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PoliGAF Election Day 2008 Thread of A New Dawn in America (OBAMA ELECT)

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For those who have BBC America, BBC World News is doing special election coverage all night from 3pm PST. Could be a good no-bullshit option?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
avaya said:
CNN.com video should be streaming live.

Check out BBC website as well, they normally have a tie in with ABC.

You might wanna download TVUPlayer, that will have Sky on it and a variety of news channels.
The MSNBC stream should also work.
KRS7 said:
If it's anything like republican Ohio, they have no lines because they have dozens of machines per precinct and more than enough for every voter. I have never had to wait in line to vote in any election because there are probably more machines for my little suburb than half the city.

The true swing county in Florida is Hillsborough County which is my county (and a few other gaffers) It's a pretty balanced county with a good mix of black votes, hispanic votes, and white votes.

Hillsborough County, Fla.: Both campaigns have given lots of love to Tampa's Hillsborough County — McCain was there just yesterday — which Bush carried 53 percent to 46 percent in 2004. In presidential elections, it has a slight Republican lean but Obama is outperforming Kerry here this year in what is one of Florida’s premier battlegrounds. Since 1960, no candidate has won Florida without winning Hillsborough County
SephCast said:
I actually didn't think the speech was that bad. He seemed more energetic than ever before. If McCain campaigned like that the whole time, and didn't attack Obama's character constantly, he would've had a shot.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Obama is like fucking PROFESSOR ZOOM.

"Runnniiinnnngggg against me will make you a better candidate!"


+1 BAMS in Cali
No on 8

1st time voter(became a citizen 2 years ago)
so awesome...
wish i wasnt stuck at work today ><

Man it felt awesome to do that.


Tamanon said:
Because of a language issue in it that could've been interpreted to making abortions themselves illegal, that's all.
lawblob said:
If that is the state law, its because the law was redundant, the same protections afforded by the law already exist under pre-existing state laws. The proposed law was a canard.
speculawyer said:
You can look it up on the internet. But the argument is like this:
1) The way the law was written, it could have been interpreted by some as defining a fetus as human and thus bootstrap itself into a law banning all abortions.
2) Existing laws already required that doctors work to save the life of a baby born alive.
Cloudy said:
IIRC it's because it's already covered by Federal law and since it had no provisions for "health of the mother", he felt it was a backdoor way to attack Roe v. Wade. Look on his website for details
love you guys

i'll try and find as official an explanation as possible, since there's someone i need to correct on this point. :)

and btw i did search for it on the internet, but only found people criticizing obama at first
I have a few friends who never registered to vote. Can someone tell me if the know anything about the provisional ballot / presidential preference ballot. I heard if your not registered you can still legally vote for presidency just not county and state elections. Does anyone have any knowledge of what I am talking about? Thanks.


Please, please. Please.

Turn off Fox News. Don't give them any ratings, attention. They're just a small, disrespectful child.


Amir0x said:
:lol @ the reporter on Fox News trying to equate the rise in oil prices today with the markets expectation that Obama will win
*facepalm.gif in mind so huge it cannot be found on google*

this network is a cancer to political discourse


What Tv station should i be watching on the lead up to polls closing and then who after polls start to close? I have MSNBC on right now, fairly boring coverage atm.


First tragedy, then farce.
So, does anyone have a good list of Congressional races to watch? Like Swing races, etc?

I'm putting together some race tracker posters for my watch party tonight.

I've got president and senate done, but want something for key congressional races. I know about Tinklewhatever the fuck vs. Bachman and the Orange to Blue candidates from kos. But what other ones?
Hitokage said:
Dax: There are too many adults posting in this thread representing North Carolina for a child like yourself to claim exclusive ownership of the state. ;)
I'm willing to concede 10% of my ownership rights to be divided amongst yourselves.
Gary Whitta said:
For those who have BBC America, BBC World News is doing special election coverage all night from 3pm PST. Could be a good no-bullshit option?

I am using the following composite:

- the Dailykos election result widget, which should have streaming info from the AP in an easy to browse format.
- MSNBC television.
- liveblogging over on the Swing State Project for downballot races

*should* be enough, I think.
StoOgE said:
So, does anyone have a good list of Congressional races to watch? Like Swing races, etc?

I'm putting together some race tracker posters for my watch party tonight.

I've got president and senate done, but want something for key congressional races. I know about Tinklewhatever the fuck vs. Bachman and the Orange to Blue candidates from kos. But what other ones?

there you go as a good primer
Amir0x said:
:lol @ the reporter on Fox News trying to equate the rise in oil prices today with the markets expectation that Obama will win
The Dow & Nasdaq have rallied, so I'm sure Fox News is giving the credit for that to Obama too. They are 'fair & balanced' you know.
StoOgE said:
So, does anyone have a good list of Congressional races to watch? Like Swing races, etc?

I'm putting together some race tracker posters for my watch party tonight.

I've got president and senate done, but want something for key congressional races. I know about Tinklewhatever the fuck vs. Bachman and the Orange to Blue candidates from kos. But what other ones?

Coleman Franken and the third party candidate (forgot his name) should be a very tight race.

EDIt: just fully read your post. Sorry. You had already mentioned you got the Senate.


StrikerObi said:
Does anybody know what happens to Obama's extra campaign money after the campaign is over tonight? I imagine if he took public financing that any extra would go back into the pool. However, he didn't take the financing and he's guaranteed to have leftovers because he's a fund raising machine. What happens to the left overs? I imagine they don't go back to the donors (logistical nightmare there). Does it just get frozen? If he wins can he unfreeze this money in 2012 for re-election? Does it just all get given to the DNC?

He can do what Al Gore did and use it to train an army of acolytes to spread the "good word" around America.

Six years after his unsuccessful bid for president in 2000, Democrat Al Gore gave $117,500 of his leftover funds to the Climate Project, a nonprofit organization that aims to educate the public about global warming, Gore's pet issue. The group also trained volunteers to present the slide show on which Gore's film, "An Inconvenient Truth," was based


omg rite said:
My friend got mad at me because her dad works in dog racing. Sorry, I just don't agree with it.
I was just quoting the Simpsons anyway. :D It's on the sign outside the dog racing track in one episode. Then during the race Homer shouts out "Come on you little horse!"


speculawyer said:
The Dow & Nasdaq have rallied, so I'm sure Fox News is giving the credit for that to Obama too. They are 'fair & balanced' you know.

They will give the credit to McCain for holding that pointless rally.


BakedPigeon said:
I have a few friends who never registered to vote. Can someone tell me if the know anything about the provisional ballot / presidential preference ballot. I heard if your not registered you can still legally vote for presidency just not county and state elections. Does anyone have any knowledge of what I am talking about? Thanks.

Provisional ballots only count if you registered. If you didn't register, your vote isn't going to be counted. But if you tell me your state, I'd be happy to look up the relevant processes for you.
I just signed on and can't keep up with the thread. Have there been any notable shennanigans today or does everything seem to be going smoothly at the polls?

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
My voting experience was probably very different from most folks. I was in and out in about 10 minutes. This year I voted at the Banbury Golf Course Clubhouse. It was very odd to walk into this really sort of elitist establishment with no lines and quietly place my vote. I was the only voter there and the rest of the people were volunteers and employees at the course... anyway... +1 for Obama in Idaho.
Garrison Keillor on the election:

We are a stalwart and stouthearted people, and never more so than in hard times. People weep in the dark and arise in the morning and go to work. The waves crash on your nest egg and a chunk is swept away and you put your salami sandwich in the brown bag and get on the bus. In Philly, a woman earns $10.30/hour to care for a man brought down by cystic fibrosis. She bathes and dresses him in the morning, brings him meals, puts him to bed at night. It's hard work lifting him and she has suffered a painful hernia that, because she can't afford health insurance, she can't get fixed, but she still goes to work because he'd be helpless without her. There are a lot of people like her. I know because I'm related to some of them.

Low dishonesty and craven cynicism sometimes win the day but not inevitably. The attempt to link Barack Obama to an old radical in his neighborhood has desperation and deceit written all over it. Meanwhile, stunning acts of heroism stand out, such as the fidelity of military lawyers assigned to defend detainees at Guantanamo Bay -- uniformed officers faithful to their lawyerly duty to offer a vigorous defense even though it means exposing the injustice of military justice that is rigged for conviction and the mendacity of a commander in chief who commits war crimes. If your law school is looking for a name for its new library, instead of selling the honor to a fat cat alumnus, you should consider the names of Lt. Cmdr. Charles Swift, Lt. Col. Mark Bridges, Col. Steven David, Lt. Col. Sharon Shaffer, Lt. Cmdr. Philip Sundel and Maj. Michael Mori.

It was dishonest, cynical men who put forward a clueless young woman for national office, hoping to juice up the ticket, hoping she could skate through two months of chaperoned campaigning, but the truth emerges: The lady is talking freely about matters she has never thought about. The American people have an ear for B.S. They can tell when someone's mouth is moving and the clutch is not engaged. When she said, "One thing that Americans do at this time, also, though, is let's commit ourselves just every day, American people, Joe Six-Pack, hockey moms across the nation, I think we need to band together and say never again. Never will we be exploited and taken advantage of again by those who are managing our money and loaning us these dollars," people smelled gas.

Some Republicans adore her because they are pranksters at heart and love the consternation of grown-ups. The ne'er-do-well son of the old Republican family as president, the idea that you increase government revenue by cutting taxes, the idea that you cut social services and thereby drive the needy into the middle class, the idea that you overthrow a dictator with a show of force and achieve democracy at no cost to yourself -- one stink bomb after another, and now Governor Palin.

She is a chatty sportscaster who lacks the guile to conceal her vacuity, and she was Mr. McCain's first major decision as nominee. This troubles independent voters, and now she is a major drag on his candidacy. She will get a nice book deal from Regnery and a new career making personal appearances for forty grand a pop, and she'll become a trivia question, "What politician claimed foreign-policy expertise based on being able to see Russia from her house?" And the rest of us will have to pull ourselves out of the swamp of Republican economics.

Your broker kept saying, "Stay with the portfolio, don't jump ship," and you felt a strong urge to dump the stocks and get into the money market where at least you're not going to lose your shirt, but you didn't do it and didn't do it, and now you're holding a big bag of brown bananas. Me, too. But at least I know enough not to believe desperate people who are talking trash. Anybody who got whacked last week and still thinks McCain-Palin is going to lead us out of the swamp and not into a war with Iran is beyond persuasion in the English language. They'll need to lose their homes and be out on the street in a cold hard rain before they connect the dots.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
I just signed on and can't keep up with the thread. Have there been any notable shennanigans today or does everything seem to be going smoothly at the polls?
Black Panthers stole the election from McCain in PA. That's about it.
besada said:
Provisional ballots only count if you registered. If you didn't register, your vote isn't going to be counted. But if you tell me your state, I'd be happy to look up the relevant processes for you.

Utah. Thank you good sir.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
StoOgE said:
So, does anyone have a good list of Congressional races to watch? Like Swing races, etc?

I'm putting together some race tracker posters for my watch party tonight.

I've got president and senate done, but want something for key congressional races. I know about Tinklewhatever the fuck vs. Bachman and the Orange to Blue candidates from kos. But what other ones?
There's a list and a breakdown link in the OP :D
MaddenNFL64 said:
Dax, you better vote in 2010 man. Hope you don't lose interest after this.
I understand how important voting is. Besides, 2010 is when I finally graduate. It's going to be an important year for me either way.:lol :D
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