and/or politically motivated, at least for one day.
:lol nobody knows what to do. this country isn't prepared for more than half the registered voters to actually show up.
Futureman said:
So my co-worker's daughter's boyfriend registered to vote about a week before the deadline at his college and he went to vote today and was told he wasn't registered. What should he do?

Call the county board of elections, if possible, and inquire about the registration.
aesop said:
Time to play Overheard at Work! Today's contestant is a racist coworker of mine.

"If Obama wins, ain't no n*****s going to work tomorrow."

Thanks for playing Overheard at Work. Now back to our regularly scheduled program, Hopium, already in progress.
Blah blah blah socialist blah.
from the sole McCainer at work
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