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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
greepoman said:

Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.
...say wwwwwhaaaaaaaaaaaaat :lol
Despite some of the anti-religious rhetoric being bandied about by a subset of the NeoGAF community and other Democratic supporters, I voted for the best choices based on positions on specific ISSUES, not ideology. My selections included candidates from both major parties.

+1 Obama - Duh!
+1 Coleman (Republican, Senate) - Formerly the Democratic mayor of St. Paul who sometimes appears to toe the party line but still acts and votes like a moderate. Sure, he's a snazzy snake oil salesman professional politician, but he's impressed me by actually using his brain instead of following the herd. He has reasonable positions on most of the issues, and has also proven himself to be effective in getting traction under them.
+1 Tinklenberg (Democrat, U.S. House) - More of a vote against Bachmann than a vote for Tinklenberg. His positions on the major issues are reasonable, whereas hers (the financial industry should be further deregulated, eliminate minimum wage entirely, etc) are clearly not.

Oh, and only two people in line in front of me. I was in and out in five minutes! :D


Professional Schmuck
GhostRidah said:



Master of the Google Search
Dax01 said:
You said you could have it done in five minutes! I know Tam is #1, but I want to know where I am.:lol
It took me 5 minutes to get and save all the needed data. Adding it up is a different story. I'm the master of the google search, not master of adding up numbers in a tedious fashion.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
grandjedi6 said:
It took me 5 minutes to get and save all the needed data. Adding it up is a different story. I'm the master of the google search, not master of adding up numbers in a tedious fashion.
Excel dude! EXCEL!


Turnip Truck said:
Despite some of the anti-religious rhetoric being bandied about by a subset of the NeoGAF community and other Democratic supporters, I voted for the best choices based on positions on specific ISSUES, not ideology. My selections included candidates from both major parties.

+1 Obama - Duh!
+1 Coleman (Republican, Senate) - Formerly the Democratic mayor of St. Paul who sometimes appears to toe the party line but still acts and votes like a moderate. Sure, he's a snazzy snake oil salesman professional politician, but he's impressed me by actually using his brain instead of following the herd. He has reasonable positions on most of the issues, and has also proven himself to be effective in getting traction under them.
+1 Tinklenberg (Democrat, U.S. House) - More of a vote against Bachmann than a vote for Tinklenberg. His positions on the major issues are reasonable, whereas hers (the financial industry should be further deregulated, eliminate minimum wage entirely, etc) are clearly not.

Oh, and only two people in line in front of me. I was in and out in five minutes! :D

God this is almost flawless except you abandoned poor Al Franken :(
I'm going strait to Barack Country tonight, and will probably watch results with Harlem 4 Obama and then go Dance outside the Apollo if all goes well.


greepoman said:

Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.

Kind of like the officials who investigated his background without cause?


greepoman said:

Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.


DarkJediKnight said:
Finally a Politician who can match Sarcozy in terms of style. I love the outfit and am going to get something like that myself.

Sarkozy is an ugly little dwarf !!If you want i give you our president and we keep the Bam in exchange!



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
eznark said:
Kind of like the officials who investigated his background without cause?
So if someone steals my bike I'm allowed to kill your mother...is that what you're saying?


YES! Jerome at MyDD has found his poll that shows the race as a toss-up!

Oh boy. As you know, Battleground (pdf) is a polling firm done by a Democratic firm and a Republican firm. In 2004, the final of the Republican firm, Tarrance, nailed the actual vote-- off by one decimal point.

They've come out today with their final projection of 50.2 for Obama and 48.3 for McCain, .9 for Barr and .6 for Nader.

Sure, this looks good enough, but when you factor in that 20M of the total of 130M votes comes from CA & NY, where Obama racks up nearly a 2:1 majority going by the polls, it means that McCain would lead in the other 48 states, where the battlegrounds are happening.

So now we have a real polling gap, with margins going from 11% (Zogby/Gallup) to 2% (Tarrance), and the rest in-between. Going off of DemFromCT's compilation of 13 different polls, the average difference is 7.35% in favor of Obama.

I hope they get the extension in Virginia, it was denied yesterday by a judge. I doubt they get it, as even during the primary there were big problems, and we got no extension. You just have to be in line by 7. My polling location was changed (signs pointed it out clearly), though I did drive by and see the lines, I'm going to take my 3 year old daughter with me later tonight to vote.

I knew if he looked hard enough, he'd find one. The man is an absolute ace of a concern troll.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
eznark said:
Nope, I'm saying I'd bitch about em both going unpunished...or neither.
Good good. Just wanted to make sure :D


greepoman said:

Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.

:lol :lol Truly, he is a Republican.


Just had an Obama volunteer come to my door to make sure I'm voting, and ask if I needed directions to the polling place. God bless that guy (he wasn't young either, he was middle-aged), I've never seen anything like this from any campaign. Obama ground game lives up to the hype.


Got back from the polling booth. It was surprisingly empty in my area, the northwest suburbs of Houston. Ah well, voting for
my tovarich
felt quite awesome. :D
Just got back from the polling place. Didn't have to wait in line, which surprised me and kinda disappointed me. I wanted to wait in line and really soak things in. Oh well. The place will be packed later today (I voted around 12:20pm)

I have my "I Voted" sticker on, and while walking to the library three people (black dude, Hispanic dude, and an older white lady) gave me daps :lol


Honorary Canadian.
border said:
Sorry, but this made me laugh:

I was told to take off work tonight because I live very close to Chicago and have to travel to Evanston Illinois which is probably 10 miles from Chicago and have to go through some Obama neighborhoods. I will go to work no matter what and if the worse happens I will pray GOD will be with me and keep me safe. I have a best friend that is a Chicago Policeman and a Lieutenant and he says no days off tonight and they are all looking for trouble. I can't believe this is AMERICA today !!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like how "Obama neighborhoods" is the secret code word for "Where the Negroes live!"
pretty funny :lol

by the way, evanston borders chicago. it's not 10 miles from chicago. like, there's chicago, and then you cross the line, and you're in evanston.

by the by, does that guy say that the cops are all looking for trouble? CUZ THEY'VE GOT IT! I'm gonna go downtown to the rally in my joker mask. i'll write WHY SO SERIOUS on the trains


RubxQub said:
Good good. Just wanted to make sure :D

And it wasn't an out-of-left-field comparison, the officer said he didn't issue a ticket because the state is embroiled in controversy over the in depth background checks, and he thought it would be opening them up to more problems if he wrote the guy a ticket.

Just to understand the context.


Turnip Truck said:
Despite some of the anti-religious rhetoric being bandied about by a subset of the NeoGAF community and other Democratic supporters, I voted for the best choices based on positions on specific ISSUES, not ideology. My selections included candidates from both major parties.

+1 Obama - Duh!
+1 Coleman (Republican, Senate) - Formerly the Democratic mayor of St. Paul who sometimes appears to toe the party line but still acts and votes like a moderate. Sure, he's a snazzy snake oil salesman professional politician, but he's impressed me by actually using his brain instead of following the herd. He has reasonable positions on most of the issues, and has also proven himself to be effective in getting traction under them.
+1 Tinklenberg (Democrat, U.S. House) - More of a vote against Bachmann than a vote for Tinklenberg. His positions on the major issues are reasonable, whereas hers (the financial industry should be further deregulated, eliminate minimum wage entirely, etc) are clearly not.

Oh, and only two people in line in front of me. I was in and out in five minutes! :D
FRANKEN!!!! :(


Tamanon said:
YES! Jerome at MyDD has found his poll that shows the race as a toss-up!

I knew if he looked hard enough, he'd find one. The man is an absolute ace of a concern troll.
The amount of cognitive dissonance required to fail to realize that McCain's huge leads in states like Texas, Idaho, Wyoming, etc. pretty much negate this insight of his is certainly amusing.


Batteries the CRISIS!
greepoman said:

Joe the plumber was pulled over for going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. Was only given a warning because the officer thought it would reflect badly on the police. So not only is he now unemployed, but also breaking laws without consequence.

Next he'll be evading his taxes but getting free handouts to pay them anyway.

polyh3dron said:
Five-o wanted to make him, quote: "spread the wealth around". Goddam socialist cops.
Yeah, so they could turn right around and give Joe's money to some lazy vagabond who couldn't afford a car capable of breaking the speed limit.
TDG said:
I am very impressed with Obama's ground game so far. Everyone I know (here in Ohio) had a "vote Obama" flier on their door, with complete (and correct) information about where to vote and when the polls are open. Very nice.

I was hanging those on Sunday, here in IL (Obama doesn't need them, but there's a house seat we were working to get).


So my co-worker's daughter's boyfriend registered to vote about a week before the deadline at his college and he went to vote today and was told he wasn't registered. What should he do?
i was happy this morning when i voted, but then i went back to sleep. now that i'm awake again, i thought i'd post this picture:


come on Lunsford, beat McConnell!

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Fatalah said:
Why does MSNBC use Andrea Mitchell? She always looks lost when she's hosting. This lady shouldn't be hosting anything.

Because she's politically connected - married to Alan Greenspan.... I don't think she's THAT bad, but she does studder sometimes.
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