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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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icarus-daedelus said:
Basically, she was making all kinds of excuses as to why Palin being exonerated for Troopergate was completely unsuspicious given that she appointed the folks who exonerated her for it, had no good rebuttals to Whoopi reminding her that folks like Wright were treated like shit 4 years ago, or how staying a Catholic despite molestation scandals was similar to sticking with your pastor in spite of offensive comments, etc. She was pretty much ganged up on by the other three, so she resorted to yelling, like always on that show. Fun stuff.
I was annoyed that they didn't call her out for essentially wants to have it both ways, bashing Obama no matter what -- if Obama stands by Wright, he is supporting someone who hates America. If he walks away from Wright, he is a backstabbing opportunist who will drop his closest associates for a few votes.


The Lamonster said:
To the McCain voters: you're no fun.

Good job supporting hate and fear instead of pride and optimism.

People vote for all kinds of reasons. There are a shitload of ignorant Obama supporters out there, too. I feel like I voted for logical reasons, and I'll assume many here did the same unless they do something to indicate otherwise.


Unconfirmed Member
Onix said:
Urged to vote on the 5th is not a lie?
Technically no. Where is the falsehood in saying "someone" is urging Obama voters to vote on the 5th?

It's deceitful, devious, and all around douchebaggy, but it's not technically a lie.
For the last time I promise... :D

Onix said:
Urged to vote on the 5th is not a lie?

It would be a lie if it said the polls were open on Wednesday.

It would be a lie if it said the urging was coming from the government or from Obama's camp.

They are being urged (by sneaky repubs) so that part is true. Urging someone to do the impossible is not a lie.

Just because something is tricky, does not make it illegal. I do not think this text breaks the law as written. I admit, it would have been easier to see as legal if it had been worded as "...Obama supporters are urged to wait until Wednesday."


theviolenthero said:
So, let me get this straight:

Of ALL of the polling stations in the USA, Foxnews just so happens to be at the one where the Black Panthers are going up to white voters & intimidating them? :lol

Fox News isn't one dude interviewing the whole country.

I'm sure they were tipped off by the same guy who called the police.


KingGondo said:
People vote for all kinds of reasons. There are a shitload of ignorant Obama supporters out there, too. I feel like I voted for logical reasons, and I'll assume many here did the same unless they do something to indicate otherwise.
This man speaks the truth.

Funky Papa


Change indeed.
lawblob said:
The GOP hires off-duty cops to drive around and hang out at urban (ie: black) polling places, to discourage people from showing up.
Whoa. Really? I've heard the whole police presence = voter suppression line before, although I think it's a bit overblown. But I've never heard the line of argument go as far as to suggest that the GOP hires off-duty cops to engage in the level of suppression. Care to cite?

Also, I wonder if there's been any study/polling done on voter supression. Something like, "If you saw X at a polling station, would that make you more or less likely to vote?"


theviolenthero said:
So, let me get this straight:

Of ALL of the polling stations in the USA, Foxnews just so happens to be at the one where the Black Panthers are going up to white voters & intimidating them? :lol

It's only a matter of time before they start carving backwards letters into people's faces.


Just got back from voting, it was about 1pm and the election officials said already half of my district had voted! I'm in upstate NY so my state should be a shoo-in for Obama but still it's nice to see. :D
Sharp said:
Ah yes, I forgot that a McCain victory would only affect swing state residents. Silly me.
He meant that Obama is going to win MA, so it doesn't really matter. Not to say that only swing states matter, but by voting in MA, she's not really helping the McCain cause.
Onix said:
Urged to vote on the 5th is not a lie?
I'm guessing because it's a truth that the text message is urging them to vote on the 5th. Not being able to vote on the 5th is what I think is a lie.


I've just confused myself again.


KingGondo said:
People vote for all kinds of reasons. There are a shitload of ignorant Obama supporters out there, too. I feel like I voted for logical reasons, and I'll assume many here did the same unless they do something to indicate otherwise.


And just a reminder, crapping on other posters who may not share your beliefs or vote the same way isn't cool. That = ban.


Count Dookkake said:
For the last time I promise... :D

It would be a lie if it said the polls were open on Wednesday.

It would be a lie if it said the urging was coming from the government or from Obama's camp.

They are being urged (by sneaky repubs) so that part is true. Urging someone to do the impossible is not a lie.

Just because something is tricky, does not make it illegal. I do not think this text breaks the law as written. I admit, it would have been easier to see as legal if it had been worded as "...Obama supporters are urged to wait until Wednesday."
The originators of that message would be found guilty of voter suppression in any court of their peers. The only reason it's not a lie is because it is essentially phrased as a command. Commanding people not to vote on election day (which is implicit in the message and obvious to anyone who is not deliberately being a contrarian dick) is voter fraud, I'm pretty sure.


You know what stinks? For all the fun we're having right now, we have no results yet!

Despite all the wonderful polls, I feel so empty. Like a crazy man gripping handfuls of Monopoly money yelling "I'M RICH I'M RICH!!!!!!!".

I want my results NOW!


Count Dookkake said:
For the last time I promise... :D

It would be a lie if it said the polls were open on Wednesday.

It would be a lie if it said the urging was coming from the government or from Obama's camp.

They are being urged (by sneaky repubs) so that part is true. Urging someone to do the impossible is not a lie.

Just because something is tricky, does not make it illegal. I do not think this text breaks the law as written. I admit, it would have been easier to see as legal if it had been worded as "...Obama supporters are urged to wait until Wednesday."

How the hell would you know if the text breaks the law? Have you read through the applicable state laws on election fraud & common law fraud?


traveler said:
Man, the voters on CNN have got me depressed. So many out to simply "make history" regardless of the issues. One dude even flipped a coin at the polls and made his vote based on that followed by the approval of the anchor covering it.

Something along the lines of "I guess if that's the way you make your decision, do it. It's just important that you vote."

Pretty pathetic.

screw the issues. with all of the shitty presidents we've had, what makes you think they can do anything about the issues? i voted for obama because i think the historical significance of our first black president far outweighs anything else.


God, CNN's results coverage starts at 11PM here, I dunno if I can stay awake for hours after that. ;_;

Damn those fucking timezones.


Black Panthers-gate? This is really getting quite sad. Whatever happened to gracefully accepting defeat and preparing for the next round?


when is my burrito
+5 for Obama in Iowa (myself, parents, grandparents)

They are life-long Republicans. My wife was one of those undecideds but she leans right. I told her for the sake of both of our sanity, I didn't even want to know who she voted for but I told her I'm blaming her if Obama loses Iowa.


Not Wario
Pellham said:
screw the issues. with all of the shitty presidents we've had, what makes you think they can do anything about the issues? i voted for obama because i think the historical significance of our first black president far outweighs anything else.

Is this a joke post?
Sharp said:
The originators of that message would be found guilty of voter suppression in any court of their peers. The only reason it's not a lie is because it is essentially phrased as a command. Commanding people not to vote on election day is voter fraud, I'm pretty sure.

I will respond, since you brought up a different and very good point, unlike some people who seem to have difficulty reading. :p

How is it worded as a command? To me it reads a like a suggestion. "Because of this, we urge you to do this." I don't see the compulsion of a command.

Either way, thanks for actually getting the point and not crying due to some perceived attack on Obama.

EDIT- I liked your post better before you stealthed it. You don't have to be so grumpy. :D

lawblob said:
How the hell would you know if the text breaks the law? Have you read through the applicable state laws on election fraud & common law fraud?

I'm no expert, but fraud usally involves a lie or threat. The text contains neither.

If you would like to get more info, ask AstroLad or another GAF lawyer/law student.


Squirrel Killer said:
Whoa. Really? I've heard the whole police presence = voter suppression line before, although I think it's a bit overblown. But I've never heard the line of argument go as far as to suggest that the GOP hires off-duty cops to engage in the level of suppression. Care to cite?

Also, I wonder if there's been any study/polling done on voter supression. Something like, "If you saw X at a polling station, would that make you more or less likely to vote?"

It happens all the time. Here is a story about it happening in state politics.

Also, remember that its not like McCain is in some room stroking a cat saying 'how can we keep the blacks down this year?' All this dirty stuff is done through operatives who basically run the smear machine independent of the main campaign. Ever since Watergate politicians are much more careful about distancing themselves from this stuff; but it still happens constantly.

Bill Maher had on a Republican operative a few weeks ago who used to work for the GOP. He recently wrote a book about the dirty tricks he employed as a GOP operative. I can't remember his name, but you should look for the clip on Youtube.


Squirrel Killer said:
Whoa. Really?

The only things I know of like that are a 2003 Philly Mayoral race where the GOP hired guys dressed in dark suits with insignia, and had them drive around acting like cops, and giving bad information while they went.


The other is when a New Mexico GOP guy hired a P.I. to do the same sort of thing.

If you're interested, there's a current Voter Suppression Wiki cataloging the stuff going on today:



Can someone tell me in how many hours I can expect the irst results? I need to know this so I can record the news for one of my seminars at the uni.
theviolenthero said:
So, let me get this straight:

Of ALL of the polling stations in the USA, Foxnews just so happens to be at the one where the Black Panthers are going up to white voters & intimidating them? :lol
They responded to the police call, it's not like they were just hanging out by that one precinct all day. Allegedly.
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