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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Armitage said:
Even though I hardly ever posted in PoliGAF I lurked a lot. Make me proud, men!

Also how amazing would it be for Obama to win, step up to the mic and then deliver this as his acceptance speech:

Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!

Fuck Yeah!! I would OD on hopium!


Fatalah said:
Ah, Yankees talk on MSNBC :) That's Rudy's only saving grace for me.

I bet Jeter's an Obama guy :)

Pretty sure Jeter's a Republican. Heard that somewhere.

P.S. +1 for McCain in Oklahoma. Not that it matters.


Yaweee said:
Electronic voting sucks. Really, who the hell supports these things? I'm guessing they're the type of people that don't use computers much.
This. This country REALLY needs a nationwide standardized paper balloting system. Too many things can(and obviously are) go wrong with electronic voting.


+1 Obama

Got a free cup of Joe from Starbucks for voting.

whytemyke said:
i'm listening to some katamari damacy music... this would be an awesome victory song.

Heh, I've got my "Zone" music play list streaming on the iPod. Right now it is playing selections from James Horner's soundtrack to the movie "Enemy at the Gates". Sort of ironic given the great battle occurring at the polls and all this silly talk of "socialism".

+1 Vassili Zaitsev???



Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.


KingGondo said:
Pretty sure Jeter's a Republican. Heard that somewhere.

P.S. +1 for McCain in Oklahoma. Not that it matters.

I learned last week John Elway was Republican. He gave McCain a nice intro at a Denver rally. Not surprisingly, athletes have a deep well of underdog & comeback metaphors that can be easily applied to political rallies. :lol


It's probably already been discussed at length (I can never keep up with PoliGAF) but I was at the rally last night, incredible. :D


I wonder if Fox News is showing how the Dow is up 300 points today even though polls show Obama as the favorite.

I thought Obama winning was bringing the financial markets down?!


Batteries the CRISIS!
Fatalah said:
I wonder if Fox News is showing how the Dow is up 300 points today even though polls show Obama as the favorite.

I thought Obama winning was bringing the financial markets down?!

Even Wall Street is high on hopium!

Zeliard said:
Is this some nation-wide Starbucks thing, or just select ones?

Should be nationwide, I believe.
pizzaguysrevenge said:
Gah, I can't bring myself to vote Obama because of his extreme pro-Israel stance.

Hello Nader!
Not to attempt to change your mind or anything, but you do realize that being pro-Israel is pretty much a requisite for running for this position, right?


ImperialConquest said:

Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.
Dude, it's fox news. they're always like "black people are sceery!"


ImperialConquest said:

Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.

do black panthers not like Obama? i'm not sure here, since Philadelphia itself will be 90/10 for Obama, did they find the 30 McCain supporters and block them?
ImperialConquest said:

Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.

I saw it on fox news live. It really did happen, and they did call the cops. You should probably stop assuming things that you dont know.


ImperialConquest said:

Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.

They had footage from the scene. People did call the cops, and that's when Fox showed up. The report didn't seem to be too sensationalized. Nobody got hurt, there were just two guys blocking the door, one with a nightstick. ALLEGEDLY.


Count Dookkake said:
As it is worded there is no lie. Obama supporters are being urged to vote on Wednesday. This is a truthful statement.

It's dirty, but it is true.

I guess it hinges on what exactly 'misleading' can be stretched to accomodate.
You cant vote on Wednesday, dumbass.
DM_Uselink said:
Today was the first time I set foot in a church in about six years. That's where I went to vote a few minutes ago. Only two people ahead of me and the whole thing took about ten minutes.

Obama +1
Yeah . . . the only times I've been in a church in the last several years have been to vote or to volunteer for some civic projects.

I was in & out of my polling station in 20 minutes . . . and that is after having stood in the wrong line for 13 minutes or so since some high-school kid directed me to the wrong line!

The poll workers are a mix of high-school kids and retired folk . . . it is nice to see them working together. One of the old guys wanted to take a break. . .
Young poll worker kid: "Go for it, dude."
Old poll worker: Quizzical look
Young poll worker: Yes, take a break, I'll cover for you. :lol


ImperialConquest said:

Front Page Story:

Trouble at the Ballot Box

With little more than self-control stopping voters from looking over their shoulders, residents of Calais, Vt., use church pews to cast their ballots; reports of problems were widespread, including an incident in Philadelphia involving two Black Panthers blocking and intimidating voters. | REPORT VOTING PROBLEMS | PHOTOS | ON THE SCENE
Candidates Campaign in Election's Final Hours | Early Votes Could Skew Election | Voters Decide on Divisive Issues
THE STRATEGY ROOM: Brian Kilmeade Hosts FOX News' Online Political Talk Show

Lol, 2 guys? Really?

Anyway, I don't believe it really, if it was a different source, then maybe.

Also, call the cops and it's a solved issue.

2 guys.
That's stupid.
Steve Youngblood said:
Not to attempt to change your mind or anything, but you do realize that being pro-Israel is pretty much a requisite for running for this position, right?
I know that, but Obama is way on the Israeli side of the debate. He doesn't believe in any two state solution unless Jerusalem goes, undivided, to Israel.

That's a much worse stance than Bill Clinton had.


pizzaguysrevenge said:
Gah, I can't bring myself to vote Obama because of his extreme pro-Israel stance.

Hello Nader!

I'd argue that the current policy is extreme.

Oh well, we'll now have someone in office who doesn't put Israel ahead of America.

Those who'd put Israel's interests first should, you know, move to Israel?

Nothing against Israel, just don't like our policy towards them. Which is just not healthy for America.
besada said:
It's clearly misleading -- more importantly, it's EXACTLY the kind of thing voter suppression laws were passed to stop.

Right. And I think that this evades such laws by careful word selection. The text makes no promises that the polls will be open on Wednesday, nor does it say that the text is from Obama HQ or the government. It's dirty, but I think it is legally clean-enough-dirty.

Defend it if you want, but you've already pretty much admitted to being an amoral carrion feeder, so I'm not sure anyone much cares about your opinion.

I have admitted no such thing. I have my political stance and sharing it won't do much on this forum, especially on this day. Admitting that I get a kick out of watching adults mope is hardly amoral. Laughter at excessive displays is a social-norming tool, that enforces morality.
Besides, you rebutted me so LOL at the bolded.

~Kinggi~ said:
You cant vote on Wednesday, dumbass.

You can't read, dumbass.


Hail to the KING baby
KingGondo said:
They had footage from the scene. People did call the cops, and that's when Fox showed up. The report didn't seem to be too sensationalized. Nobody got hurt, there were just two guys blocking the door, one with a nightstick. ALLEGEDLY.

I have to say Fox is being consistent here. They were all over the widespread voter intimidation in the 2000 election--went on about it for weeks, had specials about it etc. And yeah these two alleged guys seem to be a similar deal. For shame Dumbocrats. Those two guys will probably be given positions in Obama's cabinet now though judging by the negativity from the campaign.
Count Dookkake said:
Right. And I think that this evades such laws by careful word selection. The text makes no promises that the polls will be open on Wednesday, nor does it say that the text is from Obama HQ or the government. It's dirty, but I think it is legally clean-enough-dirty.

I have admitted no such thing. I have my political stance and sharing it won't do much on this forum, especially on this day. Admitting that I get a kick out of watching adults mope is hardly amoral. Laughter at excessive displays is a social-norming tool, that enforces morality.
Besides, you rebutted me so LOL at the bolded.

4chan is calling you home, nerdlinger
gcubed said:
do black panthers not like Obama? i'm not sure here, since Philadelphia itself will be 90/10 for Obama, did they find the 30 McCain supporters and block them?
yeah, that is what I was thinking . . . How are two black panthers blocking voters in Philly do anything but hurt Obama? Sounds pretty bogus to me.


Junior Member
Ravidrath said:
Voted. Obama, No on 8.

Was going to call in sick today so I could OD on election coverage, but too much stuff to do. :\

You wont miss anything though. There are a lot of live streams and you are able to post on here.


I'm sure FOX also reported on the cops circling the polling station in the black precinct of St Louis. Or the various reports of students being told they would lose their tuition status by voting in Virginia.


speculawyer said:
yeah, that is what I was thinking . . . How are two black panthers blocking voters in Philly do anything but hurt Obama? Sounds pretty bogus to me.

Either they are GOP plants, or just a couple of morons.
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