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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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Tamanon said:

McCain votes for Obama!

Not really
I don't think that spoiler tag was needed.:lol
Dax01 said:
PoliGAF, I'm watching "The Shining" for the first time to make the time go by.

Jack just told his wife to GTFO when he's typing.

Great choice and even if McCain wins it won't be as scary as that movie.


Count Dookkake said:
I'm no expert, but fraud usally involves a lie or threat. The text contains neither.

If you would like to get more info, ask AstroLad or another GAF lawyer/law student.

I think I already asked myself ;)


Batteries the CRISIS!
TDG said:
:bow Ninja Scooter :bow

What a man.

Four years ago yesterday! Impressive.

icarus-daedelus said:
McCain is voting in AZ, right? I would like to maintain the illusion that I canceled out his vote.

I think he's legally bound to vote in Arizona, so yes. And yes, you canceled out McCain's vote for himself :lol
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Holy shit, dude. He was smoking that hopium long before a lot of us. :lol
I was just relieved that he managed to narrowly defeat Keyes for the Senate seat. I didn't want to put the cart before the horse and jinx his chances by prematurely declaring that he should run for president in '08.
:lol Probably old news here, but I just heard from a co-worker that McCain didn't even know how many houses he owned. Is this true? Is there a good reasoning for this if it is true?

Is it possible for someone who has no clue about his personal assets, to successfully run the country?
lawblob said:
I think I already asked myself ;)


So then please share the applicable law or provide a framework, because the wording seems pretty good.

Again, guys, I ask kindly not to let this be percieved as trolling or contrarianism. The law is about semantics, that's why lawyers get paid so much. Besides, we need something to do while passing the time waiting.
HeartAttackJones said:
+2 for Obama in Santa Monica (me and the wife). :D

About an hour in line.

I'm in West LA. Kinda hoping for long lines, but there was no wait.

Damn it felt good to vote for Obama.

+2 as well.


I just voted in Buffalo, NY (Obama country). On the radio they are saying that we may get over 80% turnout, which is just insane. It's a good sign if the rest of the Obama base gets out to this degree around the country.


formerly sane
Xisiqomelir said:
Black Panthers-gate? This is really getting quite sad. Whatever happened to gracefully accepting defeat and preparing for the next round?

Use mathematic probability you're going to have sore losers and it's easy to see which side has a very bad case of it, don't forget the 2k election.


Post Count: 9999
MetatronM said:
Technically no. Where is the falsehood in saying "someone" is urging Obama voters to vote on the 5th?

It's deceitful, devious, and all around douchebaggy, but it's not technically a lie.

It matters what the preface was.

If it was stated they were the board of elections, or some other official group, then yes, it was a lie.

If not, then true ... while who they were may have been implied, it wasn't directed stated. Therefore, technically, not a lie. Just douchey, etc. as you stated.

Regardless, it is still a crime in some states iirc.


McCain has Joe the Plumber and Joe Leiberman at his rally, how wonderful. Maybe tonight McCain will finally announce how this whole thing was a joke.


Count Dookkake said:
I will respond, since you brought up a different and very good point, unlike some people who seem to have difficulty reading. :p

How is it worded as a command? To me it reads a like a suggestion. "Because of this, we urge you to do this." I don't see the compulsion of a command.

Either way, thanks for actually getting the point and not crying due to some perceived attack on Obama.
Requests are thinly veiled commands. And while I was going to go on about all the obvious implicit reasoning involved here, the compulsion lies in the fact that it reads like an official statement, from the Obama campaign, the local government, or some other source with similar rights. It also dissuades voters who already feared long lines and high turnout--the added force of the "request" could easily lead some of them to decide to vote tomorrow, instead of today. It's most definitely voter suppression, verbal quibbling aside.


Just got back. (MA)

Voted Obama/Biden.

No on lowering the income tax.

Yes on decriminalizing pot.

Yes on banning dog racing.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Birbo said:
O +1 Indiana.

Waited just over an hour to cast my vote. Lines are pretty long here in Lake County.

Truth be told, this is the first election I've ever voted in. In the past for me, I never connected with any other candidate. I always felt that if I voted, I'd just be picking the lesser of two evils.

But now that I'm married with two young children, I cannot sit idle and let the country continue down the path that it's on. I feel very strongly about Barack; that I'm voting for something and not voting out of fear. I cannot fathom anyone looking at the McCain/Palin ticket and thinking they're the right choice for the country.

Where I'm at in NW Indiana, there's a good mix of Obama & McCain signs. I really hope Barack takes the state, but I certainly have concerns. Indiana hasn't voted a Democratic presidential candidate in over 40 years.

On a personal side note; I write a column for one of the local papers here. It's just a side thing for me and I only do it every other week. Two weeks ago, a portion of what I wrote was about being pro-Obama. My editor emailed me saying that part was being cut out because it didn't fit in with the section my column is run in. I was peeved, but let it go. Hop on their website today to find out exactly where in Indiana Obama is going to be later to find the paper endorsed McCain over the weekend. I'm so pissed right now, but trying not to let it spoil my day.

I live in Lake County as well. Merrillvillle to be exact. What people do you write for? Post-Tribune or the Times?


This is a bit tasteless isn't it? McCain rally in Grand Junction right now, introducing his 96 year old mom and parading her round, remarking on how good her health is after Obama's loss.

Just seems thoughtless.

Edit: that was phrased badly, my bad. He didn't mention Obama and I should have said 'after Obama's loss that just seems thoughtless'.
icarus-daedelus said:
Hey, Aussie. What you doin' here?

How's FNL this season? I don't have cable :'''''''(
Heh. Poligaf is a great read. I'm pretty excited for you guys. Go Obama!

To answer your question:
Complete return to form. LOVING it. Also, i don't have cable either. *shifty eyes* (season 2 still hasn't aired here yet >_<)


Steve Youngblood said:
I was just relieved that he managed to narrowly defeat Keyes for the Senate seat. I didn't want to put the cart before the horse and jinx his chances by prematurely declaring that he should run for president in '08.

As much as I love your avatar - wtf

Obama 70% - 3,597,456
Keyes 27% - 1,390,690
Franzen 2% - 81,164
Kohn 1% - 69,253

Illinois 2004 Senate Race


AstroLad said:
yeah but the fly-by-night "school" you go to really doesn't count

Hey now, the DeVry online Food Inspection & Process Server program is giving me the tools I need to succeed in our high tech and changing economy!


Post Count: 9999
Fei said:
I just voted in Buffalo, NY (Obama country). On the radio they are saying that we may get over 80% turnout, which is just insane. It's a good sign if the rest of the Obama base gets out to this degree around the country.

Wait ... you're my neighbor???




Okay how many people have mothers who can afford to buy a car in France while on vacation?
so_awes said:
what's up with Hasselback?? she's hot but damn SHE DUM!!

Real talk. Hasslebeck was talking about Obama lacked integrity. When they brought up McCain cheating on his disfigured wife she acted like it wasn't a big deal.


cilonen said:
This is a bit tasteless isn't it? McCain rally in Grand Junction right now, introducing his 96 year old mom and parading her round, remarking on how good her health is after Obama's loss.

Just seems thoughtless.

its to show everyone who is concerned... Look, i wont die in office!!


Sharp said:
The Green line stop is pretty bad, especially within the past few months. Someone in my house got mugged there about two weeks ago. Three guys rushed him and broke his jaw, and right now he's eating through a blender. That said, as long as you take public transportation, are reasonably sober, and travel in a group (or alternatively look like a bum, look crazy, or are black), you'll probably be fine.
I guy I worked with got jumped at the park and ride off the Green Line... forget which stop. Had his car stolen, etc. Pretty scary stuff -- I work at Clinton & Lake so I take the Pink line every morning from LaSalle & Van Buren. I've been to Ashland as well but I try and limit how far I go West (and South).
cilonen said:
This is a bit tasteless isn't it? McCain rally in Grand Junction right now, introducing his 96 year old mom and parading her round, remarking on how good her health is after Obama's loss.

Just seems thoughtless.
What a douchebag
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