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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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alr1ghtstart said:
where is that map with all of the poll closing times?


Azwethinkweiz said:
Man I just spent 4 hours in line to vote for Obama in a state where my vote doesn't even matter.

Oh, +1 Obama in SC

how is that legal ?
Ive never waited more than 5 minutes to vote in Canada


"Why McCain Will Win"


McCain will also win because Obama’s attempt to cast him as the incumbent has failed. While McCain did a decent job of separating himself rhetorically from Bush, the undeniable blast away from the Dead Old Party was secured with the daring and brilliant choice of Sarah Palin as VP.

Comments Bonus (http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2008/11/03/tbruce_11103/#comment-444638):
Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot have more integrity and genuine leadership qualities than Obama, a false demagogue to the many muddled, deeply needy minds.

McCain is wise, kind, tested, and ready. Palin is even better.
Dems are a toxic poison to freedom, prosperity, all we hold dear.

:lol :lol :lol :lol


Honorary Canadian.
speculawyer said:
I think Rachel Maddow has it right when she declared these multi-hour long waits as "the new poll tax".
just about every state in the country states that people have to be allowed 2 hours leave from work, without punishment, in order to vote on election day. Alabama even mandates that if the person is a full time employee that they get paid for that 2 hours, as well.
Shard said:
Everything is smooth sailing thus far, of course, the event hasn't really started yet.
Word. I thought maybe there would be widespread reports of touch screen failure or some other nonsense. Good to hear it's fairly quiet so far.
Steve Youngblood said:
Black Panthers stole the election from McCain in PA. That's about it.
Dood, I totally knew black militants would throw this election. NObama!
speculawyer said:
I think Rachel Maddow has it right when she declared these multi-hour long waits as "the new poll tax".

Which is why that dumb ass article on CNN against early voting got me angry this morning. Every fucking state should have early voting and easy absentee ballot voting. It is nearly impossible for some people to wait in line for that long. Especially people with certain disabilities or gasp jobs.


Report on the ground about those awful "Black panthers"


Fox News and other conservatives are pushing hard on the story that two black panthers may be intimidating voters at a polling place in north Philadelphia.

But an Obama campaign volunteer who's been on the scene since 6:30 AM this morning tells me in a phone interview that there's been absolutely no intimidation of voters at all today. And a Pennsylvania spokesperson for Obama said the two men aren't in any way affiliated with the campaign.

Fox News' story is right here. It says one of two black panthers on the scene was "allegedly blocking the door," says another was "holding a nightstick." and adds that "the concern was that they were intimidating people who were trying to go inside to vote."

But Jacqueline Dischell, the Obama volunteer, tells me by phone that that's false.

Dischell confirms that there were in fact two black panthers guarding the polling place, a nursing home on Fairmont Avenue in north Philadelphia, earlier this morning.

But she says one was an officially designated poll watcher (it was not immediately clear which municipal office had designated him in that role), and the second was his friend. The second panther, who left two or three hours ago, was the one with the nightstick, she says.

Dischell says that earlier this morning a few men who identified themselves as being from the McCain campaign came and started taking pictures of the two panthers on their cell phones. She suggested that they seemed to be baiting the panthers, and that the designated watcher may have given one of them the finger in response to the picture taking.

The police came roughly an hour and a half later. She says she talked to the cops and told them there had been no incident. The police drove away without getting out of the car, she adds.

Some time later, a second, larger group of men whose affiliation couldn't be determined came with real cameras and started taking more pictures. Maybe 15 minutes later the cops returned. This time, they spoke to people on both sides, and told the panther not designated to watch the polls to leave, which he did without an argument.

"There was no fight, nothing," she says.

Fox News arrived on the scene at around that time and started interviewing people near the entrance. The building manager asked the Fox reporter to leave, she says, and he moved further from the entrance.

That's where things now stand. "There has been no fighting, no voter intimidation at all," she said

Dear John McCain,

You may be wondering what happened. Was it the economy? Was it Palin? Massive African American turnout? The Republican brand? Bush?

No, it was none of that.

Joe Lieberman is just the kiss of death.

You really should have known that.


Steve Youngblood said:
Black Panthers stole the election from McCain in PA. That's about it.
Black Panthers? Are you shitting me? All the months of set-up and vacuous bullshit about ACORN, and they go with Black Panthers?

Damn these people are dumb.
Fuck my polling place. They didn't have me on the list so I had to fill out a bullshit porvisional ballot that probably won't even be counted. At least there was no line whatsoever.

I said fuck it and voted Obama.

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Beaulieu said:
how is that legal ?
Ive never waited more than 5 minutes to vote in Canada

What are they going to do? They didn't have enough machines for the turnout. I don't think they expected a turnout like this. Some guy in line behind me said he's been voting in that county for decades and never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote. He was pretty excited by the fact that the turnout was so high, despite having to wait as long as he did.
besada said:

The upshot is that your friends don't get to vote. Utah has a Presidential Preference thing, but it's only for the primaries, and the Provisional Ballot is the same as everyone else's.

I mean, they could physically go vote, but it's not going to get counted.

Isn't Utah pretty much a blowout for McCain anyway?

Thanks. I guess I just dont understand the point of a provisional ballot if you still need to be registered for it to count. Do they do that just so you feel good about yourself if you did not register?

Ya Utah will always vote republican, but still......
Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) is on MSNBC next, he better start campaigning now because he's going to get positively destroyed by NC Attorney General Roy Cooper in 2010 if he doesn't pull of some sort of miracle. (seriously, it'll be like Santorum/Casey , Gilmore/Warner given Roy's popularity and Burr's GOP overreach).
StoOgE said:
So, does anyone have a good list of Congressional races to watch? Like Swing races, etc?

I'm putting together some race tracker posters for my watch party tonight.

I've got president and senate done, but want something for key congressional races. I know about Tinklewhatever the fuck vs. Bachman and the Orange to Blue candidates from kos. But what other ones?



oh you said you already did the Senate


Honorary Canadian.
wtf is with so many early closing poll times? Illinois closes at 7cst. so basically if you work you can't vote afterwards, you have to leave DURING, in order to vote. ugh.

glad i voted early.


ShockingAlberto said:
Dear John McCain,

You may be wondering what happened. Was it the economy? Was it Palin? Massive African American turnout? The Republican brand? Bush?

No, it was none of that.

Joe Lieberman is just the kiss of death.

You really should have known that.

I for one have hated Liberman ever since he went after our video games, Mortal Kombat now, Mortal Kombat forever.


Count Dookkake said:
Well, yeah, we could probalby talk about this all day. :D
I don't think anyone other than a couple of knee-jerk jerk-offs were "arguing"

I agree that the intent is to mislead (even in my earlier posts I acknowledged the text was "dirty"), but was not sure how the wording was different (ie more illegal) than a misleading campaign ad with the intent of stopping votes for a particular candidate. Even if it turns out that this particular text is 100% illegal, a smart (and corrupt) enough person should be able to dance around such laws easily.

I am eager to see if this specific text gets the sender in trouble and then what happens in court.
I think the primary legal difference, if there is one (and if there isn't, there should be), would be that this message more or less claims ("misleadingly implies," if you would prefer that term) that it might be possible to vote on November 5th and impossible on November 4th (again, by implication). It is impossible that a voter could both accept that information and have his or her vote counted, unless he or she is not a Democrat. Campaign ads can go crazy negative, but I'm pretty sure none of them actually attack the viewers' right to vote or present false information that would have the same effect. Again, this might not be a law, but it should be.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
BakedPigeon said:
I have a few friends who never registered to vote. Can someone tell me if the know anything about the provisional ballot / presidential preference ballot. I heard if your not registered you can still legally vote for presidency just not county and state elections. Does anyone have any knowledge of what I am talking about? Thanks.

Sorry, it's not possible in most states. I urge you to check out this thread --->http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=334815


*drowns in jizz*
Azwethinkweiz said:
What are they going to do? They didn't have enough machines for the turnout. I don't think they expected a turnout like this. Some guy in line behind me said he's been voting in that county for decades and never had to wait more than 5 minutes to vote. He was pretty excited by the fact that the turnout was so high, despite having to wait as long as he did.

It's fucking moronic not to have expected a massive turnout today. It was clear months ago that this was going to be the case. They had a shitload of time to prepare for this.
pizzaguysrevenge said:
Fuck my polling place. They didn't have me on the list so I had to fill out a bullshit porvisional ballot that probably won't even be counted. At least there was no line whatsoever.

I said fuck it and voted Obama.

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Where do you live? (re: props)

Justin Bailey

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pizzaguysrevenge said:
Fuck my polling place. They didn't have me on the list so I had to fill out a bullshit porvisional ballot that probably won't even be counted. At least there was no line whatsoever.

I said fuck it and voted Obama.

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Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE to report any polling place hijinx.


Shard said:
I for one have hated Liberman ever since he went after our video games, Mortal Kombat now, Mortal Kombat forever.
:lol Same.

My more politically inclined friends all told me I was an ass for hating him over one trivial issue... now they all hate him too! What fun!


Slurpy said:
It's fucking moronic not to have expected a massive turnout today. It was clear months ago that this was going to be the case. They had a shitload of time to prepare for this.

Eh, a lot of times, they don't have the budget to drastically expand polling sites quickly. Especially in SC.
I'm not going to get any work done today, am I? :lol

I want to see at least one big upset . . . I'd like to see Obama win Montana, North Dakota, Georgia, or Arizona. (At the very least, gimme Indiana.)
Quixzlizx said:

Fox News Blogs are always their own special blend of crazy insanity.

So there you have my November 3rd take.

And if I’m right and the vote is close in 2008, when the Democratic Party has every political reason to wipe out the Republicans, it will mean our country rejects major elements of Senator Obama’s plan to revolutionize important American values, beginning with the right to life. Then the Democratic Party may see the benefit of freeing itself from the stranglehold of the culture of death, forced upon it by extreme, and extremely powerful, interest groups. What a relief it would be for “Values Voters” to have a viable alternative to the very imperfect Republican Party.

And what is your November 3rd prediction?

God bless,

Father Jonathan

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