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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Hootie said:

1.1%? McCain would be fucked even in Fire Emblem.

This gives me hope.


Honorary Canadian.
Windu said:
the thing that sucks is that this will be brandished as the DNC systematically disenfranchising voters across the country when it's really just two black panthers.

On a sidenote, I didn't even know that the Black Panthers still existed. Seriously? They're still around? I thought they died out back in like the 80s or some shit. You know, about the time most people realized that threatening a nervous majority with physical violence is a good way to get your ass kicked by 15 cops and your story ignored by the media.


Not Wario
Man, the voters on CNN have got me depressed. So many out to simply "make history" regardless of the issues. One dude even flipped a coin at the polls and made his vote based on that followed by the approval of the anchor covering it.

Something along the lines of "I guess if that's the way you make your decision, do it. It's just important that you vote."

Pretty pathetic.


I was just driving and there was some bbc radio station that was talking about the election, taking calls from people inside and outside the US.

One black guy called, he had a black 'African' accent, and said that he prefers Republicans and hopes they win. Basically, his argument was that republicans had appointed people like Powell and Rice while democrats... haven't. I wasn't able to hear everything he said, but when he finished the radio host summarized what he said with something like 'republicans walk the walk and democrats are all talk' or whatever.

Unbelievable. THE DEMOCRATS FUCKING - NOMINATED - A BLACK GUY!!! And that moron thinks the truly divers party is - wait for it - the republican party! :lol


whytemyke said:
the thing that sucks is that this will be brandished as the DNC systematically disenfranchising voters across the country when it's really just two black panthers.

On a sidenote, I didn't even know that the Black Panthers still existed. Seriously? They're still around? I thought they died out back in like the 80s or some shit. You know, about the time most people realized that threatening a nervous majority with physical violence is a good way to get your ass kicked by 15 cops and your story ignored by the media.

They don't exist anymore. The organization closed up shop a while ago, which is really weird now that you mention it.


SanjuroTsubaki said:
I think you have it the other way around.

Good point, I think most people here don't really hate McCain...especially not 2000 McCain or SNL McCain.

Republicans just straight hate Obama and a disturbing amount think he's the devil or anti-christ or what not. So a vote for Obama = supporting Republican hate. :lol


Tamanon said:
I dunno if it was, I was just referencing all the weird shit going on:p It was more likely to be voter suppression than Black Panthers in Philly.:lol

This was something weird. About 20 cops cars with lights blazing but no sirens drive past. Allot from different precincts. I thought at first it was a V.I.P. (The guy running for attorney general was there) but there where way to many cop cars and no limo. Plus all the different cars...

This was in U-city St. Louis BTW. There was a wake yesterday for a cop that just got killed, I thought it might be related to that but I don't know if his actual funeral was today or not.

edit: the funeral was today, but if they where heading there they where going in the wrong ass direction thats for sure.


"it is in giving that we receive"
+1 Obama and NO on Prop 8 in San Francisco. Only took about 20 minutes and as usual everyone was very pleasant.

Now...I surf the web at work and wait for the magic to (maybe) happen.


+1 Obama
+1 No on 8

No line, but one of the people running the polling place said that turnout was much higher than previous years.

On the downside, it's a pretty Republican city within LA County. On the upside, two colleges are nearby, so maybe the youth vote is turning out.
greepoman said:
Details please, I don't get youtube at work.
Basically, she was making all kinds of excuses as to why Palin being exonerated for Troopergate was completely unsuspicious given that she appointed the folks who exonerated her for it, had no good rebuttals to Whoopi reminding her that folks like Wright were treated like shit 4* years ago, or how staying a Catholic despite molestation scandals was similar to sticking with your pastor in spite of offensive comments, etc. She was pretty much ganged up on by the other three, so she resorted to yelling, like always on that show. Fun stuff.

*EDIT: Whoops, I meant 40 years ago. My bad.
icarus-daedelus said:
Basically, she was making all kinds of excuses as to why Palin being exonerated for Troopergate was completely unsuspicious given that she appointed the folks who exonerated her for it, had no good rebuttals to Whoopi reminding her that folks like Wright were treated like shit 4 years ago, or how staying a Catholic despite molestation scandals was similar to sticking with your pastor in spite of offensive comments, etc. She was pretty much ganged up on by the other three, so she resorted to yelling, like always on that show. Fun stuff.
lol I love her so much.


+1 from my GF. She's living outside the US so she went to the embassy. I'm not American, so that's as close as I get to voting in the US.


BTW my polling place had scanned paper ballots. So they were fed into the machine & counted, and the paper trail exists. best option for voting I think.


MaddenNFL64 said:
BTW my polling place had scanned paper ballots. So they were fed into the machine & counted, and the paper trail exists. best option for voting I think.

Mine had the same thing, easy and stress free.


Post Count: 9999
Jonm1010 said:

I have now received 2 forwarded messages on my cell phone that have said and I quote "Due to long lines at the polls today, all Obama voters are urged to vote on Wednesday. Thank You."

Anyone else getting these messages? What are the legal ramifications for this? Are there any?

Whatever you do ... SAVE THE MESSAGE.

The fact its celular means it should be relatively easy to trace if needed.
MaddenNFL64 said:
BTW my polling place had scanned paper ballots. So they were fed into the machine & counted, and the paper trail exists. best option for voting I think.

I voted on paper too. Only way to be sure.
Forgotten_Taco said:
I've voted +1 Obama in Az (I have hope)

Now it's time to enjoy free coffee, doughnuts, and chick-fil-a sandwiches all day.
Hell yeah boy, AZ gaffers will do our duty for Bams. Arizona going blue this year would be the sweetest thing since Goldwater's '64 crushing (in which... he still won Arizona.)


I summon you to fulfill your oath. Vote! What say you?!


A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. Today, we fight!


For Obama... (and Toot)



Will QA for food.
Haunted said:
1.1%? McCain would be fucked even in Fire Emblem.

This gives me hope.

Don't say that. 1.1% has screwed me in Fire Emblem games a' plenty.

No chance for McCain, start the parade.


MaddenNFL64 said:
Nah, man. Mika is dumb as a bag of bricks. I wish she wasn't.
Your IQ would take a significant hit if you had to listen to Joe Scarborough every morning too.
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