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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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McCain pimping out Todd Palin as "the first dude" right now. ugghhh. *cringe*
And bragging about his snow mobile racing prowess.

How does this help out his campaign?


Domino Theory said:
Never been so happy to get a sticker. :lol

Haha, I thought the same thing when I voted last week.

I blamed it on the sheer amount of Little Big Planet I had been playing. :lol


Count Dookkake said:

So then please share the applicable law or provide a framework, because the wording seems pretty good.

Again, guys, I ask kindly not to let this be percieved as trolling or contrarianism. The law is about semantics, that's why lawyers get paid so much. Besides, we need something to do while passing the time waiting.

Its definitely misrepresentation so a tort. Fraud is tricky because at its basis most fraud there has to be a gain by the person accused. Im not going to look through thousands of page of election law to find if its fraud, but its definitely misrepresentation of facts.


Regarding the Black Panther thing, there is no Black Panther Party. There's a New Black Panther Party, which is not only not affiliated by the Black Panther Party, but has been publicly repudiated them. The NBPP is much more into guns and fucking up Aryans than it is into helping people.

That said, these guys are almost certainly New Black Panther Party members, as the NBPP was planning to "patrol" polling places today.


cilonen said:
This is a bit tasteless isn't it? McCain rally in Grand Junction right now, introducing his 96 year old mom and parading her round, remarking on how good her health is after Obama's loss.

Just seems thoughtless.

Thoughtless maybe. Tasteless though? I would imagine the idea is "You think I will die in office? Meet my Mom."


aka surume
Price Dalton said:
I'm in West LA. Kinda hoping for long lines, but there was no wait.

Damn it felt good to vote for Obama.

+2 as well.
No doubt.

Got there at 9:45 and the line was longer when i left.


+1 for my dude Bams here. :D So glad I waited for today, b/c like 2004, there was absolutely no wait. The only wait was for the idiots working the counter. I voted no for all the judges. It's my opinion that with the bullshit legislation that's been allowed here in FL, that something's gotta give. In and out in 10-15 minutes. PEACE.
Fatalah said:
McCain has Joe the Plumber and Joe Leiberman at his rally, how wonderful. Maybe tonight McCain will finally announce how this whole thing was a joke.

Unfortunately, Obama, if elected, will show the world that he, himself was a joke and a fraud :/ :/ :/ :\



Hoo yeah
McCain is definitely a maverick, he is holding a rally on the day when historically you NEVER do because you don't want to tie up any supporter's time doing anything but getting to the polls.
Sharp said:
Requests are thinly veiled commands. And while I was going to go on about all the obvious implicit reasoning involved here, the compulsion lies in the fact that it reads like an official statement, from the Obama campaign, the local government, or some other source with similar rights. It also dissuades voters who already feared long lines and high turnout--the added force of the "request" could easily lead some of them to decide to vote tomorrow, instead of today. It's most definitely voter suppression, verbal quibbling aside.

Are we talking about different texts? Perhaps that is the problem. The one I am talking about makes no reference to origin. Is the absence of a letterhead or a signature enough to constitute sounding like it comes from an official source? Does this apply to everything or is it only election related?

Also, requests are commands? Really? That comes as a huge surprise to me. Can I see some support for that one? Thanks.


Let's get some more stories from the polling locations. We should have had a thread to list all the Neogaf members living in the battleground states.


Post Count: 9999
Fei said:
Heh, yeah there's a couple of us on here. I think aceface is as well.


I'm actually heading down to the Elicott Square building around 10pm tonight for the party!

(My sister is running for office)


He was there when he fixed Social Security and he will be there when he fixes it....again.....

Does he even listen to the words he is espousing?
Jim said:
McCain pimping out Todd Palin as "the first dude" right now. ugghhh. *cringe*
And bragging about his snow mobile racing prowess.

How does this help out his campaign?
When he was on Letterman, he was asked why Sarah Palin was his #1 pick, McCain started talking about how Todd Palin broke both arms and legs and still swam 1,000,000 miles to hell and back...or some shit.


testicles on a cold fall morning
The tone of McCain's speech just sounds...defeated. Same talking points, but his delivery is so rote it loses any impact.


First tragedy, then farce.
PhoenixDark said:
Joe Liberman looks shook. You don fucked up

yeah, because if the Dems don't hit 60 tonight (or with a run off in GA) he is going to lose every fucking committee post he has.

Oh god, drill baby drill BS.


Cheez-It said:
Thoughtless maybe. Tasteless though? I would imagine the idea is "You think I will die in office? Meet my Mom."

Sure, i think it was supposed to come across like that - the better argument however is "look at my wife - I'm drinking the same virgin's blood & unicorn horn smoothies as her, so there's no way we're carking it any time soon, in fact we're getting younger"


Jim said:
McCain pimping out Todd Palin as "the first dude" right now. ugghhh. *cringe*
And bragging about his snow mobile racing prowess.

How does this help out his campaign?

Looks like he is going to his fallback position, the "double maverick" :lol


Speevy said:
Let's get some more stories from the polling locations. We should have had a thread to list all the Neogaf members living in the battleground states.

They didn't give me a sticker at my polling station, they said they weren't allowed to, or some bullshit.

How am I supposed to get my free coffee at Starbucks!? What about MY rights!?


Running off of Custom Firmware
I woke up a bit early today and headed out of my Brooklyn, NY apartment to a nearby public school, before work. As a recently Americanized citizen, this is my first general election. I was quite happy to plunk down my vote and earn the right to bitch incessantly for the next four years, about this election's results.



First tragedy, then farce.
Hootie said:
So ah mods, will I be able to post the fuuuuuck.gif this one last time at 6:00pm as the first polls close without getting banned? Or is it a no go?

Here's a link to it: http://i35.tinypic.com/so0oph.jpg


you don't have a choice bro. You dont want to jinx some shit just to avoid a week long ban.

Look, I'm going to go HBK up in this bitch, it's all good.
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