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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
SephCast said:
I actually didn't think the speech was that bad. He seemed more energetic than ever before. If McCain campaigned like that the whole time, and didn't attack Obama's character constantly, he would've had a shot.
If McCain did the exact opposite of almost all of his campaign moves, he would probably have won.
Socreges said:
clarification, please:

any ideas why obama voted against the Induced Birth Infant Liability Act? i hadn't heard about this. i am pro-choice, but this seems extreme. is there an explanation?
You can look it up on the internet. But the argument is like this:
1) The way the law was written, it could have been interpreted by some as defining a fetus as human and thus bootstrap itself into a law banning all abortions.
2) Existing laws already required that doctors work to save the life of a baby born alive.


Socreges said:
clarification, please:

any ideas why obama voted against the Induced Birth Infant Liability Act? i hadn't heard about this. i am pro-choice, but this seems extreme. is there an explanation?

If that is the state law, its because the law was redundant, the same protections afforded by the law already exist under pre-existing state laws. The proposed law was a canard.


SephCast said:
I actually didn't think the speech was that bad. He seemed more energetic than ever before. If McCain campaigned like that the whole time, and didn't attack Obama's character constantly, he would've had a shot.

^^ ...and picked a running mate that isn't a brain dead barbie doll.


pxleyes said:


Well it's just DECRIMINALIZING pot, meaning less punishment for small amounts. It doesn't legalize it, sadly.

(I've never smoked pot before, btw. I just think it's stupid to be illegal.)

Marvie_3 said:
Just think of them as little horses.....

My friend got mad at me because her dad works in dog racing. Sorry, I just don't agree with it.


StrikerObi said:
Does anybody know what happens to Obama's extra campaign money after the campaign is over tonight? I imagine if he took public financing that any extra would go back into the pool. However, he didn't take the financing and he's guaranteed to have leftovers because he's a fund raising machine. What happens to the left overs? I imagine they don't go back to the donors (logistical nightmare there). Does it just get frozen? If he wins can he unfreeze this money in 2012 for re-election? Does it just all get given to the DNC?

He can save it for 2012's campaign, give it to chairty and I believe he can use it for transition planning too.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Evlar said:
Report from Republicanville, FL: I went past three polling places, no lines.
Republican voting centers are pretty efficient, sir! Those Democrat don't know how to properly fund putting a piece of paper in a box!


First tragedy, then farce.
StrikerObi said:
Does anybody know what happens to Obama's extra campaign money after the campaign is over tonight? I imagine if he took public financing that any extra would go back into the pool. However, he didn't take the financing and he's guaranteed to have leftovers because he's a fund raising machine. What happens to the left overs? I imagine they don't go back to the donors (logistical nightmare there). Does it just get frozen? If he wins can he unfreeze this money in 2012 for re-election? Does it just all get given to the DNC?

he can donate it to another campaign.. so he can give it to the DSCC, he can give it to his own reelection campaign, etc. It will go to a democratic cause, probably the congressional or senate committee for midterms.


Obama is working out in the party gym from Rocky 3, while Mccain takes steroids and punches at dangerous velocities.


ShockingAlberto said:
Alright, I'm in England tonight. What streams can I use?


You can watch CNN, Fox and MSNBC on Sky if you have access to it. Lots of places around town if you're in London will have the thing on all night.
avaya said:

You can watch CNN, Fox and MSNBC on Sky if you have access to it. Lots of places around town if you're in London will have the thing on all night.
I also don't have a TV, but I have a computer and would like to watch live state-by-state.


Evlar said:
Report from Republicanville, FL: I went past three polling places, no lines.

If it's anything like republican Ohio, they have no lines because they have dozens of machines per precinct and more than enough for every voter. I have never had to wait in line to vote in any election because there are probably more machines for my little suburb than half the city.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!


Wes said:
"Return of the mack"

:D :D :D :D

Seriously, though?


I don't even know where to start about McCain's speech.

-Bragged about his mom buying a car in France because she was too old to rent one. WTF does this have to do with getting people to vote at the last minute?
-Bragged about Todd Palin being able to finish races with a broken arm or whatever. WTF does this have to do with you getting people to vote at the last minute?
-"Some" of the Pundits have written you off? Grampy, even Karl Rove has Obama well ahead of you in the electoral college in his final prediction.
-DRILL BABY DRILL sucks, you should be ashamed for saying it.
-MSNBC saying it's your best speech to date? Talk about too little, too late. I'm glad that best speech of yours got an extra five people to the polls, congrats!


SO ANNOYING. MSNBC's live feed keeps pre-rolling an ad for a documentary series about how the Japanese keep killing whales.
Zeliard said:
I can't believe that guy is still a McCain surrogate. :lol
I can't believe it, either. But I did enjoy that period where the media picked up their collective balls and just started picking on Tucker Bounds everytime he get stupid on their shows.


GrapeApes said:
Real talk. Hasslebeck was talking about Obama lacked integrity. When they brought up McCain cheating on his disfigured wife she acted like it wasn't a big deal.

wow!!!!!! is there a video of this?? what a fucking idiot!!


omg rite said:

Well it's just DECRIMINALIZING pot, meaning less punishment for small amounts. It doesn't legalize it, sadly.

(I've never smoked pot before, btw. I just think it's stupid to be illegal.)

My friend got mad at me because her dad works in dog racing. Sorry, I just don't agree with it.
Neither do I and I voted same.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Tucker Bounds has to be a mccain surrogate. Everyone else got grounded days or months ago....Nancy PFFOTTOTOTENENOHauer, Carly Fiorina, etc.

wheel out michelle bachmann


Setec Astronomer
Dax: There are too many adults posting in this thread representing North Carolina for a child like yourself to claim exclusive ownership of the state. ;)


+2 Obama for South Dakota!

Me and my brother just got back from voting.

Parents sent theirs absentee as they live in the Philippines, I know my dad went for Obama but my mom prolly went McCain to spite my dad. Asian moms can be like that ;)

5 more hours! Going nuts here!
StrikerObi said:
Does anybody know what happens to Obama's extra campaign money after the campaign is over tonight? I imagine if he took public financing that any extra would go back into the pool. However, he didn't take the financing and he's guaranteed to have leftovers because he's a fund raising machine. What happens to the left overs? I imagine they don't go back to the donors (logistical nightmare there). Does it just get frozen? If he wins can he unfreeze this money in 2012 for re-election? Does it just all get given to the DNC?

he gets to spend it all on hookers and blow. The guy deserves it after all


:lol @ the reporter on Fox News trying to equate the rise in oil prices today with the markets expectation that Obama will win


ShockingAlberto said:
I also don't have a TV, but I have a computer and would like to watch live state-by-state.

CNN.com video should be streaming live.

Check out BBC website as well, they normally have a tie in with ABC.

You might wanna download TVUPlayer, that will have Sky on it and a variety of news channels.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ZeroTolerance said:
"We're are going to win Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio because Obama lost it to ..uhhh..Senator Clinton"

:lol :lol

Not only is that really dumb thinking, but he beat Clinton pretty handily in Virginia. :lol


theviolenthero said:
Here's foxnews this morning suggesting that the Clintons are voting for McCain:

Here's foxnews this morning saying a random black guy IS Barack Obama:

Here's foxnews this morning saying Obama prolonged voting to get more face-time:

ANY report they make has to have a asterisk next to it.

sonarrat said:
Obama tells people to "go vote."

McCain tells people to "fight." Fight how? By kicking the shit out of a black guy? By sending fraudulent text messages to Obama supporters? By rigging the polls? His use of that word just tells me he's encouraging the kind of filthiness being reported.

Fight the Power that be?


Y2Kev said:
Tucker Bounds has to be a mccain surrogate. Everyone else got grounded days or months ago....Nancy PFFOTTOTOTENENOHauer, Carly Fiorina, etc.

wheel out michelle bachmann

Haha they can't. She's about to receive MaximumDeathpwnage :D


Amir0x said:
:lol @ the reporter on Fox News trying to equate the rise in oil prices today with the markets expectation that Obama will win

It works! Stocks go down it's because of Obama, Oil goes up it's because of Obama. Since they generally tend to work against each other, it all works out:p
SpeedingUptoStop said:
Republican voting centers are pretty efficient, sir! Those Democrat don't know how to properly fund putting a piece of paper in a box!

To be fair, my ultraliberal voting places in Orange and Durham counties (NC) that I passed by today while canvassing earlier had no lines either. Most of the problems out there in the country today are due to mechanical fuckups, from what I can tell.
Sharp said:
Literally every request can be replaced with an equivalent command without loss of information, though certainly with loss of nuance. And the whole premise of voter suppression is that people who lack adequate knowledge about the electoral process can be convinced that false information comes from an official source. Especially near election day, many people are afraid they are doing something wrong. Messages like this one are targeted at such potential voters. If even one of them decides not to vote on the basis of this message, they have successfully suppressed some voters. The wording is deliberately ambiguous, but "we" in this context suggests an official group. Again, we can have this argument all day, but ultimately I don't think anyone is really questioning the intent of the message, or whether or not it is deliberately misleading.

Well, yeah, we could probalby talk about this all day. :D
I don't think anyone other than a couple of knee-jerk jerk-offs were "arguing"

I agree that the intent is to mislead (even in my earlier posts I acknowledged the text was "dirty"), but was not sure how the wording was different (ie more illegal) than a misleading campaign ad with the intent of stopping votes for a particular candidate. Even if it turns out that this particular text is 100% illegal, a smart (and corrupt) enough person should be able to dance around such laws easily.

I am eager to see if this specific text gets the sender in trouble and then what happens in court.
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